The Synergy between AquAid Water Coolers and The Africa Trust Elephant Pumps

The Synergy between AquAid Water Coolers and The Africa Trust Elephant Pumps

AquAid’s high-volume bottle fed and mains fed water coolers are the perfect solution where there is a high demand for a constant supply of fresh drinking water – wherever the location: football grounds; offices; worksites, warehouses; medical rooms; colleges; workshops; hotels; varsities or schools.

Every AquAid Large Capacity Mains Fed Water Dispenser is designed for ease of operation and to run efficiently.

For illustrative purposes, we are looking at the High Capacity Mains-Fed Hydrator Water Cooler, as it has an extra-large reservoir – a point-of-use water dispenser specially designed for serving a large number of people.

With a dispense gap of 230mm, easily accommodating varying sizes of water containers, the Hydrator can dispense up to 40ℓ of chilled water each hour, a sufficient volume to fill 120 x 330ml bottles.

The Hydrator’s sturdy design, developed for use in high usage areas, also boasts Hygiene Guard silver impregnated dispense tap reduces bacteria transfer and a flood guard anti-leak device for added security.

And there you have it, cool drinking water on tap. All the clever little (and large) mechanisms silently operating behind the scenes, all the while ensuring that you – thirsty Thelma or Thaddeus – remain properly hydrated and super productive throughout your working day or night.


Every installation of an AquAid mainsfed water cooler and each bottle of water replenished brings with it donations that are used to build more water wells – referred to as Elephant Pumps – for communities in water scarce regions across sub-Saharan Africa.

So, the next time you press a button and fill your water bottle, mug or glass, think about the fact that not only are you keeping yourself healthy and hydrated but also with that simple push, you will have directly contributed towards:

Another draught of clean drinking water pumped into a bucket or onto a banana plantation that will pay for school fees and;

Another child now has access to safe drinking water, which will help them better concentrate in school and;

Another community with readily available potable, productive water for use every day, for all generations, for many decades.

Rather marvellous, don’t you think?

Groundwater – World Water Day 2022

Groundwater – World Water Day 2022

The theme for World Water Day 2022 is Groundwater.

From the World Water Day website:

  • Groundwater is invisible, but its impact is visible everywhere.
  • Out of sight, under our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives
  • Almost all of the liquid freshwater in the world is groundwater.
  • As climate change gets worse, groundwater will become more and more critical.
  • We need to work together to sustainably manage this precious resource.
  • Groundwater may be out of sight, but it must not be out of mind.

The good news is that even if you are not directly involved in this year’s World Water Day, as an AquAid customer, you are already helping with the continued implementation of sustainable water projects utilising ground water, to provide potable water, water to grow crops and water for productive use for thousands of communities in water poor regions across Africa.

With each Mains Fed Water Cooler installation and every bottle of water purchased, we donate a portion of those sales to the charities we have supported for more than twenty-three years: Christian Aid, since 1998 and The Africa Trust – an AquAid founded charity – since 2010.

If you are not yet an AquAid customer, but appreciate how we work, we will be more than happy to help introduce you to our range of water dispensers, Touch-Free water coolers and water boilers.

AquAid – How does Hydration Aid Education?

AquAid – How does Hydration Aid Education?

With 24 January being International Day of Education, we thought it important to highlight an often overlooked yet crucial solution which aids children’s education.

Dehydration in children can be difficult to spot

Most children show no obvious visible signs of dehydration, as symptoms such as lethargy, irritability and lack of concentration may be considered normal during class, more often in the afternoon however, we now know that these signs may be due, at least in part, to the effects of dehydration.

The brain cannot store water

No matter the age of the schoolgoer, learning requires the brain’s engagement. Because the brain has no way to store water, drinking water continually throughout the day is vital. When the body loses more water than is being replaced, dehydration occurs and brain function can be affected.

However, when the brain is operating with plenty of water, children are able to have greater clarity, creativity, focus and quicker thought processes.

Well-maintained hydration can boost learning

When we are thirsty, mental performance including memory, attention and concentration can decrease by up to 15 percent. Children are better able to concentrate as they are not as distracted by dehydration effects such as thirst, tiredness and irritability.

The role of nurseries, schools and learning centres

Children will achieve more when both their health and learning needs are met. Ensuring free access to water and promoting a regular water intake throughout the school day is a vital role for schools in promoting health and providing a healthy learning environment.

For more than two decades, AquAid has been involved in campaigns spearheading the importance of drinking water. We understand a hydrated child is a much happier child. Consequently, we have always encouraged our school customers to provide readily available drinking water for both the children and the entire school contingent.

Drawing from our wide range of high quality water dispensers, we offer a selection of Mains-Fed water coolers for large schools where the water consumption is high as well as Bottle-Fed water coolers for either smaller educational facilities or where there are no water mains available at a drinking water area.

We provide Touch-Free water coolers. Our water coolers are equipped with anti-bacterial taps for increased hygienic water dispensing and various drainage options to reduce overflow and spillage wherever possible.

Moreover, to help create and instil better hydration habits, we also offer free refillable drinking water bottles and free school posters to help keep water top of mind during the school day.

Sustainable Water Provision and your AquAid Water Dispenser

Sustainable Water Provision and your AquAid Water Dispenser

Irrespective of your take on climate change, radically changing weather patterns year on year or the crucial drop in natural water supply globally, there is no denying that the stats speak volumes:

771 Million people lack access to potable water.*

1.7 Billion People lack access to improved sanitation.

Approximately 60% of the global population lives without access to a toilet.

*stats from

The ramifications of these statistics and the volume of people it affects can seem quite daunting in terms of how to address this global issue.  The good news, though, is that there are multiple organisations that continue, year on year, to provide sustainable solutions to the lack of water and adequate sanitation to those in need.

Sustainability may seem like a 21st century buzzword – bandied about without much meaning, but the truth of it is – sustainability is vital in the provision of water and sanitation to those for who access to water is an ongoing fight for actual survival.

Sustainable water projects are those that include both short term and long-term solutions that pave the way forward by enabling a community to begin water related projects that may provide them with a capacity to earn an income or to trade their produce or services to others.

There’s much truth in the adage, ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime’, but before we implement this philosophy, help is needed to provide water to communities that more often than not, do not have the most basic of infrastructures for a steady supply of water.

That’s why here at AquAid Water Coolers we have, since our humble beginnings over two decades ago, partnered with charities that not only provide emergency relief but also sustainable solutions to poverty around the globe, as is the case with Christian Aid and in the case of The Africa Trust, throughout Africa.

To learn more about the work that these organisations carry out, visit us at our website, and see how your water and water dispenser purchases are making a visible difference to others.

A Healthy Approach to the New Year

A Healthy Approach to the New Year

There are a large percentage of us Britons who make New Year’s Resolutions, but a very small percentage who keep them. Perhaps there is a better approach and in so doing, allowing resolutions to be a breeze to keep.

Research shows that as soon as we attach the word ‘resolution’ to intent, our resolve goes out the window; very soon after the resolutions were first made.

Imagine if we approached the dreaded res. dilemma with a new outlook. As an example: what if we started making decisions about the year ahead? If you think about it, we make decisions (the good, bad and the neither here or there) every day of our lives, but they are decisions nonetheless – no big deal.

So perhaps a good idea is to kick off the year is to haul out your New Year’s Resolution list, tack it up somewhere and re-word it, so it reads something like this:

Lose weight x        I’ve decided to walk to the office/shop/school.

Drink less x             For each tea or coffee I drink, I’m going to drink a glass of water.

Spend less x             For each 50p I save, I’m donating to a charity close to my heart.

Eat less                     I’ve decided to drink more water before each meal.

What decisions have you decided upon for this year then? Mine reads something like this:

I’ve decided to spend more time outdoors and to walk more.

I’ve decided to drink more water and less of the fizzy stuff, especially at work.

I’ve decided to create more awareness about how paying it forward truly makes a difference to others.

You get the gist of this decision-making vs. resolution failing, right? I’m just going to leave this here for you then.

From all of us at AquAid Water Coolers to all of you, every best wish for a splendiferous 2022.

Bottled Water Coolers. Bottle-Fed Water Coolers. Bottle Water Coolers. What’s the difference?

Bottled Water Coolers. Bottle-Fed Water Coolers. Bottle Water Coolers. What’s the difference?

Other than the differing terminology, essentially there is no difference.

Bottled, bottle-fed, bottled water coolers are ideal where portable water or a mains water supply is unavailable. The water coolers provide an efficient method of dispensing refreshing cool and chilled drinking water for any size business, in any industry, including big, medium or small offices, workspaces, construction sites, hotel and catering, schools, colleges and universities.

What is different are the benefits that come standard with every rental, purchase and installation of an AquAid water dispenser, be that a bottled or mains water cooler or water boiler. Benefits that include:

  • Free on-site survey to assess your water dispenser requirements. 
  • 48-Hours delivery and installation of bottle-fed water dispensers. 
  • With 23 branches across the UK, you have the benefit of an AquAid branch at your convenience.
  • Efficiency – whether you need additional bottled water delivered (usually within 24 hours) or you are benefitting from our automatic water cooler sanitisation every three months.
  • For every bottle of water we deliver, there is an automatic donation to the charities we support. Charities that implement clean water resources for thousands of communities in need across Africa.

Whatever your bottle-fed, bottled or bottle water preferred terminology, contact us today and benefit from the AquAid difference.