Eight Advantages of Installing a Hot Water Boiler

Eight Advantages of Installing a Hot Water Boiler

Hot water boilers are a terrific way to get instant hot water without having to wait for a kettle to boil. They are the perfect option for any busy premises or organisation where people need quick access to hot water for tea, coffee or indeed, any hot drinks.
Convenience. Hot water is dispensed at the touch of a button or slight handle rotation, making it faster and easier than waiting for a kettle to boil.

Energy efficient. Hot water boiler dispensers are more energy efficient than kettles as they only heat the water needed, rather than heating a whole kettle of water at once.

Safety. Every hot water boiler has a built-in safety mechanism which prevents overheating, making them safer than a boiling kettle.

Space-saving. As a hot water boiler can be installed under a counter or in a cupboard, a substantial amount of surface area or countertop space can be saved.

Versatility: From teas, coffees, hot chocolate through to soups, pasta and ramen, dispensing piping hot water from a hot water boiler broadens your hot water drink options.

Installing a hot water dispenser also provides other, unseen, advantages too:

Increased productivity. Having instant access to hot water can help you to be more productive, as there’s no time wasted waiting for the kettle to boil.

Reduces stress levels. Making a cup of tea or coffee can be a relaxing way to take a break from work or studies. Having instant access to hot water can make this process even more enjoyable, as although you’re taking a break, you’re still not needing to wait for a kettle to boil.

Saves money. Hot water boiler dispensers offer significant savings. More energy-efficient than kettles, they also help reduce water bills.

With a range of stylish finishes to complement any environment, AquAid hot water dispensers provide instant boiling water for staff, customers and visitors alike.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow (but keep drinking water)

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow (but keep drinking water)

Yes, I am aware that’s a Christmas song. Yes, I’m aware we’re well into the first month of 2025. Thing of it is, it’s a great song and despite the festive season being a fond but distant memory, I’m still singing it inside my head. Also, with the current weather we’re having, it has a few lyrics that are quite applicable:

“Oh, the weather outside is frightful …” “But the fire is so delightful” “Man it doesn’t show signs of stoppin’”

“And I brought me some corn for poppin’”

Popcorn is good; fibre rich and fine to eat. Just try not to go overboard on the salt or butter.

If you’re the adventurous type, braving the snow and building snowmen, more power to you! But remember that even in cold weather, it’s easy to get dehydrated.

A few things that can contribute to dehydration of which you may not be aware are:

Physical activity. Even indoor exercise can make you sweat.

Not wearing a hat. This can lead to heat loss and dehydration.

Reduced water intake. You might naturally drink less water when it’s cold.

No matter how you’re enjoying (or enduring!) the winter weather, staying hydrated is key. To help you keep drinking water, hot or cold, top of mind, there’s a simple solution. Install a water cooler or hot water boiler from AquAid. You’re most welcome.

AquAid Water Boilers – the best in productivity preparation

AquAid Water Boilers – the best in productivity preparation

Being spontaneous is all fair and well enough in certain aspects of our lives: switching up where you take your holiday or buying a neon lime-green cover for your iPhone or Android where you usually opt for a matt black.

When it comes to your pocket, health and well-being though, preparation and planning is usually the wiser choice. ‘Be prepared’ after all is the call sign of the Scouts and Guides and who doesn’t appreciate a person who’s prepared for any eventuality.

It’s the same when it comes to your colder weather drinking water habits. In this regard, though, you needn’t worry: AquAid have you coolered as well as boilered.

But are there real benefits to installing an AquAid Water Boiler? As it turns out, there are plenty, but for the purposes of this article, we’re highlighting just a few:

A water boiler is extremely cost effective, both from an operational and time-saving perspective.  Many hours of productivity are lost waiting for the kettle to boil.

The water is kept at the optimum temperature, safe enough that it won’t scald, but hot enough to brew up your preferred hot drink.

Depending on your requirements, whether you choose the smaller AquAid Eco Compact Water Boiler, ranging all the way up to the larger AquAid Eco Wall Fit LargeFlow Water Boiler, each machine in in AquAid’s high-quality range is designed so that you get the most out of your water boiler.

With the cooler weather now upon us and the temperatures dropping as we head towards the end of the year; it makes good sense to install the right-fit water boiler in your premises as soon as possible – wherever your location or whatever size your workspace.

Chat to us at AquAid today.

Why Water Coolers are Vital to Work Well-Being

Why Water Coolers are Vital to Work Well-Being

Today it is increasingly common to find one if not more water cooler stations in the workplace. Aside from the more obvious – making sure everyone has access to drinking water – there are several positives that not only benefit everyone but the organisation as a whole.

Why? Because keeping employees hydrated creates a set of positive outcomes, all of benefit to the entire workplace.

Crucial for physical well-being. *Dehydration can lead to an array of physical discomforts, including fatigue, muscle cramps and headaches. In particularly demanding work environments, such as construction sites or manufacturing facilities, the risk of heat-related illnesses significantly rises when employees are not adequately hydrated.

Promoting hydration at work is not just about comfort but also about ensuring the safety and well-being of your employees. By providing access to clean drinking water and encouraging regular hydration breaks, employers can reduce the risk of on-the-job accidents and promote a healthier work environment.

Increased productivity and cognitive function. Two primary negatives of dehydration are reduced cognitive ability which leads to reduced productivity. Providing your workforce easy access to a water replenishment station is the simplest and most direct route to ensuring good hydration habits.

Morale and mood boosting. Irritability, mood swings and increased stress levels are often indicators of dehydration.  This can result in decreased job satisfaction and an inharmonious work environment, all which can severely affect productivity and well-being. By encouraging hydration, employers can contribute towards the improved moral and mood boosting of every individual at the workplace.

It therefore makes sense to make use of a well-established organisation with decades of experience in the supply and installation of high-quality water coolers. Be that mainsfed, bottled water coolers, hot water boilers and bottled water deliveries, AquAid are proud to be of service to more than 34,000 customers across the U.K.

*source – from an article at Corporate Wellness Magazine

How Drinking Hot Water contributes to our Health, Hydration & Happiness

How Drinking Hot Water contributes to our Health, Hydration & Happiness

We’re not referring to being in hot water, mind, rather we’re referring to how drinking hot water (and most derivatives thereof) in cold weather boosts our sense of well-being, makes us happy, helps us maintain good hydration habits and as a consequence contributes towards our health too.

Mind how you go. As with anything that you ingest or consume that purports to be healthy, there’s usually a proviso. Of course there is. That’s why we’re not suggesting that you can drink as many of those marshmallow topped, cream laden hot chocolates as you like and still be in the peak of health, but we are stating that by drinking hot water drinks (not just hot water) you will achieve more than just one goal – you’ll warm yourself up, increasing your body temperature; you’ll feel  comforted which increases your sense of well-being and if you’re drinking the right hot drinks, you’ll keep yourself hydrated, which means you’re maintaining your good health.

Don’t be fooled. Unless you were hibernating for the last few decades, you should no doubt be aware (by now) that sugar-free doesn’t equal better health.  In fact, the ‘cheat sweeteners’ can be as bad for your waistline if not worse than could good old granulated sugar. If it tastes oddly synthetic, chances are it usually is.

What’s left, then? Quite a bit actually. Here are a few ideas to keep your precious little self hydrated, your tummy warm; and you fighting fit this winter:

  • Install either a hot and cold water cooler or a hot water boiler at your premises. Visit it, often.
  • Once you’ve installed your hot water maker, speak to those around you – ask them what hot water drinks they enjoy which don’t pack on the pounds.
  • Go exploring. Virtually of course. You’ll find plenty of benefits arising from good hydration habits and a number of tips about hot water drinks at the AquAid Water Coolers blog There’s plenty to choose from, each which will hopefully inspire your hot water drinks journey.

However you choose to warm up when the weather is cooler, we wish you happy hydration health.

Hot Water Boilers Save Energy, Money and Time

Hot Water Boilers Save Energy, Money and Time

With the need to be more environmentally friendly and energy conscious, water boilers offer the ideal solution. Compact, space saving and eco-friendly, they offer the perfect hot water dispense point for every workplace.

Whether you are looking for a more compact wall-mounted water boiler or a larger water boiler for a bigger office, AquAid can meet every requirement.

By not being on the boil for extended periods of time and providing boiling water only when it is needed, water boilers save time, money and natural resources. This provides a considerable decrease in the electricity used to heat your water. Furthermore, with the water being available instantly, there is no need for anyone wanting hot drinking water to have to wait for a kettle to boil, thereby saving a considerable amount of time and energy.

Wall mounted water boilers are a good fit for smaller offices or for large office buildings with multiple kitchens. They are easy to mount and can be positioned out of the way to ensure your canteen or kitchen space is not wasted.

With easy installation and mains fed power, there is no need to rewire the kitchen or installation area to fit a water boiler.

A water boiler is the perfect addition to your office, conference room or kitchen. Offering a wide range of high-quality hot water dispensers, you can rely on our experienced and WHA accredited engineers to provide efficient installation, all backed with AquAid’s proven customer service.

If you are looking for an office hot & chilled water combination, AquAid has the perfect solution for you.

We offer a range of compact and very stylish water dispensers providing all the hot water and/or chilled water needed. These water dispensers are available in a selection of modern, appealing finishes which will look good and fit seamlessly in any boardroom, conference centre or kitchen, giving staff, customers and visitors alike constant access to boiling hot water and cool drinking water, all in an instant.