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Here we will keep you up to date on all things water related.
Swiis partners with AquAid to build a safe water source for a community
AquAid definitely offer more than industry standards when it comes to the supplier / customer relationship. Of course we pride ourselves on the ever important customer service while supplying top quality, highly effective and user friendly range of water coolers,...
The Water Cooler Wards Off Impaired Cognitive Performance
Mild dehydration is classified as a 1% loss in body mass and studies have shown that this deficit can result in reduced concentration and awareness levels. Many of us can be mildly dehydrated without even knowing it, which means our performance is not what it should...
Gardens Also Suffer During Heat Waves
We’ve all been sweltering in the heat wave this week! Understandably we’ve been visiting the office water cooler more often during the day to replenish all the water we’ve lost, but it’s not only our bodies that suffer during these extreme times – our gardens are also...
Children and Heat Waves
As adults we know when we’re feeling the effects of a heat wave and dehydration, we know it means making far more regular trips to the water cooler and canteen, we know it means conserving our energy; but with children it’s a lot more challenging. Children don’t...
How having a Water Cooler adds to Work Space Cheerful
Before we begin our top 5 countdown, it’s good to bear in mind that whatever your water cooler requirements, AquAid have over twenty years of experience in the provision of the right water cooler for your work space: wherever you’re situated and whatever space you...
Practical Hydration Tips for when it’s Hot
Despite record breaking temperatures expected this week, we’re still often caught unawares as to how the heat affects our ability to stay hydrated. To help keep us all well hydrated as the temperatures soar, here’s a checklist: Eight glasses / Two litres Although the...
Keeping your Cool during a Heatwave
Do you know how to keep yourself properly hydrated during a heatwave? With the temperatures set to soar this week, here at AquAid Water Coolers we have compiled a checklist to help you keep cool and hydrated wherever you are: In the workplace: Stay hydrated! Set an...
Sustainable Water Provision and your AquAid Water Cooler
Irrespective of whether or not you believe in climate change, there’s no denying that the stats resulting from the radically changing weather patterns year on year or the crucial drop in natural water supply globally speak volumes: 844 Million People - 1 in 10 - lack...
Wit at the Water Cooler
Today, 01 July, is International Joke Day. From what I’ve seen online this seems to have produced the lamest jokes instead of those that produce that involuntary snort where you spray your first glass of water or morning cuppa all over your desk. Perhaps a Monday is...
Should I Increase My Water Consumption During A Heatwave?
When the temperatures soar within a short time frame, it’s easy to forget something as simple as adjusting our water consumption to counteract what are most likely increased dehydration levels. A thought that may help one adjust as the heat increases is to keep in...
Happiness at the Water Cooler
The University of Warwick led a study to determine whether happy employees work harder, and as it turns out they do – in fact, they’re 12% more productive. The study included four different experiments with more than 700 participants. During the experiments...
Water Quotes We Love
The principle function of a water cooler is to dispense water – that invaluable natural resource that none of us can live without. Naturally we talk about water a lot, how it allows our bodies to perform optimally, how it improves our health, lifts our mood and...
The Water Cooler Effect
There’s an interesting article in Psychology Today that looks at office productivity and what factors have a positive influence on our ability to perform better. Turns out socialising and water cooler chats are not the time waster that management often thinks it is....
Water Pollution – The Scary Stats
World Environment Day 2019 focused on air pollution and how we need to clean up our act (no pun intended) – those scary facts are that 9 out of 10 people worldwide breathe polluted air and that it causes 7 million premature deaths annually! Over the years there have...
Does poor hydration affect how well you sleep?
It could, according to a new study. The research results indicate that it could be down to simply not having drunk enough water the day before.* Reasons for sleepless nights vary and are often linked to underlying psychological issues, but the new study published in...
The Many Benefits of Proper Hydration
We all know water is essential for our bodies to function and perform optimally, but we sometimes forget the exact ways in which water works its magic in each and every cell, each and ever day. As a reminder, courtesy of the European Hydration Institute, here are some...
Age and the Water Dispenser
Our bodies use and lose water every day, and our ability to regulate that water balance is crucial to our existence. Water is lost through breathing; through urine and faeces excretion; and through perspiration and sweating – if we don’t replenish the water that is...
AquAid Water Cooler 101 (or First Date with your Water Cooler)
How do bottle fed coolers and mains fed coolers differ? Bottle fed water coolers are free standing units that use a large polycarbonate bottle to deliver water, and can be either bottom or top loaded. Mains fed water coolers connect to the main water supply and...
AquAid and LKM Recycling – partnering for a better future for all
At AquAid Water Coolers, we’ve been in the business of water provision for 21 years, supplying a wide range of high quality water coolers and drinking water to customers throughout the UK. We value our customers as we understand that they are the backbone to our...
Health at the Water Cooler – Noise Action Week
Noise Action Week, which is co-ordinated by the Environmental Protection UK, takes place between 20 and 25 May this year. If you believe that noise can have a negative effect on your well-being, you’re not alone. There are millions of Britons affected by noise and our...
World Oceans Day – Together We Can
World Oceans Day is celebrated each year on June 8th. Officially recognised by the United Nations since 2008; on World Oceans Day people around the globe are asked to honour and celebrate one of our greatest natural resources, its importance in our lives and how each...
Water Cooler Intervention Improves Performance
In previous blog posts we’ve covered studies that examined the effects of dehydration on performance, but what we’ve not looked at before is water invention studies i.e. giving water as opposed to withholding it. One such research paper is Effects of hydration status...
AquAid Water Coolers – more than just a supply of drinking water
We all know water coolers don’t really inspire much passion in a person, the caveat being unless you design and build water coolers that is. Or supply them. Or drink from them. Or take a break and chat to your colleagues around them. Okay, so perhaps there is more...
Tech Etiquette 101
It may be nearly 60 years since the inimitable Emily Post passed away, but her affect is still keenly felt in all things ‘etiquette’. Born in 1872, she was very much ahead of her time as her etiquette instruction included not only the drawing room, but business and...
Warmer weather and your hydration habits
Spring can be a very iffy season in the UK. It can seem as if you need to leave the house dressed like you’re off on your hols in Antigua, Barbados, Finland or Thailand (all at the same time) but as the temperature begins to rise, you may also still be unsure whether...
A Poem for Mornings
“Coffee, coffee, coffee, Coffee. Coffee, coffee. Everyone shut up. Coffee.” Our office loves coffee, and I don’t mean your garden variety kind of love affair with coffee, I mean your ‘until death us do part’ kind of passion, so we’re constantly at our instant taps...
Eight a Day – Yay or Nay
We all know how important it is to take a turn past the water cooler and fill our glasses or bottles before carrying on with our day, but is the ‘drink eight glasses of water a day’ advice we hear so often accurate or not? In truth there is no hard and fast evidence...
May is National Water Safety Month
We’re slowing moving into summer (yay!) which means longer days, warmer weather, ice cream at the park and lolling about in the water. Even if the closest you come to water right now is the office water dispenser, there are summer weekends and holidays to look forward...
Just how far does good will go?
Recently, while I was on a water refill break at our office water cooler, I read an article regarding ‘influencers’ and a certain holiday resort in South East Asia. What had transpired is that this very popular resort began to be inundated with requests from...
Food and drink at the Water Cooler – Goji Berries – packing a healthy punch
Writing as I do about a broad spectrum of health topics, from how much water a person should drink (around 8 glasses per day for the average adult) through to water rich food (e.g. blackberries, grapefruit, pears) I should ideally be at the forefront of this...
Water at Easter
Easter is an extraordinarily significant annual period for millions of people globally. It signifies a combination of both sombre and celebratory observances across many belief’s calendars. One element that has a large significance in these observances is that of...
Health at the Water Cooler – Can drinking water help prevent hay fever?
If this image starts your nose itching instead of being able to simply admire the precision mowed grass, it’s quite likely you’re one of an estimated 10 million people in the UK who suffers with hay fever. With spring already here (officially arriving in the UK on 20...
The Effects of ‘Voluntary Dehydration’
Most of us don’t visit the water cooler often enough and we’ve all read studies on how dehydration can impair performance, but the majority of those studies involve induced dehydration via exercise, heat stress or diuretics. Very little research has been done on...
The Drinkable Book
In keeping with our focus on literature this month – after all, you’ll need to have more to talk about at the office water dispenser than just International Book Day on 23 April – we thought it would be a good idea to focus on books yet again, but this time something...
World Book Day at the Water Cooler
Later this month is the much acclaimed International Book Day. Organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Book Day has been celebrated since 1995 making 23 April 2019 its 24-year anniversary. The 23rd is...
Keeping Hydration Fit
Keeping oneself hydration fit is vitally important, irrespective of what season it is. We all intend to do the right thing when it comes to keeping fit, but the demands of day-to-day life can tend to trip us up despite our best intentions. Here, at AquAid Water...
April Fools at the Water Cooler
Love it or hate it, today’s that one day of the year that brings out the pranksters around the world. Personally, I’ve never been a fan, perhaps an underdeveloped sense of humour, but there’s no denying that there have been some awfully clever April Fools pranks...
World Backup Day & the Water Cooler
You might be thinking ‘what do World Backup Day and the water cooler have in common?’ – well, the answer to that would be ‘habit’! You see, the majority of us don’t do either often enough – we don’t backup our data often enough, and we don’t drink water often enough...
Health and Safety – the Water Cooler in the Work Place
Under the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulation 1992, the employer has a responsibility to provide an adequate supply of drinking water. However, the employer must ensure that the facilities provided are done so safely and are maintained correctly to avoid...
22 March 2019 – World Water Day – ‘Leaving no-one behind’
World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. These figures give an indication of how dire access to safe water is: 1 Billion People...
St Patrick’s Day & the Water Dispenser
It’s time to get your buzz on, because very soon it’s St Patrick’s Day and all around the world, Irish and non-Irish alike will be celebrating. For those of you that don’t know, the day (actually his death day) commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of...
Guest blog: AquAid and Insurance Protector – ensuring a better future for all
At AquAid Water Coolers, we’ve been in the business of water provision for 21 years, supplying a wide range of high quality water coolers and drinking water to customers throughout the UK. We value our customers as we understand that they are the backbone to our...
Ginger’s in Hot Water
I always find it fascinating how certain words have certain connotations. Take the word ‘ginger’. Go on, say it aloud – “Ginger!” What’s the first thing that comes to mind? The hair colour of a much-maligned set of people (with a rather amazing DNA sequence I might...
Six brilliant reasons to swap the pop for water
Drinking fizzy soft drinks has long been in the spotlight, not least because of the high calorie count in each can, but also due to the high sugar content. While fine to drink on occasion, high-calorie, high-sugar drinks, like fizzy drinks, can cause an array of...
H2O – The Periodic Table & Your Water Cooler
Unless you pursued a career in chemistry, the periodic table is a distant memory – something we were forced to learn in school or college and promptly forgot the moment we no longer needed it, and definitely not something we think about when standing at the water...
Love Your Pet Day
Last week was #LoveYourPetDay in the # world and it’s wonderful to know that there’s a day dedicated to something that brings so much joy to so many of us! It’s well established how therapeutic having a pet can be, in fact certain companies even encourage a ‘Bring...
Water Cooler Health – is Mint good for You?
Here at AquAid Water Coolers, we’re always on the lookout for helpful health tips drawn from nature that can accompany your drinking water. We’ve referenced mint before on a few occasions – once in 2015 and again in 2017 and last year – but we’ve never really looked...
Waterfalls & Water Coolers
Okay, so a waterfall and a water cooler don’t have much in common, other than both being a source of water of course, but have you ever (just as you do with water coolers) lumped waterfalls into one giant group thinking they’re all exactly the same thing? Well that’s...
Water Cooler Chuckles
We’re all in need of a good laugh sometimes, and there’s never a better time to share a good joke or chuckle than when we’re gathered around the office water cooler or waiting in line to use the instant taps in our breakout area for that much needed cup of coffee....
The charitable aspect of your AquAid Water Cooler
You may be aware that AquAid has, since their inception some 21 years ago, donated in excess of £14 million to charity. This extraordinary achievement is due to their commitment to ensure that, since their first day of operations, a portion of their sales is donated...
Is Drinking Water Romantic? (A nod to Valentine’s Day)
Tough question, this one. Slightly risqué too, we know. But at AquAid we’re a pretty determined and well-rounded (mentally, that is) bunch, so we believe we can tackle this question with aplomb. The answer is: drinking water is most definitely romantic! Stealing from...
Eat Your Water
The weather is still pretty grim and as much as frequent visits to your office’s instant taps or water cooler might help you stay hydrated, it can be a little challenging to keep drinking that much liquid during the cold winter months; so another option is to up your...
Valentine’s Fun Facts at the Water Cooler
On Thursday it’s Valentine’s Day and if you’ve had your eye on someone special at the office, but haven’t yet taken that all-important 1st step, then use these fun Valentine’s facts to plant the seed when next you’re standing around the water cooler having a chat. We...
How to keep the H2O in Hydration during Winter
We often, somewhat mistakenly, assume that keeping hydrated during winter is less important than in summer. As it turns out, the opposite is true. In winter, in an effort to keep warm, we rely on using heaters, hairdryers and hats which quite literally suck the...
Children at the Water Cooler
It’s cold and grey outside which is not always conducive to drinking water and staying properly hydrated, but it’s essential that we encourage our children to take frequent trips to the water cooler during their school day. We all want them to be happy and healthy,...
Wisdom at the Water Cooler – Are Coconuts really all that?
Unless a coconut cracked you on the head while you were walking underneath a coconut tree and this caused memory loss for a period, I’m quite positive that you’re aware of how most of the world has become all things coconut. There are more coconut derivatives than...
The Water Cooler Helping Africa
While our ethos of helping others is a core value of our business and is commonly shared in most of our communication, it bears repeating just how valuable your contribution – one water cooler at a time – is, in helping us bring water to the disadvantaged in Africa....
Instant Taps & Winter Water
In less than two weeks winter will officially begin in the UK and while reclining in a warm sunny garden, cold drink in hand, might now be a distant memory, what we shouldn’t change is the drink in hand bit. The weather might have changed, but our basic bodily...
How hot water makes us happy
We’re not referring to being in hot water, mind, rather we’re referring to how drinking hot water (and most derivatives thereof) in cold weather boosts our sense of well-being, makes us happy and unbelievably is good for our health too. Mind how you go. As with...
Not so sneaky winter hydration tips
Sneaky because maintaining good hydration habits in winter can be just that: studies show that we can be up to 40% less thirsty in winter. Dehydration is less noticeable in winter: During the summer in the UK, it’s far easier to equate how thirsty we are with how...
Hot Water Taps & Life’s Greatest Commodity
Marc Levy, France’s widest read author wrote: ‘Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the...
When It’s Too Cold For The Water Cooler
The weather is dreadful at the moment, and if you’re so cold that you feel like you’re caught in a snow tunnel, the last thing you’ll want to do is take a meander over to the water cooler and fill up your glass with something cold. While this might be understandable,...
10 Water Facts
Circle of Blue is an American non-profit organization that collates and reports on all issues regarding water, from fresh water scarcity and how we’re reaching a new crisis threshold with major cities facing water shutdowns to water polling which draws on expert and...
Can You Visit Your Water Cooler Too Often?
Is there such a thing as drinking too much water? Should you decrease your number of visits to the office water cooler? The answer to the first question is yes. And the answer to the second question is no. Yes, you can drink too much, but it’s an extreme ‘too much’....
NOW is the perfect time to drink hot water
By all accounts the winter weather has been behaving itself so far. Not that we haven’t had cold weather. There are still a few chilly months to get through before the temperatures begin climbing to a more appealing level and where we won’t need a few layers of...
The Clean Sip Water Straw Filters
The sheer number of people without access to clean and safe drinking water is staggering. According to the World Health Organization, in 2015 2.1 billion people didn’t have access to safely managed drinking-water services. Of those people ‘423 million people were...
Resolutions at the Water Cooler – how to meet the New Year with gusto
Firstly, our very best wishes to all of you from all of us here at AquAid Water Coolers for this New Year of two oh one nine. One of those wishes is that you, unlike me, don’t go through most of January scratching out ‘8’ on the date every time you write it. I’ve...
Your Water Footprint & The Water Dispenser
We often talk about our carbon footprint – it’s a concept we’re familiar with out of necessity, because so much of what we do, or don’t do, affects our climate globally. But the same concept can be applied to water, whether it’s water out of the watercooler,...
Water Crises – All Year Round
It’s December and many of us are now preoccupied with festive shopping and making plans for Christmas. But if you’re reading this, then chances are that in addition to dreaming about Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, you’re also one of the lucky few who have...
Christmas at the Water Cooler
A recent blog titled ‘And a Water Rich Pear Tree’ was actually about pears and how they’re such a water rich fruit (go and have a read, you’ll be glad you did). This blog, however, is actually about the origins of the rather wonderful (some would say long-winded)...
Festive Ways to (safely) hydrate this December
For many, December can mean a time of excess and overload, although often it may not be intentional. It’s easy to be caught up in the festivities whether it’s the year end work functions or just a general letting the hair down after a long year. When it comes to...
And a Water Rich Pear Tree!
Even though pears (or pear trees at least) are immortalised in that classic Christmas-time song involving a partridge and a stream of nerve-wracking repetition, the actual pear is an oft overlooked fruit this time of year. – and they certainly shouldn’t be. Here’s...
AquAid Tyne & Wear – charitable acts far and near
This well-established AquAid branch opened its doors in 2002 and is now in its 16th year of operations. AquAid Tyne & Wear is a family run company: recently, Ryan Dobson, son to owners Gordon (pictured above) & Emir Dobson, has joined the team and by all...
Water rich winter fruit – the ubiquitous Blackberry
The temptation to fuel our bodies by consuming, let’s call them, the pack-on-the-pounds food during winter can easily lead us to reduce our water intake. In the search to keep ourselves warm, instinct has us reaching for the hot meals chockful of carbs and fats as we...
Water Cooler Health Benefits – How water helps maintain your liver health
In this series about the importance of maintaining your water consumption as a health benefit, we’ve looked at our body’s overall water content as well as how vital water is to each of our body’s organs. Today, we look at the liver - one of the largest (it’s bigger...
Make Drinking Water a Habit
Frederic Matthias Alexander, founder of the Alexander Technique – a form of body mindfulness that has one break the cycle of unnecessary muscular and mental tension leading to ill health – said of habits ‘people do not decide their futures, they decide their habits...
Be Thankful for Your Water Cooler
Over in the US it’s Thanksgiving this week and one can only imagine all the planning going on in preparation for feasting and family. We might not celebrate the holiday here – despite the fact that Black Friday seems to have crept in there – but it is a good reminder...
Why You Need Instant Taps This Winter
After a fabulous summer, the weather has definitely turned and whether we like it or not, it’s time to start preparing for winter. That means cranking up the heat, increasing the number of layers as we step outside and increasing our intake of hot teas and coffee. Not...
AquAid Water Boilers – productivity preparation at its best
Being spontaneous is all fair and well enough in certain aspects of our lives: switching up where you take your holiday or buying a luminous yellow cover for your iPhone or Android where you usually stick with a discreet grey for example. When it comes to your pocket,...
Water Cooler Health Cheats – the All-Powerful Grapefruit
Typing the query ‘which fruit contains the most water’ into the omnipresent Google produces this result: ‘Grapefruit.’ *Then more about watermelon and strawberries - thing is, watermelon and strawberries seem to contain more water than grapefruit – 92% as opposed to...
Drinking Water and Dental Health
If we look at the dental health stats in the UK it hasn’t been the prettiest of pictures sadly. For decades debate has raged about what does or doesn’t constitute good dental health. The good news though, is that since 1968 adults being ‘edentate’ (meaning they had no...
Water Cooler Benefits – Drinking Water promotes good Kidney health
Our kidneys carry a very weighty responsibility in our bodies – as organs, they are one of the biggest multi-taskers we have – they are responsible for a myriad of functions - primarily these (among others) are: To remove waste and extra fluid; Control blood pressure;...
Water Cooler Wonder – Guy Fawkes 2018
Remember remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason Should ever be forgot … and if you don’t recognise or remember this rhyme, I have to ask, where have you been for the – oh, last hundred years or so? I’ve just...
Hiya, Gorgeous! How your Skin needs Water
Our skin is one of our most precious organs and no wonder: it’s responsible for so many functions that literally keep us intact and functioning. It’s also susceptible to so many factors, both internal and external, which are potentially harmful. Not only does our...
Life-Giving Water
It’s been said that the next great wars will be fought over water, and it’s easy to see why if we consider the life-giving properties of this unassuming clear fluid plus the fact that this natural resource seems to be dwindling in many parts of the world. Water is the...
Small Ways to Save Water
With the heatwaves and minimal rainfall experienced across the UK this year, UK government bodies and environmental groups have warned that unless we have heavy rainfall this winter, we may be facing water restrictions of some kind in 2019 – which is worrying to say...
Halloween Water
It’s nearly time for one of our favorite holidays, and if you have young children at home then you’ll understand how excitement levels begin to reach dizzying heights as the day approaches. Costumes need to be made; decorations need to be dragged out of storage and...
Experiencing muscular aches and pains? How your water consumption makes a difference.
At AquAid, we understand that you may think that we belabour the point about water consumption. We do have valid reasons for doing so though – for two decades we’ve been at the forefront of providing the best drinking water delivery service to our customers. Foremost...
Can Dehydration Cause Shortness of Breath?
While it may not be the most common phrase one might be used to seeing and the association isn’t immediately clear, the fact is that good hydration habits make a significant positive impact on our ability to breathe well. And as we are all acutely aware, breath is...
Hypothalamus | Thirst | Water Cooler
We feel thirsty; we head over to our closest water cooler and we drink water – simple problem, simple solution. But have you ever wondered exactly how your body knows when to feel thirsty and what triggers this reaction? The answer begins with your hypothalamus. Your...
Water Cooler Energy Boosters
The dreaded afternoon office slump is something that afflicts many of us – come 3pm and we’re definitely NOT jumping up and down with boundless energy! Out of habit (and desperation) we usually grab a cup of coffee or a chocolate bar, but caffeine or sugar injections...
Lemon Water Benefits
If you’re making regular trips to your water cooler to make sure your body remains well hydrated so that it can perform optimally – well done! But if drinking regular water is starting to feel a little ho-hum, then maybe it’s time to mix things up a little, and an...
Interesting Water Facts
Water is something we take very much for granted. We open our instant taps or we push the buttons on the office water cooler and without another thought, water comes flowing out. But this life-sustaining natural resource is so much greater than the casual...
The Water Cooler and Your Body
We all know that drinking water is essential to our wellbeing and that without it, our bodies would cease to function properly; which is one of the many reasons why regular trips to your water cooler are so important. But what exactly are some of the bodily functions...
Should I Drink Less Water now that it’s Autumn?
Now we’re in October already well into autumn, the last remnants of summer have left us (as I write this, however, the weather has been particularly summery in parts of England this week, lucky us), we’re slowly gearing up for the colder weather and perhaps, we’re...
Health Benefits of drinking Water – the very Heart of you
Your heart is your body’s powerhouse; it’s basically the engine that drives you. It’s essentially a muscle – albeit an incredibly complex muscle that relies on, amongst a whole host of other functions, electrical impulses to keep beating. As with all vital organs our...
Health & Well-Being – How your Brain needs Water to function properly
In our very rushed lives, it would seem the simplest action oftentimes becomes the most difficult. Take your water intake for example. Aside from every being alive requiring water to simply survive, never mind flourish, it’s a pretty sad state of affairs that we...
How You, as an AquAid Customer, Benefit from our Experience
AquAid as an organisation has always offered more than just the standard customer benefits - a few of these include, but aren’t restricted to: Offering an extensive range of high-quality water cooler solutions to meet our customers’ requirements; A 48-hour delivery...
Which Fluids and Foods Dehydrate?
We all know how important it is to remain properly hydrated, but that doesn’t just mean ensuring we make regular trips to the water cooler and eat water-rich foods every day, it also means avoiding those foods or drinks which can counteract our good efforts and leave...
Water Cooler Weight Loss
What do your water cooler and weight loss have in common you might ask? And the answer would be that while water itself is not a miracle fat-burner, drinking water can definitely help you to lose weight. The reason for this is that very often the triggers for thirst...
Water Cooler Benefits – Health benefits of installing an AquAid Water Cooler
Recently, I wrote an introductory blog as a start to a series about the benefits you gain when installing any water cooler from a wide range on offer from AquAid. One of the benefits mentioned was how, wherever your location, having a water cooler from AquAid...
Water Cooler Benefits – the Environment and your AquAid Water Cooler
With much having being discussed about single–use plastics and recycling in the UK in the last year, this is an issue that requires serious attention as well as practical solutions. As one the UK’s leading providers of a wide range of water coolers; water dispensers...