Water Cooler Etiquette

Did you know that by taking a 5 minute break and drinking a cup of water will refresh you almost immediately?

So head on over to the water cooler for a cool drink of spring water to kick start your energy levels and get you back into super productivity mode.

It also gives your brain a break to chat about something other than work, so while you’re there, have a quick catch up with your colleagues.

The bottom line when it comes to office water cooler etiquette is to keep your chatter cheerful. Talking with one another is a great way to build relationships and promote teamwork. Sharing can be a wonderful asset to your work environment, you just need to keep in mind what you should and should not share at office water coolers.

Do share positive stories about your family and friends. Doing so gives your colleagues insight into who you are.

Do not share your personal problems at work. There are plenty of problems to contend with in the workplace. Sharing your personal problems with your colleagues indicates a familiarity level that the majority of colleagues are uncomfortable with.

Do talk about the interesting aspects of your most recent holiday. If you travelled to an exotic location or remained home to explore your local area, your colleagues will enjoy hearing about what you have done.

Do not share how much you have to make or your salary, this is unprofessional.

Do talk about the fantastic meal that you had at the new Italian restaurant in town.

Do not talk about the four bottles of wine that you drank with your lasagne.

Do discuss a colleague’s promotion, new baby, or other positive news. Just make sure that you have permission from the individual you are speaking about.

Do not discuss a colleague’s personal problems.

Do talk about your latest outdoor adventure. Sharing your hobbies and interests is a great way for colleagues to find out who you are away from the office.

How well do you know your water cooler?

How well do you know your water cooler?

How do bottle fed coolers and mains fed coolers differ?

Bottle fed water coolers are free standing units that use a large plastic bottle to deliver water, and can be either bottom or top loaded. Mains fed water coolers hook up to the main water supply and utilise filtration services to provide clean, crisp-tasting water. Both types of water coolers have an on/off switch that controls the cooling and/or heating functions of the dispenser.

How is the water kept cold?

In order to chill the water prior to dispensation, water coolers have a reservoir within the dispenser that holds a set amount of water. The reservoir is surrounded by pipes that have a refrigerant (a cooling medium) flowing through them.

What stops the bottle fed dispenser water from flooding?

When the bottle of water is inverted and placed into the opening on the top of the water cooler, the seal of the water bottle is severed or punctured by a part referred to as the ‘spike’, allowing the water to flow into the water cooler. Inside the water cooler is a further valve that prevents the water from the bottle flooding the water cooler.

How are water coolers kept clean?

Both Bottle Fed and Mains Fed Dispensers are kept clean by being sanitised. Bottle fed machines are sanitised every 3 months. Mains fed are sanitised every 6 months. An ozone generator is used for this purpose.

What is an ozone generator?

Ozone (O3) is a gas very similar to normal oxygen (O2), just with an added oxygen molecule. In water the effect of ozone is that it will kill all unwanted bacteria, spores and viruses, leaving the water container and water dispenser clean, clear and safe.

Where does the water in the coolers originate from?

In the case of AquAid’s water, from 3 natural springs in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. All the spring water is bottled at source. The water is poured directly into the various sized bottles which are hermetically sealed to lock in the natural purity. And there it remains until it emerges from your water cooler, just as it left the source, cool and pure.

5 Water cooler essentials

Having a water cooler in your office or home is fast becoming the norm. For many, the fact that it produces water is good enough, but why not get the most out of your water cooler and ensure that your money spent is money well spent. Here are 5 water cooler essentials that will turn your water cooler into a welcome addition.


Your water cooler should be seen by all as a reminder to keep hydrated. Ensure that it is in an area that is walked past regularly. The water cooler offers a place for social interaction which allows staff members a respite from sitting at their desks all day long. A quick 3 minute break and a refreshing drink can do wonders to one’s concentration levels and keeps an employee working at an optimal level.


Water coolers are a convenient way to offer clean filtered water in offices, gyms, homes etc. It is important to keep your water cooler clean and prevent germs and unwanted growths from occurring in these moist environments. Having your machine sanitized on a regular basis by trained professionals is paramount to ensuring that your machine performs at its very best. Keeping you water cooler clean will ensure all those that benefit from it will be free from germs and dangerous bacteria.


We all love a bit of accessorizing so why not do the same for your water cooler. Liven up your dispenser by attaching optics that holds natural flavours. We are all aware of the benefits of drinking water but some may require encouragement by enhancing the flavour of the water. The water cooler is a great place to put your notice board or advertisements.


There is no point having a machine that dispensers water but offers no way of drinking it. Make sure you have cups within arm’s reach of your dispenser.


Having a water cooler with no water is a bit like having champagne without bubbles. Having a reliable supplier that that offers dedicated service means you, as a customer, will stay happy and satisfied at all times.

How does a water cooler work?

We all love the cool, refreshing water we get instantaneously from our water cooler whether it be in our home, office or school. But for the majority of us, how this all happens on demand from a mere touch of a button is unknown.

The most popular water cooler is the bottle fed water dispenser. This type of machine gets its water supply from an inverted bottle of water placed on top of the water cooler. When the bottle of water is inverted and placed into the opening on the top of the water cooler, the seal of the water bottle is severed or punctured by a part referred to as the ‘spike’, allowing the water to flow into the water cooler.

Inside the water cooler is a valve that prevents the water from the bottle flooding the water cooler. The water inside the water cooler is fed into a reservoir, where it is cooled using a refrigerant. A refrigerant is a cooling medium that is circulated in pipes that are located close to the reservoir in the water cooler. The refrigerant changes from a liquid to a gas as it moves in the pipes towards the reservoir because of the pressure in the pipes created by a compressor inside the water cooler. The cooled gas in the water pipe is forced through a valve to make it even colder.

When the refrigerant is in a gas form and is circulating in the pipes, it has the ability to absorb the heat away from the mineral water in the reservoir, leaving cool and refreshing water that is readily available. The heat in the refrigerant is then expelled from the water cooler.

As people dispense water, the machine will refill the reservoir and the process begins again. Should the water reservoir empty completely during dispensing, it will take a few minutes before the water cooler chills the water to a low temperature.

The water cooler – how it began?

The water cooler – from a simply block of ice dating back to the Victorian days to now being noted as one of the most important pieces of equipment that has contributed to the health and well-being of children and adults alike.

The water cooler has come a very long way indeed. About a century ago huge blocks of ice were used to chill the contents of the water cooler but this meant that the unit itself was large and extremely heavy which required the use of several men to move it.

The water cooler as we know it was first invented in the early 1906 and is credited to two men – Halsey Willard Taylor and Luther Haws. Haws patented the first drinking faucet in 1911. It is believed that the main reason behind the invention was to not only chill but to provide purified water.  Contaminated drinking water caused typhoid fever in Haws’ father who died as a result. Therefore Haws decided to invent something which would provide safer drinking water.

Water coolers have evolved along with the times and today are compact, light, energy efficient and come in a variety of models, colour and styles to suit most places. Today, many water coolers or dispensers include a heating element to provide hot water along with chilled water. These dispensers must also adhere to strict regulations, meeting health, sanitation and environmental standards.

It is hard to imagine where the water cooler will go from now but its popularity along with the added benefits and convenience that it provides will surely see the water cooler remain in offices, schools and home for many many years to come.

It is time to invest in a water cooler for your office.

It is time to invest in a water cooler for your office.

After reading all the facts about how drinking water benefits not only your staff but you bottom line as well, you have decided that now is the time to get some water coolers into your office. But choosing your supplier and what type of machine you use is no longer about who is the cheapest. Take a bit of time to get to know the different suppliers out there, it will be time well spent.

There are some very vital facts to take into account.

1)      Can they deliver? There is no point having a water cooler with no water. Ensuring your water cooler company delivers when they say they will is paramount. Make sure you know when to expect your delivery but more importantly ensure there is a back-up plan. Knowing you can get an emergency delivery should you run out of water is just as important. Ensure your water cooler supplier is local to you otherwise it could be days before you see your much needed water.

2)      Know where your water is coming from! You are paying good money for your water and so you should know that what you getting is pure, clean and filtered water with all the toxins and chemicals removed. There is a reason why you are paying for your water and not drinking it from the tap.

3)      Have you chosen an ethical company? Who you choose to deal with and support reflects on who you are as a company. Pay attention to how your supplier cares for our planet and the people that inhabit it. Staying healthy in the workplace should not have a negative effect on the world outside your building.