Benefits of bottled water

There are many advantages of having a water cooler in your home, office or education building. Some of the best advantages of drinking enough water every day are that you will actually improve you mental and physical abilities.

One of the biggest selling points for water coolers is that they can actually enhance the performance of staff members, students and athletes by up to 30%. By drinking enough water every day, our bodies and especially our brains perform at their best, allowing you to work for longer without getting tired or forgetful. Many businesses and schools are now installing water coolers to ensure that their staff or students have the best opportunity to drink enough water every day.

Some schools are even encouraging their students to carry small water bottles with them to ensure that they always have water close at hand. Being properly hydrated increases not just your learning ability, but also your concentration. Many children are considered hyperactive or problem children because they have difficulty sitting still or concentrating. The sad reality is that their diets are more often than not the main reason for the children not being able to focus or sit still for more than two seconds. The amount of sugars and preservatives that they take in every day from sweets and fizzy cool drinks, are shockingly high. Some fizzy cool drinks have more than two cups of sugar in a single litre or fluid. That’s the equivalent to having half a cup of sugar for every cup of fluid. Would you add half a cup of sugar to your coffee? I seriously doubt it!

Encourage your child to drink more water and healthy, sugar free drinks and watch the difference. Just by installing a water cooler in your school or home, you can increase your students or child’s learning abilities and future for ever. Water coolers offer cool, fresh and healthy water and with the free delivery and ease of installation that companies like AquAid offer, there is no reason to delay installing one immediately. Their water is bottled using naturally filtered and chemical free water from the springs at Godlingston Manor. Perfect for you and everyone you care about.

Why drink Water

Not a day passes without us being  told to drink enough water. But what are some of the reasons we are told this every day? How important is water to our daily lives? The simple answer is that without water our bodies will not survive a few days.

Water is the biggest component in our bodies, making up almost 80% of all the tissues and cells. There are many advantages of drinking sufficient water very day, and with the summer just about to start warming the days, it is important to ensure that you drink more water on these warmer days. Drinking enough water will help to increase your metabolism and your digestion. These two advantages lead to a third and that is weight loss. Our bodies need water during digestion to flush out all the unwanted by-products and toxins that can increase your risk of weight gain.

Water is also the biggest regulator of body heat and keeping hydrated will insure that you feel more comfortable and energetic. One of the biggest benefits of drinking enough water is that it will make you look and feel younger for longer in your life. The reason for this is that your skin loses flexibility and elasticity that your younger skin had due to age, exposure to the sun and dehydration. Drinking enough water aids in reducing all those ageing signs. It will increase the water levels in your skin and allow it to rejuvenate itself. Sufficient water intake will ensure you feel younger by keeping your joints and muscles protected and allowing you better ease of movement.

There are many ways to ensure that you are always correctly hydrated, but the best is to install a water cooler in your home, office, factory or place of learning. This will ensure that water is always close at hand and easily available when you need it. Drink a glass of water each time you walk near the water cooler and you will be surprised at the advantages you will start to feel almost immediately.

Water Saves Lives

We all enjoy a cool refreshing glass of water on a warm day, and there is no better source for cool, clean and fresh water than from a top quality water cooler, like the water coolers that AquAid supply and install. But have you stopped and thought for a second as to the amount of people who might not have water available at the push of a button?

Thankfully for all of us, companies like AquAid have. They are aware of the needs and demands of thousands of under privileged people in under developed and third world nations across the globe. To ensure that they are able to assist those people with clean, fresh and safe water, AquAid is donating a large portion of their profits to assist charities in supplying those needy individuals with safe drinking water. For every water cooler that is installed, or bottle of water that is replaced in a home, office or school, AquAid donates a percentage of their profit to either Christian Aid or The Africa Trust. In the last few years, they have donated over £6million to assist close to 2 million struggling people to have access to clean and safe water.

In Africa alone more people die each year from contaminated water than from any of the civil wars raging across the continent. The biggest killer is cholera and diarrhoea. These are often found in the contaminated water sources that people are forced to drink from. In many instances, communities have to share their water with their livestock, leading to more contaminated water and higher risks of sickness and death. The biggest cause of death is from dehydration caused by these diseases, and with insufficient safe drinking water to aid the sick individuals, and the biggest majority is young children, they are left to struggle for their lives.

Luckily for these individuals, AquAid is providing safe water sources that has safe the lives of countless children and families. So next time you have a sip of your water, ask yourself if your water supplier is doing something to help others. By simply drinking the water that AquAid supplies, you are saving lives.


The benefits of sufficient water intake are often underestimated, but there are hundreds of reasons to keep your body correctly hydrated. Even though diets and lifestyles change on a monthly basis, the experts all agree that the most important substance in a healthy lifestyle is still water.

As the majority of our body is made from water, it is very important to keep drinking sufficient water every day to ensure that the correct levels are maintained. Water is needed in almost every process that happens in our bodies, from food digestion to muscle growth and mental development. Our bodies need around 1.8 litres of water every normal day, but if you are involved in exercise, active activities or strenuous work, then you will need to increase your water intake. It is for this reason that many offices, schools and gyms are installing water coolers around their premises. It allows easy and convenient access to fresh, clean and healthy water. If you are taking part in sports, or outdoor activities where you will be perspiring, then it is recommended that you take a water bottle with you to ensure that you will always have water with you. Water allows our bodies to digest our food, and without it we will not be able to eliminate the waste products. It is for that reason that water can assist you in losing weight as it will remove all the unneeded weight and toxins that can leaded to weight gain.

Tests have shown that individuals who drink their sufficient amount of water each day are less prone to weight gain and they also live longer due to their healthier lifestyles. Other great benefits of water are that they give you a younger, healthier skin. This is because water keeps the skin hydrated and plump and giving you a younger appearance by reducing wrinkles. All these great benefits are part of the reason why water coolers are becoming so popular. Their convenience, the guaranteed safety of the water that they provide and ease of use will ensure that you always have sufficient water close.

How do you know if your body has enough water?

It is a very important however difficult question. The most important thing to remember is that everyone has different water needs, but we are all very dependent on it. There are a few signs that can tell us when we need to increase our water intake, or when we are not getting enough water into our systems.

The most common and most visible sign is sweat or perspiration. The more you perspire each day, the more you need to replace those lost fluids. With summer starting to make a return it is important to stay hydrated at all times. But do not think that it is only during summer that people get dehydrated. The cold winter days can hide the signs of perspiration and dehydration and this can quickly get your body into a mild state of dehydration.

Fortunately for all of us, the technologies available in modern water coolers have come to our rescue. Water coolers provide the option of either cool refreshing water, or warm water on demand. These water coolers are fast becoming very popular at schools, offices and homes across the UK.

Some of the other signs that you are dehydrated is often cramping in the muscles. This happens when there is a shortage of water and nutrients in the bloodstream that leads to muscles being placed under strain. You will often see sports men dropping on either the soccer, rugby or cricket fields with cramps or muscle pains. One of the first things that their team doctors hand them is something to drink.

One of the best ways to check your body’s level of hydration is the colour of your urine. The darker or more yellow the colour, the more dehydrated you are.  The colour is determined by the amount of toxins that your body flushes out. The more hydrated you are, the lighter the colour of your urine might be. It is a great way for parents with toddlers to see if their children are correctly hydrated and healthy.

If you take note of what your body is telling and showing you, you will be able to stay hydrated and healthy at all times.