AquAid’s Mains Fed Water Cooler Range: The Fusion

AquAid’s Mains Fed Water Cooler Range: The Fusion

Having the right water dispenser is vitally important. At AquAid we’re here to help guide you about which machine is right for your drinking water needs – Mains Fed or Bottle Fed? Floor Standing or Desktop?

It’s easy to see why the Floor Standing AquAid Fusion  is one of AquAid’s most popular water dispensers.

With an ultra-stylish design, this mains-fed cooler combines both chilled fresh and piping hot fresh water in one streamlined machine and is proving to be extremely popular in work spaces of up to 10-15 staff in meeting their requirements for both chilled and boiling water.

The on-trend dark graphite colour of the AquAid Fusion  makes it suitable for use in any area in the workplace, including your office, kitchen or factory; and the Hygiene Guard silver impregnated dispense tap reduces bacteria transfer and cross contamination.


Like the Fusion Floor Standing, but are short on space? Then the Desktop version is perfect for your requirements.  This streamlined dispenser requires a minimal 488mm(H) in height of countertop space and complements most work areas.  Once installed, the Fusion will easily dispense up to 18ℓ of chilled drinking water and up to 7 cups of boiling water.

This innovative machine also offers a host of other features: a proven energy consumption reduction of 25%; an integral cup dispenser, and the Hygiene Guard silver impregnated dispense tap reduces bacteria transfer and cross contamination.

Installation and servicing

Not only do we provide top quality water coolers such as the Fusion, we also install and service the machines for you.  All of our machines are installed by our EDWCA accredited service technicians and as per the EDWCA guidelines; we sanitise all mains-fed water dispensers every 6 months.

For all your water and water cooler requirements, contact us at AquAid today. With over 20 years of experience and more than 22 branches nationwide, we’re perfectly positioned to provide you with the right water dispenser to meet your drinking water requirements.

Why a Mains Fed Water Cooler is right for your requirements

Why a Mains Fed Water Cooler is right for your requirements

Knowing which type of water cooler is a good fit for your premises (or office, or medical facility or learning institution) can be a little tricky. This article will help demystify the options and point you to the right cooler.

AquAid has more than 20 years’ experience in the provision of water dispensers and have installed over 28,000 Mains Fed machines throughout the UK.

From your first point of contact, whether it’s from our website, a phone call or a meeting with one of our friendly sales team, you will be dealing with an experienced member of the AquAid, who will be able to guide you in the correct type of water cooler for your requirements.

Why would you install a Mains Fed water cooler?

Mains Fed water dispensers are a cost effective alternative to bottled water machines. The average bottled water customer could save up to 70% by switching to a mains-fed cold water machine.

Not only this, a mains fed water cooler connects to your mains supply and uses a unique, high quality 1 micron water filtration system to deliver water that’s as refreshing and pure as water from bottle fed water coolers.

Select of our Mains Fed coolers also have the capacity to provide high volumes of both chilled and hot drinking water, all simply at the press of a button.

Where would you install a Mains Fed water dispenser?

Because a Mains Fed cooler has the capacity to generate large volumes of refreshing drinking water, the machines are best suited for installation in any large traffic areas such as:


Large corporate, Medical or Educational environments and

Larger kitchens and offices.

Will you need to service your cooler?

Not at all. Not only do these water coolers offer quality at good value; installing and maintaining them couldn’t be simpler, as our trained engineers take care of all installations and ongoing maintenance.

To find out more about the best Mains Fed water cooler to suit your requirements, contact us at AquAid, either via our contact page or on 0800 772 3003. We look forward to being able to assist you.

AquAid Water Health – Drinking water in summer – watch those kidneys!

AquAid Water Health – Drinking water in summer – watch those kidneys!

By now you may have noticed that at AquAid we’re more upbeat about things in general – we certainly don’t believe in being proponents of all things doom and gloom. That said, however, with decades of water provision under our belts, we’ve learnt a thing or two about how vitally important it is to keep yourself sufficiently hydrated, come rain or shine.

This may lead us to bang on a bit about the importance of drinking water, we know, but that’s because it really is that important – especially for your overall health and well-being.

So summer is here, and we’re all gadding about in our summer gear, the sun is shining, we’re hanging about outside during our breaks, shooting the breeze, soaking up the sun – and we may be a bit more inclined to forget about how much water we should be drinking.

Enter stage mid-section, a rather persistent, nagging pain in your lower back. And it gets worse. The next thing you know, the pain has ramped up from worrisome to excruciating.  Without realising it, by not drinking enough water, you may have kidney stones – and in the summer months, especially at the peak of summer in July – the incidences of kidney stones increase significantly:

According to Bhaskar Somani, associate professor of urology at the University of Southampton, and a consultant urological surgeon at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, “habitual non-drinkers of water” were at particular risk.

He spoke out following his team’s study of more than two million patients worldwide, which found a strong association between warm weather and kidney stone disease.

The research, which included data from Europe, Asia, the Middle East, New Zealand and America, showed there were more admissions in July – when the temperature was hottest at 25C or above – than any other month of the year.

“This is the largest study of kidney stone data and it shows a definite and strong link between warm weather and kidney stones, with most admissions occurring during July,” said Mr Somani, a senior author on the paper, which was published in the Journal of Endourology.

“Although a combination of obesity, poor hydration, high blood pressure and a lack of exercise is responsible for stone development, the current hot weather ahead of July could cause cases in England to rocket next month.”

Now, as we’ve already said, we’re rarely about bad news, however, we also believe that forewarned is forearmed. Also, the good news is that maintaining good health can really be as simple as keeping up your water intake, as mentioned, whatever the weather.

If you’d like to know more about how easy it is to ensure you keep yourself, your staff, or your school in tip top water condition, please speak to us at AquAid. We’d love to assist with all your water, bottled and mains fed water dispenser requirements.

How your Water Cooler helps with your Hydration and Fitness

How your Water Cooler helps with your Hydration and Fitness

We all intend to do the right thing when it comes to keeping fit, but often the demands of day-to-day life gets in the way. At AquAid Water Coolers we always want to help where we can to ensure that at the very least, you keep yourself well hydrated throughout your day, no matter your schedule.

If you’ve launched into a great keep fit regime with spring rearing its blooming head, here’s a bit of info that may help you on your get fit and keep hydrated journey:

Recognising dehydration

  • A large percentage of the UK population are chronically dehydrated. When was the last time that you actually drank more than one glass of water in a day? Keep in mind that the average adult should be drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water per day.
  • Dehydration occurs when more fluid leaves your body than is taken in. Symptoms include: fatigue, irritability, headaches and nausea.
  • Dehydration also slows your metabolism, which hinders your ability to exercise as well as the ability to lose weight.

Deposits and withdrawals

To avoid reaching the stage where you’re dehydrated, think of it in terms of deposits and withdrawals. It all comes down to how much water leaves your body. The logic is straight-forward, you have to maintain a water balance: How much water you excrete depends on many factors: age, gender, health, body mass, environmental conditions and physical activity all play a role. Right, now you have that sorted, put these ideas into action:

Get moving 

Even if you feel sluggish and low in energy, make the effort to do 20-30 minutes exercise daily. If you’re not that keen to participate in organised activities, a brisk walk around the block will be enough to energise you and reduce fatigue.

Sleep well

Make sure you get enough sleep.  Depending on your daily schedule and work hours, try to go to bed at the same time, do not eat or drink caffeine before going to bed and move the telly out of the bedroom.

Eat well

There are innumerable eating and weight loss plans and these can often hinder rather than help.

Whatever food plan you decide upon, again logic dictates: in order to function, your body needs fuel, so try to ensure that your food fuel consists of a balanced diet.

If you’re prone to the ‘quick fix’ when eating, which usually consist of processed and sugar rich food and drinks, the good news is if you step up and start drinking enough water to keep yourself hydrated, you will feel fuller and the temptation to sate your appetite as quickly as possible, will lessen.

Make use of your water cooler!

As you begin your happy and healthy get fit plan, having a bottle fed or mains fed water cooler  wherever you are at work could honestly not make drinking water easier for you. There’s also the added advantage of you being able to get through your work day much more easily as studies have proven that taking even a five minute break to stretch out and walk to replenish your water makes a significant difference on your performance and well-being.

Water in Schools – Does your children’s school promote the drinking of water?

Water in Schools – Does your children’s school promote the drinking of water?

*Various campaigns and studies to do with schools and drinking water conducted over the last decade or so have produced a mixed bag of results.

What is clear though: a hydrated child is a much happier child. This fact, combined with you as the parents leading by example and the schools ensuring that drinking water is readily available, makes for a more holistic approach to hydration.

It boosts learning

  • The key to boosting the capacity to learn is to keep well hydrated throughout the day.
  • When we are thirsty, mental performance including memory, attention and concentration can decrease by around 10%. Pupils concentrate better because they are not distracted by the effects of dehydration such as thirst, tiredness and irritability.
  • Children will achieve more when both their health and learning needs are met. Ensuring free access to water and promoting a regular water intake throughout the school day is a vital role for schools in promoting health and providing a healthy learning environment.

It’s healthy!

  • Drinking adequate amounts of water regularly throughout the day can protect health and contribute to well-being.
  • Drinking sufficient water can help prevent a range of short and long-term health problems that stem from dehydration such as lethargy; dizziness; constipation; headaches and bladder, kidney and bowel problems.
  • Water has none of the health problems associated with drinks containing sugar, additives, sweeteners, acids or caffeine.


  • By keeping yourself hydrated, you teach your children good drinking habits. 
  • By checking that your children’s school has ablutions that you would use and that there are sufficient drinking points (not only in the toilets), you’re working your way towards ensuring that your children are able to easily hydrate while at school.

And for the school?

  • Various studies have shown that schools that lead by example and encourage their children to keep hydrated show a marked improvement in overall attention given as well as learning capabilities.
  • A child who is not irritable because of dehydration means that teachers are able to better teach their pupils.

At AquAid, being involved in the provision of water for more than 20 years, we know that keeping hydrated is of vital importance. To this end, we continue to ensure that we provide the right water dispensers to meet the hydration requirements when installing our water coolers into schools, gyms and learning centres across the country.

When AquAid install a water cooler in a school or learning facility, individual water bottles are also supplied to encourage the children to fill their water bottles throughout the day.

Our water coolers can either be Mains Fed for large schools where the water consumption is high, or Bottle Fed for schools where there are no water mains close to a particular area.

*Updated from a blog posted 11 March 2013

Ten (Five) Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part II

Ten (Five) Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part II

  1. Low Maintenance

You don’t need to worry about tedious maintenance and upkeep with a new water cooler. Unlike most appliances, they are very easy to maintain. Most units only require that you keep the dispenser or dispensing area clean. This usually means emptying the drip tray as needed. Aside from this, you don’t need to worry – all our sanitation engineers and delivery drivers have undertaken mandatory hygiene training and we automatically sanitise all bottle-fed water dispensers every 3 months and all mains-fed water dispensers every 6 months.

  1. Features and Accessories

All AquAid Water Coolers offer features and options to best suit where they’re installed. For example, we assess whether you should be installing a bottle fed or mains fed water cooler and will recommend accordingly.  A drinking chart is provided to illustrate how much water you should be drinking every day. For school installations, AquAid provide individual water bottles for the children.

  1. Convenient Water with a Pure Fresh Taste

With a water cooler, you can enjoy the convenience of having on-demand water whenever you want it. The water is pure, fresh and great tasting. Our bottled water is sourced from natural springs from three locations around the UK and our mains fed coolers have advanced filtration systems providing you with clean, fresh drinking water. Best of all you’ll enjoy not having to bring your own bottled water purchased from stores every day as you’ll have access to water all day.

  1. Charitable Aspect

Imagine that by your drinking water you’re benefitting those in need, and then speak to us because this is something that AquAid do. For each water cooler purchased and bottle of spring water that we deliver, a donation is made to the charities that we’ve supported since AquAid began.

  1. Drink More Water

Many people that install water coolers for themselves, their staff, children, patients and customers find that they drink more water because it’s readily available. This means that you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle because you are drinking the recommended amount of water per day.

Whatever your water cooler requirements are, AquAid have more than twenty years of experience in the provision of the right water cooler for your work space – wherever you’re situated and whatever space you occupy throughout England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.