Ways with Water – Debunking Spring Equinox Myths

Ways with Water – Debunking Spring Equinox Myths

It seems as it was just yesterday that we were all in the icy grip of winter and then lo and behold, we’re in our second month of Spring – not even time to catch our collective breath as we watch the seasons rollercoaster past.

Now that we’re in this burgeoning season, we thought we’d have a look at dispelling a few myths about the Spring Equinox. According to an article in the Farmers’ Almanac:

Myth:  You Won’t Have A Noontime Shadow
 Technically, this myth is somewhat true. However, conditions have to be incredibly precise for this to happen. It’s all about being the right place at the right time. Since the Sun is always at an angle to you, you always cast a shadow. In order not to cast a shadow, the Sun needs to be directly overhead. Because the Sun is situated over the equator at the equinox, you’d have to be standing at the equator precisely at noon on the day of the equinox for this to happen.


Myth: The Equinox Is A Day-Long Event

Reality: An equinox doesn’t take all day – it’s only a moment in time! The true equinox an exact moment in which the Sun passes over the equator—blink and you’ll miss it.

Myth: The Spring Equinox Can Alter Your Mood
 This is another one of those myths based partly in truth. In actuality, the Sun moving across the equator has no real effect on emotions. But, seasonal changes can and often do play a big part in moods. So while the moment of the vernal equinox itself isn’t responsible for changes in your emotions, it’s likely that around this time of year you’re experiencing at least a little bit of spring fever, or leftover effects of the winter’s shorter days.

The equinox’s significance centres on the Sun’s position relative to the equator. It’s the astronomical start of spring, which means longer days for those of us in the northern hemisphere.

Speaking of mood and now we’re perking up due to the current season; let’s look at one of the simplest and easiest routes to improving your mood and outlook. That is to keep you properly hydrated.

Speak to us at AquAid for all your water requirements (we have something for all seasons). We offer a range of hydration stations, be those water dispensers for the little ‘uns at schools, or for drinking water at work, whether in warehouses, building sites, medical facilities, events, theatres or the hospitality industry – the list goes on.

Drinking Water on Stage – Encore!

Drinking Water on Stage – Encore!

Needing to drink water often is something that affects us all. None more so than when performing on stage. This is something we commonly see, particularly with stand-up comedians.

The performer invariably keeps a bottle of water with them onstage from which they often sip. Being funny and getting laughs can be mouth drying, itchy throat, and perspiration drenching work, as many comedians can attest.

The same can be said for all thespians who tread the boards performing for an audience. And we imagine this was no different over 2,000 years ago when the first theatre appeared in Ancient Greece.

It isn’t only the performers who need to ensure they constantly hydrate though. Putting on any production is thirsty work! Theatre is the sum of many parts: stagehands, stage and set design, building, costume design, sound and lighting technicians, narrators, stand-ins, ushers, ticket sales – all play an important role in making sure that the performance works!

At AquAid, we are very proud to be associated with provision of cool, refreshing drinking water dispensed from our bottled and mains water coolers for the duration of countless productions across the UK – from small community playhouses to grand theatre and every type of event in-between.

It’s with this in mind that we wish all those involved in this incredible profession, who have delighted, shocked, inspired and enthralled with their craft, a wonderful #WorldTheatreDay! Encore!

Elephant Pumps & Underground Water in Africa

Elephant Pumps & Underground Water in Africa

As you know, here at AquAid we tend not to err on the side of caution when talking about water. Especially drinking water.  Clean, fresh drinking water in Africa, where millions of people do not have access to the life giving stuff as we do. It may seem a bit negative, but that isn’t really the case.

These two articles are case in point.

The first, from The Daily Mail, reads:

‘Huge reserves of underground water in some of the driest parts of Africa could provide a buffer against the effects of climate change for years to come, scientists said.

Researchers from the British Geological Survey and University College London have for the first time mapped the aquifers, or groundwater, across the continent and the amount they hold.

‘The largest groundwater volumes are found in the large sedimentary aquifers in the North African countries Libya, Algeria, Egypt and Sudan,’ the scientists said in their paper.’

The other, from The Telegraph, states:

‘Scientists using technology developed to search for oil have discovered a vast underground water reservoir in one of Kenya’s driest regions that if properly managed could supply the country’s needs for close to 70 years.

Researchers from a French-American firm, Radar Technologies International, worked with the Kenyan government and UNESCO to layer satellite, radar and geological maps on top of each other, and then used seismic techniques developed to find oil to identify the reservoir.

It lies in Kenya’s extreme northwest, close to its borders with South Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda. The area is sparsely populated and prone to conflict over existing scarce resources.’

See, now, this is actually marvellous news, but with this, a word of caution:

“But knowing there’s water there, and then getting it to the surface, are two different things …” Brian McSorley, a water expert at Oxfam in Nairobi, said.

And therein lays the rub. Deep underground there is potable water – even in the Sahara Desert – but reaching it can be problematic.

That’s why sustainable, practical and cost-effective solutions are important. One such solution that has been in operation for over a decade now, addressing this exact problem, can be found through The Africa Trust.  A charity started by AquAid and Ian Thorpe. One of the many solutions that this award-winning organisation provides is the building of Elephant Pumps throughout disadvantaged communities across Africa.

No, they don’t use real elephants. The Elephant Pump is a water pump based on an ancient Chinese design. The pump has been adapted to make it stronger and more durable. It is built from and maintained using materials that are locally available in remote rural sub-Saharan African communities. The design and build of these pumps is such that 95% are still in operation today – a figure 40% above the average for the continent.

If you are interested in installing high-quality water coolers in your organisation, which not only dispense refreshing drinking water for your entire staff contingent but also ensure automatic donations that fund the provision of sustainable water projects for thousands of communities, contact us here at AquAid Water Coolers today.



Is Social Media the New Water Cooler Station?

Is Social Media the New Water Cooler Station?

With the onset of and phenomenal expansion and growth of social media, it probably doesn’t come as any surprise that the water cooler – the original real-life social chit-chat gathering station – may have had its amount of drinking water gatherers significantly reduced.

According to Statista, as of January 2023, the most popular social networks worldwide ranked by number of monthly active users are:

Facebook remains the most popular, with 2.9 billion users monthly.

YouTube ranks second, with 2.5 billion monthly users, with WeChat and TikTok ranked fifth and sixth respectively. However, one must take into consideration that it is Meta Platforms that owns four of the biggest social media platforms, all with over one billion monthly active users each: Facebook (core platform), WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram.

Although I am well immersed in the world of social media, these stats did jostle me out of my little neck of the woods comfort zone. Luckily, considering human needs and behaviour, it’s probably unlikely that online digital socialising will ever replace the need to replenish one’s drinking water, all while having an enjoyable catch up with colleagues at the water cooler at work, the office and play.

Spring Water

Spring Water

Are we getting a little ahead of ourselves? Of course we are. Why? Because we can.

If you’re wondering what we’re referring to, we’re talking about March 1st being the first day of spring. March first isn’t actually the first day of spring, that’s on 20 March. However, most meteorologists recognize March 1 as the first day of meteorological spring. With a nod of approval from such auspicious quarters, we’re going with it.

The icy grip of winter seemed so recent when lo and behold, the crocuses peeked their beautiful heads out of the soil and officially announced it’s spring.

Whatever way we approach this change of season, keeping fit and perhaps shedding some of our bear type hibernation weight becomes somewhat of a priority. This means (hopefully), that one’s water intake will increase too. To make your water intake more fab and fun, try a different approach to ensure good hydration habits

If drinking water all day is what bores you, try treating it as a meal or, better yet, three meals. Drink water to a comfortable fullness 3 times a day. On colder days, it might be less, on warmer days, more. Comfortable fullness should be enough to stay hydrated. This will lower the amount of calories you eat for roughly an hour afterward. 

Simply change the way you drink water – out of a glass instead of a bottle, for example. Alternatively, drink it at a different temperature. If you change the temperature, you can change the experience and that can be enough to alter your water intake. Remember, cold water takes longer to drink. If you want to down it faster – to get your water intake over with – drink it at room temperature instead of icy cold.

Whether commuting, exercising, being sedentary, working, relaxing or socialising – in fact, pretty much every -ing, keep hydrated this spring – it can only be good for you.

Remember also to speak to us at AquAid for all your water requirements (we have something for all seasons). We offer a range of water dispensers: high volume watercoolers for children and staff at schools as well as a range of low, medium and high volume mainsfed or bottlefed watercoolers for use on building sites, at events and in warehouses, workspaces and offices nationwide.

Kilojoule Count – Water vs. other drinks

Kilojoule Count – Water vs. other drinks

There is a common misconception that wine, spirits and even beer, for example, contain no kilojoules and that this is reserved solely for food. Sadly, this is not the case.

So you may see a lot of people who will eat sparingly, but consume glassfuls of wine and spirits (and even beer) and wonder why they’re not losing weight.

Here are a few examples of wines vs. spirits in the kilojoules department:

  • 225ml glass of white wine = 659 kilojoules
  • 225ml glass of red wine = 641 kilojoules
  • 225ml glass of full strength beer = 341 kilojoules
  • 225ml glass of vodka (30ml tot) and soda = 266 kilojoules
  • 225ml glass of gin (30ml) and tonic = 545 kilojoules

Two large glasses (450ml) of white wine (1 318 kJ) are equivalent to:

  • Five chocolate chip biscuits – 1245 kJ
  • Seven jelly snakes – 1 292 kJ
  • Four medium apples – 1 354 kJ
  • Twelve squares of milk chocolate – 1 350 kJ
  • Five large, hard boiled eggs – 1 283 kJ
  • Seven chicken nuggets – 1 353 kJ
  • One toasted ham and cheese sandwich – 1 244 kJ

225ml glass of soda water = 0 kJ

225ml glass of water = 0 kJ

Although it’s doubtful that anyone would want to spend the rest of their weight conscious lives calculating kilojoule content per gram of lettuce or dollop of mayonnaise (lots!), hopefully these comparisons should give one pause when embarking on a liquid diet in the hopes of staving off the pounds from eating.

What we would suggest is rather chug-a-lug soda or spring water with your next packet of jelly snakes.  Even better if you’re trying to shed weight is to keep your water glass or water bottle replenished and make frequent trips to the water cooler station throughout the day.