Drinking water and skin tones.

Nothing says health and vitality quite like a radiant complexion and smooth skin. This is why there are so many expensive ointments, creams and treatments on the market promising to improve skin tone and reduce pigmentation. But in this age of tight budgets and cost-cutting, is there a cost-effective way to keep your skin complexion looking young and radiant?

A look at simple physiology might provide us with an answer. Most people already know that the human body is 50-70% water depending on age and health status, but many may not be fully aware how our skin is affected by water. The skin is the human body’s largest organ and it is made up of various layers of skin cells. Each of these individual cells is roughly 70% cytoplasm – a mixture of water, salts and organic molecules. Water is essential to the functioning of the human body in many ways including flushing out toxins, regulating body temperature, energy metabolism and maintaining mucous membranes. It also comprises about 95% of blood plasma and is therefore vital to maintaining proper circulation of nutrients and oxygen to all the cells of the body including that of the skin. With so much of our body and skin consisting of water, it stands to reason that keeping properly hydrated will have you feeling and looking healthier.

The renowned advice of drinking 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day may not only keep you feeling healthier and increase your vitality, but also keep your skin glowing and looking young. Well hydrated skin cells are plumper, more resilient and therefore less prone to wrinkles. The best way to keep hydrated? Drink water according to thirst consistently during the day and avoid too much water just before bed, which might result in puffy skin first thing in the morning.

Advantages of bottled water

The biggest advantage of bottled water is that it is convenient and safe. When you are travelling to work, or on holiday, you can never be sure if there will be clean and safe drinking water at your destination or on your way there. As with all our bottled water products, AquAid provides bottled water coolers and water filtration that will ensure you get only the best fresh water available.

Our bottled water is pure and filtered to remove any harmful chemicals and bacteria, leaving you feeling better and healthier. Many water processing plants use dangerous chemicals to purify their water, but the AquAid range of water coolers do not. If the fluoride content in your unfiltered tap water is too high, it can lead to discoloured teeth and fragile bones. Our water is as clean as nature intended it to be.

If you are concerned about the environment, and do not want to install bottled water coolers, then we have the perfect solution for you. Our range of AquAid mains fed water coolers connect directly onto your water mains at your home or office, and will provide you with the cleanest and most convenient fresh water available. This system uses the unique and highly effective AquAid Doulton filtration system to ensure that your water is as clean and healthy as any bottled water. With this system installed in your home or office, you can conveniently fill a water bottle to take with you on all your journeys.

Other benefits of bottles water is that it will ensure you are properly hydrated at all times. Tests have shown that a drop in body fluids can lead to poor mental and physical performance of up to 30%. Carrying fresh water with you, and having regular sips of water will ensure that you are never thirsty, and that you will always perform at your best.

No matter what sort of water cooler you are looking for, at AquAid we have the perfect solution for you. Have a look at our fantastic website for the full range of water coolers that we have for your convenience and health.

Benefits of water

Have you ever stopped to wonder what the health benefits of water might actually be? Our aim at AquAid is to aid you in understanding the benefits of water, and to explain to you why it is so important to your health.

The human body consists of roughly 75% water, and a drop of just 1% of your bodily fluids will start to cause problems like headaches, loss of strength and concentration. The loss of only 3% of fluids from your body will result in a 10% drop in strength, and an 8% loss of speed. These figures should be reason enough for every office to have a water cooler on every corner. If there is a reduction or loss of 4-5% of fluids from the body, then mental performance can be reduced by as much as 30%!  That can have a massive financial impact on a company’s income. Imagine your business loosing 30% of the money that it generates.

By installing an AquAid water cooler, you will not only provide your office with safe, clean and cool water on demand; you will actually be improving the office performance and financial turnovers. What would the impact be on schools and other learning institutions if everyone could perform 30% better mentally?

Our range of free standing bottled water coolers and mains fed water coolers can provide constant hydration to reduce aches and pains, and to improve mental and physical performance. Another benefit of water is for people who suffer from water retention. The best cure is to drink more water. The body works in strange ways, and the less water we drink the more the body tries to store it. This natural reaction was caused by our animal instincts to protect our bodies in times of droughts. Dehydration causes a loss of blood volume, and therefore causes the heart to work harder. This can lead to heart related problems, and also constant tiredness as the dehydrated blood struggles to transport oxygen.

Signs and symptoms of dehydration include dry nose, eyes and throat, headaches, low concentration, drop in blood pressure, constant thirst, rapid heart rate and dizziness. These symptoms can all be avoided by simply having a glass of water every few hours. The benefits of water are endless, as water is needed in nearly every process that happens in the body. Weight loss can be aided by drinking more water. Drinking cold-water aids weightless as the body has to burn calories to heat up again and therefore aids in weight loss.

A few tips on staying hydrates are:

  • to never walks past a water cooler without having a drink
  • never put a glass of water down empty or half empty- fill it first
  • when you feel hungry, have a glass of water first and wait a few minutes
  • add reminders on your computer to automatically send you reminders to drink water

No matter what your water needs might be, AquAid is at your service. We have a wide selection of water products that will assist you in gaining all the benefits of water, improving your life and aiding in better health.

Water and Weight Loss

All functions within the body require the presence of water, and in order for these functions to occur efficiently, the body needs to be hydrated. All chemical processes involve energy metabolism and drinking plenty of water will make us feel more energetic and boost your metabolic rate. “Drink 8 glasses of water each day” is what we hear all the time but what weight loss benefits do we get from drinking water?

Drinking water is important if you’re trying to lose weight, some studies have shown that thirst and hunger sensations are triggered together. If there is a slight dehydration your body may mistake thirst for hunger which will result in more food been eaten when what actually is needed is fluid. Most food products do contain some water, but eating more food to sustain your bodies need for fluid has the negative effect of gaining more weight as opposed to losing it.

So many new food products created today not only contain high amounts of energy from added sugar and fats, they also contain very little water. In order for manufacturers to adhere to the ever popular need for food to be stored for longer periods, the water content is being replaced. Food with high water content tends to soil much faster. Stocking our cupboards full of food that lasts longer may seem great in principle, but the trouble is that this means less water consumption from food.

We constantly rid ourselves of water through our kidneys during our visits to the bathroom, through perspiration and even through breathing. Therefore, the water we lose needs constantly to be replaced for the body to remain hydrated. The most effective way to replace water that’s been lost is simply to drink more water.

It’s not too difficult to replace caffeinated or sugary drinks with a glass or two of water, yet the benefits of doing so are enormous. We should keep a water bottle on our desks and in our cars, to make drinking water that much more convenient. A water cooler in an office or at home can also aid the desire to drink more water.

For the average person experts suggest getting at least 1.8 litres of water daily or eight 8 glasses. If you are on a diet to lose weight it is more important to consume more and keep drinking water throughout the day, unless you have any medical condition that doesn’t allow much water intake. A good guide for daily intake is to drink 30 millilitres of water for every1 kilogram of body weight. A 90 kilogram person should be drinking around 2 litres (12.5 cups) of water in order the gain the benefits of increased energy and metabolism.

If exercising is part of a weight loss program a bit more water should be included to account for water loss from sweating. Drinking water before, during and after exercise will keep energy levels high and help recovery after training. It is highly recommend that during exercise you carry with you a bottle of water and to keep drinking during your workout.

One of the functions of the liver is the metabolising of fat however without sufficient water for the kidneys to function properly; the liver gets called upon to do some of the work the kidneys should be doing alone. The liver can then not work as efficiently as it should and so the results in more fat being stored in the body and thus increased weight.

Simple steps to help improve your drinking water habits

Changing one’s lifestyle habits can often prove to be a challenge. Many of you are by now very aware of the importance of drinking water and the positive effects it has on you, but are struggling to get into the routine of drinking water all day and every day. Here are some simple, yet very effective methods of not only encouraging you to drink sufficient water during the day, but may also help you to enjoy it.

Steps to forming a drinking water habit!
  • Drink water throughout the day, not just when you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated by then. Have a glass of water when you wake up, a glass of water between each meal, a glass of water with each meal and a glass before during and after any form of exercise.
  • Have a bottle of water on your desk or carry one around with you. This will encourage you to sip water throughout the working day. Once it is empty, simple return to the water cooler or water dispenser and refill it.
  • Reminder. Periodically set your computer or a watch to remind you to drink water. Don’t allow yourself to get too caught up in what you are doing and forget to drink your water.
  • Note it down. Noting your new good habit in black and white will encourage you to keep up the good work! Simply note it down by the means of a tick each time you have a glass of water. This way you can also track and note just how much water you are drinking during the day.
  • Liven it up. For some a glass of water really is not the most tempting thing that is out there. Add some Natural flavours like Strawberry and Kiwi or some Lemon and Lime to make a quenching drink. Perhaps invest in some interesting ice cube trays or cut up and freeze some fresh fruit which will add flavour as well as a bit of fun to your water.
  • Exercise. Ensure that when you plan your exercise regime you include time to drink water before, during and after your workout. Being dehydrated can severely hamper you athletic ability, slowing you down and making exercise tedious.
  • Weight Loss. If you are trying to lose a few pounds, remind yourself that water has no fat, no calories, no carbs and no sugar.
  • Finally invest in a water cooler!  It is far more appealing than the kitchen tap offering water that is both chilled and filtered!

The secret to successfully changing one’s habit is to ensure that at all times your goal is right in front of you, never allowing you to forget it. If your goal is to drink more water and stay healthy, perhaps try a few of these guidelines, forming a habit does not need to be difficult, it may simple require a bit of focus.