Ten to Six Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part I

Ten to Six Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part I

  1. Eco-Friendly

By using a water cooler dispenser, you are helping to protect our environment. We use billions of individual plastic water bottles each year and millions end up in our rubbish each day. By drinking water from a reusable water bottle and refilling our water bottles with a water cooler, we can significantly reduce this number. This means that you can still enjoy the convenience of having water with you at all times and be safe in the knowledge that you are lessening the harmful impact on the environment.

  1. Saves money

While the upfront cost of purchasing a water cooler can be a bit more costly initially, over time you can expect to see significant savings. Water coolers offer an economical way to drink more water. Instead of purchasing many disposable water bottles, you can save money by buying large bottles for your dispenser. If you’re using a mains fed water cooler dispenser, you can also expect to see significant savings.

  1. Perfect Temperature

Attractive Appearance
Many water dispensers come with hot and cold water taps. The cold water is perfect for a refreshing glass of water. The hot water tap offers a quick and convenient way to make tea, coffee, soup, hot chocolate or tea. Some units also come with a room temperature water tap for added convenience.

When most of us imagine a water cooler, we only picture a white plastic unit that isn’t the most appealing and won’t complement our kitchen, reception or office areas. Fortunately, this stereotype is no longer true. AquAid’s range of water coolers are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and materials.  Common finishes include black, white, silver and stainless steel.

  1. Perfect Size

If you’re concerned about where you would put a new water cooler, you don’t need to worry. Water coolers come in several shapes and sizes, so you can choose a unit that’s sure to fit perfectly in your space. Common models include a free-standing water cooler or a desktop (countertop) water cooler. Free-standing units are typically larger and are better suited for use in areas where there is more floor space. In contrast, desktop (countertop) water dispensers are usually more compact and are ideal for use in smaller spaces.

Look out for Part II to read about the other benefits a water cooler brings for you.

AquAid Water Coolers give you more

AquAid Water Coolers give you more

When you’re looking to purchase a water cooler for your workspace, speak to us at AquAid. Here’s why:

  • We have 24 years of experience in the provision of water coolers
  • AquAid is local to you. We have 29 depots throughout England, Ireland and Scotland. This means we’re able to attend to and action your requests; orders; deliveries and queries faster and as each AquAid branch knows their customers, they are able to provide a more efficient service.
  • As we have considerably more  than any other water cooler company, this also means far less diesel is used delivering our water, thus minimising our carbon emissions.
  • As a business, we are always cognisant of the impact on our environment and continuously strive to minimise our carbon footprint. These efforts include switching over to paperless billing systems (e-mail invoicing) through to giving our customers the best advice when it comes to whether you should be installing a mains-fed or bottle-fed water cooler to suit your drinking water needs.
  • We place a high importance on corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this vein, since the inception of the AquAid business, we have collaborated with charities that provide sustainable solutions to poverty and aid in emergency relief where needed.
  • This means by using AquAid as your water cooler supplier you are bringing life changing solutions and creating better futures to some of the world’s neediest families.
  • An added bonus of these charitable donations is that your participation is generally passive – the donations we make to both The Africa Trust and Christian Aid stems from our water cooler sales. We do, however, encourage our customers through various campaigns, to spread the word about how your water cooler purchases are making a substantial difference in others’ lives.

Telephone us on 0800 772 3003 or contact us at our website today to find out more about how we can provide you with our tailor made water cooler solutions.


Why Water Coolers in the Workplace are Essential – Part I

Why Water Coolers in the Workplace are Essential – Part I

We all know how important it is to remain properly hydrated. Many studies over the years have dealt with the adverse effects of dehydration, how it affects cognitive and mental performance, while also causing mood disturbances – not to mention the fact that from a physiological point of view, we simply could not survive for more than a few days without water. But we often underestimate the significance of hydration in the work environment, where performance is key – which is why water coolers are for many, and should be for others, an essential component to ensuring staff productivity.

Statistics from 2004 show that illness absence (with 168 million working days lost) costs UK employers a staggering £12b a year. It was noted that good hydration contributes to workers’ health and safety, and that even mild levels of dehydration adversely affected performance. The importance then of providing drinking water, whether in the form of drinking fountains or water coolers, to ensure staff members remain properly hydrated has not been lost on many of the more responsible industry sectors.

In 2007 the Royal College of Nursing published a Hydration Best Practice Toolkit – the aim was to better inform employees across the various health care fields, how important it was to remain properly hydrated and what the benefits were of drinking enough water. Of the many fact-sheets included in the toolkit, one is particularly pertinent, because it looked specifically at the importance of Water in the Workplace and how that affects productivity – a key performance indicator for any business.

Let’s begin with what constitutes good hydration. The amount we should be drinking each day depends on a number of factors, but there is an ideal range dependant on gender – if you’re male, you should be frequenting water coolers more often than women, because you need between 1.2 and 3 litres of water per day, while women need less – between 1.2 and 2.2 litres.

According to the fact-sheet, these are some of the early signs of dehydration:

Light-headedness, dizziness, tiredness, irritability, headache, sunken features (particularly the eyes), flushed skin, heat intolerance, dry mouth, throat and eyes, and skin that is loose and lacks elasticity. There may be a burning sensation in the stomach, urine output will be reduced, and may appear darker than usual.

Throughout the day we lose water from our bodies in a variety of ways: urine, evaporation from our lungs and skin when we breathe, perspiration, and a small amount is lost in faeces. Environmental factors also play a part in how much water we lose each day, and our bodies only perform efficiently if we restore the water balance. Check over here In order to do so we need to be vigilant about consuming fluids and there needs to be easy access to drinking water throughout the day. In Part II of this two-part blog series we take a closer look at the health and performance benefits of remaining hydrated, and how that benefits productivity during the work day. In the interim, for a wide variety of high-quality water coolers, whether Bottled or Mains Fed, whether to buy or rent, call AquAid today.

Water Coolers on demand

Water Coolers on demand

AquAid has been in the business of providing water coolers for near on two decades. This means we have a wealth of experience in fulfilling your water and water cooler requirements, ranging from:

AquAid provide water coolers and services to more than 30 000 customers throughout England, Ireland and Scotland.

We continue to ensure the provision of the correct water cooler solutions to our customers, coupled with services that include;

Fortnightly delivery plus our exclusive emergency next day delivery, free of charge;

Ongoing water cooler maintenance by AquAid trained and experienced engineers;

Keeping your AquAid local and in doing so, keeping it ‘green’.

There are 29 AquAid depots across the length and breadth of the UK. This means a smaller carbon footprint in the delivery of our water coolers, bottled water deliveries and your water cooler maintenance.

If you’d like more information on AquAid Water Coolers, our range of products and services that we offer, please either contact us here or telephone us on 0800 772 3003 – we be delighted to assist you.