Groundwater – World Water Day 2022

Groundwater – World Water Day 2022

The theme for World Water Day 2022 is Groundwater.

From the World Water Day website:

  • Groundwater is invisible, but its impact is visible everywhere.
  • Out of sight, under our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives
  • Almost all of the liquid freshwater in the world is groundwater.
  • As climate change gets worse, groundwater will become more and more critical.
  • We need to work together to sustainably manage this precious resource.
  • Groundwater may be out of sight, but it must not be out of mind.

The good news is that even if you are not directly involved in this year’s World Water Day, as an AquAid customer, you are already helping with the continued implementation of sustainable water projects utilising ground water, to provide potable water, water to grow crops and water for productive use for thousands of communities in water poor regions across Africa.

With each Mains Fed Water Cooler installation and every bottle of water purchased, we donate a portion of those sales to the charities we have supported for more than twenty-three years: Christian Aid, since 1998 and The Africa Trust – an AquAid founded charity – since 2010.

If you are not yet an AquAid customer, but appreciate how we work, we will be more than happy to help introduce you to our range of water dispensers, Touch-Free water coolers and water boilers.

AquAid – How does Hydration Aid Education?

AquAid – How does Hydration Aid Education?

With 24 January being International Day of Education, we thought it important to highlight an often overlooked yet crucial solution which aids children’s education.

Dehydration in children can be difficult to spot

Most children show no obvious visible signs of dehydration, as symptoms such as lethargy, irritability and lack of concentration may be considered normal during class, more often in the afternoon however, we now know that these signs may be due, at least in part, to the effects of dehydration.

The brain cannot store water

No matter the age of the schoolgoer, learning requires the brain’s engagement. Because the brain has no way to store water, drinking water continually throughout the day is vital. When the body loses more water than is being replaced, dehydration occurs and brain function can be affected.

However, when the brain is operating with plenty of water, children are able to have greater clarity, creativity, focus and quicker thought processes.

Well-maintained hydration can boost learning

When we are thirsty, mental performance including memory, attention and concentration can decrease by up to 15 percent. Children are better able to concentrate as they are not as distracted by dehydration effects such as thirst, tiredness and irritability.

The role of nurseries, schools and learning centres

Children will achieve more when both their health and learning needs are met. Ensuring free access to water and promoting a regular water intake throughout the school day is a vital role for schools in promoting health and providing a healthy learning environment.

For more than two decades, AquAid has been involved in campaigns spearheading the importance of drinking water. We understand a hydrated child is a much happier child. Consequently, we have always encouraged our school customers to provide readily available drinking water for both the children and the entire school contingent.

Drawing from our wide range of high quality water dispensers, we offer a selection of Mains-Fed water coolers for large schools where the water consumption is high as well as Bottle-Fed water coolers for either smaller educational facilities or where there are no water mains available at a drinking water area.

We provide Touch-Free water coolers. Our water coolers are equipped with anti-bacterial taps for increased hygienic water dispensing and various drainage options to reduce overflow and spillage wherever possible.

Moreover, to help create and instil better hydration habits, we also offer free refillable drinking water bottles and free school posters to help keep water top of mind during the school day.

Drinking Water Stations at School – AquAid’s Touch Free Water Dispensers

Drinking Water Stations at School – AquAid’s Touch Free Water Dispensers

Schools are back and with the new terms, we’re hopefully heading for warmer weather. This means our children are more active and consequently, the need to have easy access to drinking water throughout the school day.

The good news here is school water coolers are pretty much de rigeur in schools across the U.K.

According to the British Nutrition Foundation, the amount of fluid a child needs depends on many factors including age, gender, weather and how much physical activity they get but generally children should aim to have six to eight drinks per day which should ideally be water (on top of the water provided by food in the diet).

Younger children need relatively small servings (e.g. 150ml per drink) and older children need larger servings (e.g. 250-300ml per drink).

Children should be encouraged to sip fluids at regular intervals throughout the day – often children drink fluids at the end of the day when dehydration has already begun.

Practical tips that help children to keep hydrated

  • Ensure children have a drink before school i.e. with breakfast, and during breaks/playtime. An effective method to kick-start good hydration habits is to lead by example. If you as an adult, parent or guardian are seen to be drinking water often, your children will soon pick up the habit – young children love to emulate what mom or dad is doing. Moreover, you’re doing not just your kids but yourself a favour too.
  • During current circumstances, parents may not be able to tour the school. Ask if the school – especially if it’s a new school – can advise how many water cooler stations are on the premises and if these can be shown to the child, so they are easily able to top up their water bottles or drink water between classes.
  • It’s worth remembering that many foods have a high water content and can contribute to fluid intake. i.e. fruit, vegetables, soup, yogurt.

At AquAid, we supply Water Dispensers specifically designed to suit the school environment, including the recent addition of our wide range of Touch-Free Water Coolers. These dispensers, equipped with anti-bacterial taps and various drainage options to reduce overflow and spillage also feature contact-free dispense points thereby ensuring a safe, hygienic and constant supply of fresh drinking water throughout the day.

Chilled Water? Cool Water? Hot Water? Which water cooler do I need?

Chilled Water? Cool Water? Hot Water? Which water cooler do I need?

Deciding on a water cooler for your organisation’s drinking water requirements may seem a daunting task. Should you opt for a Bottle-Fed or Mains-Fed dispenser? What capacity? Do you need a constant supply of chilled, cool or hot water? Or both chilled and hot?

At AquAid, we are able to alleviate such concerns easily. By utilising our twenty-three years of operational experience and drawing on the expertise from our twenty-three localised branches we are able to provide our customers with the very best solution in which of our range of high quality water dispensers will best meet your drinking water requirements.

A few examples:

Bottled Water Coolers are ideal where portable water or a mains water supply is unavailable. Depending on the dispenser, the bottles can hold two, three or five gallons of water.

Mains Fed Water Coolers provide an unlimited amount of fresh and cooled water coupled with a fixed price. The average bottled water customer could save up to 70% by switching to one of these mains-fed cool water machines.

We have also introduced a range of Touch Free Water Coolers, available in both Bottle-Fed and Mains-Fed watercoolers and boilers. Demand for these non-contact water dispensers has increased significantly, as more organisations create work bubbles thereby ensuring safe, convenient access to a constant supply of refreshing drinking water.

Our water cooler experts will also guide you on the perfect fit, irrespective of the size and location of your organisation. For all your drinking water requirements throughout the year, speak to us at AquAid Water Coolers.

Why the Emphasis on Water Dispensers in Schools?

Why the Emphasis on Water Dispensers in Schools?

Dehydration is serious for all of us, but not more so than to our children.  Children, especially those younger than ten, are often unaware of the need to drink water regularly and will only do so when they are already thirsty. By this time, their cognitive function is already reduced, by up to 20%. This loss of function affects their ability to concentrate, assimilate information as well as easily perform both mentally and physically.

Here, at AquAid, we understand how vital it is to have easy access to a constant supply of drinking water throughout the school day. This is why we have made sure that we have a range of high quality water coolers available, specifically designed to cater for a high demand of refreshing water on a continual basis.

High capacity water dispensers like the AquAid Hydrator. Designed specifically for use in schools and high usage areas, this mainsfed unit can supply up to 40ℓ of cold drinking water per hour.

Another suitable option is the AquAid Ecofill Touch-Free water dispenser; offering a host of features that include a non-contact dispense point; large bottle clearance height; ‘Freshield’ anti-microbial components and electricity free function.

The AquAid Hydrator and AquAid Ecofill Touch-Free are but two examples of a range of suitable water dispensers ensuring children have easy access to drinking water.

After all, a properly hydrated child means a healthier and happier child – more able to pay attention in class, a better capacity to learn while having sufficient (but not sugar-filled) energy to get through the day.

Not sure which water cooler is best for your school’s requirements? Not to worry, contact us at AquAid and one of our experts will guide you to establish the optimum water cooler for use at your school, gym or play area.

Water Cooler Health: How Listening is Good for You

Water Cooler Health: How Listening is Good for You

It comes as no surprise that there are many of us who are experiencing increased eyestrain over the last few (years) months.

The catchphrase ‘Netflix and chill’ has taken on an entirely new meaning (and a probably one is that more apt); we have our eyes glued to screens without a break for countless hours – all of which is understandable considering current circumstances.

Eventually though, we reach a point of critical overload, with our brains fizzing and our eyes burning as we binge watch yet another series, all seasons of our favourite shows from before, every conceivable YouTube channel saved to Watch Later – it all becomes a bit much.

The good news is there is a wonderful solution – one where you can rest your weary peepers – relax (or not) and still feel a little more involved and engaged with the world ‘out there’.

Listening. Yep, that’s it. Just listen. Your choice of listening material is entirely yours. Whether you prefer the soothing tones of meditative audio, the evocative story telling of your favourite books, read by some of the best voices in the business (a personal favourite being Stuart MacBride narrating books he wrote) or audio of nature at her best, listening instead of listening and watching can be a tonic for your eyes, body and soul.

Of course, we wouldn’t be us if we didn’t sneak in a mention about one of the simplest routes to better health – yep, you guessed it: wherever you are, whatever you’re doing (or not doing), make sure you drink enough water. We say this as proper hydration is key to good cognitive and all over body function.

While you head out (figuratively, not literally) on your listening journey, it’s good to bear in mind that at AquAid, we continue to operate responsibly. Whether you need your Bottle-Fed water cooler topped up, a delivery of refreshing bottled water or want to install the latest from our range of Touch-Free Water Coolers, contact us. We’re listening.