How hot water makes us happy

How hot water makes us happy

We’re not referring to being in hot water, mind, rather we’re referring to how drinking hot water (and most derivatives thereof)  in cold weather boosts our sense of well-being, makes us happy and unbelievably is good for our health too.

Mind how you go. As with anything that you ingest or consume that purports to be healthy, there’s usually a proviso. Of course there is. That’s why we’re not suggesting that you can drink as many of those marshmallow topped, cream laden hot chocolates as you like and still be in the peak of health, but we are stating that by drinking hot water drinks (not just hot water) you will achieve more than just one goal – you’ll warm yourself up, increasing your body temperature; you’ll feel  comforted which increases your sense of well-being and if you’re drinking the right hot drinks, you’ll keep yourself hydrated, which means you’re maintaining your good health.

Don’t be fooled. Unless you were hibernating for the last few decades, you should no doubt be aware (by now) that sugar-free doesn’t equal better health.  In fact, the ‘cheat sweeteners’ can be as bad for your waistline if not worse than could good old granulated sugar. If it tastes oddly synthetic, chances are it usually is.

What’s left, then? Quite a bit actually. Here are a few ideas to keep your precious little self hydrated, your tummy warm; and you fighting fit this winter:

  • Install either a hot and cold water cooler or a hot water boiler at your premises. Visit it, often.
  • Once you’ve installed your hot water maker, speak to those around you – ask them what hot water drinks they enjoy which don’t pack on the pounds.
  • Go exploring. Virtually of course. As an example, you’ll find quite a few hot water drinks tips at the AquAid Water Coolers blog There’s plenty to choose from which will hopefully to inspire your hot water drinks journey.

However you choose to warm up this winter, we wish you happy hydration health.

Not so sneaky winter hydration tips

Not so sneaky winter hydration tips

Sneaky because maintaining good hydration habits in winter can be just that: studies show that we can be up to 40% less thirsty in winter.

Dehydration is less noticeable in winter: During the summer in the UK, it’s far easier to equate how thirsty we are with how dehydrated we may be.  Hot weather tends to make us sweat more, making dehydration much more noticeable. However, in winter, thirst isn’t as immediately apparent and perspiration turns to water vapour very quickly.  As an example, when you step outside from a warm environment into a cold one and you can see your breath – that’s water vapour, which means you’re dehydrating.

Staying hydrated in winter helps us stay warm: Our bodies use water to help maintain our core body temperature. Dehydration can cause our core body temperatures can drop. Therefore the benefits of staying hydrated in winter are twofold: we stay hydrated and we keep warm when it’s cold outside.

… And gives your immune system a welcome boost:  Our instinct in winter is to hibernate, especially indoors. Modern life, however, makes this untenable: we’re in and out of doors on a daily basis and the radical changes in temperature can easily and negatively affect our immune system as our systems fight to bring our body to the right temperature. That’s why it’s important to make sure we don’t decrease our water intake during winter.  A good hydration habit is one of the simplest and best ways to keep the immune system boosted and ready to battle common winter illnesses like colds and flu. Whether you’re at home or at work, installing a water cooler will help you to easily keep up your water consumption, with refreshing drinking water available at the touch of a button.

Weight maintenance and loss:  The cold weather can often lead us to exercise less and eat more. Weight gain because of this is often further exacerbated by not staying hydrated through winter. Maintaining hydration enables our bodies to be more efficient at breaking down fats and converting them to energy.

A few tips to maintain proper hydration during winter:

  • Keep water in your line of sight – keep a water bottle on your desk or put a glass next to the kitchen sink to remind you keep drinking. Remember too, AquAid have a range of desktop and counter top water coolers making them the best reminder there is.
  • Set yourself a reminder – An alert on your phone can remind yourself to top up your water bottle.
  • Eat water rich foods – soups, salads or fruit as mentioned in our series on water rich fruit.
  • Plump up your plain H2O – Adding a slice or wedge of lemon, lime or even cucumber gives your water an extra refreshing burst of flavour.

At AquAid Water Coolers, we provide a wide range of water dispensers to a broad and diverse set of customers from small, medium and large businesses through to medical facilities, universities, colleges and schools.

With more than 20 years’ experience in the provision of the right water coolers, water boilers, Instant Taps and water fountains to more than 33,000 customers, you can be assured that we will have the right water cooler to help keep you properly hydrated, whatever the time of year.  Speak to us, we’ll be happy to help.

NOW is the perfect time to drink hot water

NOW is the perfect time to drink hot water

By all accounts the winter weather has been
behaving itself so far.  Not that we
haven’t had cold weather.  There are
still a few chilly months to get through before the temperatures begin climbing
to a more appealing level and where we won’t need a few layers of insulation.

External heating helps obviously, but
there’s a pretty simple and cost effective manner in which to warm yourself internally
and that’s to drink hot
. It really is that simple + the benefits are many! We’ll be
illustrating these benefits across a two part series, of which this is the

hot water relieves nasal congestion
The warmth of hot water creates steam.  Inhaling steam rising off your hot water drink
can help loosen clogged sinuses and even relieve a sinus headache.

Since you have mucous membranes throughout
your neck and upper torso, drinking hot water can help warm that area and
soothe a sore throat caused by mucous build-up.

Aids digestiondrinking
hot water
both soothes and activates your digestive tract. Water is, after
all, the lubricant that keeps your digestion going. As the water moves through
your stomach and intestines, digestive organs are better hydrated and able to
eliminate waste.

Enhances blood circulation and promote a
healthy nervous system
which is important for proper muscle and nerve activity. In addition, it
keeps your nervous system healthy by breaking down the fat deposits around it.

relieve constipation
drinking hot water helps your intestines to contract. When that
happens, old waste trapped in your intestines is able to pass out of your body.
Drinking hot water regularly helps keep you, well, regular. But drinking it
occasionally when you’re constipated isn’t a bad idea either.

Body detoxification – hot water is fantastic for
helping your body to detox. When you drink hot water, your body
temperature begins to rise, which results in sweat. You want this to happen
because it helps to release toxins from your body and cleanse it properly.

Should you decide that drinking hot water
is the way to go during the colder weather, it’s always good to remember to pay attention to how hot your glass or mug
of hot water is
. If you’re a bit scatter-brained, then rather wait until
your hot water has cooled a bit and if drinking hot water just isn’t your first
choice, try adding a slice of lemon or lime, just to give your hot water drink
that tasty citrus twist.

Like the idea of having hot drinking water
readily available? Then speak to us at AquAid. We have a wide range of
hot and cold water
and water
tailor-made to suit your water consumption requirements.

Resolutions at the Water Cooler – how to meet the New Year with gusto

Resolutions at the Water Cooler – how to meet the New Year with gusto

Firstly, our very best wishes to all of you from all of us here at AquAid Water Coolers for this New Year of two oh one nine.

One of those wishes is that you, unlike me, don’t go through most of January scratching out ‘8’ on the date every time you write it.

I’ve noticed that resolutions for a new year don’t seem to be as prevalent or popular as they may have been in the previous decade of the 21st Century – not sure what that’s about – but I, for one, am frankly quite grateful – the reality being how many of us are there that actually get past Day 2 of our intended ‘good behaviour’ and then end up feeling awful about the lapsed resolutions?

If, however, you are one of those amazing souls who make resolutions and sticks to them past Week One, more power to you – you’re an example to us all.

Whichever category you fall into, there is one resolution I encourage you to implement and stick with. If you’re sceptical here are just a few good reasons why:

The health benefits are numerous.

Minimum effort equals great reward.

Increased concentration and productivity at work or at leisure.

Reduces lethargy, tiredness and dehydration.

Boosts the immune system.

It may seem like all these benefits from one source aren’t feasible, but I assure you, they are. This is a New Year’s resolution of the simplest sort – and the great reveal is:

Drink your water.

If you’re unsure about how much water you should be drinking, you can refer to our handy drinking water chart.

If you’re in need of a water delivery system, whether you’re at home, work or for your school, speak to us at AquAid – we have a wide range of high-quality water coolers, dispensers and boilers.

Here’s to a guilt-free, easy resolution 2019 – cheers!

How You, as an AquAid Customer, Benefit from our Experience

How You, as an AquAid Customer, Benefit from our Experience

AquAid as an organisation has always offered more than just the standard customer benefits – a few of these include, but aren’t restricted to:

  • Offering an extensive range of high-quality water cooler solutions to meet our customers’ requirements;
  • A 48-hour delivery time on our Bottle-Fed Water Coolers;
  • Water cooler installation and servicing by EDWCA accredited engineers and;
  • Two decades supporting charities that focus on the provision of safe drinking water;

We also provide the invaluable benefit of experience.

Where one might wonder how our experience benefits our customers, it’s refreshingly simple:  you will be relying on a company that has more than 20 years’ experience in the provision of high quality water coolers, water and water related products. Which is why, whatever your volume of demand is for refreshing drinking water, you reap the benefit of two decades of experience when you install a water cooler from AquAid.

From the AquAid Head Office, based in Newmarket, through to our 23 branches spread across the UK, we offer the equivalent of over a hundred years of combined experience.

We continue to expand on this expertise and experience daily thereby enabling us to continually offer the very best benefits to our customers.

Should you wish to benefit from our experience (amongst all our other benefits) while simply keeping yourself refreshed, contact us at AquAid – we’ll be delighted to assist.