Office water coolers – Part 3

Water bottles for staff

 How often do we sit down at our work desk or in front of our computers, only to look up and realise half the day has passed. This little time loss is one of biggest reasons staff members often forget to drink enough water at work during office hours. It might look good to sit glued to your computer working all day long, but dehydration can lead to a reducing in mental and physical performance of up to 20%.

A great way of avoiding dehydration at your desk is to take a water bottle to work with you, or if you are the business owner, consider providing your staff with water bottles for their desks. In the morning before you start your busy day, fill your water bottle from the water cooler and keep it on your desk where you can see it and use it often. For business owners this might be the perfect opportunity to supply your staff with branded water bottles so that when they are walking to work, or in the gym, other people will be able to see the bottles and it will provide added business exposure.  Encourage your staff members to use their water bottles and to fill them during lunch and tea breaks.

Office workers who drink enough water each day will provide better service and will perform better at their work. Other added benefits of drinking your daily water requirements are that sufficient hydration reduces the risk of many cancers, infections, diseases and ailments like headaches and constipation. For every business owner these benefits should be reason enough to aid their staff in drinking more water. The time and money lost when just one staff member is sick for an extended period of time will be far more costly than the cost of water.

Keeping staff members and office workers hydrated is easy once you know the simple ways of encouraging them.

Office water coolers – service

There are many small companies making big promises when it comes to office water coolers, but is your water supplier keeping your staff members hydrated on time, each and every time? With over thirty two water distributors and more than 10’000 water coolers in service across the UK, AquAid is by far the best in the water supply business.

As the only water cooler service provider to guarantee satisfaction, you can be assured to receive exceptional service each time their team is called. They will deliver additional bottles of water if you should run out in less than 24hrs, completely free of charge. Have you ever tried to call your water supplier, only to speak to a call centre agent, sometimes in another country, that has no clue about water coolers? With AquAid, you will speak not only to professional staff members; you will speak to local agents in your area that will be able to assist you in less than 24hrs if required.

With their large selection of bottled and mains fed water coolers, AquAid will be able to provide you with the best water coolers for all your needs. Whether you have a large multinational business, or a two man team, AquAid will gladly assist you with their professional service and equipment. AquAid is not just a fantastic service provider, they are also responsible for supporting two major charity groups. They do this by providing a share of their water sale profits to The African Trust and to Christian Aid and have to date donated over £6,000,000 to assist the less fortunate. Just by using the AquAid water coolers, you are making a difference to thousands of people across Africa. Does your water supplier do all that?

If you are constantly struggling to get hold of your water supplier, or you want guaranteed better service with shorter turnaround times, then give the team at AquAid a call. Be part of the best water cooler service available and never be worried about hydration or service again.

Benefits of filtered water

With more and more businesses and schools installing mains fed water purifiers, it is important to note the added advantages of using these convenient water dispensers. Schools are fast becoming one of the most popular locations for water coolers and fountains as the greatest benefit of water is the advantages that it offers students. Correctly hydrated individuals have a higher level of concentration and will perform better mentally and physically.

As children are undergoing rapid growth and development for most of their school careers, it is important to ensure that they are correctly hydrated. The human body consists of over 75% water and children need to constantly drink water to ensure they maintain hydration. Water is the most important nutrient know to man, as without it no other nutrients can be transported around the body.  Our bodies require adequate hydration to metabolise and perform any and every function. Dehydration can cause a decrease in mental performance, increased body weight and a higher risk of cancers. The biggest cause of dehydration in young children is the fact that they have not developed the correct responses to understand thirst.

It is often confused for hunger by parents, leading to children being fed more than they need. This is a possible cause for the rapid increase in child obesity in the UK.

The mains fed water coolers that AquAid install will filter and purify the water by removing all the harmful chlorine and bacteria particles in the water. The reduction of chlorine will lead to a reduced risk of cancer in the colon, bladder or rectum. Filtered water tastes and smells better and will encourage students and staff members to drink it at more

Companies like AquAid can assist you to select the best water cooler for your facility and they will help you to plan and position their placements to ensure everyone gets clean, fresh and safe drinking water.regular intervals.

Water cooler dispensers

Water cooler dispensers are fast become more popular across the country as they offer their users the best quality water at convenient temperatures.  Leading the water cooler revolution is one of the biggest water dispensing companies in the UK, AquAid. This award winning Water Cooler Company was established in 1992 and they have grown in leaps and bounds from their humble beginnings.

Their water cooler dispensers are now in offices, homes, schools and business premises across the country, offering ever passer by fresh, clean and safe water. The benefits of water are well researched and with all the advantages from just keeping hydrated, more companies and schools are installing water cooler dispensers to keep their staff members and students performing at their best. Keeping hydrated can increase your mental and physical performance by up to 20%, while reducing the risk of many cancers and other deadly diseases. Properly hydrated individuals will find that they have less weight problems and will look younger due to the fact that water makes the skin suppler and aids in weight loss. Many individuals do not know the first signs of dehydration and they often confuse it for signs of hunger, subsequently eating more than they need too. By having a water cooler dispenser in your office or school, you will be able to offer everyone the opportunity to drink before they eat.

The water cooler dispensers that AquAid have on offer are available in either bottled or mains fed. The bottled water cooler dispensers are perfect for homes and small businesses that do not have hundreds of individuals to service. For larger offices, business centres and schools the mains fed water coolers are the most practical and cost effective. These units filter and purify the water that comes out of your normal taps, giving you clean and safe water whenever you need it. Furthermore, the AquAid water cooler dispensers are able to adjust their water temperature, allowing you the opportunity to have hot water for tea and coffee in winter and cool, fresh water in the summer.

With all the benefits that water cooler dispensers offer, there is no reason to not install one. Give the fantastic team at AquAid a call and they will gladly assist you with all your water cooler needs.


Office water coolers

If you are looking for the best office water cooler, then look no further than the range of AquAid water coolers. They are practical, convenient and affordable, everything that a business or home owner wants.

The benefits of having a water cooler in your office or home have been proved a hundred times over already. Staff members perform better when they are hydrated and tests have shown the increase in mental and physical performance to be well over 20%. The office water coolers that AquAid have on offer are the perfect solution to all your hydration needs. They will allow your staff to stay hydrated and thirst free for the entire day as cool, clean and fresh water is always close at hand.

The AquAid water coolers have an easily adjustable thermostat that will allow you to adjust the temperature of the water in your office. Nice cool and refreshing water in summer, or hot water for coffee and tea in winter will be just a push of a button away.  With the two different water taps on the water coolers, your staff will always have water at the perfect temperature. Further advantages of using AquAid water coolers are that AquAid shares a percentage of each water cooler sale with charities like The African Trust and the Christian Aid foundation. They have made dramatic differences in the lives of thousands of Africans just from the sale of their water coolers and water products. Their office water coolers are available in bottled or mains fed versions to ensure that your staff will always have clean and filtered water available. The mains water fed office water coolers will filter and clean all your water before your staff use it and will provide you with an endless supply of water.

With their wide range of water coolers, both free standing or desk top, will ensure that you will be able to find  the perfect water cooler for your office.