Water Cooler Wonder III

Water Cooler Wonder III

The Small(er) Version

Today, we’re going to be looking at the svelte version of the Big Boys.

This little wonder is called a Desktop Plumbed-In Water Cooler.

If you are short on space but want to enjoy the cost-saving benefits of a plumbed in water cooler, these desktop units are the answer. Compact and elegant, this water cooler and water dispenser connects straight to your mains supply, using a unique Doulton drinking water filter that produces a chilled and refreshing taste equal to that of bottled water.

Plumbed in water dispenser – cut your costs

Without the need to order supplies of bottled water, and instead relying on your standard supply, a plumbed in water cooler can cut your costs considerably.

Not only do these plumbed in water coolers save you money, they also save you space and effort. There’s no need to store and replace large water bottles and one annual invoice reduces your administration.

Desktop Plumbed In water cooler – features:
  • 1 annual invoice, eliminating the administration involved with some bottled-water suppliers
  • No more running out of water
  • No more need to store big water bottles
  • Available as either Hot and Cold or Cold and Room Temperature
  • Unique ‘Doulton’ drinking water filter
  • High quality stainless steel tank
  • Adjustable thermostat for accurate temperature control­
  • Noiseless circuit in compact design
  • Function indicating LED lamps
  • Extremely compact

So, there you have it in a nutshell or rather, a water cooler. Oh, and did you see the bit about Hot and Cold or Cold and Room Temperature too? Pretty nifty don’t you think?

Please feel free to contact us, we’ll be delighted to assist you in the correct water cooler solution.

Water Cooler Wonder II – The Big Boys

Water Cooler Wonder II – The Big Boys

Last week we introduced the High Capacity Point of Use (POU) Water Cooler.

Before we get into today’s introduction, a note; I call them the ‘big boys’, not because of any gender preference, but somehow introducing these water cooler marvels as ‘the big girls’ just doesn’t ring true.  I’m as fair as fair can be when it comes to assigning objects with gender (the French have absolutely no problem with gender assignation, le livre, la bicyclette), hey, my car is a boy – Newt he’s called.

Anyhow, it’s decided.  Here is another of the ‘big boys’.

The AquAid 400 Free standing Mains Fed Water Cooler is a premium water cooler that combines style with outstanding performance.

This POU Cooler comes with a new Flood Guard, flood prevention device and it has Hygiene Guard anti-microbial taps fitted as a standard.

Spring quality water from your point of user water cooler

AquAid’s 400 Water Cooler connects to your mains supply and uses a unique, high quality Doulton water filtration system to deliver water that’s as refreshing and pure as water from bottle fed water coolers.

Freestanding Point of Use water cooler features: ­

   1) 1 annual invoice, eliminating the administration involved with some bottled-water suppliers
   2) No more running out of water
   3) No more need to store big water bottles
   4) High quality ‘Doulton’ water filtration system
   5) Available as either Hot and Cold or Cold and Room Temperature
   6) High quality stainless steel tank
   7) Adjustable thermostat for accurate temperature control­
   8) Noiseless circuit in compact design
   9) Flood Guard, flood prevention device
   10) Hygiene Guard anti-microbial taps fitted as a standard.
  11) Push-button taps for ultimate hygiene and convenience

Not only do AquAid have more distribution centres than you can shake a stick at, your local branch is usually managed and staffed by whizzes who really know their water coolers and whether a big boy or a bottle fed *WAH-WAAAH* is the way to go. We do have a lot more options, just by the by.  I’ll be introducing you to the entire water cooler family in the next few weeks.

Patience dear reader, patience.

Ridiculous that, me asking for patience when I have zip, zero, none, but hey, it’s my blog.

Water and Salt – Part II

Too Much Salt (High Sodium Levels)

The most common form of sodium imbalance is a blood sodium level that is too high. Excessive blood sodium levels mean that your body lacks enough water to cope with the amount of sodium it contains.

Contrary to popular belief, the primary cause of high blood sodium levels is not consumption of too much salt, but dehydration (not enough water intake).

Lack of adequate water intake is a very common condition in the United Kingdom due to the fact that most people fail to drink enough water each day, while also eating foods that are high in sodium. Other possible causes of dehydration include diarrhoea; vomiting; fever; excessive sweating (particularly during hot weather); abnormal kidney function; diabetes; head trauma or surgery involving the pituitary gland; imbalanced calcium and/or potassium levels; sickle cell disease, and use of drugs such as corticosteroids or diuretics.

When the amount of sodium in your body becomes too high, your body’s blood volume increases. When this happens extra fluid accumulates in the space surrounding your body’s cells.  Such an accumulation of fluid around your cells can cause a variety of problems.

The most common symptoms of high blood sodium levels are confusion, depression, fatigue, fluid retention, irritability, lack of coordination, muscle cramps or twitching, nausea, restlessness, and general weakness.

Another common symptom of high sodium levels is oedema, which is characterized by swelling of body tissues, especially in the feet and ankles.

More serious symptoms of high sodium levels can include changes in blood pressure and heart rate, coma, seizure, and death.

A check-up by your physician is necessary to determine if you suffer from high blood sodium levels. If you are found to have this problem, then by all means you should avoid eating salty foods. But you should also beware of drinking salty beverages, such as sports drinks. And you should also increase your daily intake of water, especially following exercise or if you are taking medications.

It really is up to you to ensure that you take as best care that you can of the rather marvellous body that you’ve been given. If you’re already doing so, bully for you – perhaps you can share your knowledge with others less in the know.

So be especially careful in this heat, remember to keep hydrated and spread the water word as you’ve gathered around the water cooler.

Six Ways To Still Conserve Water During A Heat Wave

So, last week, we spoke about the keeping hydrated in a heat wave. This week, before everyone goes doo-lally with water usage, the Sergeant Major in me (he’s as stocky as Stockton and he’s moustache is more bristly than Bristol) harrumphed up and hissed ‘Water conservation at all costs Shaw, regardless!’ to me.

So, this blog, I’m moving away from the how to look after ourselves aspect and looking at how to look after our gardens, lawns and plants in this heat:

  • Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. A taller lawn shades roots and holds soil moisture better than if it is closely clipped.
  • Use sprinklers for large areas of grass. Water small patches by hand to avoid waste.
  • Do not water your lawns and or plants during the hottest hours of the day – more than likely it will just burn the lawn and or plants and not feed either.
  • Remember to check your sprinkler system valves periodically for leaks and keep the sprinkler heads in good shape.
  • Don’t water your lawn on windy days when most of the water blows away or evaporates.
  • Trickling or cascading fountains lose less water to evaporation than those spraying water into the air. In fact, during a heat wave, it’s advisable to turn the fountain off (unless it’s a drinking fountain or is a source of water for animals and pets). 

And remember, preferable not to use the water from your office water cooler to water your garden, lawn or plants – unless of course it’s your carefully cultivated, ten year old bonsai that you keep on the conference table (a. because it’s inside and b. because it’s in the shade, so you’re allowed).

Is Water an Antioxidant?

In short, no.

But the following all contain water (clever that), so is it a conundrum? Water is found in most liquids, antioxidants are found in some of those liquids so whereas an antioxidant can be water, water can’t be an antioxidant. Excuse me, I have to sit down, my brain is hurting. (Clearly, not enough water). Okay. So, not a conundrum, it’s something else. Moving swiftly along!

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are phytochemicals, chemicals found in plant foods. In our bodies, antioxidants protect healthy tissues from “oxidants,” also called free radicals. Over time, free radicals can damage cells and cause disease. Antioxidants are like microscopic police officers who seize these bad guys that plan to harm our cells.

Which do you crave in the morning—a cup of java or a spot of tea? Popular belief labels tea as a health drink and coffee as bad. Not so! Mounting evidence suggests that both are good for you because they’re brimming with antioxidants.

All teas contain a group of antioxidants called flavonoids.

Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, next to water. Green tea is especially popular in Japan and China.

According to studies carried out tea drinkers take in 20 times more flavonoid antioxidants per day than tea non-drinkers.

Experts say tea provides as many disease-fighting flavonoids as fruits or vegetables. Many brands of tea list antioxidant and caffeine content (in milligrams per serving) right on the box.

What about fruits and veggies?

Since coffee and tea are high in antioxidants, can they replace fruits and vegetables in our diets? Absolutely not! Fruits and veggies supply fibre, essential vitamins and minerals, plus a variety of different antioxidants that promote good health.

A word of caution

Plain coffee and tea are healthful, calorie-free beverages. Be careful how much cream, sugar, and flavourings you dump into your cup. Just 1 tablespoon of cream and 2 teaspoons of sugar can add up to 80 calories and 6 grams of fat. Squirt in flavoured syrup, pile on whipped cream, and your once-healthful drink becomes a rich dessert.

Which is better—coffee or tea?

Science can’t really say one is superior to the other, so fill your mug with whichever brew you like. To benefit from both sets of antioxidants, try this: drink one or two cups of coffee in the morning, then enjoy tea throughout the day.

For all your cool and hot water requirements for said antioxidant drinks, remember that AquAid have all that you need. We supply bottled water coolers; mains-fed water coolers; desktop coolers; water boilers and in-cup drinks.

If what you require isn’t listed here, drop us a mail, we’ll be more than happy to provide you with a solution.

B&DTWC (Before and During The Water Cooler) – The 20th Century

Tadaa! In this the 3rd of 4 instalments, we present to you the continuing saga of how cool, refreshing drinking water trickled its way through the past until it reached you in the very convenient water cooler machines of today.

Manchester enlarged the Lake Thirlmere reservoir in the Lake District.


Further abroad, the water fountain was first invented. It is credited to two men – Halsey Willard Taylor and Luther Haws. Haws patented the first drinking faucet in 1911.

By the 1930s the routine way to treat water was to:

  • Screen it to catch branches, solids and dead animals (charming).
  • Treat it with aluminium sulphate to remove solids (even less charming).
  • Chlorinate it against bacterial infections (ay caramba!).

The Water Act reorganised the water industry and encouraged more efficiency.

The Water Resources Act created 29 River Authorities to look after the river systems and control the use of water.

The Central Scotland Water Development Board was set up to supply more water for sale to Local Authorities.

The Water Bill for England and Wales created 10 Regional Water Authorities.

The nine new Scottish Regional Councils and the Islands Councils were set up to control public water supply, sewerage and sewage disposal.

Kielder Reservoir was opened. It was one of the biggest lakes in Europe.

The water needs of England and Wales rose from 110,000 million litres per day to 164,000 million litres per day.

The Water Act of 1989 allowed Local Authorities in England and Wales to sell off the water companies.

Three new Scottish water authorities were created – East, West and North of Scotland Water. They took over water and waste water services from the former Scottish Regional Councils.

Next stop, MODERN DAY – the 21st Century – exciting stuff in the water cooler world!

At AquAid, we offer a rather more modern version of the 1906 original – yay for us, yay for you – from bottle fed water coolers through to water coolers  for schools.