Four Fresh New Tips for Better Hydration

Four Fresh New Tips for Better Hydration

Hydrate to break the cycle of stress. There’s no doubt that our stress levels have ramped up significantly this year. Where we are all doing all that we can to be kind, look out for and keep each other safe, dehydration can easily exacerbate stress. The quickest, simplest solution to counteract stress is to maintain good hydration.

As with your mug, ‘own’ your water glass.  Wherever you’re currently working, invest in your own water glass. Whether it’s thick and chunky or tall and elegant, choose something distinctive.  In-between drinking each glassful, leave it on your worktop.  Begin a routine where each time you get up to stretch your legs or take a break, pick up your water glass and head to the water cooler to replenish your water.

Good hydration is the cheapest skin care available. Dehydration is quickly apparent in the condition of our skin. Irrespective of your level of health, your skin shows up dehydration levels through sagging, crinkly skin, flakiness and dryness.  Moisturising your skin is always a good idea, but the best way to keep your skin plumped up and healthy is to drink water.

Make drinking water part of your daily routine, not part of your daily chores. In order to make this feasible, all that’s required is a mind shift reboot. Instead of resenting ‘having’ to drink water (an attitude I am sure applies to many of us), change your thinking. Whether it’s a glass (or two) of water before you begin breakfast, before you brush your teeth or before you make that first cuppa, make sure that drinking water becomes part of your everyday routine. It won’t be long before you notice the improvement in your general well-being.

Water Cooler Health – Spicing up your healthy lifestyle

Water Cooler Health – Spicing up your healthy lifestyle

Recently we looked at food and drink ingredients that make us more dehydrated, and found that salt in particular seemed to be the main culprit.

Reducing your salt intake doesn’t mean reducing flavour. Salt has been used to flavour food (originally, it was used to preserve food) for millennia, however with the advent of modern food processing, excessive use of salt can contribute towards a number of health issues.

The simplest route to a healthier you is to make sure you drink enough water and maintain good hydration habits however; this by itself often isn’t enough.

So, if you’re a lover of salty foods what can you do to reduce your salt consumption but retain the flavour in what you eat?

There are myriad ways in which to achieve this and none of them will affect your pocket or leave you feeling, taste wise, as if you’re missing out.

There is a comprehensive list of herbs and spices, their taste profiles and uses to create great flavour, available in the Health Matters magazine that we really like the look of. A few favourites drawn from there are: mint, rosemary, oregano and paprika.

Moving a little further afield into the citrus groves, lemon remains a favourite of mine.  It not only packs a powerful vitamin C punch, gives great flavour to any dish, but it’s also believed to aid weight loss; reduce the risk of heart disease; anaemia; kidney stones and digestive issues.

Whatever salt alternative flavour route you choose to follow, remember the cardinal rule to maintaining good hydration: drink water regularly throughout the day. And as always, speak to us at AquAid for all your water cooler and water boiler requirements, whether at work at the office, construction site, hospital, clinic, school, college or university.

Water Cooler Wisdom – More Health Hacks Part II – Things to do (or not do)

Water Cooler Wisdom – More Health Hacks Part II – Things to do (or not do)

In April, we provided a list of suggestions to beat lockdown blues and in this instalment, we’re adding to the list.

Now that summer has officially arrived, and with it, the knowledge that getting out into the fresh air definitely promotes a sense of well-being, we present a few more to do (or not do) ideas:

Discover new places on your daily outings. Whether you are on work furlough, are obliged to self-isolate or have opted to work from home, daily exercise is vital. There are scores of walks, trails and routes across the UK, so instead of taking that usual route, why not strike out in a different direction and see where it leads? Remember to carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go.

Perfecting the cuppa – and repeat.  Using your AquAid cold and hot water dispenser to make your preferred hot drink while at work is a definite plus, however, if you’re still at home, now is the ideal time to make that perfect cup of tea (and repeat).

Try on the early to bed, early to rise maxim. There’s no doubt that here in Britain we are busy, busy, busy, but keeping busy can be somewhat draining, especially if we’re determined to stay awake as late as possible, just in case we miss something. It’s possible that many of us now have extra time on our hands. This doesn’t necessarily mean that those hours need to be crammed with ‘stuff’ to do. Rather opt out, climb into bed earlier and get a good night’s rest. You’ll be amazed at how rejuvenating it is.

Finally, it’s good to remember that wherever you are, if you require a water dispenser, your Bottle-Fed water cooler topped up or bottled water delivery – here at AquAid, we continue to operate responsibly – this includes maintaining social distancing and not requiring our customers to sign for bottled water deliveries.

How to Help Children Hydrate More

How to Help Children Hydrate More

It is no surprise that teaching our children to drink water more may appear a task easier said than done. However, as many adults, parents and teachers know, there is a secret weapon in our arsenal. It stems from a well-known phrase: lead by example. It may seem rather tired and a bit worn out nevertheless, it is true and it is effective.


Children often emulate adult behaviour, especially those adults with whom they have daily interaction. If you as the carer of a child are seen to drink water regularly, it is more probable that a child will be better encouraged to do the same, instead of merely telling the child to drink water without any example shown.


The results from a great deal of research, including a recent study at the University of East London , show that children are better able to concentrate, retain information, take part in activities and are able to better function overall the more hydrated they are.


Uninterrupted access to refreshing spring and filtered water – maintained at a pleasing ambient or chilled temperature – all at the press of a button. With more than 22 branches nationwide, this is easily achieved by installing a water cooler from AquAid.


Healthier and happier children of course. With AquAid, there are added benefits and these are at no additional cost to your school, academy, college or university.

For each Mainsfed Water Dispenser we install, a portion of that revenue is donated to charities. Charities such as Christian Aid the AquAid founded Africa Trust. These donations are utilised to implement clean water resources where they are needed most, like in schools and villages, in countries throughout Africa. At AquAid, we understand that helping others is key component to a healthy and strong organisation as is attested by our collective 30 years of supporting these charities.

If you would like to know more about installing a high-quality Mainsfed or Bottlefed Water Dispenser or Water Fountain, contact us.

The Advantages of the AquAid Mains-Fed Water Cooler

The Advantages of the AquAid Mains-Fed Water Cooler

The AquAid range of Mains-Fed Water Dispensers, all designed with convenience in mind; offer a constant supply of fresh, filtered water.

As with all our mainsfed products, the AquAid water cooler provides water filtration that ensures you get only the best fresh water available.

AquAid Mains Fed Water Coolers are a cost-effective alternative to bottled water. Our high-end quality range of mainsfed water dispensers connect directly onto your water mains wherever your premises are be that in your home office, office; medical or educational facility or formal or informal workplace, and will provide you with the most convenient and cleanest fresh water available. This system uses the unique and highly effective high quality 1-micron water filtration system to ensure that your water is as clean and healthy as any bottled water. With this system installed in your premises, you have a constant supply of fresh, filtered water on tap.

Convenient Water Supply

Mains Fed, otherwise referred to as Point-Of-Use (POU), Water Coolers are installed directly into the main water supply and for many businesses and schools, this is an affordable and environmentally friendly way to access drinking water.

Easy Installation and Maintenance

As the water dispenser is fed from the mains, the replenishment of bottled water isn’t required. Our MainsFed Water Coolers enable you to drink fresh water without replacing the supply. All of our mains-fed water dispensers are installed and maintained by our WHA qualified engineers.

Taste & Smells Better

All AquAid Mains Fed Water Coolers include a filtering system, resulting in a drinking water supply that not only looks better, it also smells and tastes better too.

Environmentally Friendly

No plastic bottle use, therefore you are not producing any waste that will negatively impact the environment.

AquAid offers a wide range of mains fed water coolers and tailored rental packages designed to meet your requirements. Don’t just take our word for it: there are now more than 10,000 machines in use across the UK.

With over 20 years of operational experience, the AquAid team are available to assist you in selecting the best water cooler for your facility and we will help you to plan and position their placements to ensure everyone gets clean, fresh and filtered drinking water at regular intervals. Browse our range here or contact us directly for expert advice.

The Advantages of the AquAid Bottle-Fed Water Cooler

The Advantages of the AquAid Bottle-Fed Water Cooler

As with all our bottled water products, AquAid provides Bottled Water Coolers and water filtration that ensure you are drinking only the finest fresh water available, drawn from three sources around the United Kingdom.

Our bottled water is pure and filtered to remove any harmful chemicals and bacteria, leaving you feeling healthier and refreshed. Many water-processing plants use dangerous chemicals to purify their water, but AquAid do not. Our water is as clean as nature intended it to be.

Bottled Water Coolers are the perfect solution where portable water or a mains water supply is unavailable.

A Bottle-Fed Water Cooler is ideal for placement in any workplace and for any size of staff contingent. These free-standing coolers are easy to move to a new location within the organisation should this be required.

Another benefit of having a Bottle-Fed water cooler is easy access to a source of proper hydration at all times. Tests have shown that a drop in body fluids can lead to poor mental and physical performance of up to 30%. Having access to fresh water and being able to replenish your water throughout the day will ensure that you are never thirsty, and that you are always able to perform at your best.

There is a reduced environmental impact. Our water bottles are collected, thoroughly cleaned, sanitised and re-used multiple times. Once spent, they are granulated and re-cycled in an ecologically friendly manner.

As we have branches throughout the United Kingdom, our bottled water delivery is quick and efficient.  We also offer an urgent water replenishment service.

Installing a Bottled Water Dispenser from AquAid not only means a healthier and hydrated you, but also the opportunity of the delivery of life-changing safe water for those in need. For each bottle of water supplied, a donation is made to the charities that AquAid have supported for more than 20 years. These donations are at no additional cost to our customers.

No matter what sort of water cooler you are looking for, at AquAid we have the perfect solution for you. Have a look at our easy-to-navigate website for the full range of water coolers that we offer for your convenience and continued health and hydration.