The Advantages of the AquAid Bottle-Fed Water Cooler

The Advantages of the AquAid Bottle-Fed Water Cooler

As with all our bottled water products, AquAid provides Bottled Water Coolers and water filtration that ensure you are drinking only the finest fresh water available, drawn from three sources around the United Kingdom.

Our bottled water is pure and filtered to remove any harmful chemicals and bacteria, leaving you feeling healthier and refreshed. Many water-processing plants use dangerous chemicals to purify their water, but AquAid do not. Our water is as clean as nature intended it to be.

Bottled Water Coolers are the perfect solution where portable water or a mains water supply is unavailable.

A Bottle-Fed Water Cooler is ideal for placement in any workplace and for any size of staff contingent. These free-standing coolers are easy to move to a new location within the organisation should this be required.

Another benefit of having a Bottle-Fed water cooler is easy access to a source of proper hydration at all times. Tests have shown that a drop in body fluids can lead to poor mental and physical performance of up to 30%. Having access to fresh water and being able to replenish your water throughout the day will ensure that you are never thirsty, and that you are always able to perform at your best.

There is a reduced environmental impact. Our water bottles are collected, thoroughly cleaned, sanitised and re-used multiple times. Once spent, they are granulated and re-cycled in an ecologically friendly manner.

As we have branches throughout the United Kingdom, our bottled water delivery is quick and efficient.  We also offer an urgent water replenishment service.

Installing a Bottled Water Dispenser from AquAid not only means a healthier and hydrated you, but also the opportunity of the delivery of life-changing safe water for those in need. For each bottle of water supplied, a donation is made to the charities that AquAid have supported for more than 20 years. These donations are at no additional cost to our customers.

No matter what sort of water cooler you are looking for, at AquAid we have the perfect solution for you. Have a look at our easy-to-navigate website for the full range of water coolers that we offer for your convenience and continued health and hydration.

Water Dispenser Health – Counterbalance dehydrating food and drink

Water Dispenser Health – Counterbalance dehydrating food and drink

At present, it’s understandable that we may crave comfort food and drinks. The quick fix from salt and sugar loaded food and drink is undeniable, so even while you’re attempting to stay better hydrated, you may be ingesting dehydrating substances without even realising it.

Sodium is a big culprit

When you eat salty foods, your cells tell your brain that you’re thirsty. Examples of foods high in salt are fast foods, potato crisps, tinned foods, deli meats and condiments like tomato ketchup, brown sauce and sweet chilli sauce.

Sugary drinks also contribute

Much like salty foods, sugary drinks also tell your brain that you’re thirsty. Try to avoid these – fizzy, energy and sports drinks as well as over sugared coffees and cocktails.

Instead of eating and drinking these dehydration-inducing foods and beverages, drink more water and add these top superfoods to your diet for optimal health and antioxidant levels.


Yielding antioxidants, vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties, a handful of these berries daily can do wonders.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish with omega-3s include salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel. Make sure that you only buy fish off the endangered list. A good guide to which are sustainable and safe fish to buy can be found here.


This does not mean using enough soy sauce to turn your sushi rice another colour. Soy sauce has a high sodium content. Clean and simple soy is recommended. Soy in this category includes tofu, soymilk and edamame. For the curious, edamame are green soybeans boiled or steamed in their pods.


There are a variety of great options for getting more fibre in your body:

  1. Beans. Think three-bean salad, bean burritos, chilli, and soup.
  2. Whole grains. That means whole-wheat bread, pasta.
  3. Brown rice. White rice doesn’t offer much fibre.
  4. Popcorn. It’s a great source of fibre.
  5. Nuts. Almonds, pecans, and walnuts have more fibre than other nuts.
  6. Baked potato with skin. The skin’s important here.
  7. Berries. All those seeds, plus the skin, give great fibre to any berry.
  8. Bran cereal. Actually, any cereal that has 5 grams of fibre or more in a serving counts as high fibre.
  9. Oatmeal. Whether its microwaved or stove-cooked, oatmeal is good fibre.
  10. Vegetables. The crunchier, the better.

With all this talk about salt, it’s quite likely you’re now thirsty, so to help, here are a few thirst-quenching alternatives that are not only good for you, but will tamp down on your dehydration quickly:


The antioxidant powers of tea are present in both black and green tea. Moreover, you’re drinking water when you drink tea, minus all the sugar you would be when consuming fizzy drinks.


The health-conscious tend to stay away from dairy products for fear that they contain fat, but calcium is necessary for the body. If you’d rather not consume cheese and milk, take a calcium supplement.


As always, the simplest and quickest route to maintain good hydration is to drink water more. To gauge how much water you should drink, refer to AquAid’s handy guide to start you off.

*updated from a blog post Jan 2013

Water Cooler Hacks – What Can We Do?

Water Cooler Hacks – What Can We Do?

During these rather unprecedented (for many) circumstances, it’s natural that we tend to focus on what we aren’t able to do: can’t this, can’t that and the list goes on.

As the saying goes, when all else fails, opt for simple (okay, there’s no such saying, but adapt we must). Here at AquAid Water Coolers, we took the image seriously and came up with a few options that for the most part, cost nothing but offer much reward:

Soak up the sun.  Disclaimer: although this blogger cannot predict the weather, news suggests that this week we may expect temperatures as high as 26°C. (not so much in the North though … sorry about that!)

Revisit your favourite TV shows.  From Rick Mayall through to Ricky Gervais, there’s nothing more therapeutic than a good ol’ belly laugh.

Build that model craft. Or planet (Lego Deathstar of course) or car, or dinosaur.

Plant something. Then tend to it, water it and watch it grow.

Have a conversation that isn’t a Zoom meeting. Call your furthest and dearest and have a good ol’ catch up.

Discover a new route. Try a different route while taking your outdoor exercise.

Increase your water intake. For real. Now, even more so, it doesn’t matter that you may need to pop to the loo so many times.

Relish the moment. Enjoy the time afforded: whether it’s wearing comfy, fluffy socks; brewing the best cuppa ever; cheat sleeping in for an extra half hour / hour or even longer (you little rebel, you) or diving into those books and reading for hours undisturbed.

AquAid – Encouraging Access to Drinking Water in Schools

AquAid – Encouraging Access to Drinking Water in Schools

Recently, Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, spoke of his wish to have all London primary schools become ‘water only’ zones.

The reasoning behind this stems from a report that found that nearly 40 percent of children in London between ages 10 and 11 are obese. Mayor Khan said, “Making water freely available and introducing measures like ‘water-only’ in schools are some of the simple things we can do to not only tackle childhood obesity, but also improve behaviour and learning.”

AquAid has always promoted and encouraged proper hydration habits for every individual; however, a large portion of our focus has always been and continues to be ensuring the provision of large capacity water coolers, designed specifically for the school environment, to schools throughout the UK. Our water coolers can either be Mains-Fed for large schools where the water consumption is high or, Bottle-Fed for schools where there are no water mains close to a particular area.

This is because, at AquAid, we understand that remaining properly hydrated helps to improve attention, short-term memory, and well-being. The fact is, a hydrated child is a much happier child and to this end, we have always encouraged our school customers to be able to provide readily available drinking water for both the children and school faculties.

Further to that, our water coolers are all equipped with anti-bacterial taps to ensure safe drinking water, and various drainage options to reduce overflow and spillage wherever possible. Moreover, to help create and instil better hydration habits, we also offer free refillable drinking water bottles and free school posters to help keep water top of mind during the school day.

Simple Water Cooler Warm-Ups while the weather is dreary

Simple Water Cooler Warm-Ups while the weather is dreary

The first one is easy: Not only do AquAid supply a wide range of high quality water coolers, dispensing chilled or ambient drinking water, we also offer a range of hot and cold water dispensers, hot water boilers as well as our stylish, space saving Instant Taps.

What’s even more (heart)warming, is that for every Mains Fed/Plumbed-in water dispenser AquAid install, a portion of that sale is donated to charities that we support.  These donations are used to fund life-saving clean water delivery projects for communities in need.  A method guaranteed to warm you up as you sip your hot drink.

Bake something. We may not all qualify as contestants for events such as The Great British Bake Off, but that doesn’t matter – baking is a guaranteed method to warm your environment – also eating hot food raises your body temperature somewhat.

Wear a hat. Although it’s been disproved, we can’t negate the fact that covering your head while outside certainly feels warmer than leaving your extremities bare. In addition, some hats look great – you never know – you could start a trend.  Note: Fascinators don’t count.

Exercise. Sure-footed and steady wins the race! Or at least keeps you mobile while you negotiate ice and slush covered pavements. Although higher impact, cardio-vascular exercise is a great health benefit, it is sometimes better to take exercise that produces a slow burn – it may make for a longer lasting raised core temperature, which will keep you warm and toasty as you move between in and outdoors.