Emir Dobson – AquAid Middlesborough

Emir Dobson – AquAid Middlesborough

The Swimming Scuba Diver

One of the aspects of working in the marketing and social media sphere that I really enjoy is getting to ‘know’ some of the many people that work at AquAid. To date, I’ve ‘met’ a serious traveller – Josh; a carer of animals and Tough Man competitor – Scott; a stand-up comedian – Martin; a Super Dad – Ross; and a Ninja – Dennis.

Last week, I spoke to Emir Dobson, franchisee at AquAid Middlesborough and asked her if she would be kind enough to put pen to paper and despite being rather busy, she graciously took the time out to answer my questions.

I was so tickled with her replies as I again realised that the individuals that work at AquAid really are quite a mixed bag and full of surprises – who knew that AquAid Middlesborough boast their very own scuba diver? So, without further ado, here’s what Emir had to share, pretty much verbatim:

Name:  Emir Dobson

Role at AquAid:  Manager – AquAid Tyne & Wear

Years at AquAid: Too long.

What do you enjoy about your job? The people we meet!

Tell us something interesting about yourself: Achievements: Working alongside my husband in all these years without a major incident!!!

How did you get involved with AquAid? I became involved in AquAid due to my connection with Christian Aid – I am passionate about the work that they do – my contribution is through donations.

Hobbies: Keeping with the water theme – I enjoy swimming and scuba diving.

What is it about swimming and scuba diving that you enjoy so much?  I enjoy water… swimming and scuba diving keep you fit, they’re good for you…

When do you do the above?  Enjoy diving as often as I can.

Why do you do it? ­­­­­It’s good fun and the people are great criag.

I enjoy diving anywhere there is water. In the North Sea, the wrecks are good and the sea fish.

In warmer climates – every dive is different; you see different fish, coral, wrecks – its good fun.

How long have you been involved with this? About 10 years.

Claim to fame – Just being alive!

What are you hoping to achieve or to do in the future? As soon as the family have moved out of the family home – my husband and I are going to travel – Thailand; Africa; USA.

Notes: No matter what happens – we are all the same – we eat, sleep, and breathe … the same. x

Thank you Emir, so interesting how water plays such a huge part in your life, from both a business and personal perspective.  I wish you many good dives and lots of criag!