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Here we will keep you up to date on all things water related.

London Olympics

With the London 2012 summer Olympics only a few short weeks away, it is time to look at all the interesting statistics that surround this sporting spectacle. This event will be held in the United Kingdom for the third time, making London the first city to host the...

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Drinking water aids weight loss

There are thousands of diets, formulas and many quick fix solutions to assist the masses in losing weight, but the majority of these products are only designed to offer false hope and quick profits. The correct way to lose weight is to watch what you eat, have a...

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Benefits of Water – Pregnancy Part 3

It is amazing what water can do for expecting mothers. For everything from reducing headaches, cramps, dehydration and constipation, water is the answer. Most pregnant women suffer from headaches caused by a lack of sufficient water intake. Many expecting moms tend to...

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Benefits of bottled water

There are many advantages of having a water cooler in your home, office or education building. Some of the best advantages of drinking enough water every day are that you will actually improve you mental and physical abilities. One of the biggest selling points for...

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Why drink Water

Not a day passes without us being  told to drink enough water. But what are some of the reasons we are told this every day? How important is water to our daily lives? The simple answer is that without water our bodies will not survive a few days. Water is the biggest...

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Water Saves Lives

We all enjoy a cool refreshing glass of water on a warm day, and there is no better source for cool, clean and fresh water than from a top quality water cooler, like the water coolers that AquAid supply and install. But have you stopped and thought for a second as to...

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The benefits of sufficient water intake are often underestimated, but there are hundreds of reasons to keep your body correctly hydrated. Even though diets and lifestyles change on a monthly basis, the experts all agree that the most important substance in a healthy...

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Benefits of water – Recovery

We often underestimate the importance of water, but it is as vital to our lives as oxygen and food. It is one of the cornerstones in your body and it is essential for the prevention of injuries and it can greatly improve the recovery time of damaged tissues and...

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Water coolers aid water shortage

Many of us take the water coming from our taps or water coolers for granted and we have no second thought of where it comes from. But with a low rainfall at the moment, the possibility of water shortages are becoming a reality that many of us are not prepared for. One...

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Benefits of Water – Pregnancy Part 2

Is there a big need for pregnant woman to drink more water during their term, or can they just continue consuming the same amount that they normally do? The answer is that any woman, at all time during her pregnancy term needs to drink additional water. The growth,...

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Effects of dehydration

We often speak of dehydration, but do you actually know what it means and what the signs are? Dehydration is caused either by a loss of body fluids or due to the lack of sufficient water intake. Our bodies need fluids and water in particular to survive and function at...

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Benefits of water – Sports

With the winter slowly disappearing and warmer weather just around the corner, it is again time to start training outdoors. There is no better feeling than running outside in the fresh, (un)air-conditioned air. But with all the extra mural activities that are now...

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Benefits of water – Stay healthy

Water is by far the most important substance on the planet. More valuable than gold, diamonds or oil, but most people still have not realized its value. The human body’s weight consists of over 60% water, 70% of the earth is covered in water, but only a fraction of...

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Water cooler vs tap water

The debate about tap water and bottled water is something that many people often discuss. Tap water is the most convenient source of water to the majority of the nation, but what can you expect to find in your tap water? Reports and tests show that up to 2100...

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Importance of Water

Why is water so important? What makes is the most important fluid on the planet? The reason is that it is the only single substance that every living creature needs to survive. From the smallest bacteria, to the largest mammal every creature needs water to survive....

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Water coolers in school

With the summer on its way, the need for children to keep properly hydrated is again being highlighted. The summer season brings with it many outdoor activities and children are often spending hours outside without any water breaks. It is for this reason that many...

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Water Coolers – environmentally friendly

With the current water supply situation in the UK getting more serious each day, it is time to consider installing a water cooler into your office or learning facility. We also need to look at how we use our water sparingly, as it is a resource that has a limit. As...

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The Africa Trust Update – March 2012

The Africa Trust was founded by AquAid to achieve sustainable solutions to poverty.  Business Skills Training The business skills training programme has been expanded to include Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. Training is provided for people to start new...

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Office water coolers – Part 3

Water bottles for staff  How often do we sit down at our work desk or in front of our computers, only to look up and realise half the day has passed. This little time loss is one of biggest reasons staff members often forget to drink enough water at work during office...

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Office water coolers – Part 2

The many benefits and advantages of water coolers have been discussed and the facts are clear that every office and school should have a sufficient amount of water coolers in their buildings. But where is the best place to site a water cooler so that your employees...

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Water coolers and sanitisation

We all love the water coolers in our offices and schools but, do you know if that water cooler is ever cleaned correctly? How many people touch the water cooler in your office each day? There is one water cooler supplier that cleans and sanitizers their water coolers...

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Office water coolers – service

There are many small companies making big promises when it comes to office water coolers, but is your water supplier keeping your staff members hydrated on time, each and every time? With over thirty two water distributors and more than 10’000 water coolers in service...

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Benefits of filtered water

With more and more businesses and schools installing mains fed water purifiers, it is important to note the added advantages of using these convenient water dispensers. Schools are fast becoming one of the most popular locations for water coolers and fountains as the...

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Water cooler dispensers

Water cooler dispensers are fast become more popular across the country as they offer their users the best quality water at convenient temperatures.  Leading the water cooler revolution is one of the biggest water dispensing companies in the UK, AquAid. This award...

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Office water coolers

If you are looking for the best office water cooler, then look no further than the range of AquAid water coolers. They are practical, convenient and affordable, everything that a business or home owner wants. The benefits of having a water cooler in your office or...

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Hot drinks dispenser

With the onset of winter and temperatures dropping well below our comfort levels, it is sometime hard to focus on correct hydration. Who wants to drink ice cold water when it is snowing outside? Fortunately for everyone, using one of AquAid’s water dispensers you do...

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Why choose water

There is a large misperception that no matter what you drink it will aid in your daily hydration requirements. Unfortunately, that is not true. Many drinks like coffee, certain teas, alcoholic beverages and sugar sweetened drinks will aid in the body loosing water....

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Benefits of drinking water – Part 2

There are many advantages of drinking clean, fresh water. The greatest benefit is that it keeps us alive. The fact that our body consists of about 70% water is the biggest reason why we need to keep our body properly hydrated. Our brain consists about 90% of water,...

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A continent of thirsty children

Safe, clean drinking water is the most essential element to living a healthy lifestyle and yet so many of us take it for granted.  Next time you open a tap to pour yourself a glass of clean water, spare a thought for the millions of people who do not have access to...

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Hydration and fitness

Majority of people are under the impression that dehydration is only something that happens to athletes. The truth is that it happens to everyone, in all lifestyles, and of all ages. Athletes just experience dehydration faster, and with signs that are more visible....

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Drinking water and skin tones.

Nothing says health and vitality quite like a radiant complexion and smooth skin. This is why there are so many expensive ointments, creams and treatments on the market promising to improve skin tone and reduce pigmentation. But in this age of tight budgets and...

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Advantages of bottled water

The biggest advantage of bottled water is that it is convenient and safe. When you are travelling to work, or on holiday, you can never be sure if there will be clean and safe drinking water at your destination or on your way there. As with all our bottled water...

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Best water cooler for your needs

With a large and very diverse range of water coolers that we supply at AquAid, people are often not sure which model is best suited to their needs. It all comes down to the amount of water that you, your home or our office consumes each day. Depending on that, we will...

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The Africa Trust Update – December 2011

The Africa Trust was founded by AquAid to achieve sustainable solutions to poverty. Partnership with Environment Africa in Zimbabwe A new partnership was agreed with Environment Africa in Zimbabwe at the start of this month. Under the terms of this new partnership,...

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Value of water

Is your water cooler environmentally friendly? Can you save lives by simply drinking water? When a child is born, roughly 80% of their body weight is water, whereas the average adult has 70% of his body mass made up from water. Our fantastic planet’s surface is...

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Benefits of water

Have you ever stopped to wonder what the health benefits of water might actually be? Our aim at AquAid is to aid you in understanding the benefits of water, and to explain to you why it is so important to your health. The human body consists of roughly 75% water, and...

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A big Thank you from Christian Aid

Christian Aid would like to thank all the people who have chosen to buy AquAid water coolers, water dispensers and bottled water. By choosing AquAid, you have helped to improve and often save the lives of the world’s poorest people. AquAid donate 10p to Christian Aid...

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AquAid News Issue 37, 2011

AquAid Water Coolers is proud to sponsor Christian Aid’s water-related projects around the world. Thanks to your support, AquAid Water Coolers has been able to donate over £2 million to help Christian Aid help those in need. Sleeping safer at night Families in the...

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Water and Weight Loss

All functions within the body require the presence of water, and in order for these functions to occur efficiently, the body needs to be hydrated. All chemical processes involve energy metabolism and drinking plenty of water will make us feel more energetic and boost...

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The Africa Trust Update – October 2011

The Africa Trust was founded by AquAid to achieve sustainable solutions to poverty. Every time you order a water cooler or water from AquAid a percentage of the revenue is donated to The Africa Trust. Partnership with Dorcas Aid International in Mozambique A request...

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Christian Aid – Update October 2011

Cleaner slum brings hope for the future Christian Aid would like to thank all the people who have chosen to buy Aquaid water coolers, water dispensers and bottled water. By choosing Aquaid, you have helped to improve and often save the lives of the world’s poorest...

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The Africa Trust – Update September 2011

The Africa Trust was founded by AquAid to achieve sustainable solutions to poverty. Every time you order a water cooler or water from AquAid a percentage of the revenue is donated to The Africa Trust.  Elephant Pumps provide Clean Water for Drinking and Water for...

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Hydration in Children

Children do not drink enough water and the implications of this cannot be ignored. According to the Mori Survey commissioned by Water UK, the average person is only drinking 3.9 glasses of water per day, which is half of the recommended amount. Children establish...

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You Can’t Go Wrong with Water Coolers

Why go to the expense of a water cooler when we have a kitchen tap? Why do we need a water cooler that dispenses cold water when we have a fridge? Reasonable questions indeed, however, here are just a few examples of why the small expense can save you time, money and...

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