You can lead a Horse to Water … but can you lead a Human to the Water Cooler?

You can lead a Horse to Water … but can you lead a Human to the Water Cooler?

As you no doubt already know, the full proverb reads like this:

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.

Meaning: People, like horses, will only do what they have a mind to do.

It would seem that water replenishment is an integral part of life, even in philosophy.

Comparing equine and human minds may seem a bit of a stretch, however, if we really think about it – how often is it that we know full well that our brain and body requires hydration, but we invent a plethora of excuses to not take that 5 minute rest break to visit the water cooler and replenish our drinking water? Probably far too often.

I would go so far as to say that human beings, with our busy lives, over complicate the simplest necessity and we invent a number of reasons to not adequately hydrate, whereas all other species trust their instinct and drink water the minute they require it.

The solution perhaps, is to simplify matters all things water.

That’s where AquAid comes in. With 22 years’ experience in delivering our very best in sales, products and service, you can rely on us to provide the right water dispensers to fulfil your refreshing water requirements.

Browse our range online:

·         Hot Water Solutions / Water boilers

·         Mainsfed Water Coolers

·         Bottlefed Water Coolers

·         Water fountains

·         Water for schools

Contact us via the following channels:

Complete our Free Quote form; E-mail: ; Telephone: 0800 772 3003

Drinking Water and your Brain Power

Drinking Water and your Brain Power

During some recent research I was quite amazed and impressed with the extensive scope of our brain function. What was even more surprising was how something as simple as increasing our water consumption has a radical and almost instantaneous positive effect on brain...
AquAid Water Coolers: A few tips on how to maintain hydration in winter

AquAid Water Coolers: A few tips on how to maintain hydration in winter

You may have read a recent blog around how becoming dehydrated when it’s colder is more common than we think.

In order to prevent winter dehydration, our first suggestion was to install a hot and cold water cooler or water boiler from AquAid.

Here we follow up with a few helpful tips to make sure you are hydration happy during the colder months:

Kickstart your day with warm lemon water. The benefits are enormous, boosting both your hydration and health levels. If lemon makes you sour, jeuj up your warm water with ginger and a dollop of honey.

Increase your hot drink intake. You don’t need to be bound to drinking only water (although it is a great base) when it’s chilly. There are loads of warm or hot drinks that will not only keep you warm but that also count towards your being hydrated. Think veggie soup etc.

Take the chill off. When it’s cold, our bodies do what they can to preserve our core heat. This includes withdrawing blood from our extremities. With less blood circulating, our kidneys expel more water, which again, can lead to dehydration.  To avoid excessive urination, keep active instead of becoming sedentary. The less active you are, the easier it is to become cold.

Watch your breath! When the temperature lowers, you lose more fluid as you breathe. Those puffs of breath are water vapour you’re exhaling. Water being expelled with each exhalation.  If you breath is constantly fogging up your glasses or your surrounds, it’s highly likely you need to quench your thirst, post haste, before you become dehydrated. So use your breath as a reminder that you need to keep up your water intake.

However you choose to keep warm these colder months, remember to keep up with drinking water: hydration is equally as important irrespective of the temperatures outside.

Britons don’t drink enough water

Britons don’t drink enough water

There’s no disputing that we Britons don’t drink enough water.  According to various surveys and research, just 1 in 10 of us consumes enough water to qualify for being adequately hydrated. This is a cause for concern, as maintaining even the minimum levels of...
Protect your Vocal Chords – Drink Water more

Protect your Vocal Chords – Drink Water more

We know that our approach this #TalkLikeAPirateDay has been slightly tongue-in-cheek, but often here at AquAid, that’s how we rrrrrrrrollllll. Seriously though, our approach might be light-hearted but the truth of it is, in order for you to be able to look after your voice, you need to drink water more.

Because we may take the ability to speak as a given and a function that should just ‘work’, it’s easy to forget that, our vocal chords, like all other body parts, need proper hydration in order to function well.

A few factors that can negatively affect vocal chords:

Commuting and other daily physical activity makes us sweat.  When we sweat, we lose water and may easily become dehydrated without realising we are.

External factors such as heat, humidity and dry air. Artificial air in any closed environment such as in airplanes or road vehicles as well as air-conditioning or heating can dry out your environment and you very easily.

Certain cold and allergy medications, including decongestants and antihistamines, have a drying effect to the body.

Another factor is the intake of dehydrating drinks such as coffee, black tea, other caffeinated drinks and alcohol.

Consider the following:

If you have a dry throat when it’s time for you to speak, you’re already dehydrated. According to an article by The Complete Vocal Coach, it ‘can take up to four hours for water to reach your vocal folds’.  If your voice is your profession (and for millions of people, their voices are just that), it’s imperative that you take care of your vocal chords.

Rather sip water throughout the day, and don’t wait until you get thirsty. This means an average of 10 glasses of water per day for men and around 8 glasses per day for women.

If you’re unsure about how much water you should be drinking per day, based on your weight and activity levels, refer to this useful guide at the AquAid website.