Scary facts about water

One would think that in the modern world that we find ourselves in, everyone has access to the most essential element needed to stay alive, but unfortunately, that is not the truth.

Here are some very interesting and extremely scary facts about water that you might not know about.

  • Worldwide there are more people without access to clean, safe drinking water than there are people in China! Over 1.6 billion people do not have drinking water.
  • More people in Africa alone die from disease infected water than wars kill worldwide each year. An estimated 3.5 -4.5 million people die each year because they don’t have access to safe water.
  • The average person in many African countries use less water each day than what we use to flush our toilets. Your toilet uses 8L of water on average, they have less than 5L per day
  • Diarrhoea is the leading cause of deaths. Contaminated water claim more than 2 million youth lives each year.
  • On average, a child dies every 15 seconds due to the lack of safe drinking water
  • 50% of all the schools don’t have access to drinking water, or any sanitation
  • The recommended water that a person needs per day for sanitation, drinking, cooking and general consumption is 50L
  • 18 litres of water weights around 20 kilograms.
  • 2/3 of all the struggling water users worldwide use less than 6L of water per day. That is almost 1/10 of what they should use
  • The average African woman spends close to 20h per week collecting water
  • African woman walk, on average, around 7 kilometres each day just to get a watering hole or well
  • Many Sub-Saharan Africans share the source of their drinking water with animals and other wildlife, leading to more disease being spread and transferred.
  • To produce one kilogram of coffee takes more than 10’000 litres of water
  • To produce one kilogram of rice requires more than 5000 litres of water
  • It only takes around £1 to help a child to get safe drinking water

These are very sad and troubling statistics, but with the aid of major companies and individuals there is hope. This is why we at AquAid have donated over £6 million pounds to water related projects in the Thirld world. We continue to do so to bring hope to thousands of lives and make a difference.


Water use during the Olympics

The London Olympics are now just a few days away and the anticipation is starting to show in the entire nation. The United Kingdom Olympic team has a very good change of walking away with one of the top spots for overall medal counts. However, have you ever thought of the logistics around an event of this magnitude, even for something as simple as just supplying water?

With over 14,000 athletes, referees, officials and coaches attending the event, the requirements, and needs of those individuals are extreme. If the athletes drink only three litres of water a day, which is normal for high performance individuals, then the water requirements for them will be 42,000 litres of water per day, or 714,000 over the seventeen days that the Olympics will be held. If they only used water bottles to quench their thirst, it would take almost a million bottles of 750ml bottles to keep them correctly hydrated. An even scarier thought is that the three major pools at the London Olympics will hold approximately 10 million litres of water. Fortunately, for the spectators and visitors that will be flocking to London for this amazing sporting event, companies like AquAid have taken the correct steps to ensure that all their customers will have sufficient water for the duration of this summer’s main sporting event.

They have a wide range of mains fed water cooler rental solutions on offer to their new and existing clients that will ensure that all their water needs are catered for. The mains fed water coolers filter and clean the mains water that every house delivers. This simple system ensures that there is no need to worry about water supply during the summer. This service will be vital for guesthouses, hotels, hostels and other accommodation venues across the UK.

According to the organisers, over 250, 000 rooms have been made available in the immediate vicinity of the main stadium alone.  If you are one of those new accommodation sites, ensure  you have clean, safe and cool water ready !

London Olympics

With the London 2012 summer Olympics only a few short weeks away, it is time to look at all the interesting statistics that surround this sporting spectacle. This event will be held in the United Kingdom for the third time, making London the first city to host the modern version of the sporting games.

The first Olympic Games in London were held in 1908 and originally it was scheduled for Rome, but the eruption of the Mount Vesuvius volcano caused the entire event to be moved. The United Kingdom’s team secured three times the amount of medals to the second place finishers, USA. 22 nations participated that year, this year 205 Olympic nations will be competing for sporting glory.

The second London Olympic Games took place in 1948, with 59 nations competing in 136 different events. This year there will only be 26 different sporting events. Many of these events, like the aquatic events, have many different distances and styles, but these are not counted as individual sports.

An estimated 14,000 athletes will be competing this year at the summer Olympic Games. The Olympic Village will be able to cater and feed 5,500 athletes at any given time during the event and will host the majority of the athletes during the games. The main Olympic stadium will have an 80’000 seater capacity to host the opening gala and all the main track and field events that will be one of the main highlights to the competition. A total of 8 million tickets will be for sale for all the Olympic events and a further 1.6 million tickets for the Paralympic events.

With the extremely large influx of visitors to London, it is no wonder that water coolers sales have sharply increased. Many of the 255,000 hotel rooms in London will be equipped with water coolers to provide tourists and athletes with the cleanest water possible. Fortunately, for many of these establishments, AquAid have made the necessary arrangements to ensure that they, and all their regular customers, will not have any delays with their water supplies during the London Olympics.

Benefits of Water – Better skin and health

It is so much easier and simpler to have a healthy lifestyle and healthy skin than most people think. The basics of a healthy lifestyle are finding the right balance between healthy living and the correct intake of good quality fruit and vegetables. The healthy lifestyle can be made easier by assisting your body to remove all the toxins, chemicals and waste products by giving it the tools needed to clear your system. Our modern lifestyle often adds to the stress and harmful toxins that we consume and we need to give our bodies the best chance of surviving for as long as possible.

The best tool, and one that will not cost you much at all, is water. Water is the most important building block in our bodies and it is needed for every cell, muscle and fibre to survive. Our bodies need water to clear out the toxins and to effectively rinse our system of harmful waste products. Blood is made up predominantly of water and it is the main source of vitamins and minerals to all our cells. The more water that you drink, the more your body can clean itself and remove these harmful substances, resulting in a healthier more efficient body. A problem that often happens is that people mistake the feelings of dehydration for the feeling of hunger. This leads to many individuals eating more than they need to and gaining weight. When the feeling of hunger hits, have a glass of water first and see if the craving goes away. This will assist you to reduce your body’s food intake and it will help to ensure that you stay hydrated. If the hunger needs are still there after you have had your fill of water, then eat something healthy, depending on the time of day.

Another benefit of water is that it hydrates the skin and makes it look younger and healthier. It does this when the cells in the skin are correctly hydrated, giving them a fuller and healthier appearance.

Keep a water bottle with you and ensure that you are always correctly hydrated.

Drinking water aids weight loss

There are thousands of diets, formulas and many quick fix solutions to assist the masses in losing weight, but the majority of these products are only designed to offer false hope and quick profits. The correct way to lose weight is to watch what you eat, have a healthy lifestyle and to drink enough water.

Watching what you eat simply comes down to balancing your food intake with your activities. Your lifestyle is one of the biggest factors determining your health and your body shape. People often think that to lose weight they will have to gym for hours, or run marathons every day, but that is not the truth. Healthy food, lots of fruit and vegetables and drinking enough water is all that you need. If you can calculate the amount of energy (food) that your body needs every day on average, then you can calculate how much to eat every day. Don’t put in more than your body needs.  Reducing your alcohol consumption will also assist you with your weight loss.

Water is the cheapest and easiest weight loss substance available and the health benefits are amazing. The reason why water is so important and beneficial is because it is the most important fluid in our bodies. Without water, our bodies cannot function. Our muscles, organs, brain and every fibre in our body requires water to assist in the transportation, feeding and cleaning of all our cells.  Drinking enough water will ensure that your body can flush out all the toxins and waste products, while at the same time ensuring that nutrients and supplements are transported to the required areas. Another fantastic advantage of drinking enough water is that it assists your skin to look healthier and younger and to reduce sign of ageing.

Remember that your lifestyle, quality of food and water consumption all play a part in weight loss and the key is to find the balance that works best for you.