AquAid and FMP Global: offering more than one solution

AquAid and FMP Global: offering more than one solution

AquAid are more than a water cooler provider.  Since the company’s humble beginnings in 1998, we’ve committed to support charities that make a noticeable and far reaching difference in other’s lives.

We implement this policy by donating a portion of the sale for each bottle of water and each installed mains fed machine to charity.

Since we began with this policy, we have donated more than £10 million to both Christian Aid and the Africa Trust – a charity begun by AquAid in 2010.

We continuously look for ways to bring the very best in water and water cooler products to our customers as well as highlight the difference that our customers purchases are making in the lives of those in need.

FMP Global is one such customer.  As an international provider of outsourced payroll and HR services they are often found supporting companies to pay staff in the 135 countries they serve, often in developing economies around the world.

They are aware of how vitally important it is to keep hydrated throughout the working day, and recently agreed to participate in an initiative which will mean the provision of safe drinking water to a community in need through the building of a water well, fondly known as an ‘Elephant Pump’.

Gary Webb, Marketing and Communications Director at FMP Global: “Partnerships are really important to us and we’re grateful for the opportunity to work with Aquaid to support this initiative. Our success at FMP Global is built on innovation, and we fully support AquAid’s innovative approach to funding these vital projects.”

We’re delighted to have FMP Global take part in this initiative and look forward to sending them a picture of their built and named well in due course.

To find out more about the invaluable services that FMP Global offer, you can visit their website here.

“FMP Global constantly strives to anticipate change and deliver value through leading innovation and partnerships with our clients.”

AquAid Water Health – Drinking water in summer – watch those kidneys!

AquAid Water Health – Drinking water in summer – watch those kidneys!

By now you may have noticed that at AquAid we’re more upbeat about things in general – we certainly don’t believe in being proponents of all things doom and gloom. That said, however, with decades of water provision under our belts, we’ve learnt a thing or two about how vitally important it is to keep yourself sufficiently hydrated, come rain or shine.

This may lead us to bang on a bit about the importance of drinking water, we know, but that’s because it really is that important – especially for your overall health and well-being.

So summer is here, and we’re all gadding about in our summer gear, the sun is shining, we’re hanging about outside during our breaks, shooting the breeze, soaking up the sun – and we may be a bit more inclined to forget about how much water we should be drinking.

Enter stage mid-section, a rather persistent, nagging pain in your lower back. And it gets worse. The next thing you know, the pain has ramped up from worrisome to excruciating.  Without realising it, by not drinking enough water, you may have kidney stones – and in the summer months, especially at the peak of summer in July – the incidences of kidney stones increase significantly:

According to Bhaskar Somani, associate professor of urology at the University of Southampton, and a consultant urological surgeon at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, “habitual non-drinkers of water” were at particular risk.

He spoke out following his team’s study of more than two million patients worldwide, which found a strong association between warm weather and kidney stone disease.

The research, which included data from Europe, Asia, the Middle East, New Zealand and America, showed there were more admissions in July – when the temperature was hottest at 25C or above – than any other month of the year.

“This is the largest study of kidney stone data and it shows a definite and strong link between warm weather and kidney stones, with most admissions occurring during July,” said Mr Somani, a senior author on the paper, which was published in the Journal of Endourology.

“Although a combination of obesity, poor hydration, high blood pressure and a lack of exercise is responsible for stone development, the current hot weather ahead of July could cause cases in England to rocket next month.”

Now, as we’ve already said, we’re rarely about bad news, however, we also believe that forewarned is forearmed. Also, the good news is that maintaining good health can really be as simple as keeping up your water intake, as mentioned, whatever the weather.

If you’d like to know more about how easy it is to ensure you keep yourself, your staff, or your school in tip top water condition, please speak to us at AquAid. We’d love to assist with all your water, bottled and mains fed water dispenser requirements.

Switch it up ways with Water for Spring

Switch it up ways with Water for Spring

Spring is apparently upon us, so hopefully with temperatures on the rise, the keeping fit and getting in shape for summer is becoming priority One.  This means (hopefully), that one’s water intake will increase too. To make your water intake more fab and fun, herewith a range of suggestions that should keep you feeling marvellous, looking more fit and keeping hydrated:

  1. Add cucumber. If you prefer a flavour that is less sweet, add just a few slices to your glass and the subtle flavour gives your water a fresh, spa-like taste. If you have more time, fill a pitcher with a handful of cucumber slices and let it sit in your fridge.
  2. Make yourself feel cocktail-ish. If drinking water can seem too bland, try it with a twist of lime or a splash of sugar-free fruit juice – cranberry or pomegranate juice are great options. Try different combinations, how about grapefruit and blackcurrant? Yowzer.
  3. Mint cubes. Make mint ice cubes by throwing a small sprig of spearmint, peppermint, or lemon mint into the ice cube tray, add water and freeze. You can also do this with your favourite herb, like rosemary or basil. **
  4. Go Herbal. Add powdered or freshly sliced ginger, bruised mint leaves, or lemongrass to amp up your H2O. Or go floral. Lavender and rose hips are loaded with vitamin C and may help ease arthritis pain.
  5. Make It ‘Sassy’. Stay hydrated with a stomach-soothing recipe for Sassy Water. It combines fresh ginger, cucumber, lemon, and spearmint for a tummy-pleasing cocktail.
  6. Water as a Meal. If downing water all day is what bores you, try treating it as a meal—or, better yet, three meals. Try drinking water to a comfortable fullness 3 times a day. On colder days, it might be less; on warmer days, more. But comfortable fullness should be enough to stay hydrated. This will lower the amount of calories you eat for roughly an hour afterward. 
  7. Switch It Up. Simply change the way you drink water – out of a glass instead of a bottle, for example. Or drink it at a different temperature. If you change the temperature, you can change the experience and that can be enough to alter your water intake. Remember, cold water takes longer to drink. If you want to down it faster – to get your water intake over with – drink it at room temperature instead of icy cold.

Remember, whether commuting; exercising; not exercising; working; relaxing or socialising – in fact, pretty much every –ing except sleeping, keep hydrated this spring – it can only be good for you.

*updated from the original blog posted on 9 Apr 2013

**excerpts from an article at Rodale Wellness

Eight interesting facts about water, weight, exercise and you

Eight interesting facts about water, weight, exercise and you

You’ll note that I wrote ‘interesting’ and while you may be openly scoffing at the use of this adjective, I pinkie swear that these facts are not only interesting but are also perhaps lesser known facts about your drinking water.

  1. The weight a person loses directly after intense physical activity is weight from water, not fat.
  2. Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Wherever it travels, water carries chemicals, minerals and nutrients with it.
  3. One of the lesser known benefits of drinking water is that it helps keep your joints strong, healthy and lubricated. Your joints need moisture in order to remain strong and flexible, so that your movements are smooth and pain free.
  4. Drinking too much water too quickly can lead to water intoxication. Water intoxication occurs when water dilutes the sodium level in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brain.
  5. Water intoxication is most likely to occur during periods of intense athletic performance.
  6. At birth, water accounts for approximately 80 percent of an infant’s body weight.
  7. Drinking water makes your muscles stronger. That’s because water carries oxygen to the cells of your body, including those of your muscles. Drinking plenty of water enables your muscles to work harder and longer before they feel tired, and this can help you build muscle.
  8. Water is sticky. The molecules love to stick to things, especially each other. It’s what gives it such a large surface tension. It keeps you alive: it means water can pull blood up narrow vessels in the body, often against the force of gravity.

There are quite a few facts in here that I was vaguely aware of, however, I certainly didn’t know that water is sticky! I think No. 8 now stands out for me forevermore – I love the fact that water is able to pull blood around our bodies – fascinating!

Want to get on the right track to fitness and health? Know you’re not drinking enough water every day? Speak to us at AquAid – we’d be pleased to help with all your water cooler dispenser requirements – keeping you water fit and hydrated rain or shine.

Guest blog: Blue Whale Media Partners with AquAid

Guest blog: Blue Whale Media Partners with AquAid

At Blue Whale Media, we’ve always believed in giving back to the community. We are always looking for ways to contribute to the community. So, when we wanted to install water coolers at our new premises, we purchased AquAid water coolers.

Keeping our staff members hydrated will keep them at their best all through the day. But how they operate is one of the prime reasons why we chose to invest in AquAid watercoolers.

So what’s special about them? Everything!

Building Elephant Pumps

With every purchase of their water coolers, AquAid automatically contributes a portion to the Africa Trust. These funds help in installing Elephant Pumps in the remotest parts of Africa to make fresh drinking water available.

When we were told that our purchase will lead to a pump being installed in Africa on our behalf, we were all charged up. To think that our purchase will help in making fresh, clean drinking water available to those who really need it. We felt it was a great way to give back to the community.

About Blue Whale Media

Blue Whale Media is a digital agency based in Warrington. We offer a bouquet of services including web design, app development and an array of online marketing services.

Today, online presence is important. Whether you want to generate leads and sales, connect with your customers or help them resolve a complaint or find an answer to a question they have, a well-designed website can do wonders for your business.

Our goal is to help businesses make a lasting impression on their visitors and customers alike. After all, your website can not only bring business, but can help in building relationships.

We aim to educate our customers so they can make an informed decision. Feel free to take a look at our blog, where we share our knowledge that may just help you with your online presence.