AquAid supports The Wishing Well Foundation and H2O International SA

AquAid supports The Wishing Well Foundation and H2O International SA

Always up for keeping people hydrated and being able to have access to clean drinking water globally in far-flung regions,

AquAid, through H2O International SA, a South African water purifier and filter company, has recently become a supporter of a rather marvellous non-profit organisation called the Wishing Well International Foundation.

We’ve achieved this by donating 2 Hydraid® BioSand water filters to those in dire need of clean drinking water. The Hydraid® BioSand filter is effective as it is simple to install, simple to operate and works for all water sources.  H2O International SA, who founded the organisation in South Africa, will provide support for deploying the units.

We’re delighted to know that our donation will allow 2 families of four to have safe drinking water for up to 10 years and having clean drinking water, will mean fewer water-borne illnesses, therefore less money spent on medication, which will allow more productivity from the family members, which in turn will translate into a better ability to earn income for the family.

We strongly believe that business is in the best position to shape our children’s future and this is what encouraged us to support both H20 International SA and the WWIF. We believe that together, little by little, we are making a difference.



Water cooler water versus tap/ fridge/ kettle

Drinking sufficient water increases employee productivity and employee wellness is an important issue for companies both big and small.

Did you know that employees not performing at their best may be dehydrated? According to health news, scientific evidence between cognitive performance and dehydration is strong and continues to grow. It’s believed that the more hydrated you stay throughout the day the more constructive you are.

There are other benefits to the company and employees alike:

  • Improved productivity A water cooler will constantly supply cooled fresh water – a jug in the fridge has to be constantly refilled from a tap. People have to wait for the kettle to boil.
  • Reduced electricity consumption A water cooler or water boiler means water-on-tap from a central point as opposed  to constantly opening and closing the fridge door or repeatedly switching the kettle on.
  • Reducing water wastage There’s always ‘that’ person who will not fully close the tap or who overfills the kettle. A water cooler or boiler eliminates this problem.
  • Healthier employees Having cool, fresh water on ‘tap’ can encourage people to drink water in place of fizzy or energy drinks which can actually lead to dehydration, whereas a hydrated person will be more healthy, happy and more productive.

Install a water cooler for your office to keep employees hydrated. Using a water dispenser keeps employees awake, alert, healthy, and less fatigued. Why not give your employees the opportunity to fill up their water bottle throughout the day. It’s better for them, and as a result, better for you.

The Great Coffee Debate

Coffee is one of those substances that have both good and bad stories written up about it all the time.

What’s the Good skinny?  (No, not a skinny, latte, mocha, silly story).
  • Coffee does contain antioxidants. But better to not rely on this as your only source of antioxidants. Antioxidants can be found in other yummy sources like blueberries, cherries, & pomegranates as well as a variety of legumes.
  • It may have some protective qualities against a variety of cancers and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The caffeine in it is stimulating and releases dopamine (your body’s ‘happy’ enzyme) … which is the main reason why people drink it.
  • Boosts your short term memory.
What’s the Bad skinny?
  • Mainly because of its stimulating effects, it has been found to aggravate stress and anxiety.
  • Other psychological and physical problems including rapid heart rate, higher pulse and blood pressure, and inability to sleep.
  • It is also mildly addictive and withdrawal – depending of course, on how many cups you drink in 12 hours or so, can lead to painful headaches.

What one needs to keep in mind when it comes to consumption of any liquids and foodstuffs, is the age old maxim, ‘Everything in Moderation’.

So, whereas a cup o’ Java to kick start your day (hopefully after you’ve eaten something solid) is a good thing; roaring through your day bolstered up on cream or full milk laden coffees or lattés will completely counteract the wonderful effects of coffee and just turn you into a blob. Remember to always counter your cups of coffee with a glass of water as keeping hydrated is vastly important.

… But the greatest of these is charity.

… But the greatest of these is charity.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity  ~ King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

The end of the year is drawing closer and there is so much thought given to the peace, joy and season of giving that is Christmas.

So, while most of us are feeling all warm and fuzzy about giving, let’s spare a thought about how one can truly be charitable this festive season (and beyond).

By you drinking water.

Yep, before you think we’ve lost our marbles, it really can be as simple as that. Keeping yourself hydrated can actually ‘give’ to others. Give safe, clean, drinking water. Which can mean a child out there in desperate need of your charity, doesn’t have to die from dehydration or contaminated water.

Which means being able to keep the children hydrated, so that they can :-

  • Concentrate when they go to school.
  • So that they can learn.
  • So that they can educate others on the importance of having clean water to drink.

We at AquAid  founded The Africa Trust. With a donation for each water cooler sold, this money goes towards building another Elephant Pump in a rural community in the Third World. A charity that truly gives. (And keeps on giving).

Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Of course it does!

A very Merry Christmas to you.


Five Benefits of Drinking Water

Water helps keep you hydrated, which is important because every single cell in your body needs it in order to absorb nutrients and expel waste products. But what are some of the less well known benefits of drinking water?

1. Drinking Water Is Good For Your Skin

Water naturally moisturizes skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath layers of skin to give it a healthy, glowing appearance. If you don’t drink enough water, you’ll suffer from dry skin, and you’ll be likely to use more creams and lotions to moisturize which will only relieve the dryness temporarily.

2. Drinking Water Helps You Lose Weight

One of the benefits of drinking water is that it helps you lose weight as water suppresses your appetite, so you don’t eat as much.  Drinking plenty of water also prevents fluid retention, because your body won’t try to retain water if it’s getting enough. Drinking water also helps your body burn stored fat. If you’re not drinking enough water, your liver will be forced to help your kidneys detoxify your body. When you drink plenty of water, your kidneys don’t need any extra help, so your liver will be able to metabolize stored fat more efficiently.

3. Drinking Water Helps You Build Muscle

Another benefit of drinking water is that it makes your muscles stronger. That’s because water carries oxygen to the cells of your body, including those of your muscles. Drinking plenty of water enables your muscles to work harder and longer before they feel tired thereby allowing for better muscle building.

4. Drinking Water Makes You Smarter

Drinking water can increase your cognitive function. Your brain needs a lot of oxygen in order to function at optimum levels. Drinking plenty of water ensures that your brain gets all the oxygen it needs. Drinking eight to ten cups of water per day can improve your levels of cognitive performance by as much as 30%! Do be careful though, to not drink too much water, as this can be damaging.

5. Drinking Water Can Prevent and Alleviate Headaches

A little known fact is that one of the main causes of the ‘tension’ headache is due to not drinking enough water. If you are prone to headaches – especially due to stress or being in a hot environment – make sure that you are drinking sufficient water. A good indicator is usually the colour of your urine. Urine darker than a pale yellow means that you are dehydrated.