10 Ways to Drink More Water Every Day

10 Ways to Drink More Water Every Day

We all know how important it is to remain properly hydrated and that drinking water should form part of our daily regime, but many of us struggle to incorporate it into our routine. By making smarter choices, by ensuring we make regular trips to the water cooler, and...
Keeping your Cool – Summer 2018

Keeping your Cool – Summer 2018

Or as Martha sang, ‘Heat wave …. uh … heat waaaaaaave …’ Or as a fellow FB’er posted … ‘Don’t we just call this summer?’ Anyhow, tamayto, tomado, whatever the weather, the fact remains, when the temperatures soar, do you know how to keep yourself cool and hydrated?...
Drink water and pay it forward this summer

Drink water and pay it forward this summer

As the temperatures soar throughout the UK, so does the demand for chilled, refreshing drinking water.

At AquAid, where we’ve been in the business of providing a range of high quality water coolers and water both spring and bottled at source for over 20 years, we understand this more than most. That’s why it’s important to us to be able to ensure that we’re able to offer the very best in both water dispensers and bottled water.

But we’re not just about the provision on water coolers – we also firmly believe that providing water to those that may not necessarily have access to water as we do – is absolutely vital.

If we struggle with keeping hydrated in this heat, take a minute and imagine what it would be like experiencing hot weather but not having access, not only to drinking water, but any water, at all. Sadly, this is a reality for millions of people across the globe, and in particular, in many Third World countries.

Then, to this rather scary scenario, add this: If you want drinking water, you need to walk to find it. And not just down to the corner caf, but a few miles.  If you’re lucky enough to find a water source, you can’t just buy a bottle of water (or any liquid for that matter); you have to fill the bucket that you brought with you and walk back home, carrying the now full bucket.

Not enough Bear Grylls for you? The water that you’ve just fetched is most likely not fresh, not clean and may be so full of bacteria, that even while trying to hydrate yourself, you may very well be making yourself ill without even realising it.

Remember, this is just water for you (and possibly, members of your family) to drink. This is not water that is needed to wash your clothes or your dishes or to water your meagre produce crop with. This is just water to drink to keep you going. This is basic human survival type of stuff.

This is the day to day existence for many communities throughout the Third World and in the summer months, lack of potable water is amplified by the heat.

That’s just one of the reasons, since our rather humble beginnings in 1998, that we chose to work with sustainable charities like the Africa Trust and Christian Aid. Using donations from AquAid, both charities work tirelessly implementing sustainable water projects for communities in need.

So, although we’re always tooting our own horn about being one of the top water cooler providers in the U.K. we also (truly) believe in helping others less fortunate to help themselves. So, while we have you to thank, most valued customer, for your support and through your purchases making it possible for others to help themselves; isn’t it rather nice to know that when you’re sipping cool spring water from one of our water coolers, there’s another water well or water project being installed in Africa, bringing fresh, clean drinking water to yet another community in need?

I think so. Good on yer. Toot toot!