by Fern Shaw | May 1, 2020 | aquaid, bottle fed water coolers, water cooler, Water Coolers
Irrespective of the current circumstances that affect us all, we, of course, remain a proponent of how vital it is to maintain proper hydration levels while we self-isolate. That said, now we’re all hydrated and our neurons are firing (as they will do – a hydrated brain is a happy brain) there may be some uncertainty as where to (virtually) go in order to engage our thinking centres.
That’s where we at AquAid come in. We understand that being online may not be a focus of your typical day to day responsibilities, so for your convenience and to save you time, we have conducted our own online research, searching far and wide, in order to present to you a range of online channels that may pique your interest while you learn something new.
One we liked in particular is the FB page for The National Archives – as an example, they’re inviting followers to encrypt and crack a code using Alan Turing’s probability-based method:
Another is the Mental Floss Twitter account. The content is pretty much in the account name, although they do cover deeper and more thought-provoking content too.
innocent drinks remains a favourite of this blogger – their posts and tweets are a hilarious mixture of humour, useless information (by their own admission) and social distance challenges guaranteed to keep your grey matter engaged.
Last and by no means least, we highly recommend following AquAid’s social and business networks online – where we constantly refresh and update our content.
Of course, there are countless social networking pages and accounts that are slightly more serious and weighty, but for now, we’ll leave those for you to discover.
Before we bow out on this particular subject, a reminder that here at AquAid, we remain available for all your water dispenser requirements and bottled water deliveries.
Web us here, call us on 0800 772 3003 or e-mail:
by Fern Shaw | Apr 22, 2020 | aquaid, bottle fed water coolers, water cooler
Social media has played a huge part in communicating with and connecting people over the last few months.
Posts, videos, memes, all exhorting individuals as to what they could do while practising self-isolation. Everything from downing raw eggs (can you say salmonella) to playing tennis across rooftops (which we quite liked, truth be told). We are being bombarded with so much information it can be overwhelming, so, whereas here at AquAid we’ve decided to add to the pile, we like to think you may find our to do (or not do) list easy to digest:
- If you’re lucky enough to have a pet, pet your pet. Often. There’s nothing quite as recuperative as communing with a furry creature who adores you. (Or scaly, or feathered if that’s the way you roll, pet wise).
- Drink water more. Make sure there’s always fresh water for above-mentioned pet.
- Remember the oxygen mask deployment rules when flying (slight paraphrase here): take care of yourself first so that you are better able to help others.
- A prime example of taking care of you is to remember to drink water. Properly hydrated equates to you being better equipped to perform – no matter the task.
- Bend your knees. Whether you’ve decided to completely re-landscape your garden; spring clean your entire dwelling; re-arrange your furniture or stoop to blow that dust bunny back under the sofa – bend your knees.
- You guessed it. Irrespective of your level of lockdown activity, hydrate. Then hydrate some more.
If you require a water dispenser, your Bottle-Fed water cooler topped up or bottled water delivery wherever you are, remember that here at AquAid, we continue to operate responsibly, including maintaining social distancing and our customers not having to sign for bottled water deliveries.
by Fern Shaw | Jan 22, 2020 | aquaid, Christian Aid, Uncategorized, water cooler, Water Coolers
Corporate Social Responsibility demonstrates the ‘heart’ of your organisation. It involves understanding your impact on communities and the environment and taking responsibility in meeting or even exceeding the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has of your business.
AquAid as a company are committed to acting responsibly and most importantly motivating others to make a difference. Sharing the responsibility in the world in which we all operate should be an integral part of your working day. We believe that making a difference is complementary to a commercial success.
An important part of AquAid’s mission is to provide sustainable solutions to poverty and aid in emergency relief where needed. We are able to achieve this via our partnerships with both the AquAid founded Africa Trust as well as through our now 22 year partnership with Christian Aid – and so can you!
By using AquAid as your water cooler supplier you help to bring a positive change and upliftment to many of the world’s neediest families. You will be sharing in the responsibility we have taken on in bringing safe, fresh disease-free water to thousands of communities in need globally, with our focus being across Africa.
When you choose AquAid you will not only be getting a good quality product with an unrivalled service, you will playing an integral part in bringing hope where it is needed most and aid in breaking the cycle of poverty.
AquAid’s Founder, Paul Searle, explains,“The sign of a great partnership is where business, charity and community all work together.”
By involving your employees in this partnership you will not only be inspiring them but also offering a sense of belonging in your organisation. You will be providing your staff with not only a healthy working environment but creating a sense of employee satisfaction and loyalty. Working next to each other creates responsibility and you will be actively developing a policy that promotes a positive and sustainable social contribution. Your CSR decisions will also give your organisation a competitive edge and enhance your credibility.
The simple choice of your water cooler can go a very long way in aiding your company’s Corporate Social Responsibility. By simply switching to AquAid you will be doing your part in changing lives forever.
To date, with the help of our partners, AquAid have donated in excess of £15,000,000 benefitting many thousands of families and communities throughout Africa.
by Fern Shaw | Oct 11, 2019 | aquaid, Water Coolers
There’s no disputing that we Britons don’t drink enough water. According to various surveys and research, just 1 in 10 of us consumes enough water to qualify for being adequately hydrated.
This is a cause for concern, as maintaining even the minimum levels of hydration is vital to our ability to function, albeit not even close to optimal levels.
Just as important, seeing as 10 October is #WorldMentalHealthDay, our brain needs water most of all. Our brains are our command centres: how we think, act, take action or perform any task all stems from the signals we receive from our brain.
That’s why maintaining a decent level of hydration is crucial.
How dehydration affects the brain
While mild dehydration is loss of 1.5 percent of a body’s normal water volume, a level of hydration just one percent below optimal can affect our cognitive ability, affect our moods and make it more difficult to concentrate.
It alters how we think and feel by slowing circulation. This lowers blood flow, which means less oxygen travelling to all parts of the body, including the brain.
As dehydration worsens, cognitive function is further impaired, leading to delirium. Severe dehydration can cause unconsciousness and even coma.
How good hydration helps
Drinking enough water keeps our brain from having to struggle against the effects of dehydration, allowing us to think more clearly, giving us the ability to function better overall.
Drinking water regularly throughout the day is an easy, effective step to take in our efforts to be as mentally healthy as possible, bearing in mind that staying hydrated by drinking enough water is but one aspect of good physical, emotional, and mental health.
Here at AquAid Water Coolers, we take hydration seriously. At every turn, and every season, we encourage Britons to drink water more. If you would like to ensure that you have access to refreshing drinking water wherever you are in the UK, contact us at AquAid – with over 20 years’ experience in the provision of high quality water dispensers, we are well equipped with being able to provide you with the perfect drinking water solution.
by Fern Shaw | Sep 19, 2019 | aquaid, Water
We know that our approach this #TalkLikeAPirateDay has been slightly tongue-in-cheek, but often here at AquAid, that’s how we rrrrrrrrollllll. Seriously though, our approach might be light-hearted but the truth of it is, in order for you to be able to look after your voice, you need to drink water more.
Because we may take the ability to speak as a given and a function that should just ‘work’, it’s easy to forget that, our vocal chords, like all other body parts, need proper hydration in order to function well.
A few factors that can negatively affect vocal chords:
Commuting and other daily physical activity makes us sweat. When we sweat, we lose water and may easily become dehydrated without realising we are.
External factors such as heat, humidity and dry air. Artificial air in any closed environment such as in airplanes or road vehicles as well as air-conditioning or heating can dry out your environment and you very easily.
Certain cold and allergy medications, including decongestants and antihistamines, have a drying effect to the body.
Another factor is the intake of dehydrating drinks such as coffee, black tea, other caffeinated drinks and alcohol.
Consider the following:
If you have a dry throat when it’s time for you to speak, you’re already dehydrated. According to an article by The Complete Vocal Coach, it ‘can take up to four hours for water to reach your vocal folds’. If your voice is your profession (and for millions of people, their voices are just that), it’s imperative that you take care of your vocal chords.
Rather sip water throughout the day, and don’t wait until you get thirsty. This means an average of 10 glasses of water per day for men and around 8 glasses per day for women.
If you’re unsure about how much water you should be drinking per day, based on your weight and activity levels, refer to this useful guide at the AquAid website.
by Fern Shaw | Aug 6, 2019 | aquaid, Water Coolers
AquAid definitely offer more than industry standards when it comes to the supplier / customer relationship.
Of course we pride ourselves on the ever important customer service while supplying top quality, highly effective and user friendly range of water coolers, boilers and water fountains – all with a guaranteed next day delivery service.
The ‘more’ is something of which we’re especially proud: the knowledge that an integral part of a successful business model is in giving back and since AquAid’s inception, something we’ve practised. How? By ensuring that a portion of our water cooler sales is donated to sustainable charities.
One of the most recent examples of how this is achieved was when we invited Swiis International to participate in building an Elephant Pump in Africa on their behalf.
“Here at Swiis International (and our sister companies; Swiis Foster Care, Swiis Foster Care Scotland and Swiis Health Care), we are aware that keeping our staff members hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the working day. As a result, we decided to invest in water coolers from AquAid.
Our partnership with AquAid has also given our company the opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves. With each purchase an automatic donation is made to the Africa Trust and these funds are used to build ‘Elephant Pumps’ – a modified version of an age old Chinese rope pulley system. One such pump is currently being installed in Africa on our behalf and it will be a much needed source of clean and fresh drinking water for many.
Our organisation’s name will be proudly displayed on the well and we look forward to adding both photos and feedback from the villagers to our website in the near future.
To date, AquAid have built over 8,000 such Elephant Pumps across parts of Zimbabwe, Malawi and Liberia; and have donated in excess of £16 million to charity.”
We’re delighted that Swiis International agreed to take part in this initiative and we look forward to being able to present a certificate and photo of their well in honour of their participation in the near future.