Welcome to our Blog
Here we will keep you up to date on all things water related.
Water Cooler Wonder – Unusual Christmas Traditions around the Globe
Talking about Christmas time again, Fern? Yes, I believe I am. You were well warned, dear blog follower that I really do love Christmas time. So far, we know that Ian Thorpe, co-founder of The Africa Trust, will be with the Maasai eating a slap of meal of wood fire...
Tales from Around the Water Cooler – Plum Pudding
The Tradition of the Christmas Pudding We all should know by now that I have a great love of food, celebration, festivals, traditions – I can wax lyrical for hours. Waxing the floor (i.e. domestic work), not so much. I was hard pressed to choose what Christmas dish to...
Getting to know your Water Team at AquAid
♪ Getting to know youuuu Getting to know all about you Getting to like youuuuu Getting to hope you like meeee ... ♪ Okay, perhaps the song from ‘The King and I’ is not relevant to the topic at hand, but word association and all that. Seriously though - although it’s...
Silly Season Humour
We all know that the December month just lends itself towards often bizarre and excessive silly behaviour and the corny jokes about Father Christmas, reindeer, Santa Claus and decorations abound. I, for one, have a particular fondness for the ultimate corny joke....
Water in Rituals
“Be praised, My Lord, through Sister Water; she is very useful, and humble, and precious, and pure.” ~ Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) Canticle of the Sun circa 1225. I think I’ve detailed about how all-encompassing water is, whether it’s in our daily lives, daily usage...
Why does Water float in Space?
I’ve had a look at a number of NASA astronauts in space clips and my favourites are always those when you see water globules floating around. The only astronaut sequence that doesn’t involve some inanimate object floating around that I enjoy has to be when Howie (Big...
Water and Air Travel
We should all know by now that keeping hydrated is one of the givens whilst travelling – it really is one of the simplest ways to combat fatigue, puffiness (everywhere where it shouldn't be), jet lag and generally feeling like you've partied with a roving band of...
Did you hear the one about the AquAid employee?
There’s something special about making people laugh, whether it’s around the water cooler at the office, with our mates at the pub or in front of a room full of strangers. One of our AquAid employees, Martin Huburn, does just that. During the day he does admin at our...
Our Artist’s Impressions
Water Cooler Wonder – Maps
I read this article a while ago: *‘US-born neuroscientist John O'Keefe has jointly won the 2014 Nobel Prize for medicine for discovering the brain's navigation system. Is it any surprise then that he loves Ordnance Survey maps, writes Luke Jones. O'Keefe came to the...
Water Cooler Wonder – Guy Fawkes
Remember remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason Should ever be forgot ... and if you don’t recognise or remember this rhyme, I have to ask, where have you been for the – oh, last hundred years or so? I’ve...
Watery Books
Recently a real and FB friend posted something on my page about listing your top 10 books to read ever or that had a huge influence on your life. Now as a complete and utter bookworm, believe it or not, I was stumped. A wee bit ironic, that – a wordsmith / blogista...
Water Cooler Shenanigans
As you may have gathered by now, I spend an inordinate amount of time water cooling. This doesn’t mean cooling by water (although this does play a part if you get what I mean, kind of, sort of) but rather that I lurk a lot at our office water cooler. Before you get...
Water, Tides and the Moon
I am sorry to bring you yesterday’s news, but it’s possible that you weren’t aware of the event, so there’s that. This is what it was – there was a total lunar eclipse yesterday. There it was …. and … it’s gone. Apparently, it was a Blood Moon (which should please all...
Water and Blubbing
The giblets in our family were brought up with that stiff upper lip type of manner. No unnecessary emotion, no displays of passion and most definitely no blubbing = crying. Tears were not on. Of course if you were physically hurt (hurt equating to you being starkers...
Water Cooler Wonder – What makes a Planet a Planet?
Once upon a time there was a planet called Pluto, and a cartoon character dog too, lest we forget. Then, the powers that be decided that Pluto wasn’t a planet and it was demoted. I thought that this must’ve been very demoralising for said planet, to be a former planet...
AquaAid – The Home of Bottleless Water Coolers
When you type blogs in English English (not a typo), but your Office is set to American English (default for the globe it would seem) you very quickly develop a sense of humour or humor, with all the typo’s in the different spellings e.g. organise vs. organize; and...
What qualifies as a Waterfall?
There I was, playing with the water cooler bottle (I love making the water gloomph, Mrs Furtheringstoke not so much) when it suddenly occurred to me – what makes a water fall a waterfall? Is it a height, volume, water per second thing or what? Inspired, I made the...
Mind Blowing Water and Energy Inventions
I believe that you will have gathered by now that I’m a pretty huge proponent of The Africa Trust. I may blather on about it, but please, pick one of numerous reasons, not in the least the fact that thanks an incredibly hard working team, potable water is brought to...
Water & Spiders
Yes, it’s come to that. I’m addressing my fears. I know I’m probably one of millions of arachnophobes the world over, but when it comes to this particular fear, I’m only really interested in how it applies to me. And in case you were wondering as to why there’s a...
From Nature – Chocolate
I’ve just blogged about ginger. Prior to that I blogged about garlic. These were all for a series to do with spices and herbs from nature that actually have the most incredible medicinal benefits almost irrespective of the form that you ingest them in. In the ginger...
From Nature – Ginger
I always find it fascinating how certain words have certain connotations – e.g. the word ginger. Go on, say it aloud – “Ginger!” What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Hair colour of a much maligned set of people (with a rather amazing DNA sequence I might add)?...
Autumn at the Water Cooler
Summer is winding down to a close – we’ve all had (hopefully) our summer hols, gloried in our blooming gardens and green spaces, watered the lawn, rejoiced in the warm temperatures and generally had a jolly good old time. Now late summer progresses into autumn and...
From Nature – Garlic
Our local whizz, Shelly, just added a page about healthy water drinks ideas, all containing a herb or spice that packs a power punch of health, with the added bonus of tasting good too. Then there was a mention on social media about the incredible healing powers of...
For Crying in a Bucket
So you know too: The Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on someone's head to promote awareness of the disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and encourage donations to...
Slumping at the Water Cooler
I’ve hit a bit of creative burnout, people. Happens to the best of us. It may have something to do with that inevitable, eventual information overload, or the hailstorm I slid through yesterday, or the fact that I’ve not been getting my full 6 hours sleep a night. Who...
More Dare to Care Facts about Water
Seeing as I’ve done more intensive online research for blogging this week than a mole trying to tunnel through concrete, I’m taking my foot off the proverbial accelerator pedal and doing a gentle segue into a few fun water facts: Human blood is 83% water. Now I...
The Nervous Nellie and the Water Fountain
This is not, as one might deduce from the heading, a blog about an elephant and a free-standing water fountain, but rather about steps that you can take when you’re convinced that you’re about to have a meltdown rivalling that of Chernobyl. Close your eyes (preferably...
Celts, Saxons, Romans – lend me your ears
You should know by now that history fascinates me. If you don’t, I have to ask, where the Sam Hill have you been? I made mention of symmetry in a previous blog – all to do with lots of info about our forefathers and Vikings, etc. etc. In my virtual and literary...
Trivia (more of) British Style
Last year, I blogged about some perhaps lesser known British trivia. There were the 3 ghosts in a manor house – one apparently being an ape and a cheese rolling tradition amongst other fab bits. This year, we jump back onto that water wagon (all things water,...
Water in the Workplace (or how to fit-up at work)
It’s summer. It’s holiday time. But for those of us that are left to sweat it out in the office; cramps, headaches, sore muscles and wish-I-was-on-holiday blues are at an all-time high. Here are a few tips to keep you moving and grooving at work: The Lumberjack: Stand...
The Funny Side of Drinking Water
I’m usually not one for bemoaning the passing of celebrities and the subsequent hot topic of the day to do with the manner of their passing that insidiously rages through social media thereafter. Even though blogging is very much part of social media, I like to think...
A Funny Thing happened on the way to the Water Cooler
This is an absolutely 100% true story. I’m still a bit traumatised, so I’ve been guzzling water for the past hour or so in order to calm down enough to write this. I’m beginning to wonder about karma; destiny; poetic justice – all those good? things that defy normal...
The Whale at the Water Cooler
*smack*! Excuse me, that wasn’t you I slapped, dear reader – that was for the smart aleck who saw the title and sniggered something about, ‘You really shouldn’t put yourself into your blogs, Shaw ...’ ... Anyhoo, this blog is a little bit about the wonder of whales,...
How to Hydrate Externally – Part II
Last week was the intro. to the rather clever *pointing above* - this week I present *pointing above to the end of the heading*. We kick off with something rather serious and molto importante: 1) Stay out of the sun between the hours of 10am and 3pm. The hottest part...
What Animal is the biggest Water-phobe?
Humans and animals have always had a rather tempestuous relationship. Everyone has their own belief system about this relationship, mine is pretty simple. I believe that we humanoids are by our mere presence obligated to look after animals. They are pretty magnificent...
Water Cooler Wonder – Symmetry
What I know about maths could fit on one hand, both hands, at a stretch. The first one that boggles my mind is the Fibonacci numbers that are Nature's numbering system. Another example is from The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson. In it, there’s mention made...
How to Hydrate Externally – Part I
As we all know – and as Gravesend especially knows – a recorded 25.7 °C two weeks ago – summer is most definitely here. Being all things water, one can imagine that I’ll be coming out with reams of ‘drink thy water’ tomes, but just for argy bargy’s sake, today, I’m...
Summer at the Water Cooler III
Refreshing Fruit, Veggie, Herb and Spice Infused Water You may remember that at the beginning of the year, we had a Drink Water Daily Challenge. I was impressed by how many AquAid customers accepted the challenge and threw themselves into the fray with wild abandon....
Summer at the Water Cooler II
Bananas are Best! I found this Scottish children’s song: Chorus Banana, banana, bananas are the best A nice squishy middle in a big yella vest Today or manyana, ah'll be sayin 'Can ah, Can ah have a ba-na-na? What am ah goin to have for ma tea? Banana! Monday,...
Summer at the Water Cooler I
Oranges and Lemons, the bells of St. Clements I used to be known as the Lemon Queen. My Da planted 500 lemon trees and because of the incredibly fertile soil on the plot that we lived on, the trees grew like wildfire and produced the juiciest lemons all year round. I,...
How to Water Cool your PC
Image ~ Darrin Gatewood I thought my parrot had finally fallen off its perch when I read the headline. Water cooling your PC? Mais oui, according to various articles. Whether you're using a desktop or laptop computer, there's a good chance that if you stop what you're...
Water Power or How Power Naps can get you through the Day
As I’ve said – okay, typed – before, drinking water = power (or energy) but who would’ve thunk it, that apparently, naps too = power. Before you get the idea that I’m trying to propagate my ‘Sloths Rule!’ philosophy, let me assure you, this power nap deal is not only...
Water & Glass – Not a Blondie Song
Recently my colleague Belinda sent me a link to an interesting article about recycling the other day. Have a look-see here. While perusing the how-to’s, I saw a bit about glass. Faster than Spidey’s sticky web, my attention was caught fast. One of my many, many...
Water & Trees – Part IV
The thickest, the oldest, the tallest, etcetera, etcetera ... Sadly, this will be my swan song blog to do with trees. The ‘trees for the office’ protest at the water cooler is being disbanded. Suffice to say it involved some choice language, some sawed through hemp...
Have Water, Will Travel
or Where will you travel to on your summer hols? I’ve always thought that I’m pretty knowledgeable when it comes to general knowledge. Especially travel knowledge. I already have what I call my water cooler list (‘bucket list’ is so 7 years ago). I do have a...
Water and Trees – Part III
In Part III (Part II of Part II) here’s a further 5 trees indigenous to Britain. This first tree, is very dear to my heart as I have a cousin named Rowan. Funnily enough, the sub-heading of the tree and his personality are not that far apart – he’s a complete maverick...
Eat and Hydrate at your desk – yay or nay? – Part II
Last week in Part I, we were all about bad nutrition and productivity and skipping lunch. This week, the debate continues with mentions of the (for some) dreaded broccoli, superfoods and eating well at work. Two journalists battled it out; one had spent time working...
The Watery Fern Moss
As I think we’ve pretty much established by now, I’ve a wide range of things that fascinate me, and a lot of my fascination has to do with Mum Nature. I specify la Mama Nature, and don’t just say nature, because nature can mean how organisms and beings (like us for...
The Moany at the Water Cooler and British Summer Festivals
I’ve been a bit moany this past week. Seems like everyone’s gearing up for their summer hols, ‘cept me, I’m off as far as my desk; so I’ve been draping myself dramatically over the water cooler and sticking my lower lip out, but nobody’s paid a blind bit of notice,...
Clever Water
Photographer ~Jim Wilson/The New York Times “Who’s a clever water then? Aw, go on, who’s a clever water then?’’ I haven’t gone barmy, (I think my level of barmy has long since been established), I’m referring to this little marvel: ‘*A lemon tree springs from the soil...
Is Drinking Water part of the Banting Diet?
My tongue-in-cheek take about the dieting phenomenon. I’ve never been a fan or follower of dieting. The last scale I owned was probably more than 15 years ago and all it brought me were misery and depression. I’m sure millions of people can attest to this and why not?...
Water Coolest Inventions
Do NOT blame me for whacked out this week. I innocently typed in ‘coolest water coolers global’ (or something thereabouts) and I ended up with *pointing upwards* ‘Coolest Inventions’. But just to make things more ‘cool’ – aha aha – these ‘coolers’ are apparently...
Eat and Hydrate at your desk – yay or nay? – Part I
There’s no avoiding it. Work an eight-hour day (or longer) and you’ll have to stop to eat at some point. Be it a questionable sandwich or a lavish lunch, workers need grub. But what should you eat to achieve maximum results? And is skipping lunch to polish off that...
Underground Water in Africa
As you know, I tend to blather on a little about water. Especially drinking water. Clean, fresh drinking water in Africa, where millions of people don’t have access to the life giving stuff as we do. It all seems a bit negative, but that isn’t really the case. I came...
The Africa Trust – Update May 2014
Country Programmes Zimbabwe The bananas for fees project has nearly doubled in size this year with almost one thousand children now benefitting. This was due to a good harvest and the reduced need for inputs compared to the previous two seasons. It is anticipated that...
Trees and Water – Part II
Continuing my love affair with all things tree and in keeping with ‘best of British’, have a gander at 5 trees native to Britain. By native, we mean trees that are at home in Britain and have grown in the country for thousands of years. I’ve included two images of the...
Trees and Water – Part I
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved trees. Even more fascinating to me is bark. I’m not referring to the sound a doglet makes; I’m referring to the ‘skin’ of a tree. Bark, to me = beautiful. Specifically, I loved birch trees. We had a large, undeveloped...
April Fools’ Day – More British Quirk
One would think that there was an end in sight for slightly unusual traditions in the U.K. I mean, it’s not as if I haven’t mentioned them on more than one occasion – see my blogs about Water most Fowl and Eleventy More Water Trivia amongst others. It would seem,...
Is Social Media the New Water Cooler?
It shouldn’t come as any surprise that thanks to social media, the gathering place to shoot the breeze, hang out, flirt a little, or just generally compare notes about how your Uncle Seamus’ carrots beat your colleague’s Aunty Bettina’s leeks in the local produce fair...
May 1st – May Day – what’s it all about?
The image is of John Collier’s painting of Queen Guinevere's Maying May Day, not to be confused with the emergency ‘mayday’, on May 1 is an ancient Northern Hemisphere spring festival and usually a public holiday. It is also a traditional spring holiday in many...
Ways with Water – Spring’s upon us!
It seems as it was just yesterday that we were all in the icy grip of winter and then lo and behold, the crocuses peeked their beautiful heads out of the soil and officially call spring. So, without being able to take a breath, the seasons rollercoaster past us (is it...
Water, Climate and Weather – what’s the diffs?
Unless you've been buried in a snow drift for the past, oh – 100 years – I think you may have noticed the raging debate about global warming. Having watched this debate and its proponents and opponents with interest over the last 15 years or so, I came to the...
The Dinghy Stealing Seal
I was trolling through the Google avenues when I came across this article about a seal that took up residence in a dinghy of a couple that were honeymooning on an island. When I saw the photo, I snorted my Kenco Coffee that I’d just served myself up from our AquAid...
To Duo or not to Duo
Last week I was sitting in my cubicle minding my own business, when Larry the Lurch came trundling past with a trolley. The load was covered in one of those scary (but super useful) grey blankets movers tend to use. It slipped a bit and there was a flash of bright...
Life Saving Water
I know, I know, I know. I do carry on (and on and on) about how very crucial water is, and I blog about it from every conceivable and (some rather inconceivable) perspectives, but the fact is - it is. Putting this all into perspective: Apparently a water pipe burst...
Three Rather Odd British Rituals
Britain has a long and varied past – it has been conquered repeatedly, it has conquered others, and it has colonised half the planet. Through its history, many strange traditions and festivals have arisen. Of course, there are oodles of odd rituals globally, but the...
Water and Other Strange Spillages
I’ve been known to disembowel clocks that tick (not disarm ticking clocks – that I leave to the brave people of the Bomb Squad). I’ve also run around strange houses and tightened taps almost to the point of stripping the thread because I cannot abide what I call ‘Lazy...
A Water Cooler for Help in Hearing provides a Drinking Water Well for a Community
Help in Hearing, an independent, family-run business in Buckinghamshire, have assisted countless people with their hearing over the past 14 years. They offer a variety of services from a free hearing test at their hearing clinics as well as a free online hearing test...
Water Slides – The Joys of a Misspent Youth
All things water, that’s me that is (with thanks to Alas Smith and Jones). Remember water slides? I most certainly do. Best things ever! The most accessible or closest thing to a water slide we had growing up were what we called foefie slides. A foefie slide, what you...
Rain, rain, go away … Water in drip form
So here you were thinking that the British Isles must be one of the soggiest places on Earth. Not true, say I. In fact, we don’t even feature (lucky us) in the top 10 of most rain drenched places around the globe. Whether you love rain or spend your days dreaming of...
The Water Debate – Night or Day?
I have this theory dearie, that watering plants at night in a viciously hot climate is better for the plants than by watering them during the day. It’s that whole burn the leaves vs rotting roots debacle debate. Well, goodness gracious me, did this unearth a can of...
AquAid and the Coffee Station
During these winter months, our thoughts turn to keeping warm and a rather pleasant way to do this is by drinking a cuppa. Today I’m concentrating on coffee. Here’s some random info to keep your brain warm too. Coffee shop culture has been ‘trending’ for decades now,...
AquAid and the Aquaporins
You might be thinking that Aquaporins are a new product from AquAid. You’d be wrong – although the name is reminiscent of pouring water, so perhaps not such a stretch. *Nudge, nudge, wink, wink to new product division* But what are they exactly? Dumb bunny...
Tornadoes are Water? Who knew?
Photo: Mike Hollingshead I have had a life-long fascination with tornadoes. Forgetting for a moment the absolutely devastating effect they have on life, limb and property, I think they are amaaaaazing. Just recently I tried my second ditch attempt with loved ones...
Water Coolers and Dams
I was galloping around the internet (translation: pulling up pages every 5.8 seconds as opposed to my regular speed of 20.3 seconds) when I came across a site about dams. Dams, you ask? As in the females in the animal world? No, not those dams, dam dams (ahahaha) you...
Penguins – The New Water Coolers?
Colour me amazed! I was watching a programme and this info blurb popped up. One of those ‘Did you know?’ thingies. It said that penguins can convert salt water to fresh water. This led to some serious research – ‘just imagine,’ thought I, ‘there are sufficient...
What is Spring Water? What is Distilled Water?
Water Cooler Tales – Volume I The primary difference between distilled water and spring water is the purification process, though there may also be differences when it comes to where the water comes from or how it is processed. In general, spring water has been pumped...
Hot Water Bottles – Olde and New
I often read about bed warmers in books and wondered what they were exactly. Then I saw some period drama and lo and behold, the mystery was solved. Thankfully we’ve moved on since then. Again, my intentions were pure! The intent was a straight up, C for serious blog...
If You Can’t Drink From Your Water Cooler, What Can You Drink From?
I’ve schlubbed my way in from my ‘olidays and am gearing myself up for the AquAid Drink Water Daily Challenge and all of a sardine, it strikes me – what am I going to be drinking out of? I can’t just drink out of any old thing (actually I can, but being a tactile...
How Does Water Square Up Against Other Liquids In The Kilojoule Count?
Many people mistakenly believe that wine, spirits and even beer, for example, contain no kilojoules and that this is reserved solely for food. Not true according to the below comparisons. So you may see a lot of people who will eat sparingly, but sip away at the wine...
New Surfaces Make Water Bounce, Faster
Using a Rough Surface to Stay Dry *Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Boston University have found a new clue to staying dry, and it has to do with time and texture. James C. Bird, now of Boston University, and Kripa K. Varanasi at M.I.T. and...
Water Most Fowl (and other British Trivia)
For such a teensy island I must say Britain certainly packs in a plethora of trivia from all around. The Slimbridge Wildlife & Wetlands Trust is the world's largest and most diversified wildfowl centre. It has the largest collection of swans, geese, and ducks on...
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela – Uxolo Tata
When I woke up this morning, it was just another day. Then I heard the news ... South Africa’s former president, our Madiba, had passed away the night before. I’m not even going to try to cover the legacy that this man of peace has left us, because I truly don’t have...
A Passion – ‘Usquebaugh’ – Water of Life
See, this is the difference when it comes to a passion. Or, as the French say, ‘une grande passion’. Just sounds so much more appealing when coached in those terms, doesn’t it? Because in water cooler supplier terms, water of life means what it says - an absolute...
Water Wheels
The water wheel was most likely first invented around 400BC. Its uses were multiple; including milling flour in gristmills and grinding wood into pulp for papermaking, but other uses include hammering wrought iron, machining, ore crushing and pounding fibre for use in...
The Elephant vs. The Water Cooler
A few moons ago, I was invited to travel with a friend to an exclusive lodge in The Kruger Park. I was to be the site inspection photographer. Bliss. The lodge had 10 suites (yes that type of exclusive) and was run by a lovely husband and wife team. Sadly, a few...
Being Waterwise – What’s It All About Then?
I don’t like to burst that ‘I am in an island’ of yours bubble (yes, yes, I’m paraphrasing) but being waterwise is pretty importante if you’re part of the human race. Here are a few reasons why: The amount of water we use in the UK is not sustainable; we have to use...
AquAid Birmingham Runs Towards Health – Again!
The Bupa Great Birmingham Run is the biggest half marathon in the Midlands. ‘Formerly known as the Birmingham Half Marathon the event was first staged in staged in 2008 and in 2009 also incorporated the World Half Marathon Championships. England's second city is the...
Why Can’t We Just Make Water?
Well, in the simplest terms that I can understand, which means you have to dumb down to my level, Sunshine, is that; ‘Water is made of two hydrogen atoms attached to an oxygen atom. This seems like pretty basic chemistry, so why don't we just smash them together and...
It Happened On The Way To The Water Cooler And Other Strange Tales
Even though AquAid have ensured from Day 1 that the water coolers that we supply are of tip top quality and are supplied to the customer in a manner that is most practical to the customer’s requirements, life is such that water coolers can have off days. As we know,...
The Water Cooler Effect
Well, feed me nails and call me Rusty! Trying to untangle the meaning of the water cooler effect, I came across this little gem on Wiki: ‘A water cooler effect is a phenomenon, occurring when employees at a workplace gather around the office water cooler and chat. It...
Water is the Driver of Nature
That rather clever, my dears, is apparently a quote by Leonardo da Vinci. Who he? According to Wiki, Leonardo da Vinci was a (don’t hold your breath now) polymath, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist,...
Water Boilers / Coolers 22nd Century Style!
AquAid have a new kid on the block. It’s very stylinnnnng. Its debuts just in time for the colder climes approaching the U.K. at warp speed Mr Sulu. Before I wax lyrical about how styling this little marvel is, here’s the nitty gritty tech spec. stuff: What is its...
You Can Lead A Horse To Water … And Other Water Proverbs
Waxing philosophical (waxing possibly originating from the German word wachsen (to grow)) about water, I first thought of this one *pointing upwards*. The full proverb reads like this: You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Meaning People, like...
Water Fountains – Part II – for Schools and the Like
I still giggle when I think about drinking water fountains. Heavens only know why. We used to have one in the dojo I did karate at (jaha - more to this blogista than just a keyboard I tell ya). I just thought the water fountain was awfully clever. Our school...
The Africa Trust – Summer’s Coming!
Remember the heat wave? You must - it was only a month or so ago. Now, take those temperatures and turn up the heat, so to speak, by a good 8 °C. Or for that matter, another 10°C. Now, take a good 38°C and couple it with scant shade ... and ... no water. Then, to this...
Water Saving Ways – Lesser Known Ideas
Yes, yes, I know we blather on about water conservation and that the long, hot summer (‘tun tun de dun’ – Style Council) has passed us by, but this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t maintain water saving ways throughout the year. Hopefully, if we teach ourselves and our...
Radio-waved Treated Water
A ground-breaking new Irish technology could change agriculture as we know it. The technology - radio wave energised water - massively increases the output of vegetables and fruits by up to 30 per cent. Not only are the plants much bigger but they are largely...
Water Fountains – Part I
Who among us doesn’t just love jetting water? Think about it – from those rather absurd, no-flow control drinking water fountains of yesteryear, to magical musical fountains which lit up in all the rainbow colours and the quintessential exploding water bombs and...
Waterways of the U.K.
This is not what you think. Me plugging away about ways with water, but rather, waterways. Yes, waterways, canals, barges, the whole patootie. Spread throughout the U.K. In England and Wales, there are over 2 000 miles of waterways and they fall under the auspices of...
Water Cooler Wonder III
The Small(er) Version Today, we’re going to be looking at the svelte version of the Big Boys. This little wonder is called a Desktop Plumbed-In Water Cooler. If you are short on space but want to enjoy the cost-saving benefits of a plumbed in water cooler, these...