AquAid’s Survival Tips – Deserted with no access to clean water

 In the very unfortunate event that you find yourself stranded outdoors away from civilisation, you will surely need water far more quickly than you will food in order to survive. Luckily there are some fantastic methods you can apply in order to keep yourself hydrated with safe, clean water until you are rescued.

You should keep bottled water with you at all times no matter where you are, but once this runs out, you will need to replenish your supply, so hold on to the bottle!

The very best method of purifying contaminated water is to boil it vigorously for about one minute, and then let it cool down before drinking. If you find yourself in an area with a higher altitude, boil the water for about three minutes. This will kill most biological threats such as harmful bacteria.

Alternatively, you could make a rudimentary water filter by following these steps:

Step 1   Cut off the base of your empty water bottle so that it now has two openings.

Step 2   Roll your sock tightly and place it in the bottle (by the bottleneck) , place some burnt wood charcoal on top of the sock. The wood should be completely black; do not allow any of the white ash to get in the bottle.

Step 3   Roll your second sock tightly and place it firmly on top of the charcoal. Cover it with some non-salty sand found from a river or stream.

Step 4   Find a third piece of clean cotton material, perhaps a cut-off from your shirt, roll it tightly, and place it on top of the sand layer. Cover it with some green moss or grass, as this will aid in   improving the odour and flavour of the water.

You can then pour the contaminated water through this water filter, and it should come out clear from the bottleneck end. If the water does not yet look clear in appearance, filter it through again and again until it looks clear enough to drink.

It is imperative that you do not ingest contaminated water before purifying it, as this could lead to severe bacterial infection and suffering. Just keep your wits about you!

Drinking water habit

We hear so often that water is the healthy option and we are convinced that water is good for you. But how do you go about making drinking water a daily habit?

Here are some basic tips, which may seem obvious, but if put into practise, drinking the correct amount a water per day will become a natural part of your daily routine.

  • How much water?
    This is a debatable question. The best way to go about this is to form a routine. Drink a glass when you wake up, a glass with each meal, a glass in between meals, and be sure to drink before, during and after exercise. The idea is to prevent yourself from actually getting thirsty. Once you find that you are thirsty, your body is already dehydrated.
  • Carry a bottle
    Having a bottle of water with you during the day is a very useful way to have continued sips of water. Keep a bottle on your desk at work or in your car. Keep re filling it and within sight.
  • Set a reminder
    Set your watch to beep at the top of each hour, or set a periodic computer reminder, so that you don’t forget to drink water.
  • Substitute water
    If you would normally get a soda, or a cup of tea or coffee, get a glass of water instead.
  • Water Cooler
    Instead of spending a fortune on bottled water, invest in a water cooler for your workplace or home. This is a great way to keep chilled filtered water at hand as well as keeping costs down.
  • Exercise
    If you’re going to exercise, be sure to drink water a couple hours ahead of time, so that it will get through your system in time, and again, drink during and after exercise as well.
  • Track it
    It often helps, when forming a new habit, to keep track of it — it increases awareness and helps you ensure that you’re staying on track. Keep a little log which can be as simple as a tick mark for each glass of water you drink.
Your local Water Cooler Supplier

Your local Water Cooler Supplier

Choosing which water cooler company to go for is no longer about who is the cheapest. The importance of staying hydrated is so well known now, that many companies are placing higher importance on reputation, service and quality. It is extremely important that when deciding who to choose, you do some research and ensure that you will get exactly what you are paying for.

As one of the UK’S top water cooler companies, we at AquAid do not compromise when it comes to service and quality. We believe that making our customers our priority is what keeps them coming back for more. Our delivery network comprises of 27 depots across the country. This means we have over 160 delivery drivers at any time delivering water to your workplace or home. These delivery drivers all work from regional depots which ensure that they are never far away and in cases of emergencies, we can get there within 24 hours. Our teams are all dedicated to making sure that you and your staff are always hydrated.

We at AquAid believe that giving back to the community is a responsibility that forms a vital part of the success of our business. As a company, we are committed to acting responsibly and most importantly motivating others to make a difference. Sharing the responsibility in the world in which we all operate should be an integral part of your working day.  We believe that making a difference is complimentary to a commercial success. We are very proud of our long running association with Christian Aid, donating over 2.5 million pounds since our partnership with them began. For as little as £10, Christian Aid can provide a child with a lifetime’s supply of clean, fresh water.

The Africa Trust was established as a way to bring sustainable solutions to poverty in Africa.  This includes establishing sustainable supplies of clean productive water and decent sanitation. Income generating projects are used to pay school fees, improve clinics and generate the funds needed to run orphanages. To date we have donated in excess of 1 million pounds and are encouraged by the success stories coming from individuals that are benefitting from the training that is being provided.

We at AquAid believe that our exceptional product together with our first class service and community responsibility is what has gotten us to where we are today. Paul Searle, Managing Director of AquAid said ‘The sign of a great partnership is where business, charity and community all work together.’

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Gary Lineker

The verdict is in. IOC President Jacques Rogge has hailed the London Olympics as a “happy and glorious games.”

And we at AquAid couldn’t agree more. For some of us we even got to play a small part in the Olympics in our own way. Sure we didn’t get to compete, judge or cheer from the stadiums. But we got to experience the vibe, walk amongst some great athletes and in one very special moment, we even managed to adopt our very own world famous delivery driver…..even if it was for only a minute. In the true spirit of the Olympics, Gary Lineker, one of the most iconic sports stars in the UK took the role of an AquAid delivery driver hard at work.

Lord Coe said Britain should be proud of the London Games. We at AquAid are proud in the role we took in keeping Britain hydrated!

AquAid Orio Free Standing Water Cooler

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