Water Cooler Wit: Strange Facts We Didn’t Know Before

Water Cooler Wit: Strange Facts We Didn’t Know Before

Cheetahs don’t overheat when running. It was previously believed that cheetahs, who can achieve speeds of up to 60mph, could only maintain such speeds in short bursts because they would overheat. This is apparently not the case, according to a study published in Biology Letters. Scientists remotely measured the body temperature of cheetahs in action, and found that their inner temperatures weren’t the problem at all.*

Just remember, though, we’re not cheetahs, by any measure, and we do overheat (even when performing mild exercise).  We also overheat (and sweat) when the weather is cooler – it’s just not as noticeable. This is why it’s advisable to make sure you have your water glass or bottle topped up and make frequent trips to your water cooler.

The chance of life existing on another planet is much more likely if there’s water to be found. This news comes as in 2015; scientists tracked down evidence of ‘liquid water flows’ on Mars. Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta’s Lujendra Ojha, the lead author of the study which presented the evidence, explained, “The presence of liquid water on Mars’ present-day surface therefore points to environment[s] that are more habitable than previously thought.”*

Such discoveries, while incredible, should indicate how precious a resource water is, to, at the very least, sustain life. Until we can reach the stars, so to speak, we would recommend relishing every mouthful of water we have to drink.

Your eardrums move when you move your eyes. Your eardrums don’t have anything to do with your sense of sight, as far as we know. That’s why it was so surprising when a 2018 study in PNAS revealed that our eardrums move when we move our eyes.*

To all of you rushing to the closest mirror to check, it said eardrums, unlikely you’ll be able to confirm this unless you are an ENT.

The world’s most intense natural colour comes from an African fruit.  Pollia condensata, sometimes called the ‘marble berry’ is a small blue fruit that grows in African forests in countries like Ethiopia, Mozambique and Tanzania. While the fruit isn’t edible, Smithsonian reported that a 2012 study “determined that the fruit’s tissue is more intensely coloured than any previously studied biological tissue – reflecting 30 percent of light, as compared to a silver mirror, making it more intense than even the renowned color of a Morpho butterfly’s wings.”*

Having being fortunate enough to visit all three countries mentioned, this blogger is a little regretful to have not ever seen this intensely coloured berry. Haven’t seen the Morpho butterfly either, come to think of it! This is when one is very thankful for the triple w’s (World Wide Web).

Now you have some new (hopefully) knowledge tucked under your belt, you’re all set not only to refresh your drinking water when visiting the office water cooler, but also your water cooler chitchat with your colleagues. If working remotely, you can, of course, regale everyone at the next Zoom meeting.

*source: from an article at Best Life

Food & Drink at the Water Cooler: The Elderflower

Food & Drink at the Water Cooler: The Elderflower

It should come as no surprise that, at AquAid, we often comment on all things hydration and health – mainly where we refer to how drinking water more leads to incredible health benefits.

With this though, we understand that we sometimes need to pause our constant exhortations relating to hydration and health. Which is what we’re doing today. Of course, we wouldn’t be whom we are if the subject didn’t involve simple drinking water related health tips, but we’re sure you don’t expect anything less from your water cooler company.

We have spoken about herbs, spices, vegetables and fruit: grapefruit and blackberries are both great healthy examples – either those that have a high water content or those that boost our immune system in some way or form.

Today we’re writing about a little gem (herb wise), native to the UK and with an incredibly impressive health benefit pedigree: the elderflower.

Whereas it may not be the season for elderflowers to blossom, with the year as it is, you’ll forgive as if we’re slightly out of step.

Elderflowers come from the elder tree that generally grows as a shrub or small tree, which you will find in abundance throughout the UK, in woods and along roadside hedgerows.

Their uses are myriad:

As an immune stimulator, hot elderflower tea can provide soothing relief for acute cold symptoms while gargling and rinsing with cooled elderflower tea can combat sore throats, toothaches, and abscesses.

A syrup made with flowers of the elder tree as well as the berries can be drunk to fight off colds, flus and winter blues.

As a salve for relief of inflammation from sprains and strains or made into a soothing eyewash which can help relieve itchy eyes, hay fever or conjunctivitis.

Remember, it’s always advisable to consult with a medical professional before starting any herbal medicine and it’s always good to speak to AquAid for all your hot, chilled & ambient drinking water requirements.

sources:  Gardeners Path

                 Woodland Trust

Hydrate Your Way to Health

Hydrate Your Way to Health

The title isn’t just catchy, it’s the literal truth.

More than 90% of Britons experience health issues. What’s worth noting is that many of these health issues can be resolved by simply drinking water more as it may well be that dehydration is the cause.

If you are feeling unwell and are displaying the following symptoms, you may be dehydrated:

  • Dry mouth
  • Dry skin 
  • Feeling tired 
  • Irritability 
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Feeling faint/dizzy 
  • Headache

Often, these symptoms are a direct result of not drinking enough water. The good news here is that by simply increasing how much water you drink which will rehydrate you, your organs are able to function better and not expend further energy sending you signals that they need water.

Remember though, if you are drinking enough water and are hydrating properly – check the easy reference chart at the AquAid website – and you’re still feeling unwell, there may be another cause, so you may want to chat to your health professional.

Of course, as here at AquAid Water Coolers our focus is all about the supply of refreshing bottled-at-source water through our Bottled Water Dispensers and filtered water via our Mains Water Coolers, we’re well aware of the links between hydration and health.  Moreover, by offering a wide range of high quality water dispensers suited for installation in whatever size organisation you may have, we are also able to assist with the provision of safe water resources to thousands of communities who currently do not have access to clean drinking water.

Contact us to find out more.

Hot Water Dispenser, Water Boiler, Instant Taps … Cuppa Tea

Hot Water Dispenser, Water Boiler, Instant Taps … Cuppa Tea

It is astonishing to consider that wars have been fought over this hot drink.  That shipping vessels were redesigned to ensure faster transportation from country of harvest to the British consumer.

If you haven’t guessed it yet, we are referring to tea. Yes, these leaves, which produce the most aromatic, soothing, anti-oxidant rich brew, have held sway over billions of global consumers for centuries.

They say that a cuppa cures all ills and they’re not far wrong – whether you’re using your hot water boiler, combination AquAid chiller/boiler or Instant Taps at home, home office, office or any other workspace, there’s very little that can’t be cured by the brew.

But what is it about tea that makes it such a popular drink? Could it be because the ‘modern’ day office worker invented tea breaks?

According to The UK Tea and Infusions Association, tea breaks are a tradition beginning over two hundred years ago. Initially when workers commenced their day at around 5 or 6am, employers allowed a break in the morning when food and tea were served. Some employers repeated the break in the afternoon.

Between 1741 and 1820 industrialists, landowners and clerics tried to put a stop to the tea break maintaining that tea drinking and rest made working people slothful. Modern thinking could not be further away from this – regular tea breaks play a vital part towards creating a productive workplace – helping us maintain a positive attitude while simultaneously ensuring adequate levels of hydration.

The health benefits (which we many not even be aware of) could also be a factor. Aside from the strong anti-oxidant properties, drinking both black and green teas are believed to help with weight loss, act as a sunscreen and even reduce the risk of blood clot formation and atherosclerosis.  It’s worth noting that this applies to drinking your tea without milk or sugar.

The other positive is tea doesn’t go off. Take note though, if you leave your tea for a time, those little leaves will not be as fresh after six months. The flavour may not suffer, but the brew will lose its antioxidants – refer to tea’s health benefits above. The best way to preserve the efficacy of the antioxidants is by storing your tea in a sealed container in a dark, cool place.

If you’d like know more about AquAid water, water cooler and water boiler products to help you brew your tea or hot drink; our promotions and our life-saving charity partnerships, please *  e-mail or us on 0800 772 3003.

It will be our pleasure to assist you.

Drinking Water: Hydration Tips for Autumn

Drinking Water: Hydration Tips for Autumn

Here in the UK, we’re well into autumn, and with winter beckoning from not too afar, it’s not surprising that we automatically adjust our drinking water frequency, usually to much lower levels.

While understandable, it’s a little unwise. These organ – water percentages illustrate how vital it is to maintain good drinking water habits, irrespective of what season we’re in.

  • Skin is 64% water.
  • Your brain and heart is 73% water.
  • Our blood plasma is 90% water.
  • Your lungs are 83% water.
  • Your muscles and kidneys are 79% water.

Adverse effects from not drinking enough water include digestive, skin, bladder and kidney problems, tiredness and even headaches.

Dehydration usually occurs before we feel thirsty. That’s why it’s important to drink water consistently throughout the day. One of the best methods to kick start your day, especially if you’re not a morning person, is to drink one to two glasses of water right after you wake up. This will increase your blood pressure and help reduce lethargy. From there, always have a bottle or a glass of water handy and make sure to visit your water dispenser, water cooler or hot water boiler regularly.

If your preference in cooler weather is to drink hot water drinks, that’s great. It’s wise to keep in mind that if you are drinking sugared hot drinks, your body uses a large amount of water to filter all the sugar from your system.  If you must have plentiful cups of say, coffee – try to match each coffee with a glass of water and at the very least, cut out the sugar.

Drinking water regularly also speeds up your metabolism and makes you feel more ‘full’. This can be very beneficial to your overall ‘cold weather’ health where the inclination is to eat more and exercise less. Drink

AquAid’s Hot & Chilled Water Dispensers, Water Boilers and Instant Taps – Giving You More

AquAid’s Hot & Chilled Water Dispensers, Water Boilers and Instant Taps – Giving You More

Recently on social media, we posted about how the demand for drinking water changes depending on the seasons.

With this top of mind, we thought to increase awareness about the wide range of water dispensers AquAid supply, thereby meeting all drinking water needs and requirements.

Aside from the recent introduction of our range of Touch-Free water dispensers that offer even more hygienic safety features, AquAid also offer a wide selection of high quality hot & chilled water dispensers, hot water boilers and Instant Taps.

Hot & Cold Water Dispensers like the AQ Max Desktop.  This elegant and compact workhorse is the ideal solution if you are short on space but want to enjoy the cost-saving benefits of a plumbed-in water dispenser.

Despite its compact size, this machine is well suited for installation in areas where there is a medium to high demand for chilled & hot drinking water.

AquAid’s range of Hot Water Boilers, such as the Eco LargeFlow, offers the perfect combination of reduced usage costs and energy efficiency whilst delivering a rapid draw of piping hot water and is suited to any medium to large home or office workspace.

A stylish, space saving constant supply of hot drinking water makes the AquAid Instant Tap ideal for installation in (staff) kitchens and breakout areas. With an elegant tap system, that dispenses boiling and ambient water at the touch of a button, with the water boiler unit discreetly installed underneath the worktop, this hot water tap provides a limitless supply of boiling water.

Visit our website to browse our selection.