Water Cooler Wonder

Water Cooler Wonder

How do you know which water cooler is right for you?

At first glance, this does seem rather like a tacky romance type quote assigning such human importance to the relationship between you and the water giver. If we look a later deeper however, you will find that establishing which water cooler is the right fit is extremely important for a number of reasons.

This week we’re introducing you to one of the big boys – the mains fed water coolers.

High Capacity Point of Use (POU) Water Coolers

If you employ a large number of staff or ru­n point of use water coolers in schools, you may find that your coolers are frequently running out of cold water.  AquAid’s high capacity point of use water cooler, plumbed into your mains supply, uses a special 11 litre cold water reservoir, almost 4 times larger than other plumbed in systems.

This extra-large reservoir, completely unique to AquAid, has been specially designed for point of use water dispensers that serve a large number of people. These high capacity water coolers mean you’ll not only avoid storing large numbers of water bottles, you can make sure your point of use water dispenser never run out again.


  1) Available as either Hot and Cold or Cold and Room Temperature
  2) High quality stainless steel tank
  3) Adjustable ther­mostat for accurate temperature control
  4) Noiseless circuit in compact design
  5) Function indicating LED lamps
  6) 11ℓ cold water reservoir
  7) 3.0ℓ hot water reservoir
  8) Also has UV option
  9) Can be installed in no time
  10) Perfect for high traffic areas where a large quantity of water is consumed on a daily basis
  11) Filters and cleans your tap water to ensure that is safe and at the same time it can cool or heat the water for you 

So there you have it, introduction made. Any other questions, just ask. We’ll be delighted to assist. Because we’re cool (hyuk) like that.

A mains fed water cooler in your office : 5 good reasons to get one

A mains fed water cooler in your office : 5 good reasons to get one

1. You won’t run out of water

Bottled water coolers quickly run dry with heavy demand, and water suppliers are limited to the number of bottles you are able to store. With a Mains Fed system, this problem is easily solved, as it is connected to your building’s water supply. This gives you an endless supply of healthy, filtered water. AquAid’s high capacity point of use coolers even boast a unique 11 litre cold water reservoir.

2. It’s convenient

Storage of bottles can become a hassle if not stored correctly with adequate space, but with a Mains Fed cooler you don’t need to worry about this, as there are no bulky bottles involved. Its design is compact and clever, and you won’t even notice that it’s there due to its noiseless circuit. Your admin time will be reduced too as there’s usually just one annual invoice to deal with.

3. It offers choice

Most Mains Fed coolers offer both a hot/cold option, so your employees can enjoy unlimited cups of coffee, or refreshing glasses of water. Some also have an additional choice of ‘room temperature’. Still not quite right? An adjustable thermostat can even control how hot or cold you want your drink.

4. It’s hygienic

Although Mains Fed water coolers are connected to your building’s water supply, that doesn’t mean you’ll be drinking from the tap. Everyone knows that tap water contains various chemicals, so the Mains Fed system goes through a thorough ‘Doultron’ filtration process. The high quality stainless steel tank and UV option also ensure cleanliness.

5. Your money will go further

Studies show that a Mains Fed cooler will save you up to 70% in water bills! Your money will also go towards a good cause, as £20 is donated to The Africa Trust for every Mains Fed Water cooler installation. The Africa Trust concentrates on job creation in the developing world.

Benefits of Water – Pregnancy Part 3

It is amazing what water can do for expecting mothers. For everything from reducing headaches, cramps, dehydration and constipation, water is the answer.

Most pregnant women suffer from headaches caused by a lack of sufficient water intake. Many expecting moms tend to forget that they need to increase their water intake during their pregnancy. There are many positive and important reasons to increase your water intake during pregnancy and most important must be for the proper development of your unborn child. Water is the most important building block in any living cell, more so in the developing cells of babies and young children. Water is required to transport nutrients and supplements to every cell of the body, from the brain to the intestines and skin.

In infants it is important because it ensures that all the muscles, brain cells and bones are developing correctly and as required. In the expecting mother, the water aids to reduce cramping and water retention. The more water you drink, the less your body tends to store of it. So ladies suffering from water retention often just have to increase their water intake to cure them of this problem. Another frustrating and embarrassing problem that many expecting moms have to suffer with is constipation. This is more often than not caused by dehydration and the body struggling to get sufficient water to function. The digestive system is one of the first areas where the body will remove water from when it is needed, leading to constipation and stomach cramps.

As many pregnant women tend to need the loo every ten minutes, they forget that that is all water that needs to be replaced. The key to drinking sufficient water every day is to keep track of your water intake. Water coolers are a great way to keep track of your water consumption as you are able to see the water level of the water bottle. Another more accurate way of keeping water with you while keeping track of your water intake it to carry a water bottle with you at all times. Fill it from your water cooler every time you head out of your home or office and you will never have to suffer again.

Benefits of bottled water

There are many advantages of having a water cooler in your home, office or education building. Some of the best advantages of drinking enough water every day are that you will actually improve you mental and physical abilities.

One of the biggest selling points for water coolers is that they can actually enhance the performance of staff members, students and athletes by up to 30%. By drinking enough water every day, our bodies and especially our brains perform at their best, allowing you to work for longer without getting tired or forgetful. Many businesses and schools are now installing water coolers to ensure that their staff or students have the best opportunity to drink enough water every day.

Some schools are even encouraging their students to carry small water bottles with them to ensure that they always have water close at hand. Being properly hydrated increases not just your learning ability, but also your concentration. Many children are considered hyperactive or problem children because they have difficulty sitting still or concentrating. The sad reality is that their diets are more often than not the main reason for the children not being able to focus or sit still for more than two seconds. The amount of sugars and preservatives that they take in every day from sweets and fizzy cool drinks, are shockingly high. Some fizzy cool drinks have more than two cups of sugar in a single litre or fluid. That’s the equivalent to having half a cup of sugar for every cup of fluid. Would you add half a cup of sugar to your coffee? I seriously doubt it!

Encourage your child to drink more water and healthy, sugar free drinks and watch the difference. Just by installing a water cooler in your school or home, you can increase your students or child’s learning abilities and future for ever. Water coolers offer cool, fresh and healthy water and with the free delivery and ease of installation that companies like AquAid offer, there is no reason to delay installing one immediately. Their water is bottled using naturally filtered and chemical free water from the springs at Godlingston Manor. Perfect for you and everyone you care about.

Why drink Water

Not a day passes without us being  told to drink enough water. But what are some of the reasons we are told this every day? How important is water to our daily lives? The simple answer is that without water our bodies will not survive a few days.

Water is the biggest component in our bodies, making up almost 80% of all the tissues and cells. There are many advantages of drinking sufficient water very day, and with the summer just about to start warming the days, it is important to ensure that you drink more water on these warmer days. Drinking enough water will help to increase your metabolism and your digestion. These two advantages lead to a third and that is weight loss. Our bodies need water during digestion to flush out all the unwanted by-products and toxins that can increase your risk of weight gain.

Water is also the biggest regulator of body heat and keeping hydrated will insure that you feel more comfortable and energetic. One of the biggest benefits of drinking enough water is that it will make you look and feel younger for longer in your life. The reason for this is that your skin loses flexibility and elasticity that your younger skin had due to age, exposure to the sun and dehydration. Drinking enough water aids in reducing all those ageing signs. It will increase the water levels in your skin and allow it to rejuvenate itself. Sufficient water intake will ensure you feel younger by keeping your joints and muscles protected and allowing you better ease of movement.

There are many ways to ensure that you are always correctly hydrated, but the best is to install a water cooler in your home, office, factory or place of learning. This will ensure that water is always close at hand and easily available when you need it. Drink a glass of water each time you walk near the water cooler and you will be surprised at the advantages you will start to feel almost immediately.

Water Saves Lives

We all enjoy a cool refreshing glass of water on a warm day, and there is no better source for cool, clean and fresh water than from a top quality water cooler, like the water coolers that AquAid supply and install. But have you stopped and thought for a second as to the amount of people who might not have water available at the push of a button?

Thankfully for all of us, companies like AquAid have. They are aware of the needs and demands of thousands of under privileged people in under developed and third world nations across the globe. To ensure that they are able to assist those people with clean, fresh and safe water, AquAid is donating a large portion of their profits to assist charities in supplying those needy individuals with safe drinking water. For every water cooler that is installed, or bottle of water that is replaced in a home, office or school, AquAid donates a percentage of their profit to either Christian Aid or The Africa Trust. In the last few years, they have donated over £6million to assist close to 2 million struggling people to have access to clean and safe water.

In Africa alone more people die each year from contaminated water than from any of the civil wars raging across the continent. The biggest killer is cholera and diarrhoea. These are often found in the contaminated water sources that people are forced to drink from. In many instances, communities have to share their water with their livestock, leading to more contaminated water and higher risks of sickness and death. The biggest cause of death is from dehydration caused by these diseases, and with insufficient safe drinking water to aid the sick individuals, and the biggest majority is young children, they are left to struggle for their lives.

Luckily for these individuals, AquAid is providing safe water sources that has safe the lives of countless children and families. So next time you have a sip of your water, ask yourself if your water supplier is doing something to help others. By simply drinking the water that AquAid supplies, you are saving lives.