Wake Up, Get Up, Water Up and Go!

Wake Up, Get Up, Water Up and Go!

Feeling lethargic when Nature is urging us to hibernate during the winter months is nothing new. What can be new and life changing (for the better) is how you counter that lethargy.

One of the simplest methods to counteract constant tiredness and feeling lethargic and having these impact on the rest of your day is to drink water as soon as you wake up.

Drinking water first thing in the morning:

Jump-starts your metabolism. The food we consume on a daily basis is metabolised and transported by way of water throughout the body. Having a sufficient amount of water in your system helps fire up your metabolism; it can also help with not eating too much. When we’re not adequately hydrated, we often mistake thirst for hunger, which can lead us to eat more.*

Helps fuel your brain. When it comes to daily productivity, hydration is crucial. The human brain consists of 73% water, so staying hydrated is especially essential for maintaining optimal brain activity. It is, of course, a daylong process, but starting with a glass of water right away is a step in the right direction.

The mornings set the tone for the rest of your day. If you feel sluggish, it will reflect in your morning activities/workouts, productivity at work, in fact, any daytime routine.*

Immediately helps rehydrate the body.  Sleeping for hours is a long time to go without any water consumption. Drinking at least a glass (or two) of water right when you wake up is a good way to quickly rehydrate your body. So before you reach for that cuppa or coffee, rather refresh with water and kick start your day in the right manner.*

Increases your level of alertness. One of the biggest indicators of lethargy or low energy is that you are dehydrated. Because water aids in both body regulation and brain function, it is also closely related to balancing out our moods.

After a long period without anything to eat or drink, the first thing you consume in the morning can be a shock to the body. If that first thing is water, it will get the body working and can boost your alertness and low energy levels.*

Remember AquAid for all your water cooler and fresh drinking water requirements. With our decades of experience, you can rely on our expert knowledge to guide you in which of our high-quality range of water dispensers is the perfect install for your hydration needs.

 sources: *from an article at Business Insider speaking to Nutritionist Rania Batayneh

Contemplations at the Water Cooler in the New Year

Contemplations at the Water Cooler in the New Year

It may well seem a bit of a late start to speak of New Year now in the third week of it, but it’s just been that type of start – slow and steady wins the race.

If, like many of us, you’ve really struggled with the dreaded New Year’s Resolutions this year, or quite simply, you just can’t be asked, never fear, we have the solution. We have compiled an amusing and sometimes witty selection of resolutions and opinions about resolutions on the off chance you’d like to adopt any of them or share then with the world at large. (Or have a witty one liner to riposte with should someone take you to task about the dreaded tradition). Or to cheer up your compadres at the water cooler as you gather round to make a dent in all that festive season cheer now you’re back in the office and are in need of constant hydration.

“Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” ~ Mark Twain

“A new year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”  ~ Anonymous

“May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.”  ~ Joey Adams

“This year, let’s resolve to make better bad decisions.”  ~ someecards

New Year’s Resolution. This year I’m going to incorporate “I don’t roll that way” into at least one conversation a week. ~ Colin Quinn (@iamcolinquinn)

Whether you choose to go the resolute route or no, here at AquAid Water Coolers, we wish you a wonderful New Year!Bottom of FormTop of FormBottom of Form

The  Positive Impact Good Hydration has on your Organisation

The Positive Impact Good Hydration has on your Organisation

Irrespective of an organisation’s size or how many people are employed, there is an inescapable element that affects productivity among all in the workplace.

Lack of adequate hydration affects a staggering nine out of ten Britons. This is due to a number of factors, however, a crucial part of this may be due to a work culture that perpetuates working without taking breaks, eating and drinking at one’s desk and most significantly not having a water cooler in the office or water dispenser station on the premises.

Research shows that a body water loss as little as 1 to 2% could be considered mild dehydration and already negatively affecting cognitive performance.

With a 2013 study showed that drinking water resulted in a 14% increase in productivity* a practical, cost-effective solution is the installation of a water cooler of sufficient capacity based on the size of the staff contingent, dispensing refreshing drinking water on demand.

AquAid has a solution. Take advantage of their 25 years’ experience and dedication in providing their very best in products and service to more than 33,000 customers across 22 branches across the UK.

*Sources: Habitgrowth

Tips to Maintain Cooler Weather Hydration

Tips to Maintain Cooler Weather Hydration

Maintaining good hydration habits is generally easier when the weather is warm. Oftentimes though, these habits can be difficult when the weather turns cool.

How we combat this trend though is actually easier than we think.

Make drinking water convenient.  Installing a water cooler at your work premises, office, warehouse, medical or educational facility is a sure-fire way to ensure you have constant access to refreshing drinking water.

At AquAid, we offer a no-obligation, free on-site survey to assess what water dispenser needs you have and what combination of hot water boilers, bottle-fed water coolers or mains-fed water coolers best suit your requirements.

App your drinking water. You read that right. Use your mobile as your drink water alarm clock or download one of the many apps designed for just this purpose.

Turn up the temperature. If you’re the type of person that loathes drinking cold water, there is a solution. Warm up your water! If you have an AquAid hot water dispenser or hot water boiler installed, heating your drinking water isn’t even necessary! Just dispense, add your preferred brew or fruit slice and away you go.

Hydration on hand. Whether you have access to a water cooler or boiler or not, an effective reminder is to keep a reusable water bottle or water glass on your desk as well as a tote able water bottle with you when you’re on the move and/or if you rely on public transport. Otherwise, also keep a refillable water bottle in your car/lorry/van.

How to land yourself in hot water: AquAid’s Hot & Cold Water Coolers and Boilers

How to land yourself in hot water: AquAid’s Hot & Cold Water Coolers and Boilers

The title usually denotes trouble, however, as the weather turns cooler, hot water is more a blessing than something to cause concern.

Whereas AquAid is known for our wide range of water coolers, dispensing refreshing chilled and ambient temperature water, it may not be as common knowledge that the range includes a wide selection of both hot & c old water coolers as well as piping hot water boilers.

First, we look at the AquAid range of water boilers:

  • One of the main advantages of installing water boilers is the cost saving. Companies save thousands of £ in staff wages by offering boiling water on demand.
  • Ideal for offices and schools, AquAid water boilers provide an unlimited supply of filtered, boiling drinking water.

Next, we look at AquAid’s range of hot & cold water coolers and their benefits:

  • These water dispensers provide both hot & cold drinking water in one unit.
  • Installed directly into the main water supply and for many businesses, these mainsfed dispensers are a much affordable and environmentally friendly way to access drinking water.
  • There is also a charitable aspect attached to installing a plumbed in water dispenser. For each year of annual rental, there is an automatic £20 donation to the charities AquAid support.

Having this knowledge, it’s easy to understand why this blog’s title is appropriate and why landing you in hot water isn’t necessarily a negative.