Philanthropy: AquAid, Christian Aid & The Africa Trust

Philanthropy: AquAid, Christian Aid & The Africa Trust

As of April this year, AquAid has donated over £20 million to charity. This staggering amount is a culmination of charitable donations which began in 1998. This includes over £2.8 million donated to Pump Aid, which enabled half a million people to gain access to sustainable supplies of clean productive water and decent sanitation in Africa. This work was continued by The Africa Trust, which was founded by the Chief Executive of Pump Aid, together with Paul Searle, who was the founder and majority shareholder of AquAid.

To date, more than three million people use Elephant Pumps [pictured above middle] installed by The Africa Trust, largely as a result of over £10.2 million donated by AquAid.  In addition, these funds have paid for entrepreneurial training [pictured above left] and loans, which have helped over 40,000 people to set up small businesses and support their families. With legacy projects in Liberia, Kenya and Uganda and ongoing major programmes in Zimbabwe and Malawi, The Africa Trust is using funding from AquAid to provide sustainable solutions to poverty for millions.

Ian Thorpe, Chief Executive of The Africa Trust said, “AquAid has achieved growth while incorporating an extraordinary level of charitable donations into their business model.  Customers drinking pure chilled water from AquAid water coolers in the UK directly enable people to gain access to life saving clean water in Africa. The ongoing funding is helping to lift literally millions of people out of extreme poverty in a sustainable way. Many congratulations on reaching this £20 million milestone!”

AquAid donations of over £3.8 million to Christian Aid have funded water and capacity building projects in Ethiopia and Malawi, improving the lives of 370,000 individuals. The Malonda Project stands out for its provision of affordable loans and business training to entrepreneurs and pigeon pea farmers [pictured above right] in Malawi. The results are impressive: a perfect 100% loan repayment rate and household incomes increased. Inspired by the success of the Malonda Project, AquAid, The Africa Trust and Christian Aid decided to launch the £1,000,000 Rural Entrepreneurship Assistance Project (REAP). It aims to lift 5,250 households in Malawi out of extreme poverty by 2025.

Director of Fundraising, Nick Georgiadis said, “Christian Aid believes that poverty eradication requires innovative partnerships including with the private sector. Socially conscious business has a critical role to play in building a just and sustainable future for people and the planet. We are thrilled that AquAid embodies such a positive social purpose, we could not be happier to celebrate this important milestone with them. We extend profound gratitude to AquAid for their unwavering support”.


AquAid Water Coolers – keeping the Construction Industry hydrated for decades

AquAid Water Coolers – keeping the Construction Industry hydrated for decades

Construction companies are part of a specialised industry and as such, so are their requirements.  A crucial part of these requirements is that construction sites adhere to regulations that ensure the health and safety of all on site.

One such requirement is that there is adequate hydration available to the entire workforce on site for the duration of the construction.

The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) states, in part:

Drinking water

Drinking water must be provided or made available at readily accessible and suitable places.

This is where AquAid rises to the occasion.

AquAid are the premier choice for the provision of water coolers nationwide across the UK.  We are also the preferred supplier to a number of specialised industries, one of these being to the construction industry, as we understand the specific requirements that construction companies, albeit large or small, have.

Incorporated into our water cooler provision to construction companies we offer the following services as a standard:

  • Emergency delivery and collection of water coolers.
  • Next day call-outs for repairs.
  • Educational hydration package for workers, highlighting the importance of remaining hydrated at work to reduce the risk of accidents.
  • Supply of both 240V and 110V water coolers.
  • Dedicated account managers on both a local and national level.

Contact us to find out more about our unique services we offer to the Construction Industry.


Water, Brain Food, Mood

Water, Brain Food, Mood

This month of Mental Health Awareness, we have looked at how drinking enough water can aid our ability to reduce anxiety and boost our mental wellbeing. In this blog, we focus our attention to the effects dehydration can have on the brain and possible solutions.

*Almost every bodily function relies on water. Because 75% of brain tissue is water, dehydration reduces energy production in the brain and can change brain structure, causing the brain to slow down and not function properly.

At the molecular level, if water levels are too low, our brain cells cannot function properly, with the brain showing signs of working harder to complete tasks.

Our cells recognise a state of dehydration as a threat to survival, leading to a state of anxiety. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger between brain cells) that stabilises our mood and regulates emotions. During dehydration, we struggle to get the chemicals required to produce serotonin into our brain.

Being just half a litre dehydrated may also increase the stress hormone cortisol, which has been associated with a range of mental disorders, including anxiety.

Drinking water, maintaining good hydration habits is proven one of the simplest methods to counteract low mood, anxiety and other stresses associated with insufficient water intake.

If you are concerned about the health and well-being of your staff at your establishment or organisation, speak to us at AquAid. From the smallest office space and staff contingent to multinational companies that employ hundreds of staff, AquAid have a drinking water solution tailor-made to suit your requirements.

source* Nikolaij Travica – article at The Conversation

Ways with Water – Debunking Spring Equinox Myths

Ways with Water – Debunking Spring Equinox Myths

It seems as it was just yesterday that we were all in the icy grip of winter and then lo and behold, we’re in our second month of Spring – not even time to catch our collective breath as we watch the seasons rollercoaster past.

Now that we’re in this burgeoning season, we thought we’d have a look at dispelling a few myths about the Spring Equinox. According to an article in the Farmers’ Almanac:

Myth:  You Won’t Have A Noontime Shadow
 Technically, this myth is somewhat true. However, conditions have to be incredibly precise for this to happen. It’s all about being the right place at the right time. Since the Sun is always at an angle to you, you always cast a shadow. In order not to cast a shadow, the Sun needs to be directly overhead. Because the Sun is situated over the equator at the equinox, you’d have to be standing at the equator precisely at noon on the day of the equinox for this to happen.


Myth: The Equinox Is A Day-Long Event

Reality: An equinox doesn’t take all day – it’s only a moment in time! The true equinox an exact moment in which the Sun passes over the equator—blink and you’ll miss it.

Myth: The Spring Equinox Can Alter Your Mood
 This is another one of those myths based partly in truth. In actuality, the Sun moving across the equator has no real effect on emotions. But, seasonal changes can and often do play a big part in moods. So while the moment of the vernal equinox itself isn’t responsible for changes in your emotions, it’s likely that around this time of year you’re experiencing at least a little bit of spring fever, or leftover effects of the winter’s shorter days.

The equinox’s significance centres on the Sun’s position relative to the equator. It’s the astronomical start of spring, which means longer days for those of us in the northern hemisphere.

Speaking of mood and now we’re perking up due to the current season; let’s look at one of the simplest and easiest routes to improving your mood and outlook. That is to keep you properly hydrated.

Speak to us at AquAid for all your water requirements (we have something for all seasons). We offer a range of hydration stations, be those water dispensers for the little ‘uns at schools, or for drinking water at work, whether in warehouses, building sites, medical facilities, events, theatres or the hospitality industry – the list goes on.

Drinking Water on Stage – Encore!

Drinking Water on Stage – Encore!

Needing to drink water often is something that affects us all. None more so than when performing on stage. This is something we commonly see, particularly with stand-up comedians.

The performer invariably keeps a bottle of water with them onstage from which they often sip. Being funny and getting laughs can be mouth drying, itchy throat, and perspiration drenching work, as many comedians can attest.

The same can be said for all thespians who tread the boards performing for an audience. And we imagine this was no different over 2,000 years ago when the first theatre appeared in Ancient Greece.

It isn’t only the performers who need to ensure they constantly hydrate though. Putting on any production is thirsty work! Theatre is the sum of many parts: stagehands, stage and set design, building, costume design, sound and lighting technicians, narrators, stand-ins, ushers, ticket sales – all play an important role in making sure that the performance works!

At AquAid, we are very proud to be associated with provision of cool, refreshing drinking water dispensed from our bottled and mains water coolers for the duration of countless productions across the UK – from small community playhouses to grand theatre and every type of event in-between.

It’s with this in mind that we wish all those involved in this incredible profession, who have delighted, shocked, inspired and enthralled with their craft, a wonderful #WorldTheatreDay! Encore!