Office water coolers

If you are looking for the best office water cooler, then look no further than the range of AquAid water coolers. They are practical, convenient and affordable, everything that a business or home owner wants.

The benefits of having a water cooler in your office or home have been proved a hundred times over already. Staff members perform better when they are hydrated and tests have shown the increase in mental and physical performance to be well over 20%. The office water coolers that AquAid have on offer are the perfect solution to all your hydration needs. They will allow your staff to stay hydrated and thirst free for the entire day as cool, clean and fresh water is always close at hand.

The AquAid water coolers have an easily adjustable thermostat that will allow you to adjust the temperature of the water in your office. Nice cool and refreshing water in summer, or hot water for coffee and tea in winter will be just a push of a button away.  With the two different water taps on the water coolers, your staff will always have water at the perfect temperature. Further advantages of using AquAid water coolers are that AquAid shares a percentage of each water cooler sale with charities like The African Trust and the Christian Aid foundation. They have made dramatic differences in the lives of thousands of Africans just from the sale of their water coolers and water products. Their office water coolers are available in bottled or mains fed versions to ensure that your staff will always have clean and filtered water available. The mains water fed office water coolers will filter and clean all your water before your staff use it and will provide you with an endless supply of water.

With their wide range of water coolers, both free standing or desk top, will ensure that you will be able to find  the perfect water cooler for your office.

Hot drinks dispenser

With the onset of winter and temperatures dropping well below our comfort levels, it is sometime hard to focus on correct hydration. Who wants to drink ice cold water when it is snowing outside?

Fortunately for everyone, using one of AquAid’s water dispensers you do not have to. Their water dispensers have adjustable thermostats that can regulate the temperature of the water that is available to you. You can now get fresh, filtered and safe drinking water at room temperature if you want, or as a bigger bonus the thermostat can be set to create hot water for teas or coffees.

The Aquaid water systems are extremely popular and they have over 30’000 free standing units in offices, homes and schools across the country, making them one of the biggest water suppliers in the UK. With the hot water option on their water units, you are able to make instant soup or warm a drink in seconds, with the added assurance that the water that you are using is pure and clean. Their water units are compact, convenient and noiseless. The area needed for an AquAid water dispenser in your office, home or place of work is minor and the free standing units look modern and professional. Having the easy adjustable thermostat, you can change the temperature of your hot water as you need it, or as the seasons change.

A further added bonus is that you are supporting two major charities with every cup of tea that you have from an AquAid water dispenser. For every bottle of filtered water that you purchase from AquAid, a percentage is donated to the African Trust and to Christian Aid. Last year, AquAid managed to donate £656 157 to the African Trust and £89 126 to the Christian Aid groups respectably. That is an impressive amount if you consider that for every 18.9L bottle 10p is donated to Christian Aid and 30p to The African Trust.

It is great to know that companies like AquAid have water dispensing units that are particle and convenient during all the possible weather conditions in the UK, and with their support of charities all their consumers can make a difference just by staying hydrated.

Poor infrastructure results in lack of drinking water in Africa

The major problem with Africa is not the lack of water; it is the lack of infrastructure to supply water to domestic and residential areas. Africa has many large lakes, and big rivers that can supply quality drinking water, but due to political, economical, financial and environmental changes the water is not reaching the areas where it is needed the most.

Estimations speculate that over 1 billion people in Africa do not have sufficient access to clean and safe drinking water. Children in Tanzania, Ethiopia and many other drought stricken countries have to walk on average two hours each day to collect drinking water, and the majority of the time the water source is shared with livestock and is not safe for human consumption. The results are hours of time wasted in collecting dirty water that leads to the biggest cause of death in Africa. The United Nations estimated that the wasted time collection water in Africa each year is equivalent to an entire years worth of labour in France’s workforce. Diarrhoea and infections lead to more deaths each year in Africa, more deaths than any war ever could ever achieve. In the worst countries, it is estimated that 3 out of 4 children have severe diarrhoea or life threatening infections and diseases.

On the other side of the globe, first world countries like the UK, USA and their respected continents have water to waste. Children in the United Kingdom use more water each day to flush their toilets than African children have to use for an entire day. Clean, safe and fresh drinking water is available on tap in your home, and no thought is spared for where it comes from, and how difficult life would be without it. Water companies install water coolers and filters in your home, gym and office, but do they assist any water projects in drought stricken areas?

Consider these facts when selecting a water supplier. Companies like AquAid have donated more than £6,000,000 to aid water projects in the Third World. They donate a large percentage of their products sales to aiding the less fortunate in Africa. The economic factors are astounding if you consider that for every £1 that is invested in drinking water projects in Africa; there is a £3- £20 return on economic growth. Just by selecting a water cooler company like AquAid, and using their products, you will actually be assisting in alleviating drought, increasing productivity and creating economic growth and stability in Africa.

Benefits of water

Have you ever stopped to wonder what the health benefits of water might actually be? Our aim at AquAid is to aid you in understanding the benefits of water, and to explain to you why it is so important to your health.

The human body consists of roughly 75% water, and a drop of just 1% of your bodily fluids will start to cause problems like headaches, loss of strength and concentration. The loss of only 3% of fluids from your body will result in a 10% drop in strength, and an 8% loss of speed. These figures should be reason enough for every office to have a water cooler on every corner. If there is a reduction or loss of 4-5% of fluids from the body, then mental performance can be reduced by as much as 30%!  That can have a massive financial impact on a company’s income. Imagine your business loosing 30% of the money that it generates.

By installing an AquAid water cooler, you will not only provide your office with safe, clean and cool water on demand; you will actually be improving the office performance and financial turnovers. What would the impact be on schools and other learning institutions if everyone could perform 30% better mentally?

Our range of free standing bottled water coolers and mains fed water coolers can provide constant hydration to reduce aches and pains, and to improve mental and physical performance. Another benefit of water is for people who suffer from water retention. The best cure is to drink more water. The body works in strange ways, and the less water we drink the more the body tries to store it. This natural reaction was caused by our animal instincts to protect our bodies in times of droughts. Dehydration causes a loss of blood volume, and therefore causes the heart to work harder. This can lead to heart related problems, and also constant tiredness as the dehydrated blood struggles to transport oxygen.

Signs and symptoms of dehydration include dry nose, eyes and throat, headaches, low concentration, drop in blood pressure, constant thirst, rapid heart rate and dizziness. These symptoms can all be avoided by simply having a glass of water every few hours. The benefits of water are endless, as water is needed in nearly every process that happens in the body. Weight loss can be aided by drinking more water. Drinking cold-water aids weightless as the body has to burn calories to heat up again and therefore aids in weight loss.

A few tips on staying hydrates are:

  • to never walks past a water cooler without having a drink
  • never put a glass of water down empty or half empty- fill it first
  • when you feel hungry, have a glass of water first and wait a few minutes
  • add reminders on your computer to automatically send you reminders to drink water

No matter what your water needs might be, AquAid is at your service. We have a wide selection of water products that will assist you in gaining all the benefits of water, improving your life and aiding in better health.

A big Thank you from Christian Aid

Christian Aid would like to thank all the people who have chosen to buy AquAid water coolers, water dispensers and bottled water.

By choosing AquAid, you have helped to improve and often save the lives of the world’s poorest people. AquAid donate 10p to Christian Aid for every 19 litre bottle of water that they sell and donate £50 for every new water cooler they install when a Christian Aid supporter has made the order. The money raised by AquAid is used specifically for water projects around the world; helping to bring clean water and sanitation and supporting irrigation and flood protection projects. One of the places to benefit is the slum settlement of Matopeni in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. Without clean water or working drains, conditions in the small slum were so unsanitary that life-threatening diseases like malaria and diarrhoea were common. In July 2010, Christian Aid partner Maji na Ufanisi began work to improve the slum’s drains and provide clean water for residents. Members of the local community helped to build the new water and sanitation facilities. The slum’s residents report little illness since the drains were completed. Lydia Kithuku, whose daughters Catherine and Everlyne campaigned to bring clean water and sanitation to Matopeni along with their friend Veronica Milla, says: ‘It is a very big change in terms of diseases like malaria and diarrhoea.’ You can meet the people who are benefiting from this work by watching this video: aquaidwater why-we-do-it/christian-aid Once again, thank you for choosing AquAid and for supporting Christian Aid’s work with poor communities around the world. If you are not already an AquAid customer and would like to become one, simply quote this article when you order AquAid water coolers or water dispensers and £50 will be donated for each new cooler installed. 10p will then be donated for every 19-litre bottle of water you buy.

AquAid now supplies water coolers to a large number of offices and homes in your area. If you would like further information please call 01223 508 109 or fax 01223 508 110. If you would like further information about Christian Aid’s work, please call us on 020 7523 2463 or go to