How using AquAid Water Coolers helps Pay it Forward

How using AquAid Water Coolers helps Pay it Forward

As the temperatures soar throughout the UK, so does the demand for chilled, refreshing drinking water.

At AquAid, where we have been in the business of providing a wide range of AquAid water coolers and water, both spring and bottled at source, for over 23 years, we understand this more than most. That’s why it’s important to us to be able to ensure that we are able to offer the very best in mainsfed and bottlefed water dispensers and bottled water.

We’re not only about the provision of high-quality water dispensers – we also firmly believe that providing water to those who may not necessarily have access to water as we do – is absolutely vital.

When it’s hot, keeping hydrated with AquAid is as simple as touching a button, but for millions of people globally, not having access, to not only drinking water but also any water, at all, is a daily reality.

Remember, this is just water for you, your children, family and community to drink. This is not the water needed to wash your clothes or utensils or water with which to irrigate your food crops. This is water to drink for your very survival.

Sadly, this is the day-to-day existence for many communities across Africa. During droughts and in the dry months access to water becomes increasingly difficult.

Which is just one reason, since our rather humble beginnings in 1998, we chose to work with sustainable charities like The Africa Trust and Christian Aid. Using donations from AquAid, both charities work tirelessly implementing sustainable water projects for communities in need.

As an AquAid customer isn’t it nice to know that while you’re sipping cool water from our water dispensers, there’s another water well or water project being installed in Africa, bringing clean drinking water to another community in need? We think so and we are sure you will agree.

#OnlyOneEarth: World Environment Day – play your part with AquAid

#OnlyOneEarth: World Environment Day – play your part with AquAid

With World Environment Day coming up and a theme of #OnlyOneEarth, here at AquAid we thought it pertinent to highlight the systems we have in place which help make sure we reduce our impact on the environment, while we continue to supply a wide range of high-quality water dispensers and bottled-at-source and spring water to our customers across the UK.

Kinder to the environment

By using a water cooler dispenser, you help protect our environment. We use billions of individual plastic water bottles each year and millions end up in our rubbish each day. By drinking water from a re-usable water bottle and refilling our water bottles from a water cooler, we significantly reduce this number. This means that you can still enjoy the convenience of having water with you at all times and be safe in the knowledge that you are reducing the harmful impact on the environment.

More branches local to you

With 23 branches positioned across the UK, our multiple distribution centres allow us to be nearer to our customers – shorter delivery distances reduce fuel usage and associated carbon emissions.

Water from source

Our three sources of mineral and spring water, one each in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland, were all selected in large part due their central locations, which reduces the carbon footprint associated with the deliveries to our depots.

Creates opportunity and hope

At AquAid, an integral component of our business is helping those in need. This core belief is illustrated in each installation of our Mainsfed Water Coolers and each purchase of Bottled Water. We donate a portion of these revenues to charities that implement safe, sustainable water resources throughout Africa.

Whatever your water cooler requirements, AquAid have over twenty three years of experience in the provision of the right water cooler for your work space – wherever you’re situated and whatever space you occupy throughout England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

The Synergy between AquAid Water Coolers and The Africa Trust Elephant Pumps

The Synergy between AquAid Water Coolers and The Africa Trust Elephant Pumps

AquAid’s high-volume bottle fed and mains fed water coolers are the perfect solution where there is a high demand for a constant supply of fresh drinking water – wherever the location: football grounds; offices; worksites, warehouses; medical rooms; colleges; workshops; hotels; varsities or schools.

Every AquAid Large Capacity Mains Fed Water Dispenser is designed for ease of operation and to run efficiently.

For illustrative purposes, we are looking at the High Capacity Mains-Fed Hydrator Water Cooler, as it has an extra-large reservoir – a point-of-use water dispenser specially designed for serving a large number of people.

With a dispense gap of 230mm, easily accommodating varying sizes of water containers, the Hydrator can dispense up to 40ℓ of chilled water each hour, a sufficient volume to fill 120 x 330ml bottles.

The Hydrator’s sturdy design, developed for use in high usage areas, also boasts Hygiene Guard silver impregnated dispense tap reduces bacteria transfer and a flood guard anti-leak device for added security.

And there you have it, cool drinking water on tap. All the clever little (and large) mechanisms silently operating behind the scenes, all the while ensuring that you – thirsty Thelma or Thaddeus – remain properly hydrated and super productive throughout your working day or night.


Every installation of an AquAid mainsfed water cooler and each bottle of water replenished brings with it donations that are used to build more water wells – referred to as Elephant Pumps – for communities in water scarce regions across sub-Saharan Africa.

So, the next time you press a button and fill your water bottle, mug or glass, think about the fact that not only are you keeping yourself healthy and hydrated but also with that simple push, you will have directly contributed towards:

Another draught of clean drinking water pumped into a bucket or onto a banana plantation that will pay for school fees and;

Another child now has access to safe drinking water, which will help them better concentrate in school and;

Another community with readily available potable, productive water for use every day, for all generations, for many decades.

Rather marvellous, don’t you think?

Egg Rolling, Rockets and ‘Easter Water’

Egg Rolling, Rockets and ‘Easter Water’

In spite of what has almost become an AquAid tradition of writing an Easter themed blog and the role water plays at this time of the year, we’re constantly amazed there is more to discover out there with an (usually traditional) Easter/water connection. As well as other unusual traditions and events that is.

In previous blogs, we referred to traditions such as in Switzerland, people decorate wells and fountains leading up to Easter. Decorating a well symbolises the honouring of water, which is essential for life, and Easter, the feast of renewed life.

In another, we looked at where every Easter, hundreds of thousands of Norwegians indulge in crime fiction, known in Norwegian as påskekrim (Easter crime).

This year we discovered ‘l’eau de Paques’, or ‘Easter water’.  The purity, healing and restorative powers of any water collected from any moving brook, stream or river in the hours* before sunrise on Easter hearkens back to a Catholic ritual performed in France hundreds of years ago and reaching as far as Quebec, and still performed today.

Egg rolling began in Central Europe and the United Kingdom and in Preston, eggs have been rolled for more than a century and a half. According to a Lonely Planet article Avenham Park, whose grassy slope is the perfect stage for children competing to roll their egg the furthest.

Fireworks are common during midnight church services on Orthodox Easter Saturdays in Greece. But on the island of Chios, Easter is incendiary. Two neighbouring parishes hold an annual competition to fire shots at each other’s steeples. Real cannons were used until the late 19th century, but these days homemade rockets are the ammunition for the town’s annual ‘rouketopolemos’ (rocket war).*

Of course, as AquAid is all things water, health and hydration, we do not recommend beginning a local version of the Easter rocket wars. What we will do is wish you all a peaceful and blessed Easter, however you choose to celebrate it.

*source: article Bangor Daily News

*source: article Lonely Planet

Shocking Tea News to trade at the Water Cooler

Shocking Tea News to trade at the Water Cooler

We apologise for the shock tactics used to get your attention however, the news is just that: shocking!

According to a fascinating article written by Roberto A. Ferdman for Quartz magazine, it transpires that Britons are not the biggest tea drinkers in the world. That title goes to the Turks.

We’re not referring to the most tea consumed per country overall – that’s China. We’re talking about the most tea consumed per person.

The list looks like this:

1st – Turkey

2nd Ireland

3rd – United Kingdom

As we all know, in order to make tea, you need water. We wonder then, if Turkey drink the most tea, are they then the world’s biggest water drinkers? A conundrum we will not pretend we are able to solve.

What we do know though (in fact, we have a good 22 years’ experience in the field of drinking water) is that if you want to drink cups and mugs of tea (or coffee) or any hot drink throughout the day, then you should speak to us at AquAid.  From our cost-saving hot water boilers to our wide range of cool and hot & cold water dispensers, we will make sure you find the perfect fit water dispenser to match your requirements.

We welcome your enquiries via e-mail or us on 0800 772 3003 and look forward to being able to assist you.

Why Water is just … Better!

Why Water is just … Better!

When you start to drink more water, you’ll find that you drink less fizzy drinks and fewer high calorie drinks. There are a few major benefits to this:

  • Swapping water for fizzy drinks helps decrease your daily caloric intake.
  • The more water you drink helps you feel fuller, reducing the impulse to snack more.
  • Drinking water instead of heavily flavoured drinks helps trains your taste buds to enjoy the subtle tastes of whole foods that are less processed and lower in calories.
  • Drinking sufficient water will have a noticeable and remarkably fast effect (for the better) to your physical well-being.
  • Drinking water instead of reaching for the fizz will fatten your brain cells and not your body’s fat cells.
  • Fizzy drinks can act as a diuretic whereas water does not dehydrate you – it in fact achieves the complete opposite.
  • Drinking water, while you may not initially register it, is incredibly refreshing, whereas drinking fizzy drinks can increase your thirst and need for more sugar.

And while you might drink water to lose weight, you’ll find that it’s also good for your pocket. Have you ever thought about the annual cost of your fizzy drinks habit? For many people, it is substantial. A single diet fizzy drink during the day may not seem expensive, but over the course of a year, it adds up to a few hundred pounds.

Right now is a good enough time as any to embark on a drink more water, less sugary drinks campaign. Use your fizzy drinks money to buy a water bottle. Or, buy two – one to leave at the office and one to keep on you if your workplace involves being out of the office throughout the week.

Use the office water cooler to replenish your water bottle before you head out or often during the day if you work in-house.