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Here we will keep you up to date on all things water related.

Radio-waved Treated Water

A ground-breaking new Irish technology could change agriculture as we know it. The technology - radio wave energised water - massively increases the output of vegetables and fruits by up to 30 per cent. Not only are the plants much bigger but they are largely...

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Water Fountains – Part I

Who among us doesn’t just love jetting water? Think about it – from those rather absurd, no-flow control drinking water fountains of yesteryear, to magical musical fountains which lit up in all the rainbow colours and the quintessential exploding water bombs and...

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Waterways of the U.K.

This is not what you think. Me plugging away about ways with water, but rather, waterways. Yes, waterways, canals, barges, the whole patootie. Spread throughout the U.K. In England and Wales, there are over 2 000 miles of waterways and they fall under the auspices of...

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Water Cooler Wonder III

Water Cooler Wonder III

The Small(er) Version Today, we’re going to be looking at the svelte version of the Big Boys. This little wonder is called a Desktop Plumbed-In Water Cooler. If you are short on space but want to enjoy the cost-saving benefits of a plumbed in water cooler, these...

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Running Water and the Tao of Pooh

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh The term ‘running water’ has so many permutations as to be almost infinite. Running water can mean wastage. It can mean advancement in the distribution of water.  It can...

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Water Cooler Wonder

Water Cooler Wonder

How do you know which water cooler is right for you? At first glance, this does seem rather like a tacky romance type quote assigning such human importance to the relationship between you and the water giver. If we look a later deeper however, you will find that...

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The Power of Water

Gobsmacked. Yep, that’s me. ‘Why’, you ask? ‘Let me tell you’, I answer. Because of this man: Mr Moser. Alfredo Moser. Inventor of the bottle light. In 2002, the Brazilian mechanic had a light-bulb moment and came up with a way of illuminating his house during the day...

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Water, Sweaty and Sodium

I've always had an inkling about the too little / too much salt intake factor.  To me, it’s always about balance and moderation.  Yes, most foods are so stuffed with salt that we've become a nation that could probably turn into a pillar of salt without any help from...

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Salt Water & De-Salination

It seems strange that water should be such a scarce resource when our planet is drenched in 326 million trillion gallons of the stuff. But it turns out that less than one-half of 1 percent of it is drinkable. Out of the rest, 98 percent is oceanic salt water and 1.5...

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Hydration and the Heat Wave

Or as Martha sang, ‘Heat wave .... uh ... Heat waaaaaaave ...’ Or as a fellow FB’er posted ... ‘Don’t we just call this summer?’ Anyhow, tamayto, tomado, whatever the weather *cue all-knowing sniggering* the fact remains, when the temperatures soar, do you know how to...

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Water Cooler Gathering Jibber Jabber

This week I thought I’d take my foot off the proverbial history; good-for-you, bad-for-you, beat you with the facts and dates accelerator and trip the light irreverent with some more trivia: Channel Tunnel To dig the Channel Tunnel, 11 tunnel boring machines were used...

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Water and Energy

So you thought that water was just good for drinking and for fish to frolic in? Not so! For a number of years there has been an incredible amount of research and development into wave power / energy as a renewable energy resource for the globe.  Here I pause [        ...

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The Elephant Pump

The Elephant Pump

The Elephant Pump is based on a 2000 year-old Chinese design that the CEO of The Africa Trust, Ian Thorpe, adapted to make it stronger, more durable and made and maintained using materials that are locally available in remote rural sub-Saharan African communities. The...

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When Water (A Lot) Leaked from My Eyes

When Water (A Lot) Leaked from My Eyes

As you may have gathered by now, I like to think of myself as a bit of a card carrying clown-arounder, not taking ‘stuff’ too seriously and always looking for the pun, the sarckie (that’s sarcasm to you) the silly, but ….. there are some days when all the malarking...

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BTWC – Before the Water Cooler

Ever wonder what came BTWC (Before the Water Cooler)? Here’s our first instalment about the history of water supply in the UK – hold onto your cups, because this timeline gets a little hairy at times! 1325 Franciscan Friars lay a pipeline into Cambridge from a spring...

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Water and the Wobble …

(... that’s ‘Wobble’ not ‘Womble’) We harp on about drinking water, water, water – with good reason! I bet I’ll get your attention when I say that not drinking enough water can make you fat (wobbly). That’s because even when you’re mildly dehydrated, you can raise...

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Water Contained – Bottles, Bilges and …

I often wonder who it was who first came along and thought – ‘hmmm, water in a large bottle waters many people, no large bottle, less people watered’? So, I investigated a little and this is apparently the case: Can’t be pinpointed, but apparently, a form of plastic...

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Water and the Environment

An Inconvenient Truth – Conspiracy or Reality? In this world there is a surprisingly small amount of the population – just 19% according to a survey done by InternetWorldStats - that have access to the internet and to all the information it brings. I really thought it...

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11 Amazing Trivial Facts about the U.K.

On Good Friday in 1930, the BBC reported, "There is no news." Instead, they played piano music. (They were probably all gathered around the water cooler). In England, in pubs or bars, you can have drinks but you are not allowed to get drunk and in Scotland you are on...

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Water, Blobbing and You

I've been reading through my notes for the blogs for this week and it all became a little overwhelming. So I let my brain head out West and the rest of me went to top up on the Java. Then my brain knocked politely, ‘Coo-ee, I’m back’ it warbled. ‘What?’ the...

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No Water despite…….

… Rain (blizzards, snow, and sub-zero temperatures) or Shine (weak lemony coloured sun that wouldn't tan a meringue) you begin to notice that your staff is a tad dispirited, if not outrightly unproductive. No spring in their step, no whistle in their walk. So, at...

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Why Water is just … Better!

We still think water is better. Find out why we think so here. When you start to drink more water, you'll find that you drink fewer fizzy drinks and fewer high-calorie drinks. There are a few major benefits to this: Swapping water for fizzy drinks helps to decrease...

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Hydration Hydrate

Hydration Hydrate

Hydration                                                                              Verb                                                                                                       A compound, typically a crystalline one, in which water molecules are...

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Drinking Water – Treat yourself

As we’ve mentioned before, the adult human body is composed of up to 70 percent water. A huge amount of water is lost through metabolism, exercise, temperature regulation, waste transportation and digestion. Needless to say, it is essential for your health to stay...

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The Africa Trust Update – March 2013

The Africa Trust Update – March 2013

Overview With funding from AquAid, the Africa Trust has gone through a period of remarkable growth during the last twelve months. The pump installation and sanitation program has been expanded within Zimbabwe and over the eastern border into Mozambique. Groundwork has...

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Water Coolers off to a great start in 2013

As you may well know, an integral part of AquAid’s professional ethos has always been to work smart; be kind to our environment (from whence we draw our sustenance in so many ways) and be charitable with a knock-on effect by involving ourselves in sustainable projects...

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More about Coffee

More about Coffee (English), Koffie (Dutch), Kahve (Turkish), Aahwa (Arabic) Historical A French doctor in the 1600’s suggested Café Au Laits for patients, inspiring people to begin adding milk to coffee. Largely through the efforts of the British East India Company...

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Cool Drinking Water

Cool Drinking Water

Multifunctional Water coolers don’t just mean cool, clean, fresh drinking water on demand. They can also mean piping hot water for your favourite hot drinks to warm you through the nippy cold months. I’m referring to our range of water boilers . Even more  convenient...

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But it doesn’t taste nice!

For ages now I've been paying more attention to a certain element of nature, with the scientific call sign of H2O, more commonly known as WATER. Why is this? You ask. Well, a ways back, all of a sudden, I started developing migraines. Never experienced one in my life,...

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Foods and drinks that dehydrate you

Even if you’re making an attempt to stay better hydrated, you may be ingesting dehydrating substances without even realizing it. Sodium is a big culprit When you eat salty foods, your cells tell your brain that you’re thirsty. Examples of foods high in salt are fast...

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Water Cooler Etiquette

Did you know that by taking a 5 minute break and drinking a cup of water will refresh you almost immediately? So head on over to the water cooler for a cool drink of spring water to kick start your energy levels and get you back into super productivity mode. It also...

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The Great Coffee Debate

Coffee is one of those substances that have both good and bad stories written up about it all the time. What’s the Good skinny?  (No, not a skinny, latte, mocha, silly story). Coffee does contain antioxidants. But better to not rely on this as your only source of...

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How well do you know your water cooler?

How well do you know your water cooler?

How do bottle fed coolers and mains fed coolers differ? Bottle fed water coolers are free standing units that use a large plastic bottle to deliver water, and can be either bottom or top loaded. Mains fed water coolers hook up to the main water supply and utilise...

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… But the greatest of these is charity.

… But the greatest of these is charity.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity  ~ King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) The end of the year is drawing closer and there is so much thought given to the peace, joy and season of giving that is Christmas. So, while...

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Five Benefits of Drinking Water

Water helps keep you hydrated, which is important because every single cell in your body needs it in order to absorb nutrients and expel waste products. But what are some of the less well known benefits of drinking water? 1. Drinking Water Is Good For Your Skin Water...

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5 Water cooler essentials

Having a water cooler in your office or home is fast becoming the norm. For many, the fact that it produces water is good enough, but why not get the most out of your water cooler and ensure that your money spent is money well spent. Here are 5 water cooler essentials...

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How does a water cooler work?

We all love the cool, refreshing water we get instantaneously from our water cooler whether it be in our home, office or school. But for the majority of us, how this all happens on demand from a mere touch of a button is unknown. The most popular water cooler is the...

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The water cooler – how it began?

The water cooler - from a simply block of ice dating back to the Victorian days to now being noted as one of the most important pieces of equipment that has contributed to the health and well-being of children and adults alike. The water cooler has come a very long...

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Water for toddlers

As strange as it might sound, toddlers need to drink as much water each day as an adult does. Toddlers between that age of one and three need to drink around 1.3L of water each day. If you actually look at the body weight of the average toddler and the amount of water...

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Water coolers giving back

How many of us take the water coming out of our taps or water coolers for granted? It is always there and if it would one day stop, what would we do? Fortunately we all live in a first world country where water is a resource readily available to everyone, just about...

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Water Boilers

Water Boilers

The days of having to boil your water over a fire is long gone, but the need for warm water is still as important as it was hundreds of years ago. Fortunately, for us water boilers have evolved with the times, and we are now able to get hot water anywhere and at any...

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Why water?

What makes water so special that we are told from a very young age to drink eight glasses a day? Is it really that important to keep hydrated and to drink enough water every single day? The simple answer is yes, we do need to drink enough water each day. The reasons...

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Water coolers in schools

Have you ever stopped to consider what your child is drinking when you are not around? Bear in mind that the majority of a child’s day is spent at school in the care of others. Another fact to consider is that dehydration is serious for all of us, but no more so than...

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Water Cooler – Health and Safety

Your water cooler will provide you with clean, purified drinking water; however it is up to you to keep the actual device in a clean and safe environment and to ensure that the water cooler itself does not become a hazard in anyway, whether you are using it at home or...

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Drinking water habit

We hear so often that water is the healthy option and we are convinced that water is good for you. But how do you go about making drinking water a daily habit? Here are some basic tips, which may seem obvious, but if put into practise, drinking the correct amount a...

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Your local Water Cooler Supplier

Your local Water Cooler Supplier

Choosing which water cooler company to go for is no longer about who is the cheapest. The importance of staying hydrated is so well known now, that many companies are placing higher importance on reputation, service and quality. It is extremely important that when...

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Scary facts about water

One would think that in the modern world that we find ourselves in, everyone has access to the most essential element needed to stay alive, but unfortunately, that is not the truth. Here are some very interesting and extremely scary facts about water that you might...

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AquAid News – Issue 39

AquAid is proud to sponsor Christian Aid’s water-related projects around the world. Thanks to your support, AquAid has been able to donate over £2 million to help Christian Aid help those in need. Planting the seeds of hope. Faced with the dual challenges of climate...

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History of Coffee

As the most consumed drink on the planet, coffee is something that many people depend on each day to survive. But where exactly did it come from? According to legend, a young Ethiopian goat herder discovered coffee in the 9th Century when he found his goats eating the...

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Water boilers for the office

With the need to be more environmentally friend and energy conscious, the water boilers offers the perfect solution. They are compact, space saving and eco-friendly, offering every office the perfect solution to all their hot water needs. Whether you are looking for a...

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