How does installing a Water Cooler from AquAid benefit you?

How does installing a Water Cooler from AquAid benefit you?

In a market where you may be forgiven thinking that like = like, it’s good to remind ourselves of why having a water cooler from AquAid is really the best idea:

The first benefit almost goes without saying: Whichever AquAid water cooler you choose to have installed in your premises, you will have access to chilled (and hot) drinking water throughout your working day.

The second benefit is that you will be relying on a company that has more than 20 years’ experience in the provision of high quality water coolers, water and water related products.

Reach is the third benefit – with over 22 branches throughout the UK, you will be supplied by a local depot staffed by a team who are familiar with the area and your requirements.

Fourth benefit: Your environment. We’re very cognisant of our carbon footprint. Having a local AquAid means we minimise our footprint by being able to travel shorter distances to deliver your water and service and sanitise your water cooler. We also re-use our water bottles (up to 35x) and then recycle the bottles in a responsible manner. The cups we supply are made from a single type of plastic which means they are much easier to recycle; we are also hard at work encouraging our customers to adopt recycling practices wherever they are in the UK..

The fifth benefit is also one of our most important and one we are most proud of: Since our inception some 20 years ago, Aquaid have partnered with the charities Christian Aid and the Africa Trust.  These donations have enabled these charities to continue with the vital role they play in the lives of millions of people. This is achieved through donating a portion of our sales for each bottle of water delivered and each mains-fed cooler installed. The result of these donations (to date) is in excess of £13,000,000 provided for the implementation of sustainable water projects which have helped more than 5 million people.

Value adds inherent as part of our brand

With each Mains-Fed cooler installed at a school, we provide 100 water refillable water bottles for the children, to help encourage them to keep drinking water.

We also provide hydration awareness posters which clearly and simply illustrate good hydration practices, thereby enabling a healthier, more productive lifestyle, whether at the workplace or at school.

To enjoy all of these (and more) benefits while simply keeping refreshed, don’t delay, contact us at AquAid – we’ll be delighted to assist.

AquAid’s Mains Fed Water Cooler Range: The Hydrator

AquAid’s Mains Fed Water Cooler Range: The Hydrator

Don’t be misled by the stylish yet sturdy AquAid Hydrator’s appearance. This powerhouse water cooler is easily capable of dispensing up to 40ℓ of chilled drinking water per hour.

The Hydrator is BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) compliant due to its low energy consumption and the safety option of being able to bracket the unit to the wall upon installation.

Designed for installation in high use areas, the AquAid Hydrator also offers a range of available options including silver impregnated anti-bacterial taps which are excellent for killing bacteria.

These anti-bacterial taps and dispense points are of particular value where staff refill their water bottles, as they vastly reduce the likelihood of cross contamination.

Based on the Hydrator’s ability to fill 120 x 330ml bottles every hour, it is best suited for installation in:

Offices with a large staff contingent and;

Sizable Work areas and Factories

This water dispenser is available as a Cold Water unit only.

Servicing and sanitising your AquAid Hydrator chilled water dispenser

Not only do we provide top quality water coolers like the AquAid Hydrator, we also install and service the machines for you.  All of our machines are installed by our EDWCA accredited service technicians and as per the EDWCA guidelines; we sanitise all mains-fed water dispensers every 6 months.

For all your water and water cooler requirements, contact us at AquAid today. With over 20 years of experience and more than 22 branches nationwide, we’re perfectly positioned to provide you with the right water dispenser to meet your drinking water requirements.

Corporate Social Responsibility and your AquAid water dispenser

Installing an AquAid Hydrator benefits not only you and your staff, by supplying you with drinking water at a push of a button, but also those in need on other continents.

Should you install four Mains Fed plumbed-in water dispensers, a water well, bearing your organisation’s name, will be built in Africa on your behalf.

However, be assured that If you don’t take 4 plumbed-in units, we will still donate a portion of the revenue from our sales to the charities that we support.

Instant Taps are Essential this Summer

Instant Taps are Essential this Summer

We’ve had a very hot summer so far, and while we’re all familiar with the ‘drink eight glasses of water a day’ guide, there are times when this intake is not sufficient for our bodies and we need to head to our water coolers or instant taps more frequently to increase the amount of water we drink. Here are four instances where the average advice of 8-a-day is not enough and we should make drinking water more of a priority.

  1. Environment

Along with changes in climate come changes in bodily function and water requirements. In summer, hot weather increases our rate of perspiration while in the cooler winter months, indoor heating causes our skin to lose more moisture. Changes in altitude also affect our system which means we need to replenish our fluid reserves accordingly.

  1. Exercise

When we exercise we perspire and we need to drink more water to compensate for that loss of fluid. If you choose to work out during your lunch hour or just after work, be sure to fill up your water bottle at the water coolers or instant taps in your breakout area before you leave – drinking water throughout your work-out will ensure you stave off dehydration and perform better.

  1. Illness

Fluid loss is unavoidable with certain illnesses particularly fever, vomiting or diarrhea so it’s essential that we up our intake of drinking water during this time – it’s also a good thing to remember if you’re suffering from a headache, very often it’s a sign of dehydration and not a sign of something more serious so it’s always good to drink a glass of water first before assuming the worst.

  1. Pregnancy or breast-feeding

They say that a pregnant body at rest works harder than a non-pregnant body climbing a mountain, which explains why all forms of fuel (whether it be food, rest or water) should be increased to compensate for the extra energy expended, and this applies to nursing mothers as well – it’s suggested that pregnant women drink around 10 cups a day and breastfeeding mothers around 13 cups.

If you’re wanting to supplement your water sources at the office, remember that AquAid have a full range of bottled and mains fed water coolers to choose from, along with a choice of very popular instant taps – sleek, efficient and cost-effective alternatives to other water points in your breakout area.

Keeping your Cool – Summer 2018

Keeping your Cool – Summer 2018

Or as Martha sang, ‘Heat wave …. uh … heat waaaaaaave …’

Or as a fellow FB’er posted … ‘Don’t we just call this summer?’

Anyhow, tamayto, tomado, whatever the weather, the fact remains, when the temperatures soar, do you know how to keep yourself cool and hydrated?

Here’s a refresher about keeping yourself cool and hydrated during summer. To make it super easy, I’ve listed keeping cool ideas for home, work and all around.

In the workplace:

  • Stay hydrated! Set an alarm while at work to make sure that you visit the water cooler as often needs be to replenish your drinking water.
  • Chill your wrists: Run cold water over your wrists for a 20 to 30 seconds every hour.  Try not to do this using the cool water from the water cooler – it’s messy and I doubt the water cooler station is meant to be used as a private bathing area. Rather use the taps in the bathroom.
  • If water restrictions are in place, you could always go all sporty and wear a headband and/or wrist bands (clean and dry) that have come from the freezer.
  • Drink cool (but not icy cold) liquids to help lower your body temperature. The water cooler cooler station is perfect for this.
  • Turn off electronics: If they’re not being used, unplug electronic devices to keep them from generating unnecessary heat.

At home:

  • Chill your wrists: Run cold water over your wrists for 20 to 30 seconds every hour. Alternatively, put clean, dry head and wrist bands in the fridge or freezer and put them on after they’re chilled.
  • Stay hydrated!  Kids may not feel thirsty, but it’s essential to stay hydrated, so make sure young ones are getting lots of water. If you’re planning to leave the house, freeze some water bottles and take them with you.
  • Drink cool (but not icy cold) liquids to help lower your body temperature.
  • A little help from some fans: They may be little, but those battery-operated personal fans can make a big difference.
  • Turn off electronics: If they’re not being used, unplug electronic devices to keep them from generating unnecessary heat.
  • Stay downstairs: Downstairs areas tend to be cooler, but wherever you are in the house, remember to keep the room(s) well ventilated.
  • Don’t cook: Eat fresh foods such as salads and fruit. Not only will this cool the body’s core, it’ll also keep cooking-related heat from filling up the house.
  • Postpone the washing: Plan to do heat-generating activities after the sun goes down. Do the washing at night, for example.

All around:

  • Shut windows, pull down the shades and use air-conditioning when it’s hotter outside. If there’s no aircon, make sure all rooms are well ventilated. If it’s safe to do so, open windows when it’s cooler.
  • Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Keep rooms cool by using shades or reflective material outside the windows. If this isn’t possible, use light-coloured curtains and keep them closed (metallic blinds and dark curtains can make the room hotter).
  • Opt for a cooler shower or bath.
  • Drink cool drinks regularly, such as water and fruit juice.
  • Stay tuned to the weather forecast on the internet, radio and TV channels, or at the Met Office website.
  • Plan ahead to make sure you have enough supplies, such as food, water and any medications you need.
  • Identify the coolest room in the house so you know where to go to keep cool.
  • Wear loose, cool clothing and a hat if you go outdoors and always keep a water bottle with you.
  • Check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves.
  • People who have epilepsy or heart, kidney, or liver disease; are on fluid-restricted diets; or have a problem with fluid retention should consult a doctor before increasing liquid intake.
  • If you’re sweating a lot, be quick to replace lost salts and minerals as well as water. Fruit juice or sports drinks with electrolytes are good choices, but do not take salt tablets unless directed to by your doctor. Taking calcium supplements, however, is a good idea.
  • Drink cool (but not icy cold) liquids to help lower your body temperature.

updated from a 2013 blog

AquAid’s Mains Fed Water Cooler Range: The 21st Century

AquAid’s Mains Fed Water Cooler Range: The 21st Century

It’s easy to see why the 21st Century water dispenser is one of AquAid’s most popular Mains-Fed water dispensers.

The AquAid 21st Century Water Dispenser is the largest capacity machine on the market. This water dispenser, which is plumbed into your mains supply, uses a special 11ℓ cold water reservoir which is almost 4 times larger than the tanks in other Mains Fed dispensers.

This machine is a real work horse and is well suited for installation in areas where there is a very high usage or where people constantly refill their water bottles.

The AquAid 21st Century offers an option of anti-bacterial taps which are specifically for use in high usage areas. These silver impregnated taps are excellent for killing bacteria, reducing the likelihood of cross contamination.

Due to its large water capacity this Mains-Fed Water Dispenser is only available as a floor standing model.

The 21st Century is best suited for installation in high usage areas such as Large Companies; Medical Facilities; Universities, Colleges and Schools.

Servicing and sanitising your 21st Century High Capacity Cooler

Not only do we provide top quality water coolers like the 21st Century, we also install and service the machines for you.  All of our machines are installed by our EDWCA accredited service technicians and as per the EDWCA guidelines; we sanitise all mains-fed water dispensers every 6 months.

For all your water and water cooler requirements, contact us at AquAid today. With over 20 years of experience and more than 22 branches nationwide, we’re perfectly positioned to provide you with the right water dispenser to meet your drinking water requirements.

Corporate Social Responsibility and your AquAid water dispenser

Installing an AquAid 21st Century Mains Fed Water Dispenser benefits not only you and your staff, by supplying you with drinking water at a push of a button, but also those in need on other continents.

Should you install four Mains Fed plumbed-in water dispensers, a water well, bearing your organisation’s name, will be built in Africa on your behalf.

However, be assured that If you don’t take 4 plumbed-in units, we will still donate a portion of the revenue from our sales to the charities that we support.

Water is … progress

Water is … progress

There’s a quote in a meme that’s been doing the rounds on social media for a few years now. It shows a group of women and girls carrying water in containers balancing on their heads taken as they walk towards the photographer. The quote reads:

People experience a lack of water resources, access to water and prolonged drought across the globe, and although we may have all needed to fetch and carry water at times throughout our lives, for millions of people this is not a temporary situation but a daily occurrence.

According to a 2007 report from FAO around 2 billion people, or almost one-fifth of the world’s population, live in areas of scarcity. Another 1.6 billion people, or almost one quarter of the world’s population, face economic water shortage (where countries lack the necessary infrastructure to take water from rivers and aquifers).

As an example, in drought stricken regions throughout Africa, like in rural Zimbabwe, most households have to travel up to 7 miles to the nearest water source.

There is hope though, with organisations across the world committed to combating dire water shortages brought about by climate change and other natural phenomenon.

Two such organisations are Christian Aid and the Africa Trust.  Working alongside stakeholders such as AquAid, these two charities have for decades provided solutions that bring clean water to thousands of communities around the globe.

If you are interested in finding out how having a water cooler from AquAid provides access to clean water to people in need, for life, please get in touch. We would be delighted to assist.