Water Cooler – Health and Safety

Your water cooler will provide you with clean, purified drinking water; however it is up to you to keep the actual device in a clean and safe environment and to ensure that the water cooler itself does not become a hazard in anyway, whether you are using it at home or in the office.

It is recommended that you keep the drip tray of your cooler clean. Ensure that no water is left in the drip tray over a period of time; this will prevent any unpleasant smells that could result from stale water. This is an easy task which will take just a few minutes and. You will need to remove the drip tray from the water cooler which is a simply a case of sliding it off. Once you have clean the tray, be sure to connect it back on to the water cooler correctly to avoid any mishaps once the machine is operational again.

The average water bottle for cooler weighs 19kg’s, and lifting this incorrectly could cause serious damage to your back. Try to bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting the bottle, as opposed to simply bending over forwards to pick it up. Placing the strain on your legs is a much better practice than having that strain on your back.

With regards to placement, whether in an office or in a home, the water dispenser should be in plain sight, and away from a toilet. It is also important to note that it should not obstruct a doorway or entrance in any way; if you need to exit the building in an emergency situation it should be easy to do so. Make sure that the electric cord is also out of the way and does not pose as a hazard which could be tripped over. Cable clips or hooks, for example, could be used to secure the cord to the wall rather than having it lie across the floor.

As long as you take care of your water cooler, it will take care of you.  Keeping it clean and handling it with care and caution will not only benefit your health and safety, but it will also increase the lifespan of your cooler.

Your local Water Cooler Supplier

Your local Water Cooler Supplier

Choosing which water cooler company to go for is no longer about who is the cheapest. The importance of staying hydrated is so well known now, that many companies are placing higher importance on reputation, service and quality. It is extremely important that when deciding who to choose, you do some research and ensure that you will get exactly what you are paying for.

As one of the UK’S top water cooler companies, we at AquAid do not compromise when it comes to service and quality. We believe that making our customers our priority is what keeps them coming back for more. Our delivery network comprises of 27 depots across the country. This means we have over 160 delivery drivers at any time delivering water to your workplace or home. These delivery drivers all work from regional depots which ensure that they are never far away and in cases of emergencies, we can get there within 24 hours. Our teams are all dedicated to making sure that you and your staff are always hydrated.

We at AquAid believe that giving back to the community is a responsibility that forms a vital part of the success of our business. As a company, we are committed to acting responsibly and most importantly motivating others to make a difference. Sharing the responsibility in the world in which we all operate should be an integral part of your working day.  We believe that making a difference is complimentary to a commercial success. We are very proud of our long running association with Christian Aid, donating over 2.5 million pounds since our partnership with them began. For as little as £10, Christian Aid can provide a child with a lifetime’s supply of clean, fresh water.

The Africa Trust was established as a way to bring sustainable solutions to poverty in Africa.  This includes establishing sustainable supplies of clean productive water and decent sanitation. Income generating projects are used to pay school fees, improve clinics and generate the funds needed to run orphanages. To date we have donated in excess of 1 million pounds and are encouraged by the success stories coming from individuals that are benefitting from the training that is being provided.

We at AquAid believe that our exceptional product together with our first class service and community responsibility is what has gotten us to where we are today. Paul Searle, Managing Director of AquAid said ‘The sign of a great partnership is where business, charity and community all work together.’

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Water use during the Olympics

The London Olympics are now just a few days away and the anticipation is starting to show in the entire nation. The United Kingdom Olympic team has a very good change of walking away with one of the top spots for overall medal counts. However, have you ever thought of the logistics around an event of this magnitude, even for something as simple as just supplying water?

With over 14,000 athletes, referees, officials and coaches attending the event, the requirements, and needs of those individuals are extreme. If the athletes drink only three litres of water a day, which is normal for high performance individuals, then the water requirements for them will be 42,000 litres of water per day, or 714,000 over the seventeen days that the Olympics will be held. If they only used water bottles to quench their thirst, it would take almost a million bottles of 750ml bottles to keep them correctly hydrated. An even scarier thought is that the three major pools at the London Olympics will hold approximately 10 million litres of water. Fortunately, for the spectators and visitors that will be flocking to London for this amazing sporting event, companies like AquAid have taken the correct steps to ensure that all their customers will have sufficient water for the duration of this summer’s main sporting event.

They have a wide range of mains fed water cooler rental solutions on offer to their new and existing clients that will ensure that all their water needs are catered for. The mains fed water coolers filter and clean the mains water that every house delivers. This simple system ensures that there is no need to worry about water supply during the summer. This service will be vital for guesthouses, hotels, hostels and other accommodation venues across the UK.

According to the organisers, over 250, 000 rooms have been made available in the immediate vicinity of the main stadium alone.  If you are one of those new accommodation sites, ensure  you have clean, safe and cool water ready !

London Olympics

With the London 2012 summer Olympics only a few short weeks away, it is time to look at all the interesting statistics that surround this sporting spectacle. This event will be held in the United Kingdom for the third time, making London the first city to host the modern version of the sporting games.

The first Olympic Games in London were held in 1908 and originally it was scheduled for Rome, but the eruption of the Mount Vesuvius volcano caused the entire event to be moved. The United Kingdom’s team secured three times the amount of medals to the second place finishers, USA. 22 nations participated that year, this year 205 Olympic nations will be competing for sporting glory.

The second London Olympic Games took place in 1948, with 59 nations competing in 136 different events. This year there will only be 26 different sporting events. Many of these events, like the aquatic events, have many different distances and styles, but these are not counted as individual sports.

An estimated 14,000 athletes will be competing this year at the summer Olympic Games. The Olympic Village will be able to cater and feed 5,500 athletes at any given time during the event and will host the majority of the athletes during the games. The main Olympic stadium will have an 80’000 seater capacity to host the opening gala and all the main track and field events that will be one of the main highlights to the competition. A total of 8 million tickets will be for sale for all the Olympic events and a further 1.6 million tickets for the Paralympic events.

With the extremely large influx of visitors to London, it is no wonder that water coolers sales have sharply increased. Many of the 255,000 hotel rooms in London will be equipped with water coolers to provide tourists and athletes with the cleanest water possible. Fortunately, for many of these establishments, AquAid have made the necessary arrangements to ensure that they, and all their regular customers, will not have any delays with their water supplies during the London Olympics.

A water cooler company that cares for the environment

Being one of the biggest water distribution company in the UK, we at AquAid not only focuses on providing clean and fresh water to all our clients, we are also committed to doing it in the most environmentally friendly way possible. To achieve this we have changed the way we do business, for the better.

Firstly, we have more distribution centres than any other water provider in the UK. This has three very important benefits. The first is that we have to spend less time, money and diesel to get to our customers, as they are closer to us. This offers you our clients the peace of mind that you will be able to get your water on time, every time. Lastly, having many smaller distribution centres ensures that the bottles of water do not stand around in large warehouses. This ensures the freshest water possible and it eliminates the need to dispose of old and unused bottles.

Another fantastic change that we are committed to is to encourage our water users to switch to mains fed water coolers, where possible. This reduces the need to produce more bottles that are plastic and it ensures that the environmental or carbon footprint left behind by our users and by us is dramatically reduced. It also leads to fewer deliveries and smaller servicing vehicles needed to service the water coolers, reducing diesel consumption and harmful emissions.

For the plastic bottles that are produced,  we use a very durable and re-usable plastic that reduced the need to replace the bottles after one use. These bottles have a very long re-usable shelf life and it has dramatically reduced the amount of bottles manufactures and recycled. All the water bottles that are disposed of are done so in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

One of the biggest contributions to reducing waste is the new billing system that we are incorporating. The water industry uses countless delivery notes, invoices and bills every day and we have made a positive choice to move with the electronic times and are now starting to use electronic delivery notes and paperless billing that is e-mailed to our clients.

With all these environmental advantages, it is easy to see why we at AquAid are one of the leading water cooler supplier in the country.

Hydration in Children

Children do not drink enough water and the implications of this cannot be ignored. According to the Mori Survey commissioned by Water UK, the average person is only drinking 3.9 glasses of water per day, which is half of the recommended amount.

Children establish their drinking patterns from a very early age so it is vital that we, as parents, implement good practises. Good hydration not only benefits children’s health at a young age but puts them on the right path for a healthy future. Children have a high percentage of water in their bodies and lose water faster than the average adult which means they need to drink proportionally more to avoid dehydration.

Dr Paul Stillman from the Expert Group says: “The effects of dehydration, marginal or excessive, cannot be ignored. Symptoms can develop even in marginal dehydration, such as headaches, digestive problems, losses in concentration, cognitive impairment and lethargy. To stay fit, healthy and performing to our full capacity, we need to replace the fluids that we lose.” Children spend most of their waking hours at school, resulting in the Department for Education promoting that the Schools Governing Body must ensure that there is easy access at all times to free, fresh drinking water for pupils. Children that are well hydrated during the day will maximise their learning potential.

Former Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State Ann Keen advised that “good hydration helps to reduce tiredness, irritability, and increases concentration. It contributes to a more settled and productive learning environment’. An extremely worrying fact is that most children do not even realise that they are dehydrated as they have become used to being sluggish, lethargic and simply feeling below their best. Children can easily forget to drink during the day so encouragement and educating is of utmost importance. Simple techniques can be used to encourage this. Water Cooler Company AquAid recognised the need for a healthy solution to dehydration and are now the top supplier of Water Coolers to Schools. Drinking water for both health and refreshments needs to be part of a child’s day to day routine; this is not a new concept, merely one that requires constant reminding. Making water the ‘drink of choice’ in your family can also be aided by the Water Cooler in your home. Children find getting their own water from the Water Dispenser is not only fun, but a sign of independence too.

“Children are our heritage and our future. If we neglect to supply them with adequate high quality water, we run the risk of negating the importance of liquid intake. Our children’s health has to be our number one priority.” Lord Sebastian Coe