Eat Your Water

Eat Your Water

The weather is still pretty grim and as much as frequent visits to your office’s instant taps or water cooler might help you stay hydrated, it can be a little challenging to keep drinking that much liquid during the cold winter months; so another option is to up your intake of water-rich fruit and vegetables!

Not only does certain produce help with water intake, but fruit and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories, and they’re an important source of many nutrients including potassium, fiber, folic acid, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. These nutrients help our bodies maintain healthy blood pressure, reduce blood cholesterol levels, regulate our bowel movements, aid healthy fetal development in women, and protect against various infections – the benefits are endless. For all this, in addition to aiding hydration, it’s easy to see why we should include more of this food type in our diets.

So, if you’re struggling to drink those eight glasses of water each day from the water cooler, consider eating more of the following – in order of highest water content:


Watermelon holds the highest percentage of water at 92%, followed by Strawberries 92%, Grapefruit 91%, Cantaloupe 90%, Peach 88%, Raspberries 87%, Pineapple 87%, Cranberries 87%, Orange 87%, Apricot 86%, Blueberries 85%, Plum 85%, Pear 84%, Apple 84%, Cherries 81%, Grapes 81% and Banana 74%.


Cucumber holds the highest percentage of water at 96%, Lettuce (iceberg) 96%, Zucchini 95%, Celery 95%, Radish 95%, Tomato (red) 94%, Cabbage (green) 93%, Tomato (green) 93%, Cabbage (red) 92%, Cauliflower 92%, Peppers (sweet) 92%, Spinach 92%, Eggplant 92%, Broccoli 91%, Carrots 87%, Peas (green) 79% and Potato (white) 79%.

Whether it’s a fruit salad you bring along to the office, or perhaps a home-made soup, be sure to include more of these in your diet and then you won’t need to visit the water cooler dispenser quite that often in the chilly months.

The Clean Sip Water Straw Filters

The Clean Sip Water Straw Filters

The sheer number of people without access to clean and safe drinking water is staggering. According to the World Health Organization, in 2015 2.1 billion people didn’t have access to safely managed drinking-water services. Of those people ‘423 million people were taking water from unprotected wells and springs; and 159 million people were collecting untreated surface water from lakes, ponds, rivers and streams.’ It’s this desperate need, the need of millions to have cleaner and safer water to drink that drives us on and that has us support the Africa Trust. With a percentage of every water dispenser sale donated to the trust, AquAid has to date donated over £6 million pounds, built over 8,000 water wells in different developing countries on the continent, and helped bring safe drinking water to more than 1.2 million people.

There are many other organizations that also keep this dire need top of mind, and one such initiative is WATERisLIFE who have developed the new clean sip straw filters – a portable water purifier that can be used in any water source to provide water that is safe to drink.

This is how it works:

‘Inside the WATERisLIFE straw are membranes, patented filter material, and active carbon, which removes the taste and medium size bacteria. The technology protects against waterborne bacteria and viruses like typhoid, cholera, E. coli, dysentery and diarrhea. The smaller filters use new groundbreaking technology to cover a broader range of contaminates. Additionally, these filters deal with heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and aluminum, arsenic, fluoride, chlorine, cadmium, giardia, E Coli, algae, hydrogen sulfide, cholera, and typhoid.’

And this is how it makes a difference:

‘Each WATERisLIFE straw filter will provide hundreds of liters of clean water (typical use is 2-3 liters of water per day per person). Once it is no longer effective, the straw will stop being able to draw water. $10 puts a filter into the hands of a person who desperately needs it. ‘

If you also want to know that you’re making a difference and helping to bring clean and safe drinking water to hundreds of thousands of people, then choose an AquAid watercooler or water dispenser, because with every cup of AquAid water you help bring water to Africa.

Your Water Footprint & The Water Dispenser

Your Water Footprint & The Water Dispenser

We often talk about our carbon footprint – it’s a concept we’re familiar with out of necessity, because so much of what we do, or don’t do, affects our climate globally. But the same concept can be applied to water, whether it’s water out of the watercooler, irrigation water or washing water – nearly everything we do or consume is touched by water in some way and so it too has a footprint.

Building on the notion of virtual water first introduced by Professor Tony Allan in 1993, Professor Arjen Hoekstra in 2002 created the water footprint – a way of measuring how much water is consumed in the production of goods and services along the entirety of the supply chain. In the mid 2000’s global big-brand companies became more and more aware of their dependence on water and the water-related risks they faced, which in turn inspired Hoekstra in 2008 to create the Water Footprint Network  – a gathering of the brightest minds dedicated to showing how Water Footprint Assessment can help us move forward and overcome the challenges of unsustainable water use.

Their vision: ‘A world in which we share clean fresh water fairly amongst all people to sustain thriving communities and nature’s diversity.’

Their mission: ‘To use the water footprint concept to promote the transition toward sustainable, fair and efficient use of fresh water resources worldwide.’

So what can we do in our personal capacity to reduce our water footprint you might ask? Well there are two ways we can make a difference – directly and indirectly.

Directly we can reduce our own consumption by installing water-saving devices in our homes; we can make small changes like closing the tap while we brush our teeth; and we can use less water in our gardens.

Indirectly we have two options:  we can change what we consume – for example a shift from eating meat to becoming vegetarian, drinking tea instead of coffee, or better yet visiting the water dispenser more often and just drinking more plain water; or if these shifts seem too extreme, we can stay with what we consume, but choose those products (the cotton, beef or coffee) that has a lower water footprint. But this requires that we know more about the relevant products, and manufacturers aren’t always as forthcoming as they should be, so this is something else consumers can do – we can drive more transparency from the various key players.

Every action we take has a consequence – so let’s be sure to make it a positive one!

Ten to Six Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part I

Ten to Six Reasons Having a Water Cooler Is Good For You – Part I

  1. Eco-Friendly

By using a water cooler dispenser, you are helping to protect our environment. We use billions of individual plastic water bottles each year and millions end up in our rubbish each day. By drinking water from a reusable water bottle and refilling our water bottles with a water cooler, we can significantly reduce this number. This means that you can still enjoy the convenience of having water with you at all times and be safe in the knowledge that you are lessening the harmful impact on the environment.

  1. Saves money

While the upfront cost of purchasing a water cooler can be a bit more costly initially, over time you can expect to see significant savings. Water coolers offer an economical way to drink more water. Instead of purchasing many disposable water bottles, you can save money by buying large bottles for your dispenser. If you’re using a mains fed water cooler dispenser, you can also expect to see significant savings.

  1. Perfect Temperature

Attractive Appearance
Many water dispensers come with hot and cold water taps. The cold water is perfect for a refreshing glass of water. The hot water tap offers a quick and convenient way to make tea, coffee, soup, hot chocolate or tea. Some units also come with a room temperature water tap for added convenience.

When most of us imagine a water cooler, we only picture a white plastic unit that isn’t the most appealing and won’t complement our kitchen, reception or office areas. Fortunately, this stereotype is no longer true. AquAid’s range of water coolers are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and materials.  Common finishes include black, white, silver and stainless steel.

  1. Perfect Size

If you’re concerned about where you would put a new water cooler, you don’t need to worry. Water coolers come in several shapes and sizes, so you can choose a unit that’s sure to fit perfectly in your space. Common models include a free-standing water cooler or a desktop (countertop) water cooler. Free-standing units are typically larger and are better suited for use in areas where there is more floor space. In contrast, desktop (countertop) water dispensers are usually more compact and are ideal for use in smaller spaces.

Look out for Part II to read about the other benefits a water cooler brings for you.

Water Cooler or Water Dispenser – what’s your preference?

Water Cooler or Water Dispenser – what’s your preference?

Whatever your preferred terminology, AquAid provide a wide range of water dispensers (or water cooler dispensers) to our customers.

Installing a water dispenser makes good sense as they offer the user the best quality water at convenient temperatures.

AquAid are one of the largest water dispensing companies in the U.K.

The company was established in 1992, with the now CEO, Paul Searle, going door to door, selling water dispensers to customers at home, and has grown exponentially since these humble beginnings to now providing water cooler dispensers to all market sectors, including small to large companies and construction sites through to schools and dentists; doctors; fitness centres and production companies.

Having a water dispenser on site for any organisation means they are able to offer cool, fresh drinking water to whoever visits them, as well as being able to keep all of those in their organisation properly hydrated.

Numerous studies have shown that keeping hydrated can increase one’s mental and physical performance by as much as 20% – this means enabling a company’s staff to keep properly hydrated throughout their business day and for schools, it means that both the staff and children keep themselves hydrated and the children can better concentrate in class.

The health benefits in being properly hydrated are manifold too. People often mistake thirst for hunger, which can adversely affect their health by their eating too much, when in fact, they should be drinking water, as they don’t realise they are actually dehydrated. Being dehydrated has a proven negative effect on a person in that they are not able to concentrate; they become tired and listless; can be prone to headaches and ill health.

Having a water cooler dispenser in your office, workplace, site, rooms or school means you’ll be able to offer everyone the opportunity to drink water and keep hydrated.

The water cooler dispensers that AquAid have on offer are available in either bottled or mains fed.

The bottled water cooler dispensers are perfect for the smaller businesses or work environments that do not have hundreds of individuals to service.

For larger offices, business centres and schools, the mains fed water coolers are the most practical and cost effective. These units filter and purify the water that comes out of your normal taps, giving you clean and safe water whenever you need it.

Furthermore, the AquAid water cooler dispensers are able to adjust their water temperature, allowing you the opportunity to have hot water for tea and coffee in winter and cool, fresh water in the summer.

With all the benefits that water cooler dispensers offer, why not install one today?

Give the fantastic team at AquAid a call and they will gladly assist you with all your water cooler dispenser needs.

To call us at AquAid: 0800 772 3003

To e-mail us: Click here

If you’d like to browse our range of water coolers: Click here

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