Ten (Five) Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part II

Ten (Five) Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part II

  1. Low Maintenance

You don’t need to worry about tedious maintenance and upkeep with a new water cooler. Unlike most appliances, they are very easy to maintain. Most units only require that you keep the dispenser or dispensing area clean. This usually means emptying the drip tray as needed. Aside from this, you don’t need to worry – all our sanitation engineers and delivery drivers have undertaken mandatory hygiene training and we automatically sanitise all bottle-fed water dispensers every 3 months and all mains-fed water dispensers every 6 months.

  1. Features and Accessories

All AquAid Water Coolers offer features and options to best suit where they’re installed. For example, we assess whether you should be installing a bottle fed or mains fed water cooler and will recommend accordingly.  A drinking chart is provided to illustrate how much water you should be drinking every day. For school installations, AquAid provide individual water bottles for the children.

  1. Convenient Water with a Pure Fresh Taste

With a water cooler, you can enjoy the convenience of having on-demand water whenever you want it. The water is pure, fresh and great tasting. Our bottled water is sourced from natural springs from three locations around the UK and our mains fed coolers have advanced filtration systems providing you with clean, fresh drinking water. Best of all you’ll enjoy not having to bring your own bottled water purchased from stores every day as you’ll have access to water all day.

  1. Charitable Aspect

Imagine that by your drinking water you’re benefitting those in need, and then speak to us because this is something that AquAid do. For each water cooler purchased and bottle of spring water that we deliver, a donation is made to the charities that we’ve supported since AquAid began.

  1. Drink More Water

Many people that install water coolers for themselves, their staff, children, patients and customers find that they drink more water because it’s readily available. This means that you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle because you are drinking the recommended amount of water per day.

Whatever your water cooler requirements are, AquAid have more than twenty years of experience in the provision of the right water cooler for your work space – wherever you’re situated and whatever space you occupy throughout England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

How to Waterly Increase Productivity in the Workplace

How to Waterly Increase Productivity in the Workplace

A survey conducted by a recruitment agency, polling hundreds of employers from various companies, found that the predominant reason for a drop in productivity was employees being glued to their mobiles.

Other employer bugbears which topped the list were:

  • Internet usage;
  • Social media; 
  • Snack or smoke breaks; 
  • Noisy colleagues.

*Fifty percent of employers surveyed nationally named mobiles and texting as the main bad habits getting in the way of work being done, while good old fashioned office gossip was their second biggest bugbear.

According to the survey, 24 percent of employers list ‘noisy co-workers’ as an obstacle to productivity, while another 23 percent say co-workers stopping by each other’s work spaces are to blame.

There seems to be a slight contradiction in the feedback though, as typing e-mails was also seen as a time waster, with a suggestion to rather walk on over and speak directly to the intended e-mail recipient as this was usually a lot quicker and used less time than typing up and sending the e-mail and waiting for a response. So, if you’re wasting time typing e-mails when a quick conversation will do, should you be inter office e-mailing or rather speaking directly to your colleagues, or not?

Employees chatting around the water cooler were also mentioned as a bugbear, but at least being at the water cooler, you’d imagine the initial idea would be water replenishment and as we know, drinking sufficient water at work (or throughout your day, wherever you are) has proven, time and again, to improve one’s focus, mental alertness and concentration, which more easily enables an increase in one’s productivity.

Perhaps the solution is to apply the adage ‘everything in moderation’ whereby employers can encourage healthy hydration habits but ask that their employees keep their water cooler time to be more water replenishment focused and less chit chat central.

*excerpts from an article at The Daily Mail

Ten to Six Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part I

Ten to Six Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part I

  1. Eco-Friendly

By using a water cooler dispenser, you are helping to protect our environment. We use billions of individual plastic water bottles each year and millions end up in our rubbish each day. By drinking water from a reusable water bottle and refilling our water bottles with a water cooler, we can significantly reduce this number. This means that you can still enjoy the convenience of having water with you at all times and be safe in the knowledge that you are lessening the harmful impact on the environment.

  1. Saves money

While the upfront cost of purchasing a water cooler can be a bit more costly initially, over time you can expect to see significant savings. Water coolers offer an economical way to drink more water. Instead of purchasing many disposable water bottles, you can save money by buying large bottles for your dispenser. If you’re using a mains fed water cooler dispenser, you can also expect to see significant savings.

  1. Perfect Temperature

Attractive Appearance
Many water dispensers come with hot and cold water taps. The cold water is perfect for a refreshing glass of water. The hot water tap offers a quick and convenient way to make tea, coffee, soup, hot chocolate or tea. Some units also come with a room temperature water tap for added convenience.

When most of us imagine a water cooler, we only picture a white plastic unit that isn’t the most appealing and won’t complement our kitchen, reception or office areas. Fortunately, this stereotype is no longer true. AquAid’s range of water coolers are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and materials.  Common finishes include black, white, silver and stainless steel.

  1. Perfect Size

If you’re concerned about where you would put a new water cooler, you don’t need to worry. Water coolers come in several shapes and sizes, so you can choose a unit that’s sure to fit perfectly in your space. Common models include a free-standing water cooler or a desktop (countertop) water cooler. Free-standing units are typically larger and are better suited for use in areas where there is more floor space. In contrast, desktop (countertop) water dispensers are usually more compact and are ideal for use in smaller spaces.

Look out for Part II to read about the other benefits a water cooler brings for you.

Are all Water Cooler suppliers the same?

Are all Water Cooler suppliers the same?

We don’t believe so. There are a multitude of water cooler suppliers in the UK, but there is only one AquAid. What sets AquAid apart are the integral inclusions that we provide with each water cooler purchase. These aren’t add-ons – although we offer those too – these are inclusions that we and many satisfied customers believe to be what makes AquAid a cut above.

So you have now had your brand spanking new water cooler installed and your first question is:

We have a bottle-fed water cooler – how often will I get a water delivery?

You’re automatically placed onto our fortnightly delivery round, which means that we will deliver to you on the same day every 2 weeks. This way we both can determine the quantity of water that you require to keep you hydrated during the two weeks.

But what if I run out of water?

AquAid offers all our customers a free of charge 24hour emergency service should you run out of water. We know the importance of keeping hydrated and will always do our best to avoid situations that will leave you without any drinking water.

How often will my water cooler be serviced and do I have to call to book the service?

As per the EDWCA guidelines, we sanitise all mains fed water coolers every 6 months and bottle fed water coolers will be serviced every 3 months. The service will be carried out by our very experienced service technicians and should take no longer than 20 minutes of your time. You do not need to remind us to service your machine. Our systems automatically let us know as and when your machines are due for their service.

Hmm, fair enough … but I’m a little concerned about how this bottled water is getting to us in terms of your carbon footprint. Is my AquAid local?

It most definitely is – AquAid have 29 distribution points across the UK, which means that your water cooler; water and water cups deliveries; as well as your water cooler maintenance and servicing all originates from your local AquAid branch.

Now, the biggie – what else makes AquAid stand apart from other water cooler suppliers?

Since the inception of AquAid almost 2 decades ago – we believed and continue to believe that donating to charities that provide sustainable solutions for those less fortunate is vitally important to a successful business. AquAid are very proud of our association with the charities that we work with. With every bottle of water that we supply a 30p donation is made to The Africa Trust along with a £20 donation when a Mains Fed Water Cooler is installed. Christian Aid also receives a 10p donation with every bottle of water that we supply. To date we have donated in excess of 10 million pounds.

If you would like to enquire about our water coolers, products and services, we’d welcome hearing from you.

To call us at AquAid: 0800 772 3003

To e-mail us: Click here

If you’d like to browse our range of water coolers: Click here

To follow us on social media: Twitter and Facebook


Water Cooler, Water Boiler … Cuppa Tea

Water Cooler, Water Boiler … Cuppa Tea

There’s been some rather soggy weather in England this week – bit rude I’d say – it’s only October.

While you’re keeping warm indoors and contemplating life, the weather in general and how soaked you’ll get outdoors if you make a dash for it, here are a few thoughts that may make you beam with British pride; warm you up and intrigue your grey matter.

It was recently the 385th anniversary of tea in the UK.

They say that a cuppa cures all ills and they’re not far wrong – whether you’re using your hot water boiler or combination AquAid chiller/boiler in the office, or school or at home – or boiling water with the kettle at home – there’s very little that can’t be cured by the brew.

But a few years away from our four hundredth year of drinking tea, our knowledge may not be as encyclopaedic as we’d like to think it is! In celebration of this anniversary, a few facts and myth busters that may amuse or interest you:

How many cups a day?

More than 165,000,000 cups are being drunk in the UK every single day of the year.

Brits didn’t invent the tea bag

The tea bag was invented by a nation that is more associated with coffee – America.

Although there are some records of loose-leaf bags being used in ancient China, the first labour-saving teabag was created by US tea merchant Thomas Sullivan.

Tea breaks were invented by modern office workers

Tea breaks are actually a tradition which has been around for about two hundred years. Initially when workers commenced their day at around 5 or 6am, employers allowed a break in the morning when food and tea were served. Some employers repeated the break in the afternoon as well, according to The UK Tea and Infusions Association.

Between 1741 and 1820 industrialists, landowners and clerics tried to put a stop to the tea break maintaining that tea drinking and rest made working people slothful. Modern thinking couldn’t be further away from this – regular tea breaks can play a vital part in the day to help maintain a positive attitude towards work and a very necessary fluid intake.

And the best news of all;

Tea doesn’t go off

Take note though, if you leave your tea for a time, those little leaves won’t be as fresh after six months. The flavour may not suffer, but the brew will lose its antioxidants. The best way to preserve the efficacy of the antioxidants is by storing your tea in a sealed container in a dark, cool place.

If this weather keeps up, proper tea storage certainly won’t be hard.

If you’d like know more about AquAid water coolers and water boiler products, specials and our life saving charity partnerships, please *  e-mail or us on 0800 772 3003. We’d be delighted to assist you.


How to Kick Off your New Year (healthily)

How to Kick Off your New Year (healthily)

There are a large percentage of us Britons who make New Year’s Resolutions, but a very small percentage who keep them. Perhaps there’s a better way in which to approach resolutions and in so doing, make resolutions a breeze to keep.

Research shows that as soon as we attach the word ‘resolution’ to intent, our resolve goes out the window, round about a few days after the resolution was first made.

Now imagine if we all approached the dreaded res. dilemma with a new outlook – as an example – what if we started making decisions about the year ahead? If you think about it, we make decisions (the good, bad and the neither here or there) every day of our lives, but they’re decisions nonetheless – no big deal.

So perhaps a good idea is to kick off the year is to haul out your New Year’s Resolution list, tack it up somewhere and re-word it, so it reads something like this:

Lose weight x        I’ve decided to walk to the office/shop/school.

Drink less x             For each tea or coffee I drink, I’m going to drink a glass of water.

Spend less x           For each 50p I save, I’m donating to a charity close to my heart.

Eat less x                 I’ve decided to drink more water before each meal.

What decisions have you decided upon for this year then? Mine reads something like this:

I’ve decided to spend more time outdoors and to walk more.

I’ve decided to drink more water and less of the fizzy stuff, especially at work.

I’ve decided to spread more awareness about how paying it forward truly makes a difference to others.

You get the gist of this decision making vs. resolution failing, right? I’m just going to leave this here for you then.

Here’s wishing you all a splendiferous 2017.