Water coolers aid water shortage

Many of us take the water coming from our taps or water coolers for granted and we have no second thought of where it comes from. But with a low rainfall at the moment, the possibility of water shortages are becoming a reality that many of us are not prepared for.

One of the fastest growing water saving devices that many homes, schools and offices are installing is water coolers. Water coolers offer clean, fresh and reliable water at the push of a button. AquAid is one of the leading water cooler suppliers, installers and water suppliers in the UK for the simple reason that they are able to consistently provide their customers with all their water needs.  Their water is bottled from a natural spring that is filtered and naturally cleaned. It also provides them a stable and constant source of water during the summer months.

Water coolers will allow you to track your water usage and it will allow you to assist the country with reducing the wasting of drinkable water.Carry a water bottle with you when you leave your home or office, and fill it from your water cooler before you leave.  This will ensure that you always have fresh and clean water on hand wherever you might find yourself.

With the warm summer right around the corner it is important to drink enough water and not to waste any water that could aid others. Water coolers and water bottles will allow you to track your water usage every day and it will aid you to stay hydrated and healthy for longer. Sufficient water aids your body to transport nutrients and minerals to your vital organs and body parts. Furthermore it aids the body in flushing out toxins and waste, clearing your body from harmful substances. It is proven that drinking sufficient water every day can help reduce many side effects like cramping, constipation, bad skin and the signs of ageing.

Carrying a water bottle with you will allow you to make sure that you have the minimum of eight glasses of water each day.

Benefits of water – Sports

With the winter slowly disappearing and warmer weather just around the corner, it is again time to start training outdoors. There is no better feeling than running outside in the fresh, (un)air-conditioned air. But with all the extra mural activities that are now becoming popular again, do we need to be concerned about hydration?

Dehydration is one of the leading causes of a range of injuries and ailments. The lack of sufficient water intake can lead to severe cramping, muscle damage and of course fatigue. There are many ways to avoid dehydration. Many schools and sporting facilities are installing water coolers to ensure that their students and their athletes are always close to the best cure for dehydration. Keeping a sports bottle in your gym bag or school locker is the best way to ensure that you stay hydrated, just remember to fill it each time you walk past the water cooler.

The side effects of dehydration include lack or loss of concentration, decrease in physical and mental performance and dizziness. For children the effects of dehydration are allot more serious and can happen very fast. Children up until the age of sixteen are at a higher risk than adults for dehydration and they need to drink more water than adults each day. There is no exact guideline to follow to ensure that you have drunk sufficient water during your day or during your exercise. The best is to be on the safe side and drink at least eight glasses of water each day, regardless of exercise and to have an extra glass of water for every hour that you are training. In really hot day, remember to drink more water as your body will sweat more to help it to cool down.

Ensure that your school or gym has a water cooler that will give you cool, clean and fresh water at the press of a button. Make sure that if you have children that their teachers are aware of the risks of dehydration and the simple cures.

Benefits of water – Stay healthy

Water is by far the most important substance on the planet. More valuable than gold, diamonds or oil, but most people still have not realized its value. The human body’s weight consists of over 60% water, 70% of the earth is covered in water, but only a fraction of that water is actually drinkable or usable. For humans, water is the most important chemical or component that we need on a daily basis. We are capable of surviving for more than a month without food, but only a few days without water.

Water is needed in every cell, muscle or tissue in the body to assist in all the functions that those cells perform. Tests have shown that any person will be healthier, smarter and more physically adapted when they are correctly hydrated. Even the slightest drop in hydration will cause mental and physical levels to diminish. Water can assist in the reduction of weight loss as it aids the body in metabolising stored body fats. Many people also confuse the signs of dehydration for hunger signs and tend to eat more, increasing their food intake and body size. Drinking a glass of water as soon as the first signs of “hunger” hit you will aid in keeping the pounds off and will keep you hydrated and feeling fit.

Water helps to flush the body of impurities, aiding in the reduction of flues, sickness and even many cancers. Well hydrated individuals will appear healthier and younger as the skin needs water to stay plump and moisturized. Water is also the best cure for people with fluid retention. The more water you drink, the less your body stores and the less water retention will take place.  Many schools, businesses, learning centres and homes are installing water coolers into their buildings to ensure that everyone passing through has clean, fresh and healthy water on demand. Water coolers filter mains fed tap water to ensure that all impurities and particles are removed or they use bottled water t provide the needed water. These bottles of water are naturally filtered and provide the healthiest water possible. Many schools use the bottled fed water coolers in areas where mains fed water is not available.

Ensure that your home, office or your children school has the best water coolers possible installed to help you and your loved ones to stay healthy, fit and well hydrated at all times.

Water coolers in school

With the summer on its way, the need for children to keep properly hydrated is again being highlighted. The summer season brings with it many outdoor activities and children are often spending hours outside without any water breaks. It is for this reason that many schools are installing water coolers into their facilities. These water coolers are the perfect solution to helping children not only stay hydrated, but also to aid them in developing correctly. For children between the age of 11 and 14 they need to consume more water per day than an adult. Boys in that age group need to drink about 3.2L each day, while girls in that age group need on average 2.8L.

Water is one of the most important cornerstones of a healthy growing child as it aids in cell generation, nutrient transfer and mental ability. Tests have proven that a child that is correctly hydrated will have far better mental and physical results than a thirsty child. These tests are the reason that some schools are now encouraging their learners to carry small water bottles with them with water. These water bottles are filled on regular intervals between classes and during breaks. Teachers are encouraging their learners to drink more and the results are brilliant.

Companies like AquAid have a wide selection of water coolers that are installed into schools, gyms and learning centres across the country. Their water coolers can either be mains fed for large schools where the water consumption is high, or for schools where there are no water mains close to a particular area bottled water coolers can be installed and replaced on scheduled intervals.

Another major factor why children should drink more water is that it aids in reducing obesity and other related health problems. Children often mistake thirst with hunger, and many parents don’t know the signs either, giving their children more food each day than they need. By simply having a glass, or bottle of water first children will eat less unnecessary food each day.  This health benefit alone is reason enough to insist that your child’s school places more focus in child hydration at their school.

Water cooler suppliers – why local is better

One of the biggest problems that many water cooler owners have is that they have to wait a few days for their water to be delivered when their water bottles are empty. With over thirty two depots across England, Scotland and Wales, AquAid guarantees to have a water supplier close to you.

The advantage that AquAid have with all these water agents across the UK is that they can guarantee that you will be serviced in less than 24h every time your water bottle is close to being empty. There are many further advantages and benefits of using a water coolers supplier in your local area. Firstly, they are more familiar to the local road and areas and will therefore be able to deliver on time, without excuses or delays. Secondly, it creates a stable and growing infrastructure for employment. This ensures that local business owners are kept in business, instead of being bullied out by large multinational companies.

Another great benefit that must not be forgotten is the environmental impact that local companies have over larger suppliers. Local suppliers will use smaller, more environmentally friendly transport vehicles, where other suppliers have to use big trucks to deliver their water bottles to all their clients in a particular area. These trucks can cause congestion on major roads and the smoke emitted by them is harmful not only to you, but also to the environment. The other downside is also that these suppliers need to stock thousands of bottles in one location to deliver across the country. Often their storage facilities are not properly monitored and water can stand for weeks before being delivered to their clients.

With local suppliers, the stock levels are kept at a sufficient level to supply the local market and they are better looked after. With AquAid, you are guaranteed to get the best bottled water at a drop of a hat.

There are many reasons to use a local supplier and the benefits are all in your favour. Give the local AquAid office a call and let them show you what water supply should look like.