Water Cooler or Water Dispenser – what is your preference?

Water Cooler or Water Dispenser – what is your preference?

Whatever your preference, AquAid supply a wide range of water dispensers and water coolers to our customers.

Installing a water dispenser makes sense as they offer the user the best quality water at convenient temperatures.

AquAid is one of the largest water dispensing companies in the U.K.  Established by Paul Searle in 1998, who went door-to-door selling bottled water coolers and bottled water to home customers, our business has

has grown exponentially since these humble beginnings.  We now offer a high quality range of water cooler dispensers to all industries, including small, medium and large companies, construction sites through to schools and dentists; doctors; fitness centres and production companies.

Having a water dispenser on site for any organisation means they are able to offer cool, fresh drinking water to whoever visits them, as well as being able to keep all those in their organisation properly hydrated.

Numerous studies have shown that keeping hydrated can increase one’s mental and physical performance by as much as 20% – thus enabling employees to keep properly hydrated throughout the working day and for schools, it means that both the staff and children keep themselves hydrated, all while helping the children better concentrate in class.

The health benefits from proper hydration are manifold. People often mistake thirst for hunger. This can adversely affect health as instead of drinking water, people may overeat as they don’t realise they are, in fact, dehydrated. Dehydration can have a negative effect resulting in poor concentration, headaches, feeling tired and listless and poor health overall.

Having a water cooler dispenser in your office, workplace, site, rooms or school means you’ll be able to offer everyone the opportunity to drink water and keep hydrated.

AquAid supply a wide range of water cooler dispensers available in bottled or mains fed.

The bottled water cooler dispensers are perfect for the smaller businesses or work environments that do not have hundreds of individuals to service.

For larger offices, business centres and schools, the mains fed water coolers are the most practical and cost effective. These units filter and purify the water that comes out of your normal taps, giving you clean and safe water whenever you need it.

Furthermore, having adjustable water temperatures your AquAid water dispenser offers a choice of piping hot water for hot water drinks or chilled drinking water throughout the year.

With all the benefits that water cooler dispensers offer, why not install one today?

Give the fantastic team at AquAid a call and they will gladly assist you with all your water cooler dispenser needs.

To call us at AquAid: 0800 772 3003

To e-mail us: Click here

If you would like to browse our range of water coolers: Click here

To follow us on social and business media: Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

The Glass Half-Full/Half-Empty Dilemma

The Glass Half-Full/Half-Empty Dilemma

Glass half full? Half empty? Where does the expression originate? The exact origin of the idiom is unclear; however, digital records seem to show it originated in the first half of the 1900s. Glass half-full/half-empty of what you may ask? Well, water is the standard, so we’ll stay with that.

If you’re not familiar with the expression, it stems from the idea that believing the glass is always half-full means you have a positive outlook and believing the glass is half empty means your outlook is more negative.

Alternatively, could it originate from the unfortunate occasion when your bottled water is depleted? Even if this is the scenario, there is still good news!

If you have any of the high quality range of AquAid Bottled Water Coolers installed in your workplace, we arrange a scheduled water delivery with you, thereby ensuring your drinking water is always more glass half-full than half-empty.

Even better, if you have any of the top quality AquAid Mains Fed Water Coolers installed, your water glass will always be full.

More news that is positive is that AquAid supply water dispensers nationwide, utilising 22 branches situated at local locations convenient to your premises. Whether you operate a small, medium or gargantuan business, AquAid has a tailor-made drinking water solution for you.

Irrespective of the half-full, half-empty dilemma, it’s good to know that ensuring a permanent supply of drinking water on site is something at which AquAid excel. As well we should, with 23 years’ experience and a highly dedicated team committed to providing our very best service at all times.

Drinking Water on Stage – Encore!

Drinking Water on Stage – Encore!

Needing to drink water often is something that affects us all. None more so than when performing on stage. This is something we commonly see, particularly with stand-up comedians.

The performer invariably keeps a bottle of water with them onstage from which they often sip. Being funny and getting laughs can be mouth drying, itchy throat, and perspiration drenching work, as many comedians can attest.

The same can be said for all thespians who tread the boards performing for an audience. And we imagine this was no different over 2,000 years ago when the first theatre appeared in Ancient Greece.

It isn’t only the performers who need to ensure they constantly hydrate though. Putting on any production is thirsty work! Theatre is the sum of many parts: stagehands, stage and set design, building, costume design, sound and lighting technicians, narrators, stand-ins, ushers, ticket sales – all play an important role in making sure that the performance works!

At AquAid, we are very proud to be associated with provision of cool, refreshing drinking water dispensed from our bottled and mains water coolers for the duration of countless productions across the UK – from small community playhouses to grand theatre and every type of event in-between.

It’s with this in mind that we wish all those involved in this incredible profession, who have delighted, shocked, inspired and enthralled with their craft, a wonderful #WorldTheatreDay! Encore!

Spring Water

Spring Water

Are we getting a little ahead of ourselves? Of course we are. Why? Because we can.

If you’re wondering what we’re referring to, we’re talking about March 1st being the first day of spring. March first isn’t actually the first day of spring, that’s on 20 March. However, most meteorologists recognize March 1 as the first day of meteorological spring. With a nod of approval from such auspicious quarters, we’re going with it.

The icy grip of winter seemed so recent when lo and behold, the crocuses peeked their beautiful heads out of the soil and officially announced it’s spring.

Whatever way we approach this change of season, keeping fit and perhaps shedding some of our bear type hibernation weight becomes somewhat of a priority. This means (hopefully), that one’s water intake will increase too. To make your water intake more fab and fun, try a different approach to ensure good hydration habits

If drinking water all day is what bores you, try treating it as a meal or, better yet, three meals. Drink water to a comfortable fullness 3 times a day. On colder days, it might be less, on warmer days, more. Comfortable fullness should be enough to stay hydrated. This will lower the amount of calories you eat for roughly an hour afterward. 

Simply change the way you drink water – out of a glass instead of a bottle, for example. Alternatively, drink it at a different temperature. If you change the temperature, you can change the experience and that can be enough to alter your water intake. Remember, cold water takes longer to drink. If you want to down it faster – to get your water intake over with – drink it at room temperature instead of icy cold.

Whether commuting, exercising, being sedentary, working, relaxing or socialising – in fact, pretty much every -ing, keep hydrated this spring – it can only be good for you.

Remember also to speak to us at AquAid for all your water requirements (we have something for all seasons). We offer a range of water dispensers: high volume watercoolers for children and staff at schools as well as a range of low, medium and high volume mainsfed or bottlefed watercoolers for use on building sites, at events and in warehouses, workspaces and offices nationwide.

Tips to Maintain Cooler Weather Hydration

Tips to Maintain Cooler Weather Hydration

Maintaining good hydration habits is generally easier when the weather is warm. Oftentimes though, these habits can be difficult when the weather turns cool.

How we combat this trend though is actually easier than we think.

Make drinking water convenient.  Installing a water cooler at your work premises, office, warehouse, medical or educational facility is a sure-fire way to ensure you have constant access to refreshing drinking water.

At AquAid, we offer a no-obligation, free on-site survey to assess what water dispenser needs you have and what combination of hot water boilers, bottle-fed water coolers or mains-fed water coolers best suit your requirements.

App your drinking water. You read that right. Use your mobile as your drink water alarm clock or download one of the many apps designed for just this purpose.

Turn up the temperature. If you’re the type of person that loathes drinking cold water, there is a solution. Warm up your water! If you have an AquAid hot water dispenser or hot water boiler installed, heating your drinking water isn’t even necessary! Just dispense, add your preferred brew or fruit slice and away you go.

Hydration on hand. Whether you have access to a water cooler or boiler or not, an effective reminder is to keep a reusable water bottle or water glass on your desk as well as a tote able water bottle with you when you’re on the move and/or if you rely on public transport. Otherwise, also keep a refillable water bottle in your car/lorry/van.

Water and Work Health & Exercise

Water and Work Health & Exercise

It’s summer. It’s holiday time. However, for those of us left to sweat it out in the office – cramps, headaches, sore muscles and wish-I-was-on-holiday blues are at an all-time high.

Here are a few tips to keep you moving and grooving and in tip-top work able shape:

Relax those shoulders. Office workers, teachers prepping lessons, site work cost efficiency forecasts – we’ve all been there. Glued to your chair, deadlines looming, shoulders tensed, making you look more like of close relation of Gru’s than you care to think. Solution? Check your body posture every twenty minutes or so. If you’ve hunched over, simply relax your shoulders. Repeat until you learn to automatically check your desk posture while seated.

Stretch out the kinks. The simplest stretches can help reduce aches, stiffness and tension, decrease muscle spasm. The benefit is stretching can be performed while seated or standing, although standing will have a more overall body benefit.

Walk! As simple as that. Stand up, stretch out and perambulate around your work place. The ideal keep fit combo is walking to replenish your water bottle or water glass at your water cooler station.

Add water to all the above.  Make sure that you drink water throughout the day and after every relaxation technique and stretch.

Remember though, whether your office / workplace is icier than the Northern Sea because of the aircon. working more overtime than you do or its au naturel baking hot, both mean you can dehydrate quickly, so make sure that you increase your water intake to stave off dehydration and compensate the amount of energy expended while exercising.

Don’t have a water cooler? There is an easy solution. Contact AquAid’s experienced and professional in-house agents. We offer a free on-site survey to assess your water dispenser requirements and whether you are best served installing bottled or mainsfed water coolers.