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Welcome to our Blog

Here we will keep you up to date on all things water related.

The Talking Water Bottle

The Talking Water Bottle

We should all know the direct correlation between drinking sufficient water and keeping healthy by now (OK, well I should, I’ve researched and written about it often enough - maybe you shouldn’t), but quite surprisingly in spite of a plethora of information from just...

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Brain Power and Water – Part II

Brain Power and Water – Part II

I was quite amazed and impressed with the extensive, almost unending list of one’s brain function and how something as simple as drinking water can radically affect how our brain function. So impressed in fact, that I’ve written a Part II, because as we know,...

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Brain Power and Water

Brain Power and Water

My brain (oh Pooh of very little brain) is wont to skip along from thought to thought not unlike a greased toboggan on a stretch of snow. On occasion though, it hits the tarmac or an unsnowed patch and sticks a little. And ..... then it’s off again. One of these...

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The ‘Cuddle Hormone’ – Oxytocin

The ‘Cuddle Hormone’ – Oxytocin

I’m always amazed at the amount of information available online. It boggles my brain. Take f’r instance, Oxytocin. I came across the name as I was researching the benefits of taking a hot vs. a cold shower. According to the article, if you shower using hot water, this...

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Can Mindfulness Help in Schools?

Can Mindfulness Help in Schools?

This word has been popping up often across the web and I’ve oft wondered what it meant. Because I’m an inquisitive so-and-so I read further and found out a little more. Essentially the concept of mindfulness is rooted in Buddhist philosophy and according to our dear...

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Inspirational Water

Inspirational Water

You may have gathered by now that I rather enjoy writing (or typing I suppose is more correct). In fact, I generally find it the best way to express my thoughts. I think a LOT and am a visual person; however the path between my brain and my mouth isn’t always a clear...

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Does Drinking Water make you Smarter?

Does Drinking Water make you Smarter?

Does Drinking Water make you Smarter? Quite simply, yes, it does. How so, you ask (with a healthy lean towards scepticism)? Well, it’s like this: Every single organ in our bodies relies on being hydrated (i.e. water) to function; this includes the brain. While you may...

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Leap Year Two Point Oh One Six!

Leap Year Two Point Oh One Six!

What is Leap Year exactly? Simply put, it’s basically a catch-up day once every four years due to the disparity between the solar system and the Gregorian calendar. A complete orbit of the earth around the sun takes exactly 365.2422 days to complete, but the Gregorian...

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Immersed in Water – The Submarine

Immersed in Water – The Submarine

Before you start up with an eager rendition of ‘We All Live in a Yellow Submarine’, just .... don’t. Please. I’m not anti one of the greatest bands of all modern time, but that song, just ... no. Anyhow, I digress. Being a touch claustrophobic, the mention of...

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2015 – A Year in Review for AquAid

As always, thanks to the commitment to top service and maintenance from everyone at AquAid and because of the provision of top quality products, 2015 was a very productive and successful year. One of the most important aspects of the company experiencing a bumper year...

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AquAid and the Maasai Sports Bottle

AquAid and the Maasai Sports Bottle

Some 11 million children are at risk from hunger, disease and water shortages in east and southern Africa because of the strengthening El Nino weather phenomenon, this according to UNICEF. The worst affected countries are in east and southern Africa including Tanzania...

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AquAid Quirks and Christmas Fun

AquAid Quirks and Christmas Fun

If there’s one thing I absolutely love, it’s Christmas time. It starts with the advent calendars (no, they’re not just for the children), ramps up with the decorating of the tree and then continues at full steam ahead for the entire month of December. Wrapped up in my...

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Water Christmas Trees

Water Christmas Trees

Did you see the double edged meaning there? Who’s a clever clogs then? In case you didn’t, it’s like this: If you’re having a real fir tree this Christmas, you need to water it. Then, there are Christmas trees that are made out of water. I know that beggars’ belief...

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Witticisms at the Water Cooler II

Witticisms at the Water Cooler II

A ways back, I should cocoa (I did) – I presented the first in a series of two blogs about *points to headline*.  Recently, I went back to that blog and realised that it was a Part I, which meant, at the very least, a second instalment was needed. So, without further...

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The Culture Vulture Circles Britain

The Culture Vulture Circles Britain

Recently I blogged about various dishes with really bizarre names that originate from different cultures. I also mentioned that we Britons certainly aren’t alone when it comes to naming our scoff weirdly. I said that at a later date I’d be expounding further on more...

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The Culture Vulture at the Water Cooler

The Culture Vulture at the Water Cooler

That would be ... me!  Yes, yes, on occasion (usually during the change of season) I don my culture vulture headgear (a jester’s cap no less) and get out there in the World Wide Web and eddicate myself. I was all geared up initially to find out which countries were...

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Say Hello to our ‘Baby’ Elephant

Say Hello to our ‘Baby’ Elephant

Here at AquAid, we’ve always believed that an integral part of good business practice is helping those less fortunate – especially those far flung communities in Third World countries. This philosophy was put into effect by ensuring that a portion of proceeds from all...

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To Beer or not to Beer? The Sugar Shock.

To Beer or not to Beer? The Sugar Shock.

Everyone knows that if a person is in shock one of the most effective ways of combating it is to give the person some sugar water to drink. This raises the blood sugar levels almost immediately. But perhaps we haven’t realised just how bad sugar can be for us and also...

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Water Cooler Trivia or How I Trivia’d My Way to Fame

Water Cooler Trivia or How I Trivia’d My Way to Fame

I hope you aren’t surprised about the ‘I’ in the title; by now you should be well aware that a lot of this blogging stuff is about me. And why not – it is me that’s writing them after all. I actually didn’t really trivia my way to fame – no Slumdog Millionaire me –...

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What Makes you Thirsty?

What Makes you Thirsty?

Let’s fact check here for a moment. This is a blog page. The running (aha) theme is generally about all things watery. There’s heaps of information about the supply of water and how we deliver said water to you, dear customer, through the provision of our spankingly...

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The Blogista at The Water Cooler

The Blogista at The Water Cooler

I cain’t get noooooo .... respect. Weather’s improving and I’ve been cartwheeling down the corridors with excitement all the way up to the water cooler station, believing that somewhere in the period that I’ve been writing blogs, some of my advice about heat,...

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The Great Unicorn Debate

The Great Unicorn Debate

I saw a post this morning on social media. It read “Google Scotland’s National Animal”, which I, of course, immediately typed in. Tadaa - it presented me with the Unicorn being Scotland’s National Animal. If that doesn’t cement my love of all things Scottish, nothing...

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Witticisms at the Water Cooler I

Witticisms at the Water Cooler I

Having a great love of all things English – the language itself, the gram-mar, pronunciation, etc. – I’m always interested in the foibles and eccentricities that I hear about or read. In particular, I often wonder where certain expressions originate from and how they...

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Water & Your Health – Can You Unplug?

I know this blog is horribly ironic, speaking as we are about the benefits of not being connected with our electronics for a whole day and here I’m blogging about its importance and benefits. Mea culpa. However, in my defence – dee- fence! – I am posting this ahead of...

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The Sore Head at the Watercooler

A while ago, I blogged about the dreaded headaches that affect most humanoids. There are so many types of headaches, one hardly knows where to begin, but I’m going to give it the good old college try in the hopes that this will provide useful information so you can...

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Queueing at the Water Cooler

I’m sure, like me, (and countless other humanoids) queues and queueing are the bane of your life. In my case ‘bane’ is too soft a word. I have a pathological dislike of queuing. I’d like to say that the introduction of the World Wide Web and the ability to connect to...

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Are Water Coolers Funny?

Last week I blogged about memes (see image above); the word itself always makes me a little uncomfortable – memes … Manitou’s …mammaries – but then that’s how my brain processes word association – it may not be how yours does. (Aren’t you lucky?!) With memes in mind,...

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A Tomato = Fifty Litres of Water

I’m sure you all have a pretty good inkling about some elements of what your carbon footprint is and have, in your own way, implemented certain strategies on how to lessen that footprint. But are you at all aware of what the water footprint is for each bit of food you...

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Water & Nature – The Versatile Dandelion

Dandelions, long immortalised in Dance, the Media Arts and Music are, in fact, weeds. If you don’t believe dandelions have been used in popular music over the last few decades, boy oh boy, are you in for a surprise! Just to get the dandelion swaying, here’s a fine...

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Ice Cold Water or; what’s in a Meme?

Do you get it? ‘ey, ‘ey, ‘ey? I decided it’s again time for a little humour at the water cooler.  Googling as I’m wont to do, I happened upon the above humorous meme. What’s a meme you ask? Well, before you think I’m becoming all teachery on you, I didn’t know what...

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Water & Nature – How Cacti Can Save Your Life

Before you start hissing like an old boiler at the use of the word ‘cacti’ (pl), I’ll remind you that it is correct. It is a cactus and many cacti. Anyhow, the point of this blog from your (occasionally) friendly blogista, Fern, is that although I’ve never been a fan...

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Wishing for a Water Well

Wishing for a Water Well

‘A wishing well is a term from European folklore to describe wells where it was thought that any spoken wish would be granted. The idea that a wish would be granted came from the idea that water housed deities or had been placed there as a gift from the gods, since...

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Like Water for Chocolate

Quite some time ago, I wrote a blog about chocolate – and all its health benefits. Yep, you read correctly – all chocolate’s health benefits. Go and have a squiz and be amazed. So, this Easter, I was going to write more (as promised) about the origins of chocolate and...

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Myth Busting 101

I’ve been hard at work here at work, so my water cooler station lurking has been at a bare minimum for the last few weeks. Whereas I doubt that my absence has had a detrimental effect on any of my colleagues (I had visions of said colleagues’ grey matter rapidly...

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Water Cooler Wonder – A River Runs through it

I’ve always wondered why certain cities are more appealing than others and it struck me that it’s generally because those cities are near water. I’m not referring to seaside cities, but cities that have a river running through them. Think of London and the Thames...

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Hot Cross Bunnies and other Easter delights

As you may have gathered by now, I quite like the origins of ‘stuff’. Couple this with a love of celebrations and traditions and you end up with enough reading material to last you aeons. For example, where did hot cross buns originate and why? As with a lot of...

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Paint your Eggs and Other Easter Delights

Easter has always been my favourite time of year – followed closely by Christmas. Perhaps it’s the idea of celebrating; the colours, the decorations, festivities, the delicious food – whatever the reason, I’m in like Flynn when it comes around. It could also stem from...

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Ancient Methods Making a Splash Today!

It would seem that ancient methods are best when it comes to saving water in a ‘Modern Age’. *Recently, The Stockholm Water Prize was awarded to Rajendra Singh, who is known as the ‘Water Man of India’. Rajendra’s methods have brought water to over a thousand villages...

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Beware the Ides of March

March actually isn’t an unlucky or ‘bad’ month at all. It’s just that peskily prolific Shakespeare whose line it is that’s responsible for the month’s bad reputation. We've all heard the saying, 'Beware the Ides of March.' The actual quote is from Shakespeare's...

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Shimi, Mavournin and Watery Adventures

Once upon a time there was a family – the dad of who had a dream. The dad in the family had dreamt from when he was a nipper that one day he would have an ocean going yacht. So that is what the Dad did. He worked hard and scrimped and saved, then he retired and he...

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Watery Tales We Were Told

‘You must wait for an hour after eating to go for a swim.  If you do not, you could get a stomach cramp and drown.’ Does anyone else remember that old chestnut? Absolute torture for us otters who literally lived in the water from sunup to sundown in the summer months....

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Water & Wasabi – Ways to Heat up this Winter

I cannot, for the life of me, when I think of the word Wasabi, say it as it’s written. I always martial-art-movie the pronunciation. And I do mean always. Say it with me now,’Wa-saaaaaabi!’ I have wondered whether wasabi was a chilli, pepper or mustard, but apparently...

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Watery Tales of Romance

In this month of love (being February) I can hear the howls of protest from many an individual as they scarper to warmer climes, (or just anywhere else) to avoid participating in Valentine’s Day. I have my own personal rules regarding the day in question – I call it...

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Thank You from AquAid

Thank You from AquAid

Here at the end of January 2015 AquAid has reached a fantastic milestone. With the help of our customers, we have reached total charitable donations in excess of £10 million since the company was founded in 1998, enough to supply more than 2 million people with clean...

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Water, Bubbles and Blisters

Strange title I know. You’re forgetting my freedom of association powers – ooowee ooowee – again, more fool you. I initially looked up bubbles, but came across information about water blisters on feet and hands, which are called dyshidrotic eczema, which coloured me...

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How to keep the H2O in Hydration this Winter

Often we mistakenly assume that keeping hydrated during winter is less important than in summer. This is so not the case. In winter, in an effort to keep warm, we rely on using heaters, hairdryers and hats (yep, hats) which quite literally suck the moisture and oils...

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An Unwanted Christmas Present

When we came into our office on Thursday 18th December the phone was unusually busy – in fact, it was ringing off the hook. People had received an email, seemingly from AquAid, stating that we had taken a card payment from them. Attached to the email was supposedly...

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