Welcome To Our Blog

Welcome to our Blog

Here we will keep you up to date on all things water related.

Water and the Weight of Winter

Water and the Weight of Winter

Winter is almost upon us, bringing with it time to bundle up, exercise less and usually eat less greens and more of the comfort food … or so we’d think. But resorting to more hibernation type habits isn’t really the way to go (One of my personal mantras is ‘shoulda...

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Halloween Hydration

Halloween Hydration

Contrary to popular opinion, the origins of observing Halloween aren’t American - but those of ancient Celts throughout Britain, Ireland and northern France. With the Romans invading Britain around 43AD, it is believed that they added their rituals of the period with...

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Drink Water = Brain Power

Drink Water = Brain Power

Every person has a different thought process – which is wonderful – and even though we may think our brains are the same – they’re not. As an example, if you have two people in front of you and you pose the same question not requiring a factual answer, you are...

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Energy Boosting Top Up Hydration Tips

Energy Boosting Top Up Hydration Tips

I know we keep on at you, dear hallowed reader of the AquAid posts, tweets and blogs, about how important it is to keep hydrated and it can get a bit much, but, here’s the thing – it IS important. As in possibly the most important thing that keeps the wonderful being...

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The Water Weight of A Tomato

The Water Weight of A Tomato

I’m sure you all have a fair inkling about some elements of what your carbon footprint is and have implemented, in your own way, certain strategies on how to lessen that footprint. But are you at all aware of what the water footprint is for each bit of food you...

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Winter, Water … Fruit(y) Hydration

Winter, Water … Fruit(y) Hydration

Chances are when the chill sets in we look to hydration being more hot water drinks than remarkably water rich winter friendly fruit like pears, clementines and even date plums. Drinking enough water to maintain sufficient hydration when the weather is cold can be...

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Winter Water Cooler Health Cheats

Winter Water Cooler Health Cheats

Although preferring hot drinks when the weather is cooler is perfectly understandable, these aren’t necessarily the healthiest of hydration options – especially tummy warming, tasty beverages like a mug of rich hot chocolate. Which is why, when it’s chilly, it may be...

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The Soothing Power of Water

The Soothing Power of Water

This is not, as one might deduce from the heading, a blog about drinking refreshing water from your water cooler, but rather about steps that you can take when you’re convinced that you’re about to have a meltdown rivalling that of Chernobyl. Close your eyes...

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Why Water is just … Better!

Why Water is just … Better!

When you start to drink more water, you'll find that you drink less fizzy drinks and fewer high calorie drinks. There are a few major benefits to this: Swapping water for fizzy drinks helps decrease your daily caloric intake. The more water you drink helps you feel...

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Treat yourself – Drink Water

Treat yourself – Drink Water

Although it may be common knowledge that the adult human body is composed of up to 70 percent water, what may not be commonly known is that a huge amount of water is lost through metabolism, exercise, temperature regulation, waste transportation and digestion....

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Are you AquAidly hydrated?

Are you AquAidly hydrated?

"You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Unless, of course, you play bass." - Douglas Adams With the all-encompassing advent of our world online, I have been wondering for some time now if puns are the things of beauty they once were.  Post millennium there...

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A Healthy Approach to the New Year

A Healthy Approach to the New Year

There are a large percentage of us Britons who make New Year’s Resolutions, but a very small percentage who keep them. Perhaps there is a better approach and in so doing, allowing resolutions to be a breeze to keep. Research shows that as soon as we attach the word...

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