You can lead a Horse to Water … but can you lead a Human to the Water Cooler?

You can lead a Horse to Water … but can you lead a Human to the Water Cooler?

As you no doubt already know, the full proverb reads like this:

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.

Meaning: People, like horses, will only do what they have a mind to do.

It would seem that water replenishment is an integral part of life, even in philosophy.

Comparing equine and human minds may seem a bit of a stretch, however, how often is it that despite knowing our brain and body requires hydration, we invent a plethora of excuses not to take that 5 minute rest break to visit the water cooler and replenish our drinking water? Probably far too often.

I would go so far as to say that human beings, with our busy lives, overcomplicate the simplest necessity and we invent a number of reasons to not adequately hydrate, whereas all other species trust their instinct and drink water the minute they require it.

The solution perhaps, is to simplify matters all things water.

That’s where AquAid comes in. With more than 25 years’ experience in delivering our very best in sales, products and service, you can rely on us to provide the right water dispensers to fulfil your drinking water requirements.

Browse our range online:

Contact us via the following channels:

Complete our Free Quote form; E-mail: or Telephone: 0800 772 3003

Education at the Water Cooler Station – The Vital Role Teachers Play in Society

Education at the Water Cooler Station – The Vital Role Teachers Play in Society

World Teachers’ Day is dedicated to celebrating the invaluable contributions of teachers to our society. Their role extends far beyond the classroom – shaping minds, nurturing potential and inspiring generations to come.

Why are Teachers so Important?

Foundational Knowledge: Teachers are the architects of young minds. They impart essential knowledge, skills and values that form the foundation for a child’s future.

Nurturing Growth: Beyond academics, teachers create a supportive environment that fosters personal and social development. They encourage critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity.

Adapting to Change: In an ever-evolving world, teachers must continuously adapt their teaching methods to meet the needs of diverse learners and embrace new technologies.

Inspiration and Motivation: Teachers have the power to inspire students to reach their full potential. By fostering a love for learning and encouraging curiosity, they help students develop a lifelong passion for knowledge.

At AquAid we provide water dispensers to educational facilities from pre-schools, primary & high schools, academies through to colleges and universities across the UK. We hope you will join us as we express our appreciation and gratitude for everything that teachers do!

AquAid Water Coolers: Experience the Difference

AquAid Water Coolers: Experience the Difference

As a leading provider of water coolers in the UK, AquAid offers more than just standard customer benefits. For over two decades, we remain dedicated to delivering exceptional service.

A few key benefits that set us apart:

Extensive Product Range. AquAid offers a comprehensive range of high-quality water dispensing solutions tailored to the customers’ specific requirements.

Branches nationwide. AquAid’s nationwide network of 23 branches provides dedicated teams to serve customers across the UK. Each branch offers convenient local bottled water deliveries, services and support.

Rapid Delivery. A delivery time of 48-hours on our bottle-fed water coolers.

Expert Service. Our WHA-accredited engineers ensure professional installation and maintenance.

Charitable Commitment. AquAid has a strong commitment to social responsibility, supporting charities focused on the implementation of safe drinking water resources.

Benefit from our decades of experience:

With over 20 years in the industry, you can trust AquAid to provide exceptional service, using our expertise to deliver reliable and efficient solutions whatever the drinking water requirements.

We continue to expand on this expertise and experience daily thereby enabling us to continually offer the very best benefits to our customers.

To benefit from our experience & expertise while simply keeping yourself refreshed, contact us at AquAid – we’ll be delighted to assist.

Water Coolers at Work: Power Naps = Energy Boost

Water Coolers at Work: Power Naps = Energy Boost

As a nation used to hard work, Britons may perceive that a bit of shuteye amounts to laziness or a way not to get work done properly, so the thought of power naps may seem a little disingenuous/counterintuitive.

Which is why it may come as a surprise that power naps are indeed a thing and if performed correctly, they can greatly benefit one’s well-being all while boosting flagging energy.

As we’ve learnt, drinking water = power (or energy) but who would’ve thought that short naps too = power.

Although power naps are commonplace in some cultures – Japanese workers take an afternoon nap known as ‘hirune’ – many companies worldwide such as Procter & Gamble, PwC and Nike, have made this part of their work culture too.

Are their health benefits to napping?

Regular naps are good for the long-term health of our brain, research shows.

Habitual napping may help keep our brains bigger for longer and boost its overall health, according to a 2023 study by researchers at University College London (UCL) and the University of the Republic in Uruguay.

There are also short-term health benefits associated with napping. Short naps lasting five to 15 minutes can immediately improve how well we perform mentally. This mental stimulus can last up to three hours after we wake up.*

How long should you nap for?

According to Kevin Morgan, professor of psychology and a sleep expert at the University of Loughborough in the UK, “Timing is key for the perfect power nap. If you are going to have a nap, make sure you do it in the mid-afternoon and don’t allow it to go on for longer than 20 minutes. Your body is going to be more accommodating of daytime sleep between 2pm and 4pm as this is when there is a dip in the circadian rhythm and our body temperature drops.”*

As always, water first.

Even if you don’t ascribe to taking a power nap while at work, always remember that drinking water throughout the day, taking a short break to refill your water bottle or water glass from your workplace water cooler, is a guaranteed way to boost flagging energy.

*source: from an article by Isabelle Gerretsen at the BBC


The Pachyderm Pump at the Water Cooler

The Pachyderm Pump at the Water Cooler

In honour of this year’s World Elephant Day, we thought it would be a good idea to highlight one of AquAid’s proudest affiliations – that of forming The Africa Trust – a charity whose CEO also designed an award-winning design water well, affectionally known as the Elephant Pump.

What is there to be proud about?

Design Awards

The Elephant Pump was awarded two prestigious awards in recognition of the pump’s technology, impact and reliability. The first was the World Bank Development Marketplace award for Water, Sanitation and Energy.

Next, the pump went on to win The St. Andrews Medal for the Environment, overcoming a record 260 entrants in the process.


Based on a 2,000-year-old Chinese technique for lifting water, the Elephant Pump is inexpensive, simple to make and repair and made from locally available materials giving users a greater sense of ownership. Like the longevity of the elephant, of the 10,000 pumps installed, 95% are still in operation today – a figure 40% above the average for the continent.

Reach and Usage

To date, over 10,000 pumps have been built, servicing more than two million people in communities across Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Each pump can produce up to 10,000 litres of potable water per day, supplying upwards of three hundred people in the village or community – who are now able to collect clean drinking water and water for productive use every day.

If you are interested in finding out how the easy installation of a water cooler translates into the installation of a safe water resource for a community, speak to us at AquAid – we’ll be delighted to assist.