by Fern Shaw | Mar 13, 2025 | water cooler, water cooler, Water Coolers, water dispenser
Our kidneys carry a very weighty responsibility in our bodies – as organs, they are one of the biggest multi-taskers we have – they are responsible for a myriad of functions – primarily:
- To remove waste and extra fluid.
- Control blood pressure.
- Make red blood cells.
- Keep bones healthy (Vitamin D production) and
- To control pH levels.
As our kidneys consist of 79% water it becomes more apparent of how crucial they are to keeping our systems running smoothly.
To elaborate: Water helps the kidneys remove wastes from your blood in the form of urine. Water also helps keep your blood vessels open so that blood can travel freely to your kidneys and deliver essential nutrients to them. But if you become dehydrated, then it is more difficult for this delivery system to work. Mild dehydration can make you feel tired and can impair normal bodily functions. Severe dehydration can lead to kidney damage, so it is important to drink enough when you work or exercise hard.
What may not be that apparent though is experiencing pain in the kidneys is often mistaken for back pain, which can be why we may not always realise that our kidneys are water deficient and are unable to function at optimal level.
That’s why it’s important to maintain good drinking water habits as this often is the simplest method towards ensuring good kidney health.
Due to the complex nature of our body’s kidney’s function, it’s always good to monitor your water consumption and to be ‘water wise.’
One of the first indications you may be dehydrated can easily be seen in the colour of your urine. If you’re sufficiently hydrated, your urine will be light yellow or close to colourless. The darker yellow your urine is, the more dehydrated you are.
Another reason to maintain sufficient water intake is this practise can help reduce the likelihood of both kidney stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Kidney stones form less easily when there is sufficient water available to prevent stone-forming crystals from sticking together. Water helps dissolve the antibiotics used to treat urinary tract infections, making them more effective. Drinking enough water also helps produce more urine, which helps to flush out infection-causing bacteria.
At AquAid we take the business of proper hydration seriously, from several perspectives:
We’re constantly working to ensure that our customers are supplied with water dispensers that perfectly match their drinking water requirements.
We also provide re-usable water bottles to schools to encourage healthy hydration habits among the children (and staff!)
We understand the importance of helping others gain access to clean drinking water. Which is one of the reasons that, for over 24 years, AquAid have donated funds to charity. The charities we support implement sustainable water projects for people in need. To date, we have donated over £22 million funding vital access to potable water for more than four million people.
by Fern Shaw | Mar 13, 2025 | water cooler, water cooler
This is not, as one might deduce from the heading, a blog about an elephant* and a fountain**, but rather about steps that you can take when you’re convinced that you’re about to have a meltdown rivalling that of Chernobyl.
Close your eyes (preferably not when you’re driving your lorry). Gently let the world disappear and go within to regain your equilibrium. This makes sense as when one thinks of how much information one is bombarded with every waking minute of the day, it can only be a blessed relief to switch off that constant input for a little while and not just while one is sleeping, as that’s a whole different kettle of fish. Consciously closing one’s eyes and drifting off can calm ones frayed nerves immensely.
Go outside. This can be easier said than done, as we don’t all have the luxury of a village green, Common or park near us, but you can try to find a safe(ish) open area with a bit of grass or a bench where you’re not jammed in cheek by jowl with other people.
Breathe deeply. Breathing is the foundation of sanity, because it is the way we provide our brain and every other vital organ in our body with the oxygen needed for us to survive. Breathing also eliminates toxins from our systems. One of the simplest ways to calm the nerves is to stay still (sitting or standing) and breath in through the nose, mouth closed, deep into the stomach, and exhale, again, through the nose, mouth closed. Repeat 3 x.
Find some water. Whether it’s a local pond or a gentle babbling brook, being close to running water is very calming. On the rainy or snowy days that you can’t really venture outside, take a shower and imagine (albeit briefly) that you’re on some tropical island underneath a waterfall – and [insert name of favourite fantasy companion here] is preparing your meal nearby.
Drink water. When you’re overwrought, keep drinking it – from your water bottle or water glass every hour or so. Walk beside some water, look at it and listen to it. Get into some if you can, for a bath or a swim. Hot baths and hot springs are popular for good reasons.
*Although we do blog about elephants – Elephant Pumps to be precise – on occasion. More information on the connection between drinking water and elephants can be found here.
**Again, although the references here are more geared towards garden and decorative water fountains, it’s worth noting that we – AquAid – offer a wide range of top-quality water fountains, guaranteeing access to refreshing drinking water.
by Fern Shaw | Feb 27, 2025 | aquaid, water cooler, Water Coolers, water dispenser
We’re here to help. Yes, of course, we’re in the business of providing you with cool, chilled and hot drinking water at your premises, whether that’s at your office; warehouse; site; practice; university; college or school, however, we’re also concerned with ensuring that you drink enough water to keep yourself well hydrated throughout the day, which is why we’ve written this ‘Best Practices Guide’ for you:
Step One
Educate: Having everybody in the workspace on board is the most crucial component in a hydration plan. Educate yourself about the negative effects and downsides resulting from drinking too many fizzy drinks and caffeinated drinks instead of water. Use visual reminders – e.g. put up a poster illustrating good hydration techniques; these are a great way to continually reinforce to you the importance of drinking water.
The benefits of drinking sufficient water are manifold.
Step Two
Assessment: The best way to assess your hydration status given the variables of body mass, work routines and other personal and physical aspects is to monitor urine colour. When you are drinking enough water, your body is in balance and your urine will be a pale straw yellow colour (Hydrated). When you haven’t drunk enough water your kidneys try to save as much water as they can and cause you urine to be darker in colour (Dehydrated). Chat with your local AquAid branch about our dehydration charts, which clearly illustrate the difference between being hydrated to mildly and severely hydrated.
Step Three
Implementation: The most critical part of the best practises guide is to ensure that drinking water is readily accessible and is appealing to drink. Keeping a refillable water bottle or glass on your desk or in your workspace is a helpful reminder to keep drinking water while you’re at work. If you’re in a smaller work space, perhaps you and your colleagues can request that the water cooler be placed in an area that you can either see from your desk or that you are sure to walk past more than once a day.
Conclusion: Encouraging hydration during the workday can have a significant impact on your own overall performance and well-being. This requires a commitment from you, so keep up to date on the positive effects of staying hydrated.
Contact us at AquAid today – we’d be delighted to assist you, advising which water cooler dispenser is best suited for you based on your requirements.
by Fern Shaw | Feb 12, 2025 | Water, water cooler, water cooler
Valentine’s Day, for some, is both one of the most dreaded and alternatively, most anticipated days in the February calendar, for a variety of reasons.
Dreaded because the day seems to have morphed into a commercialised and forced day of having to publicly declare your feelings of love and affection to a significant other.
Anticipated because the expectations of many objects of affection wait anxiously to see what the day will bring them.
Sadly, the tradition and meaning of Valentine’s seems to have been lost, which is a pity as the real aim (har har) of the day was rather lovely (and quite passionate!)
Examples through history:
*The earliest surviving valentines in English appear to be those in the Paston Letters, written in 1477 by Margery Brewes to her future husband John Paston “my right well-beloved Valentine”.
Valentine’s Day is mentioned ruefully by Ophelia in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet (1600–1601):
To-morrow is Saint Valentine’s day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donn’d his clothes,
And dupp’d the chamber-door;
Let in the maid, that out a maid
Never departed more. ~ William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5
In the Victorian-era there was a language of flowers, sometimes called floriography, a means of communication in which various flowers and floral arrangements were used to send coded messages, allowing individuals to express feelings which otherwise could not be spoken. This language was most communicated through a tussie-mussie (flower posy), an art which still has a following today, if in a much simpler manner.
The nuances of the language are now mostly forgotten, but red roses still imply passionate, romantic love; pink roses denote affection; white roses suggest virtue and chastity and yellow roses still stand for friendship or devotion.
Things to perhaps consider for this Valentine’s Day – whether you choose to celebrate the day or not. If you are presenting/receiving a tussie-mussie to/from your intended, remember to give it water.
Just a friendly heads-up: please don’t use the water from the home, office or school watercooler. That’s for us humans, and we kind of need it to, you know, live.
Plus, think about it: if someone doesn’t get a Valentine’s, they’ll need that drinking water to keep their skin looking all youthful, glowing and plumped-up. A bit of hydration can work wonders, whether it’s for a pre-date glow-up or just to help them plot their (hopefully more successful) strategy for next year.
Happy Valentine’s!
*source: Wikipedia
by Fern Shaw | Jan 16, 2025 | water cooler, water cooler, Water Coolers
Drinking water is essential for our physical health. It keeps us hydrated, helps our organs function properly and can even improve our skin. But can something as simple as drinking water help spark inspiration? While it might sound far-fetched, there’s a compelling link between hydration and cognitive function, which can indirectly influence our ability to be inspired.
Our brains are about 75% water. When we’re dehydrated, even mildly, our cognitive functions can take a hit. Studies have shown that dehydration can lead to:
Reduced concentration and focus. It becomes harder to stay on task and delve deep into thoughts.
Impaired memory. Both short-term and long-term memory can be affected, making it difficult to recall information or connect ideas.
Increased fatigue and brain fog. Feeling sluggish and mentally foggy can stifle creativity and make it harder to generate new ideas.
When we’re properly hydrated, our brains function more efficiently. This can translate to clearer thinking, improved focus and a greater ability to process information, all of which are conducive to inspiration. Inspiration often strikes when we’re in a state of mental clarity and openness.
While drinking water alone might not magically bestow inspiration, it plays a crucial role in supporting optimal brain function and creating an environment where inspiration is more likely to strike. By staying hydrated, we can enhance our cognitive abilities, improve our mood and increase our energy levels, all of which can contribute to a more inspired and creative state of mind. So, next time you’re seeking inspiration, remember to refill your water bottle or water glass at your water cooler and drink up – it might just be the spark you need.
by Fern Shaw | Sep 30, 2024 | water cooler, Water Coolers
As a leading provider of water coolers in the UK, AquAid offers more than just standard customer benefits. For over two decades, we remain dedicated to delivering exceptional service.
A few key benefits that set us apart:
Extensive Product Range. AquAid offers a comprehensive range of high-quality water dispensing solutions tailored to the customers’ specific requirements.
Branches nationwide. AquAid’s nationwide network of 23 branches provides dedicated teams to serve customers across the UK. Each branch offers convenient local bottled water deliveries, services and support.
Rapid Delivery. A delivery time of 48-hours on our bottle-fed water coolers.
Expert Service. Our WHA-accredited engineers ensure professional installation and maintenance.
Charitable Commitment. AquAid has a strong commitment to social responsibility, supporting charities focused on the implementation of safe drinking water resources.
Benefit from our decades of experience:
With over 20 years in the industry, you can trust AquAid to provide exceptional service, using our expertise to deliver reliable and efficient solutions whatever the drinking water requirements.
We continue to expand on this expertise and experience daily thereby enabling us to continually offer the very best benefits to our customers.
To benefit from our experience & expertise while simply keeping yourself refreshed, contact us at AquAid – we’ll be delighted to assist.