Skipping Lunch while at Work – Part II

Skipping Lunch while at Work – Part II

In Part I about skipping lunch while working, we were all about bad nutrition and productivity and skipping lunch. In this session, the debate continues with mentions of the (for some) dreaded broccoli, superfoods and eating well at work.

Two journalists battled it out; one had spent time working in France, where lunch was always taken away from one’s desk. The other said that she would far rather power through her lunch break and have her sandwich at her desk as it would give her more time after work to spend with her family.

Having lunch away from your desk is the way to go, according to studies at the University of California. Taking the time out of your work environment gives your brain a breather and allows your brain to ‘power up’ and go back to work refreshed and ready for the next haul. Sitting at your desk doesn’t allow for that brain refresh. I would imagine it’s similar to taking a power nap, which does work.


*In the nineties, it was all about organic food. Then along came the concept of ‘superfoods’, a term used to describe foods that are supposedly really good for you. But it turned out to be more of a re-branding exercise for otherwise mundane supermarket produce, like berries for example.  And if you ask a scientist, the term superfood means something completely different. It’s used in academia to refer to calorie-dense food, like chocolate (aha!).


Apparently, the little green forest trees (as I like to call them), have been shown to help the immune system to clean harmful bacteria from the lungs. A compound found in the vegetable is now being trialled as a treatment for people with lung disease.

Eating well

When surveyed by researchers from Nottingham University, staff at the UK’s National Health Service said they felt they had a responsibility to set an example for healthy eating at work. But the American Journal of Public Health found that for healthy eating habits at work to take any effect, workers’ families also had to get on board. What people eat at work is linked to their overall lifestyles and attitudes to nutrition.

I must say I do like the can-do attitude of the people at the NHS. Overall, I think it is important, as your working day takes up a lot of your hours awake (bar those power naps), to make sure that the powers-that-be in your work environment focus on your well-being too. Are there kitchen facilities at your workplace?

Is there a water cooler? Instant Tap? A hot water drinks dispenser?

Some type of sip and feast designated area?

If not, perhaps it’s time to have a chat with your employer and point out the clear benefits between nutrition, good hydration and productivity.

source*: an article in Quartz.

source**: an article in the New Scientist

World Water Day – What Can We Do?

World Water Day – What Can We Do?

The theme for World Water Day, 22 March 2024, is ‘Water for Peace’, which focuses on the critical role water plays in the stability and prosperity of the world.

According to UN-Water, ‘when water is scarce or polluted, or when people have unequal or no access, tensions can rise between communities and countries. 

More than three billion people worldwide depend on water that crosses national borders. Yet, out of 153 countries that share rivers, lakes and aquifers with their neighbours, only 24 countries report having cooperation agreements for all their shared water. 

By working together to balance everyone’s human rights and needs, water can be a stabilising force and a catalyst for sustainable development.’

The good news is that even if you are not directly involved in this year’s World Water Day, as an AquAid customer, you are helping with the continued implementation of sustainable water projects which help provide potable water, water to grow crops and water for productive use for thousands of communities in water poor regions across Africa. These safe water resources, often built in areas accessed by multiple communities, can help to minimise conflict which may arise from insufficient and unsafe water sources.

With each mains water cooler installation and every bottle of water purchased, we donate a portion of that revenue to the charities we have supported for over twenty-five years: Christian Aid, since 1998 and The Africa Trust – an AquAid founded charity – since 2010.

If you are not yet an AquAid customer but appreciate how we work, we will be more than happy to help introduce you to our range of water dispensers, bottled water coolers, hot water boilers and Instant Taps offering hot, cool or chilled water.

Eventful December at the Water Cooler

Eventful December at the Water Cooler

December is a month chock full of occasions, annual observances and traditions.

A brief glance:

03 – 04 Dec –Tree Dressing Day

06 Dec – St. Nicholas Day

11 Dec – International Mountain Day

21 Dec – Winter Solstice

the list goes on.

This may be due to December being a pivotal period of the year as we enter the final transition from late autumn to winter and the close of yet another year.  Although the dropping temperatures and increase in blustery weather may make it difficult to believe, it’s still officially autumn until 21 December.

With so many observances, traditions and events on the go this month it’s easy to understand that we may let our changing hydration needs slip by the wayside despite there being a simple and cost-effective solution. A solution as simple as switching from a chilled drinking water dispenser to a cool and piping hot drinking water dispenser.

With AquAid, you’re spoilt for choice – we supply a wide range of top-quality water coolers, water boilers and Instant Taps – all backed by our superlative services pre, during and post installation.

We invite you to visit our informative website and browse our water cooler selection, suitable for all industries and any size staff contingent, then contact our helpful team via e-mail, telephone or at the website.

How to Counteract Thirst with AquAid

How to Counteract Thirst with AquAid

Are you one of the ‘if your popcorn doesn’t have a Red Sea amount of salt on it, it isn’t popcorn’ people? And, even after doing this, you wonder why you are so thirsty.

Or, are you more of a be out all day in warm weather, keeping active, running from place to place, sweating a bit and wait-until-the-last-minute where you’re absolutely parched and then you guzzle fizzy drinks (packed full of sugar) which will probably make you more thirsty than before you drank them.

Or, do you load up on fast food which is packed with too much salt (and then you still add loads of salt to your meal or chips) and again, wonder why you’re feeling so thirsty?

Whatever your thirst metiér is, I’m sure it doesn’t help realising that most of our extreme thirst is self-imposed. That being said, there are simple solutions to counteract these determined efforts to keep thirsty.

That’s where AquAid come in. We understand the importance of keeping you informed about how vital it is to drink water; to advise about how to keep from becoming dehydrated (occurs more often and easier than you might think); what to drink; how often to drink it and in general, how to keep yourself healthily hydrated.

Part of achieving this is through the provision of our spankingly smart range of:

Bottled Water Coolers

Mains Fed Water Coolers

Water Boilers

Hotel and Catering Solutions

Water for Schools


Instant Taps

We invite you to click on any of the above listings to browse our range of water dispensers and complete the simple contact form to have one of our experienced team get in touch and provide you with any information you require.


The Rain and Drinking Water Polarity

The Rain and Drinking Water Polarity

You would be forgiven, what with the rain bucketing it down, if you’re viewing wet and water with a somewhat beady eye. For all the good it does and the fact it’s vital to our very lives and sustenance, it doesn’t hold sway when you’ve been rained on, constantly.

Is there a positive slant to these downpours, we ask?

We believe so.

Measuring rainfall beats trainspotting we’re sure of it. Is there anything more satisfying than comparing rainfall notes with your neighbours, workmates (read competitors):  Well, our rain gauge measured 17mm, not sure where you get 10mm from? See?  Promotes interest and healthy competition all round.

Rainfall replenishes the Earth’s water table. All of which means, healthy, thriving plant growth, whether that’s for oxygen creating trees through to crops and crops of your favourite veg.

Free car wash. Okay, perhaps not the best example but true nonetheless. Also encourages physical activity as you rush outside post downpour to wipe your car down so that it shines just as if it’s been freshly washed.

Rivers, lakes, dams refill. And all that goes along with that: Thriving plant, bird, animal and aquatic life.

But what of the polarity mentioned in the blog title? Well, whereas we may not appreciate water raining down on us, we can appreciate constantly available refreshing drinking water.

That would be drinking water dispensed from your mains-fed or your bottle-fed water cooler.  Installed by AquAid. Backed with services and sanitisations performed by our WHA accredited service technicians. Also worth consideration is that AquAid supply hot drinking water dispensers, hot water boilers and Instant Taps. So, if our rain happy reasons haven’t convinced you, it’s good to know you can make yourself – and your neighbour and your workmates – a piping hot cuppa at a moment’s notice. What’s not to like?

Eventful November at the Water Cooler

Eventful November at the Water Cooler

November is a month chock full of occasions, annual observances, traditions and remembrances.

A brief glance:

01 Nov – All Saints’ Day

02 Nov – All Souls’ Day

04 Nov – Diwali

05 Nov – Guy Fawkes Night

the list goes on.

This may be due to November being a pivotal period of the year as we enter the final transition from late summer to winter and the close of yet another year.  Although the dropping temperatures and increase in blustery weather may make it difficult to believe, it’s still officially autumn in November.

With so many observances, traditions and events on the go this month it’s easy to understand that we may let our changing hydration needs slip by the wayside despite there being a simple and cost-effective solution. A solution as simple as switching from a chilled drinking water dispenser to a cool and piping hot drinking water dispenser.

With AquAid, you’re spoilt for choice – we supply a wide range of top-quality water coolers, water boilers and Instant Taps – all backed by our superlative services pre, during and post installation.

We invite you to visit our informative website and browse our water cooler selection, suitable for all industries and any size staff contingent, then contact our helpful team via e-mail, telephone or at the website.