Tips & Tricks from AquAid to Help You Keep Cool

Tips & Tricks from AquAid to Help You Keep Cool

With temperatures set to soar, here at AquAid Water Coolers we have compiled a set of tips & tricks to help you keep cool and hydrated wherever you are:

At the office/in the workplace:

  • Stay hydrated! Set an alarm clock on your pc, laptop or mobile to make sure that you visit the water cooler as often as needs be to replenish your drinking water.
  • For spaces without aircon, see if you can create a cross breeze – open windows (but keep blinds partially closed) on both sides or open a door on the opposite side of the area.
  • Drink cool (but not icy cold) liquids to help lower your body temperature. The water cooler station is perfect for this.
  • Turn off electronics: If they’re not being used, unplug electronic devices to keep them from generating unnecessary heat.

At home:

  • Fill up a hot water bottle with tap water, place in the freezer and you have a multi-purpose ice pack.
  • Stay hydrated! Kids may not feel thirsty, but it’s essential to stay hydrated, so make sure young ones are getting lots of water. If you’re planning to leave the house, freeze your reusable water bottles and take them with you.
  • Drink cool (but not icy cold) liquids to help lower your body temperature.
  • Turn off electronics: If they’re not being used, unplug electronic devices to keep them from generating unnecessary heat.
  • Don’t cook: Make yourself that Niçoise or Greek Salad or eat no need to heat food. Not only will this cool the body’s core, it will also keep cooking-related heat from filling up the house.

Out-and-about or indoors:

  • Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and if possible don’t go out between 10h00 and 16h00 (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Have cool or at least room temperature baths or showers.
  • Drink cold drinks regularly, such as water and fruit juice. Reduce high-caffeine drinks intake.
  • Stay tuned to the weather forecast on the radio or TV, or at the Met Office website.
  • Apply sunblock and wear loose, cool clothing and a hat if you go outdoors.
  • Try wearing open shoes, sandals or flip-flops, however, if your skin is exposed, apply sunblock, Factor 30 at minimum.
  • Check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves.

It’s also good to bear in mind that wherever you require a temporary or permanent hydration solution in the UK, AquAid have a wide range of water coolers tailor-made to meet your requirements. We even offer a next day water delivery service for our Bottle-Fed Water Coolers.

Contact us today.


AquAid Customer Optima Site Solutions, celebrates 20 Years of Operations

AquAid Customer Optima Site Solutions, celebrates 20 Years of Operations

In spring 2002, three university mates clubbed together to launch their own recruitment agency focussed on the construction industry. Optima Site Solutions was born.

Having worked hard to build up their enterprise, they got through the global financial crisis and more recently Brexit, which has affected labour supply, and COVID, which gave a temporary shake up to the internal organisation. Proving time-and-time again that theirs is a sustainable and progressive business.

Optima now has more than 35 employees and supplies thousands of contractors to hundreds of clients each year; making it one of the largest recruitment agencies for construction in the UK. The company’s success has been built on years of effective trade and sticking to its core values of candidate quality, being transparent and best service for all.

Optima is well aware of the importance of their employees maintaining good hydration habits, consequently they installed AquAid bottled water coolers in their Head Office in 2008. Not only has this led to their organisation having constant supply of refreshing drinking water, it has also meant automatic donations to the charities they support through AquAid with each bottle of water delivered.

This partnership has also led to a water well, known as an Elephant Pump, to be built in a water scarce region in Zimbabwe on their behalf.  This pump, constructed using locally available materials, has a capacity to supply up to 10,000 litres of potable water per day, and due to its award winning design will do so for decades.

AquAid look forward to being able to present the Optima Site Solutions team with a certificate, a photo of the pump and a letter of thanks for their participation in this life-changing build in due course.

You can read more about Optima Site Solutions here.

AquAid Tyne & Wear Attains Charitable Donations Milestone

AquAid Tyne & Wear Attains Charitable Donations Milestone

By Fern Shaw

AquAid Tyne & Wear, operating since 2002, this year celebrates twenty years in the provision of an extensive range of innovative and high-quality water coolers and dispensers, along with a total commitment to offering superior services to their 2,000 customers.

Reaching this 20-year anniversary holds more than one reason for celebration though – it also marks an incredible achievement with the branch donating just under £500,000 to the charities AquAid have supported since our inception in 1998.

In view of this remarkable achievement, we spoke to Gordon and Emir Dobson, who own and operate AquAid Tyne & Wear and asked for their comment.

“We are absolutely delighted that our donations have reached this level: these small contributions we know have made a big difference to those who need it.

Here’s to the next £500,000!” ~ Emir Dobson, Owner Director – AquAid Tyne & Wear

Extracts below are from a letter to Emir and Gordon written by Ian Thorpe, CEO of The Africa Trust, in recognition of this milestone.

“Many congratulations as you approach your twentieth anniversary for the Tyne and Wear franchise of AquAid. I was astonished to learn that your franchise alone has raised such an extraordinary amount of money for charity during the last two decades. With a current donation figure of £487,915 I have no doubt that during your anniversary year, you will achieve the tremendous milestone of over half a million pounds raised.

Thank you for the part you and your colleagues at AquAid Tyne &Wear are playing in lifting people out of poverty to live healthier and more productive lives.

You have also raised over £240k for Christian Aid, and during the last three years alone, 3,321 people in Malawi have received entrepreneurial training (at a cost of £12 each) and assistance to start small businesses.“ ~ Ian Thorpe, Chief Executive – The Africa Trust

Should you too like to play a part in this phenomenal, philanthropic movement simply by keeping yourself and your company, organisation or school hydrated, contact AquAid today.

How using AquAid Water Coolers helps Pay it Forward

How using AquAid Water Coolers helps Pay it Forward

As the temperatures soar throughout the UK, so does the demand for chilled, refreshing drinking water.

At AquAid, where we have been in the business of providing a wide range of AquAid water coolers and water, both spring and bottled at source, for over 23 years, we understand this more than most. That’s why it’s important to us to be able to ensure that we are able to offer the very best in mainsfed and bottlefed water dispensers and bottled water.

We’re not only about the provision of high-quality water dispensers – we also firmly believe that providing water to those who may not necessarily have access to water as we do – is absolutely vital.

When it’s hot, keeping hydrated with AquAid is as simple as touching a button, but for millions of people globally, not having access, to not only drinking water but also any water, at all, is a daily reality.

Remember, this is just water for you, your children, family and community to drink. This is not the water needed to wash your clothes or utensils or water with which to irrigate your food crops. This is water to drink for your very survival.

Sadly, this is the day-to-day existence for many communities across Africa. During droughts and in the dry months access to water becomes increasingly difficult.

Which is just one reason, since our rather humble beginnings in 1998, we chose to work with sustainable charities like The Africa Trust and Christian Aid. Using donations from AquAid, both charities work tirelessly implementing sustainable water projects for communities in need.

As an AquAid customer isn’t it nice to know that while you’re sipping cool water from our water dispensers, there’s another water well or water project being installed in Africa, bringing clean drinking water to another community in need? We think so and we are sure you will agree.

#OnlyOneEarth: World Environment Day – play your part with AquAid

#OnlyOneEarth: World Environment Day – play your part with AquAid

With World Environment Day coming up and a theme of #OnlyOneEarth, here at AquAid we thought it pertinent to highlight the systems we have in place which help make sure we reduce our impact on the environment, while we continue to supply a wide range of high-quality water dispensers and bottled-at-source and spring water to our customers across the UK.

Kinder to the environment

By using a water cooler dispenser, you help protect our environment. We use billions of individual plastic water bottles each year and millions end up in our rubbish each day. By drinking water from a re-usable water bottle and refilling our water bottles from a water cooler, we significantly reduce this number. This means that you can still enjoy the convenience of having water with you at all times and be safe in the knowledge that you are reducing the harmful impact on the environment.

More branches local to you

With 23 branches positioned across the UK, our multiple distribution centres allow us to be nearer to our customers – shorter delivery distances reduce fuel usage and associated carbon emissions.

Water from source

Our three sources of mineral and spring water, one each in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland, were all selected in large part due their central locations, which reduces the carbon footprint associated with the deliveries to our depots.

Creates opportunity and hope

At AquAid, an integral component of our business is helping those in need. This core belief is illustrated in each installation of our Mainsfed Water Coolers and each purchase of Bottled Water. We donate a portion of these revenues to charities that implement safe, sustainable water resources throughout Africa.

Whatever your water cooler requirements, AquAid have over twenty three years of experience in the provision of the right water cooler for your work space – wherever you’re situated and whatever space you occupy throughout England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Why there’s such a Buzz about Bees and Water

Why there’s such a Buzz about Bees and Water

Thankfully, the importance of bees has been highlighted for years now. In case you’ve missed the buzz, here are a few facts:

  • According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, approximately 80% of all flowering plants are specialised for pollination by animals, mostly insects (which includes bees). Pollination is crucial because many of our vegetables, fruits and the crops that feed our livestock rely on it to be fertilised, so without it, we could go hungry. Vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and cucumber rely on the pollination of bees, as do apricots, strawberries, apples, tomatoes and almonds.
  • While there are other methods of pollination, including by the wind, birds, bats and other insects, wild bees are among the most important pollinators because they are capable of pollinating on a much bigger scale. It is estimated that it would cost farmers in the UK an incredible £1.8 billion per year to manually pollinate their crops, which just further emphasises the importance of bees.

Aside from the critical role bees play in food and crop pollination globally, water is, as with all creatures, vital to the bees’ survival.

No matter your environment, you too can help create a bee friendly zone and provide safe access to water. As bees cannot swim, a shallow water container outside loaded with pebbles or corks on which the bee can perch and drink would be ideal.

The intelligence of bees is undisputed; they even have a code they share when they find a good source of food and water. Known as the ‘waggle dance’, it’s a clever way of communicating between themselves to tell their nest mates where to go to find the best source of food and water. It took the researchers at Sussex University two years to decode the waggle dance.

Now you have this information on board, you can do your bit to create a hydration station for these furry, striped, winged miracle workers and look after yourselves by making sure you replenish your drinking water often at your water cooler station.

sources: The Bee GardenerWWF ; Woodland Trust