Selecting the best water cooler and supplier

Selecting the best water cooler and supplier

When you a look at all the information and data that is available on the advantages of keeping your family, students or staff members correctly hydrated, you will soon realise the importance of selecting a water cooler that will be able to service all your needs.

The most important factor to consider when purchasing or installing a water cooler into your building is the quality of the service that your water supplier will provide you with. Water cooler and supply companies that have depots spread across the UK are more likely to ensure you will always get the service that you need in a fraction of the time. Ensure the supplier you choose has a large selection of water coolers so you can be sure to find one that is suited to your building and usage.

Schools and businesses are some of the fastest growing industry for water coolers as the great benefits of water is vital for learning students and business staff alike.

AquAid has a range of mains fed water coolers that they can install for you in no time. These water coolers are perfect for high traffic areas where a large quantity of water is consumed on a daily basis. The mains fed water coolers from AquAid will filter and clean your tap water to ensure that it is safe and at the same time it can cool or heat the water for you. For many companies and schools the quality of their drinking water is very important, and for that reason they use the bottled water from AquAid. Their water is naturally filtered and comes from the earth with no added chemicals or substances. These water bottles can be replaced when needed and with all the AquAid agents across the country you can rest assured that you will be able to get a replacement bottle of clean fresh water in less than 24 hours.

Water to increase company productivity

Most business owners are looking to increase their staff’s productivity, and companies will spend endless funding to ensure their staff’ will perform at their best.

The reality is that by ensuring their staff members are correctly hydrated, they could increase productivity in their business dramatically.

Tests have shown that even mildly dehydrated office workers have a decrease in physical and mental performance of up to 20%. That is a massive amount of additional business and revenue for a business by simply ensuring their staff drink sufficient water each day.

It is very easy for any company to keep their staff members correctly hydrated. With the wide range of water dispensers and water filters on offer, the perfect water solution is only a phone call away. Water dispensers are designed to suite all office types, large or smaller offices and they offer fresh, convenient, clean and performance enhancing water to everyone.

Companies can encourage their staff to have a glass of water each time they walk past a water cooler. This small addition to the office can have serious benefits to staff performance and their general health. Correctly hydrated staff members will have less health issues, leading to less time spent sick at home and increased profits for the business. Drinking sufficient water aids in weight loss as most people confuse the signs of thirst with the signs of hunger.

The financial benefits of correctly hydrated office members are dramatic. Imagine less sick days from staff members, better productivity, better physical health and increased profits for every company.

Tests have shown that drinking sufficient water each day can reduce certain cancers by between 40 -75%. The costs of assisting a staff member through cancer is not just a dramatic experience, it is also extremely expensive. Companies could dramatically reduce health risks like that by simply aiding their staff members to stay correctly hydrated.


Water coolers in schools

Have you ever stopped to consider what your child is drinking when you are not around? Bear in mind that the majority of a child’s day is spent at school in the care of others. Another fact to consider is that dehydration is serious for all of us, but no more so than to our children. When a child is dehydrated they have already lost 20% of their ability to perform both physically and mentally.

We at AquAid recognized the importance of drinking water at school and for these reasons have to date become one of the leading water cooler and drinking water suppliers to schools around the UK.

An experiment in ‘brain hydration’ carried out at an Edinburgh primary school showed that the introduction of water bottles on pupils’ desks led to a significant improvement in national test results over a 2 year period. Despite these important facts, two-thirds of children are still not getting enough drinking water, and a 5th of children drink no water at all, according to research conducted by the Department of Health and Food Standards Agency.­

It is vital that from a young age a child is encourage to incorporate water into their drinking patterns and to prevent themselves from becoming thirsty and hence dehydrated. We not only encourage schools to invest in water coolers for the children, but we supply mini reusable bottles that a child can fill with water and leave on their desk, therefore encouraging them to sip water continually during the day. A direct result of this will be seen in the child’s academic performance and higher levels of concentration.

AquAid Orio Floor Standing Mains Fed

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A Bottled water cooler in your office: 5 Good Reasons to get one

A Bottled water cooler in your office: 5 Good Reasons to get one

1. It’s for a good cause

 Using an AquAid water cooler means that 30p is donated to The Africa Trust with every supplied bottle of water, and 10p is donated to Christian Aid. The African Trust focus on sustainability and job creation, which are key to dealing with poverty in the developing world. AquAid relations with Christian Aid helps fund many water related project in third world countries.

2. It’s safe

Tap water is known to contain chlorine and various other harmful compounds that can affect both the taste of the water and one’s health. AquAid’s water is naturally sourced from pure spring water, which means that it’s free from impurities and chemicals. The water coolers are also quarterly sanitized (according to regulations), which eliminates any potential bacterial growth.

 3. It’s Green

 Here’s a sobering statistic: 1.8 million single-use plastic water bottles are added to UK landfills each year. However, having a bottled water cooler system doesn’t have to mean you’re damaging the environment. AquAid bottles are cleaned (through a strict process) and re-used. The bottles that don’t make the cleaning grade are then recycled.

 4. It saves space

 Many people are under the impression that having a bottled water cooler in the office is going to be a clunky affair, but this isn’t the case. Many coolers are designed with space in mind, with some only requiring 1 sq. foot. Empty bottle storage isn’t an issue either, as AquAid collects them upon delivery of new ones (which is once every two weeks). In addition, bottles that are currently in use can be kept in handy space-saving storage racks.

 5. It’s a healthy mini-break

 Employees need regular breaks in order to keep their productivity levels up – but many turn to either cigarettes or coffee (or both). Having a bottled water cooler in the office provides a much healthier alternative (and an excuse for workers to get up, move around, and hydrate themselves). A cup of water and a quick chat around the cooler will leave employees feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the next task or deadline.