Winter Water Cooler Health – Cold Weather Hydration Tips

Winter Water Cooler Health – Cold Weather Hydration Tips

Maintaining good hydration habits may seem less important in winter than in summer, but this is not the case. I would venture that it is actually more important to make sure you’re drinking enough water in winter than in summer.

Dehydration is much less noticeable during winter, as you don’t notice how much you sweat under layers of clothing.

The dryness in the air may dehydrate our bodies quicker than we can imagine and most often, we don’t even feel thirsty, so our need for adequate water may remain unmet*.  That’s why it’s important to work pre-emptively to replenish the fluid reserves of the body, in order to avoid any physical discomfort that will stem from dehydration in the future.

As with all seasons, winter also demands special dietary and lifestyle adjustments to prepare the body for the cold weather.

Drink room-temperature drinks: Although cold drinks are absorbed quicker, warmer or room temperature drinks keep your body temperature optimal – particularly ideal if you’ve been exercising in the cold.

Make good hydration a habit: Since your ability to recognise your thirst worsens as you age, today is the ideal time to start getting into the keeping hydrated habit.

Boosting Immunity: The cold and dry air may sap your body of energy, making you feel sluggish and even making you more susceptible to cold weather illnesses.  Keeping hydrated helps boost immunity thereby protecting your body.

Regulating Weight: When you’re hydrated, your body is more capable of breaking down fats, effectively regulating body weight.

Eat water rich food: Fruit and veggies have a high water content – these add volume and keep you satisfied without the calories. Broth and soup are also a great way to consume water.

Water refresh: A lot of us just do not like drinking water, period. Try adopting a different approach. Switch up your room temperature water by adding lemon, cucumber or even ginger.

Helps skin health: Drinking adequate water during winter is essential to stay hydrated, all which helps to prevent dry and dull skin.

Whatever the weather and wherever your location in the UK, the easiest and quickest route to ensuring you have a constant supply of refreshing drinking water is to install a water dispenser from AquAid. We provide a wide range of high-quality water coolers, water boilers and Instant Taps.

AquAid has also recently added a selection of Touch-Free water coolers and water boilers to our range: providing you safe and easy access to your drinking water, thereby ensuring your continued hydration health.

*source: NDTV Food

Water Cooler Etiquette 2020

Water Cooler Etiquette 2020

Seeing where we are, we thought it might be prudent and practical to update the guidelines around what is considered good etiquette when replenishing your water bottle or water glass at your office water cooler.

Queuing instead of gathering. Unlike previously where we referred to confusing queues, that’s unlikely to happen currently.  Therefore, less queue confusion and more distance queuing is in order. The positive here is it’s unlikely that you’ll need to fight your way past other chatters seeking hydration, allowing you more time and easier access to your cool water or hot water for your lemon water, tea, coffee or a newcomer, the bubble tea (more on this in another instalment).

Distance dispensing.  We’re sure that every employer, as with all employees, is making sure that their office or workspace is routinely sanitised and cleansed, to ensure you a safe working environment, with you doing your bit, of course. At AquAid, each of our range of top quality water dispensers is designed in keeping with the highest levels of hygiene at the forefront. This includes the recent introduction of a range of Touch-Free hot and cold water dispensers as well as a non-touch, easy fit attachment for our entire range of hot water boilers.

Sanitise, sanitise, sanitise. As with distance dispensing, maintaining good sanitisation habits protects both you and your colleagues.  Again, integral to our business, we understand the importance of sanitisation, which is why we sanitise all Bottled water coolers every three months and all Mainsfed water dispensers every six months.

But, what about your water cooler supplier? How are they helping to ensure a constant, safe supply of drinking water? Rest assured that here at AquAid, we continue to take all precautions and necessary steps to reduce any risk to both staff and customers.

We’re sure, with these updated water cooler etiquettes, we can continue to band together (at a respectful distance, mind) to keep the water cooler the friendliest spot in the office, wherever that may be.

AquAid supply Water Dispensers for Workplace Bubbles

AquAid supply Water Dispensers for Workplace Bubbles

As we look across all industries requiring water coolers, thereby ensuring a constant supply of refreshing drinking water, be that chilled or hot water for our favourite hot drinks, remember AquAid Water Coolers.

We remain open and operational, working hard to continue to ensure that we provide each customer with whatever drinking water requirements they have. For added peace-of-mind, please read our Covid-19 Risk Assessment statement.

As we supply water coolers throughout the UK, to a wide range of industries, we understand how vital it is that these organisations remain open. Which is why we have made sure we are able to offer additional hygienic solutions so customers can safely dispense drinking water, whatever their business and wherever their location.

We have recently introduced Touch-Free water coolers and hot water boilers, which are perfect for placement in created work bubbles. We also supply a non-touch tap which fits easily onto the dispense point, thereby ensuring your continued safe access to refreshing drinking water. You can view how this tap operates here:

We invite you to browse the AquAid Water Coolers range and welcome your enquiry via any of our easy contact channels:

By using the contact form at the AquAid website;

Via e-mail or;

By telephoning our toll free number: 0800 772 3003.

Hydrate Your Way to Health

Hydrate Your Way to Health

The title isn’t just catchy, it’s the literal truth.

More than 90% of Britons experience health issues. What’s worth noting is that many of these health issues can be resolved by simply drinking water more as it may well be that dehydration is the cause.

If you are feeling unwell and are displaying the following symptoms, you may be dehydrated:

  • Dry mouth
  • Dry skin 
  • Feeling tired 
  • Irritability 
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Feeling faint/dizzy 
  • Headache

Often, these symptoms are a direct result of not drinking enough water. The good news here is that by simply increasing how much water you drink which will rehydrate you, your organs are able to function better and not expend further energy sending you signals that they need water.

Remember though, if you are drinking enough water and are hydrating properly – check the easy reference chart at the AquAid website – and you’re still feeling unwell, there may be another cause, so you may want to chat to your health professional.

Of course, as here at AquAid Water Coolers our focus is all about the supply of refreshing bottled-at-source water through our Bottled Water Dispensers and filtered water via our Mains Water Coolers, we’re well aware of the links between hydration and health.  Moreover, by offering a wide range of high quality water dispensers suited for installation in whatever size organisation you may have, we are also able to assist with the provision of safe water resources to thousands of communities who currently do not have access to clean drinking water.

Contact us to find out more.

Drinking Water: Hydration Tips for Autumn

Drinking Water: Hydration Tips for Autumn

Here in the UK, we’re well into autumn, and with winter beckoning from not too afar, it’s not surprising that we automatically adjust our drinking water frequency, usually to much lower levels.

While understandable, it’s a little unwise. These organ – water percentages illustrate how vital it is to maintain good drinking water habits, irrespective of what season we’re in.

  • Skin is 64% water.
  • Your brain and heart is 73% water.
  • Our blood plasma is 90% water.
  • Your lungs are 83% water.
  • Your muscles and kidneys are 79% water.

Adverse effects from not drinking enough water include digestive, skin, bladder and kidney problems, tiredness and even headaches.

Dehydration usually occurs before we feel thirsty. That’s why it’s important to drink water consistently throughout the day. One of the best methods to kick start your day, especially if you’re not a morning person, is to drink one to two glasses of water right after you wake up. This will increase your blood pressure and help reduce lethargy. From there, always have a bottle or a glass of water handy and make sure to visit your water dispenser, water cooler or hot water boiler regularly.

If your preference in cooler weather is to drink hot water drinks, that’s great. It’s wise to keep in mind that if you are drinking sugared hot drinks, your body uses a large amount of water to filter all the sugar from your system.  If you must have plentiful cups of say, coffee – try to match each coffee with a glass of water and at the very least, cut out the sugar.

Drinking water regularly also speeds up your metabolism and makes you feel more ‘full’. This can be very beneficial to your overall ‘cold weather’ health where the inclination is to eat more and exercise less. Drink

The Unseen Advantages of the AquAid Hot Water Boiler

The Unseen Advantages of the AquAid Hot Water Boiler

The simplest route to keep warm when it’s cold is to drink hot water. Bold statement, can we back it up?

We can. Aside from all the usual solutions to keep ourselves warm – layered clothing, closed shoes, hats – drinking a hot drink (even if it’s gently heated water, say with a squeeze of lemon) can raise the body’s temperature almost immediately.

Drinking hot water provides other benefits too:

*Relieves nasal congestion. According to a 2008 study, drinking a hot drink, such as tea, provided quick, lasting relief from a runny nose, coughing, sore throat and tiredness. The hot drink was more effective than the same drink at room temperature.

*Helps reduce toxins. Drinking hot water temporarily raises your internal body temperature.  Your body’s endocrine system activates and you start to sweat. While sweating might be uncomfortable, it’s an essential part of getting rid of toxins and irritants we are exposed to in our environment. According to the Arthritis Foundation, drinking water is important for flushing toxins out of your body. It can help fight inflammation, keep the joints well lubricated and prevent gout.

*Can assist with weight loss. As your body compensates for the warm temperature of the water, it brings your internal temperature down and activates your metabolism. A small 2003 study reported that switching from cold water to hot water could help people lose weight through this thermic effect.

How do all of these benefits tie in with AquAid Hot Water Boilers? Very well, as it turns out.

When at work, waiting for the kettle to boil can be a lengthy process. Constantly boiling the kettle also uses more electricity, so getting your hot drink can be costly and counter-productive.

When you install an AquAid hot water boiler, an unlimited supply of filtered, boiling drinking water is kept at the perfect hot drink temperature throughout the working day, whether in the office, workspace or school. Furthermore, AquAid’s range of hot water boilers provide for a draw of piping hot water of anything from 12 mugs from the Eco WallFit Water Boiler at one draw, up to a 40 mug draw from the Eco Large Fill Water Boiler.

Speak to us at AquAid today so you too can benefit from the unseen advantages of installing a hot water boiler.

*source: Healthline article, author: Kathy Watson