The Africa Trust – Update September 2011

The Africa Trust was founded by AquAid to achieve sustainable solutions to poverty. Every time you order a water cooler or water from AquAid a percentage of the revenue is donated to The Africa Trust.

 Elephant Pumps provide Clean Water for Drinking and Water for Agriculture

This month, work has continued on the Elephant Pump programme in Zimbabwe with new pumps being built and additional work being done to increase the impact of the existing pumps. Over 5,000 pumps are managed by The Africa Trust, which provide clean and productive water in communities across the country. Business skills training for people who already use Elephant Pumps has helped them to use excess water to establish new agricultural projects such as growing baby marrows, sweet-corn, beetroots, carrots, wheat and livestock projects such as dairy cattle, chickens and pigs. A brick making project has also been established which uses large volumes of water from one Elephant Pump.

A process of carbon accreditation has been commenced which is expected to take around 12-18 months. If successful, this will allow The Africa Trust to sell carbon credits every year relating to the existing pumps and any new pumps that are built to provide a fund for pump maintenance. The basis for this is that these pumps do not use fuel to lift water and the self-filtering design of the wells means that there is no need for water to be boiled thereby reducing the burning of firewood. A precedent exists since IDE (International Development Enterprises) secured carbon accreditation for their pumps in India and Bangladesh. A further funding stream is being explored for advertising on pumps, preferably for products that relate to health and agriculture. We are looking for a large company that sells products in Zimbabwe and would be interested in advertising on rural pumps for PR and marketing reasons. These funds will help in the training and support of pump minders for all the existing pumps.

The increase of livestock projects in one district of Zimbabwe over the last few months led to The Africa Trust agreeing to help fund construction of a high quality butchery to provide a reliable market for rural farmers and a route to the larger markets of local cities which they are unable to access directly. This butchery has already secured contracts to provide meat to various businesses and retail outlets in Mutare, so there is now a need for further investment in the production base. Similarly, with the increase in dairy cattle funded by The Africa Trust, work has commenced to develop a local dairy with the capacity to pasteurize milk and produce yoghurt and soft cheese. There are plans for a mobile ice-cream maker to be funded as an additional business, which would provide ice-creams for retail and at large events.

A new clean water initiative is now being planned in Tanzania where a pipeline is to be extended to provide thousands of villagers with clean water for drinking and domestic use. The gravity fed pipeline was established by the chief executive of The Africa Trust with funding from friends in The States, in an area where the water table is too deep for the use of Elephant Pumps. He surveyed a route from a source of clean water at the top of a hill and conservatively arranged for a dozen standpipes with taps to provide clean water in a nearby village. It is now clear that the water supply is adequate for an extension of this pipeline to double the number of people who can benefit. The pipeline replaces an expensive arrangement where villagers were paying around six US dollars per month per family to buy water by the bucket. The new arrangement will reduce the amount they pay to one dollar a month, which pays for maintenance of the pipeline and taps. We are also planning to ask for a two dollar a month contribution to a development fund for the village, which will provide loans and grants for small businesses.

Where there is clean water, decent sanitation is also needed and work continues with the aim of eradicating open defecation in the communities where The Africa Trust is operating. The Elephant Toilet is being used as with adaptations to the design according to what works best and is accepted in that community. The concept that urine can safely be used to make enriched compost is being widely accepted. A number of approaches to hand-washing have been used, including a soap plant and ashes from the family cooking fire which also have a sterilizing effect. Elephant Toilets are also eligible for carbon accreditation due to the reduced cement use and the programme for a fruit tree to be planted whenever a pit fills up. There are challenges in the widespread introduction of Elephant Toilets in Zimbabwe, just as there were when the Elephant Pump programme was launched. The main obstacle is that NGOs and government authorities have settled on a much more expensive design for rural pit latrines which uses eight bags of cement instead on one bag. We are trying to show that the same money can go much further if a cheaper and more sustainable design of toilet is used. The need is even greater in Malawi, where open defecation is the norm in many remote rural villages.

Paying for School fees with Bananas

The first harvest of bananas for this project is due to take place soon and despite various challenges along the way, this project is expected to deliver according to expectations paying for 500 students to remain in school. An unusually cold snap did result in some losses in the plantations that are less sheltered and issues around the quality of fencing also resulted in some losses and in a need for additional investment. These experiences have helped to inform plans for a scale up of this programme in the second season and have also led The Africa Trust to rent a piece of land to establish an independent plantation in order to generate income to help fund projects in the local communities. This plantation is expected to become profitable by the second harvest. The level of investment needed in terms of irrigation infrastructure is now known, so it is easier to make accurate predictions related to revenue.


Livingstone Mukasa has continued to make excellent progress for The Africa Trust in Uganda with the business skills training programme. A number of case-studies from Uganda and Zimbabwe will be loaded onto the website in the coming months to show how this training can be transformational. Fourteen training courses were held inUgandaover the last quarter alone with a total of 600 people trained. Successful businesses which have resulted from this training include: a laundry business, brick-making, milk selling, egg-plant growing and a bridal business. A mushroom growing project has been started with some success, but the attempted solar project did not prove viable. Additional funding ($9,000) was secured by Livingstone to commence a Village Savings and Loans Association scheme ahead of planned investment by The Africa Trust which is expected to help build the total number of VSLA groups. A similar scheme is currently being considered for Zimbabwe which would allow villagers access to small loans at a better rate of interest than is currently available.

 AquAid and the Africa Trust

The Africa Trust was established by AquAid Water Coolers. AquAid are one of the UK’s leading water cooler suppliers and pride themselves in their relationships with both The Africa Trust and Christian Aid. With every water cooler product ordered from AquAid a percentage of the revenue is donated to The Africa Trust and is used to provide sustainable solutions to poverty. In August 2011 £61,909.55 was donated to the Trust making that a total donation to date of £588637.10.


AquAid and Partners Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility demonstrates the ‘heart’ of your organisation. It involves understanding your impact on communities and the environment and taking responsibility in meeting or even exceeding the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has of your business.

We as a company are committed to acting responsibly and most importantly motivating others to make a difference. Sharing the responsibility in the world in which we all operate should be an integral part of your working day.  We believe that making a difference is complimentary to a commercial success.

An important part of AquAid’s mission is to provide sustainable solutions to poverty and aid in emergency relief where needed. We are able to achieve this via our partnerships with both Christian Aid and Pump Aid and so can you! By using AquAid as your water cooler supplier you are bringing life and hope to some of the world’s neediest families. You will be sharing in the responsibility we have taken on in bringing safe, fresh disease free water to countries in the Third World. When you choose AquAid you will not only be getting a good quality product with an unrivalled service, you will playing an integral part  in bringing hope where it is needed most and aid in breaking the cycle of poverty. Paul Searle, Managing Director of AquAid said “The sign of a great partnership is where business, charity and community all work together.”

By involving your employees in this partnership you will not only be inspiring them but also offering a sense of belonging in your organisation. You will be providing your staff with not only a healthy working environment but creating a sense of employee satisfaction and loyalty. Working next to each other creates responsibility and you will be actively developing a policy that promotes a positive and sustainable social contribution. Your CSR decisions will also give your organisation a competitive edge and enhance your credibility.

The small choice of your water cooler can go a very long way in aiding your company’s Corporate Social Responsibility. By simply switching to AquAid you will be doing your part in changing lives forever. So far with the help of our partners, AquAid have donated in Excess of 5 Million pounds benefitting millions of children and families in the Third World.

Water Cooler in the Work Place – Health and Safety

Under the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulation 1992, the employer has a responsibility to provide an adequate supply of drinking water. However, the employer must ensure that the facilities provided are done so safely and are maintained correctly to avoid any risk to the employees.

The location of your water cooler is the first step to ensuring the safety of your staff. The water cooler needs to be seen to encourage drinking yet it should not impede the flow of movement in and around the office. Power Cables need to be tucked away and any spare water bottles should be stored safely to avoid any mishaps.

The installation of your machine should also be carried out by a qualified technician.  The EPDWA, European Point of Use Drinking Water Association, is an association that was formed to “promote, develop and maintain the highest standards of hygiene, safety and ethics within the European Point-Of-Use Drinking Water industry to the benefit of customers.” It is highly recommended that when considering your water dispenser Supplier you choose one that is a member of the EPDWA, this way you can be assured that the minimum required standards are being met. By using an EPDWA member you can also be assured that the materials used for the installation of your water coolers are suitable for contact with drinking water and have the approval of WRAS, the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme.

Should you opt for a Mains fed water cooler (Water Cooler that is connected directly to your water mains) there are further installation guidelines that will be adhered to by the technician.  The machine must be connected to a fresh water supply and most certainly not to a water storage tank! The water cooler should also be located within a close proximity to both the power socket and the mains water supply. The EPDWA guidelines advise that the location of the machine needs to be within five metres of the mains supply to ensure optimal hygiene is taking place as well as getting the best water pressure levels available.

Like all equipment it is not enough to just ensure that the water dispenser has been installed safely and correctly. Maintenance, servicing and cleaning play a vital role in ensuring you are getting the optimal value out of any piece of equipment and the Water Cooler is no different.  Bottled Water coolers need to be sanitised every 3 months whilst Mains fed Water cooler every 6 months. Keep a formal record of the services carried out by your supplier, ensure the guidelines are being met and good quality filters are being used. However, do not simply rely on your visit from your supplier to keep your machine it its best form, simple yet effective maintenance by you can contribute to ensuring your water cooler is offering high quality drinking water. Empty the drip tray regularly and keep all external parts of the water cooler clean. A dirty water cooler will not encourage staff to drink.

The Water cooler is fast becoming one of the most relied on pieces of office equipment. It provides an important role in the well-being of your office staff so get the best out of your machine, start by ensuring it offers no risk to your employees!

Hydration in Children

Children do not drink enough water and the implications of this cannot be ignored. According to the Mori Survey commissioned by Water UK, the average person is only drinking 3.9 glasses of water per day, which is half of the recommended amount.

Children establish their drinking patterns from a very early age so it is vital that we, as parents, implement good practises. Good hydration not only benefits children’s health at a young age but puts them on the right path for a healthy future. Children have a high percentage of water in their bodies and lose water faster than the average adult which means they need to drink proportionally more to avoid dehydration.

Dr Paul Stillman from the Expert Group says: “The effects of dehydration, marginal or excessive, cannot be ignored. Symptoms can develop even in marginal dehydration, such as headaches, digestive problems, losses in concentration, cognitive impairment and lethargy. To stay fit, healthy and performing to our full capacity, we need to replace the fluids that we lose.” Children spend most of their waking hours at school, resulting in the Department for Education promoting that the Schools Governing Body must ensure that there is easy access at all times to free, fresh drinking water for pupils. Children that are well hydrated during the day will maximise their learning potential.

Former Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State Ann Keen advised that “good hydration helps to reduce tiredness, irritability, and increases concentration. It contributes to a more settled and productive learning environment’. An extremely worrying fact is that most children do not even realise that they are dehydrated as they have become used to being sluggish, lethargic and simply feeling below their best. Children can easily forget to drink during the day so encouragement and educating is of utmost importance. Simple techniques can be used to encourage this. Water Cooler Company AquAid recognised the need for a healthy solution to dehydration and are now the top supplier of Water Coolers to Schools. Drinking water for both health and refreshments needs to be part of a child’s day to day routine; this is not a new concept, merely one that requires constant reminding. Making water the ‘drink of choice’ in your family can also be aided by the Water Cooler in your home. Children find getting their own water from the Water Dispenser is not only fun, but a sign of independence too.

“Children are our heritage and our future. If we neglect to supply them with adequate high quality water, we run the risk of negating the importance of liquid intake. Our children’s health has to be our number one priority.” Lord Sebastian Coe

You Can’t Go Wrong with Water Coolers

Why go to the expense of a water cooler when we have a kitchen tap? Why do we need a water cooler that dispenses cold water when we have a fridge? Reasonable questions indeed, however, here are just a few examples of why the small expense can save you time, money and provide your workplace with a productive happy environment!

By now we are re all aware that drinking water keeps employees hydrated and that hydrated employee’s means productivity is on the up! So let’s keep our employees drinking water! Unfortunately the ‘old’ kitchen tap with its room temperature water and the fact that there are no clean glasses to be found, does very little to encourage staff to drink water. The solution is very simple; install a water cooler in the office! It is far more appealing to grab a chilled glass of water from the water cooler, far more convenient and the water is always fresh.

Office water coolers also offer the added convenience of being portable. Why interrupt your meeting because someone wants a drink? Simply bring the water cooler into the conference room! This is also a cost-effective solution to the added expensive of supplying small bottles of water, let alone more environmentally friendly.

Why else can’t you go wrong with water coolers? Employee’s appreciation! The simple water cooler supplying healthy, filtered, clean and remarkably refreshing chilled water will show the contribution you, the employer, is making towards a happy working environment. Never forget, happy employees make productive employees.

All this can be achieved due to the courtesy of a Water Cooler. You simply can’t go wrong with Water Coolers.


For more information on any of our Water Coolers, from bottled to main connection or Hot Water Heaters, Visit our Website today. AquAid is one of the leading suppliers of bottled and mains-connected water coolers in and around the United Kingdom. With Branches all around England, Scotland and Ireland, we assist of our clients with all their drinking water needs, whether it be office and home bottled water coolers for school, gym and park wall-fitted water fountains. Please feel free to contact us at AquAid and we will gladly assist you.

Please feel to contact us by Email, Tel Number, or Contact Form or reach out to the nearest AquAid branch closest to you.