Water Cooler Health – Peel Power II

Water Cooler Health – Peel Power II

Recently, we learnt all about the natural health benefits found in orange peel. And they are numerous, as are those found in a banana peel.

Banana peels are full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, so they can naturally cure many ailments and can aid cell regeneration.

* Water Filtration – Research shows they have a capacity to absorb lead and copper from water. We wouldn’t suggest trying this using the office water cooler + AquAid’s water doesn’t need to be filtered.

Bug Bites – Just rub a banana peel on a bug bite to soothe the skin and reduce the itch.

Bruises – With regenerative properties, banana peel can speed up the healing of bruises.

Teeth Whitening – Rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth for a couple of minutes every other day, and your teeth could be noticeably whiter in a few weeks.

Warts – Banana peels help eliminate warts and prevent their return. Tape a piece of banana peel to the wart overnight for about a week or rub the banana peel on the affected area daily. This can also work for plantar warts.

Scrapes and Scratches – Rubbing a banana peel on small cuts or scratches can help promote healing.

Splinters – The enzymes help dislodge the splinter and can help kick-start the healing process if you tape a piece of the peel over a splinter for a couple hours.

Acne – A banana peel can soothe the inflammation and irritation of acne. It also helps to prevent future outbreaks. Rub a peel over the acne every night. You should see a positive change within a few days.

Psoriasis – Once or twice a day, try rubbing a banana peel on a psoriasis-affected area. Bananas have properties to reduce itchiness, moisturize, and heal psoriasis. You should see noticeable differences in a few days.

Rashes and Itches – Poison ivy, mild rashes, dry skin, irritated skin and even sunburn. Banana peel is good for relieving itch and promotes healing of the skin. Rub the peel over the rash or affected are twice daily until it is gone.

Whereas immersing orange and citrus peel in water can make for a pleasant, refreshing drink, we wouldn’t suggest the same using banana peels. Nor should you immerse bananas in your water cooler to create naturally flavoured water. It’ll produce an awful mess and most likely you’ll be getting the bill for cleaning out your water dispenser.

*excerpts from an article at Natural Cures Not Medicine

Water Cooler Chat – Peel Power

Water Cooler Chat – Peel Power

Did you know the peels of some fruits hold some of the most powerful nutrients in the world? There are many uses, both medicinal and practical, for orange and banana peels. So, next time you think about throwing away one of these peels, you may want to remember this information.

*Orange Peel – Medicinal Properties of Orange Peels
As per Ayurveda, orange peel is tikta (bitter) and it improves digestion and can speed up your metabolism. It helps to naturally beat gas, heartburn, vomiting and acidic eructation. It’s also great to perk up your appetite and relieve nausea.

Due to its pacifying properties, orange peel powder helps dissolve phlegm in respiratory systems, alleviate coughs, and asthma.

Most of the beneficiary aspects of orange peels come from their essential oils, which have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Essential oil “d-limonene” has the ability to defuse stomach acids and maintain normal intestinal movements. It also promotes normal liver function.

Studies have shown that orange peel can dissolve cholesterol and triglyceride. That means consumption of an orange peel can benefit obese people who have high cholesterol levels. It has a flavonoid known as hesperidin, which is said to be effective against colon cancer and osteoporosis.

Essential oils from orange peels are sedative in nature so it makes them great for calming nerves and inducing sleep. Use orange peels in baths or simmer in a pot to uplift your mood or to beat insomnia naturally.

You can also slice orange slices into water with ice and let that infuse for 2 hours or so in the fridge or use water from your water cooler – but that’s a story for another blog in the all things veggies and fruit series.

Happy orange peeling!

*excerpts from an article at Natural Cures Not Medicine

Philanthropy: AquAid, Christian Aid & The Africa Trust

Philanthropy: AquAid, Christian Aid & The Africa Trust

As of April this year, AquAid has donated over £20 million to charity. This staggering amount is a culmination of charitable donations which began in 1998. This includes over £2.8 million donated to Pump Aid, which enabled half a million people to gain access to sustainable supplies of clean productive water and decent sanitation in Africa. This work was continued by The Africa Trust, which was founded by the Chief Executive of Pump Aid, together with Paul Searle, who was the founder and majority shareholder of AquAid.

To date, more than three million people use Elephant Pumps [pictured above middle] installed by The Africa Trust, largely as a result of over £10.2 million donated by AquAid.  In addition, these funds have paid for entrepreneurial training [pictured above left] and loans, which have helped over 40,000 people to set up small businesses and support their families. With legacy projects in Liberia, Kenya and Uganda and ongoing major programmes in Zimbabwe and Malawi, The Africa Trust is using funding from AquAid to provide sustainable solutions to poverty for millions.

Ian Thorpe, Chief Executive of The Africa Trust said, “AquAid has achieved growth while incorporating an extraordinary level of charitable donations into their business model.  Customers drinking pure chilled water from AquAid water coolers in the UK directly enable people to gain access to life saving clean water in Africa. The ongoing funding is helping to lift literally millions of people out of extreme poverty in a sustainable way. Many congratulations on reaching this £20 million milestone!”

AquAid donations of over £3.8 million to Christian Aid have funded water and capacity building projects in Ethiopia and Malawi, improving the lives of 370,000 individuals. The Malonda Project stands out for its provision of affordable loans and business training to entrepreneurs and pigeon pea farmers [pictured above right] in Malawi. The results are impressive: a perfect 100% loan repayment rate and household incomes increased. Inspired by the success of the Malonda Project, AquAid, The Africa Trust and Christian Aid decided to launch the £1,000,000 Rural Entrepreneurship Assistance Project (REAP). It aims to lift 5,250 households in Malawi out of extreme poverty by 2025.

Director of Fundraising, Nick Georgiadis said, “Christian Aid believes that poverty eradication requires innovative partnerships including with the private sector. Socially conscious business has a critical role to play in building a just and sustainable future for people and the planet. We are thrilled that AquAid embodies such a positive social purpose, we could not be happier to celebrate this important milestone with them. We extend profound gratitude to AquAid for their unwavering support”.


AquAid Water Coolers – keeping the Construction Industry hydrated for decades

AquAid Water Coolers – keeping the Construction Industry hydrated for decades

Construction companies are part of a specialised industry and as such, so are their requirements.  A crucial part of these requirements is that construction sites adhere to regulations that ensure the health and safety of all on site.

One such requirement is that there is adequate hydration available to the entire workforce on site for the duration of the construction.

The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) states, in part:

Drinking water

Drinking water must be provided or made available at readily accessible and suitable places.

This is where AquAid rises to the occasion.

AquAid are the premier choice for the provision of water coolers nationwide across the UK.  We are also the preferred supplier to a number of specialised industries, one of these being to the construction industry, as we understand the specific requirements that construction companies, albeit large or small, have.

Incorporated into our water cooler provision to construction companies we offer the following services as a standard:

  • Emergency delivery and collection of water coolers.
  • Next day call-outs for repairs.
  • Educational hydration package for workers, highlighting the importance of remaining hydrated at work to reduce the risk of accidents.
  • Supply of both 240V and 110V water coolers.
  • Dedicated account managers on both a local and national level.

Contact us to find out more about our unique services we offer to the Construction Industry.


Water, Brain Food, Mood

Water, Brain Food, Mood

This month of Mental Health Awareness, we have looked at how drinking enough water can aid our ability to reduce anxiety and boost our mental wellbeing. In this blog, we focus our attention to the effects dehydration can have on the brain and possible solutions.

*Almost every bodily function relies on water. Because 75% of brain tissue is water, dehydration reduces energy production in the brain and can change brain structure, causing the brain to slow down and not function properly.

At the molecular level, if water levels are too low, our brain cells cannot function properly, with the brain showing signs of working harder to complete tasks.

Our cells recognise a state of dehydration as a threat to survival, leading to a state of anxiety. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger between brain cells) that stabilises our mood and regulates emotions. During dehydration, we struggle to get the chemicals required to produce serotonin into our brain.

Being just half a litre dehydrated may also increase the stress hormone cortisol, which has been associated with a range of mental disorders, including anxiety.

Drinking water, maintaining good hydration habits is proven one of the simplest methods to counteract low mood, anxiety and other stresses associated with insufficient water intake.

If you are concerned about the health and well-being of your staff at your establishment or organisation, speak to us at AquAid. From the smallest office space and staff contingent to multinational companies that employ hundreds of staff, AquAid have a drinking water solution tailor-made to suit your requirements.

source* Nikolaij Travica – article at The Conversation

How Water Can Aid Mental Health

How Water Can Aid Mental Health

It may seem simplistic that water consumption can reduce or increase one’s anxiety however, considering water constitutes 60–80% of the human body, this isn’t such a far stretch.

In fact, the evidence shows water and hydration can play a role in preventing and managing the symptoms of anxiety.

A review by researchers focused on the various ways hydration impacts health. **

One trial induced mild dehydration and found increased reports of tension or anxiety and fatigue in participants.

When researchers increased the participants’ water intake, people in the study felt more happiness, no matter how much water they normally drank.

Another large study found people who drink five cups or more of water per day were at lower risk of depression and anxiety. In comparison, drinking less than two cups per day doubles the risk. This link was less noticeable for anxiety alone (although feelings of depression and anxiety often influence each other).

Whichever way we look at the research results, it shows that drinking water regularly can only contribute to one’s mental health and overall a better feeling of wellbeing.

source* Joe Pindar – report at Champion Health

source** Nikolaij Travica – article at